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"The Last Night" (Milkshake Duck incarnate) E3 Trailer [XBO/Win10/Steam 2018]

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Harassment and doxing shouldn't be happening but I don't see accusations of this guy himself doing any of that. He defended gamergate but as far as I can see that was in September 2014 when people believed that someone had slept their way to a positive Kotaku review; before all the major harassment etc. In the tweets that are being linked I see him simply being against feminism and SJW influence over the video game industry, and it seems like those opinions aren't allowed. I see people in this thread literally saying they're not going to buy a game made by someone who doesn't support feminism. What in the actual fuck?That, at least to me, is like someone saying they're not going to buy a game because its creator has said they don't support PETA.

You just likened women to animals.

[This is what's wrong with everything].


August 21:
-In the #BurgersAndFries IRC channel, the organizers celebrate obtaining Phil Fish's "home" folder and discuss how to take control of his website, hosted by Buttflare [see IRC logs @ Aug 22 02.34.26].

I see someone is using the cloud-to-butt browser extension!


Harassment and doxing shouldn't be happening but I don't see accusations of this guy himself doing any of that. He defended gamergate but as far as I can see that was in September 2014 when people believed that someone had slept their way to a positive Kotaku review; before all the major harassment etc. In the tweets that are being linked I see him simply being against feminism and SJW influence over the video game industry, and it seems like those opinions aren't allowed. I see people in this thread literally saying they're not going to buy a game made by someone who doesn't support feminism. What in the actual fuck? That, at least to me, is like someone saying they're not going to buy a game because its creator has said they don't support PETA.

So you think it's strange that I won't support someone who doesn't want me to get fair pay at my job? And makes a game about what happens ~if women win? Okay cool


Cyberpunk 2077 will eventually happen. If you haven't checked out 2064: Read Only Memories, give it a go. It's pretty much the polar opposite of whatever terrible screed Last Night turns into

Actually just learned about Ruiner coming from Devolver Digital, looks pretty good!


Gold Member
That's what I'm trying to point out.

It really doesn't add anything substantive to the discussion to say whatever, buy it or not buy it. Or that people should be able to make video games, which no one here is arguing against. What is it about the discussion on the revelation of the developer's background that makes you or others want to interject with comments that say neither one thing or another? The issue brought up here isn't about your buying habits and how that reflects on you. We're all in one way or another on varying degrees compromising our own moral values in our daily lives anyway, and certainly it is understandable here that the art style, gameplay, or what have you in this game entices you enough to put aside these other issues. It is also just not relevant and instead plays like a contrarian comment.

Again, I never said it's a "whatever" situation, that implies indifference. Which is pretty much the opposite of what I argued in posts.

I chose to post in the thread, so naturally, some people happen to respond to my posts. It's funny because a couple posts in response to my own are literally "about your buying habits and how that reflects on you." I didn't make it about that, that wasn't my standing. If anything you should be asking them that.


Any links? I'd like to understand better who this person is or what he has said. I'm generally not into supporting awful people, especially when it comes to luxury purchases.

Let me help.

Yes, Tim Soret is a gamergater.

And, no, outing him as a gg scumbag isn't a thread derail as it will be important information for people who may be otherwise interested in the game.

I, for one, think the game looks interesting but knowing Tim is a cunt means I cannot buy it with a clear conscience.

So I won't be buying it.

Same. What a bummer.


For people wondering why the thread turned the way it did, know that for some of us his abhorrent views are just start of problem. I personally am able to separate person's personal views from their work of art. I do enjoy Mel Gibson's movies as well as Roman Polanski's.
But the main problem with this game is that it is very hard to separate person's views from the game itself. Specially when the inception of the idea is this...

Beyond any of his stupid personal politics, this makes the game sound dumb as fuck.

He updated his twitter:


Hopefully he can explain himself somewhere that gives him more words to do so.
Yeah, you are going to have to do better than that mate. While you are at it, define "regressive ideas".


Raw Fury Games (The Publisher) has made a statement,

I also don't buy the patriarchy stuff. Maybe it applies in the USA, but I live in Paris, and here in France, virility is not encouraged at all, sensitive men and intelligence are a lot more appreciated than "being a tough guy" and muscles. Most masculine behaviors are totally prohibited and are considered very macho here.

Virility is not encouraged in France.

OK then.


I hope the guy can just come out, say he's sorry and stop posting stupid shit on the Internet. This is one of the most beautiful games I've ever laid my eyes upon, sure hope I can get it in my hand one day.


Gonna be a hard pass for me. Cyberpunk is my jam but this guy seems like an asshole. Not convinced about his turnaround at all.

He can just start a Patreon if/when this thing blows up in his face. Worked well enough for Colin.
Most of the tweets are from 2014, but he has made tweets complaining about "identity politics" more recently. I could operate under the assumption that his regressive viewpoints were perhaps no longer, but hot damn, advocate for progression? Not according to that tweet lol.


How can they say this when the creator himself tweets about the very game they're publishing with the hashtag #gamergate? It's like he's saying one thing and they're saying another. How old was the above tweet? The screencap just says Sep 11. If that's from 2016 then the publisher statement is bs.

The tweet was from 2014, at the height of Gamergate.

He hasn't tweeted about Gamergate specifically recently, but did jump in on the recent pile-on from the alt-right against Bill Nye when Bill Nye said gender was a spectrum, which suggests that his, and the publisher's, contention that he's changed since the tweets is bullshit.

It's baffling that they would link to that Idle Thumbs thread in defense of the idiot, since it's just him flailing around and playing victim while other users call him out for flailing around and playing victim. Like, if that's his best public look then holy shit.

I know, that's a... questionable decision on their part.


The comments Tim made in 2014 are certainly surprising and don’t fit the person we know, and we hope that everyone reading this who knows us at Raw Fury on a personal and professional level knows that we wouldn’t tolerate working with someone who portrays the caricature of Tim going around the internet right now.

Fine, great, wonderful. People can change, it does actually happen. How about some recent statements of his that would highlight these changes...

The wording of his statements toward feminism in 2014 was poor, and his buying into GamerGate as a movement on the notion that it represented gamers against journalists was naive, but in the same year he also cheered the rise of women in gaming. In a similar situation as the one happening now, folks on the IdleThumbs forums found questionable tweets and Tim took it upon himself to address them. What came from that was a dialogue where different viewpoints were considered and debated in a purposeful way.

...ok, but how about something a little more up-to-date...

A lot can change in three years, including viewpoints, and Tim has assured us that The Last Night does not spout a message steeped in regressive stances. We trust Tim and know that he is an advocate for progression both in and outside of our industry, and we hope that this will be apparent moving forward.

So then, nothing. Gotcha.
Part of me wants to think that being culturally successful would soften this guy's victim complex, but on the other hand Palmer Luckey exists. Little desire to subsidize these behaviors.


Raw Fury Games (The Publisher) has made a statement,

.That's a lot of words for "he's a good mate, just take our word for it". I know they have to protect their investment in this, but I don't know who Raw Fury Games are. I do know the public record of Tim Soret's twitter account. Would mean more if it came from him and he sounded contrite. Instead this just feels like a PR fluff piece.


Taking the year out of tweet screenshots is incredibly misleading and isn't helping this discussion.

Anyway, I hope the stuff about his views changing over the years is true. I think having a game show progressive ideas leading to a dystopia isn't inherently bad, but if it's coming from a place of misogyny or hatred then I'm fine with just ignoring this game. There's lots of other stuff to play, lots of games that are already out and well liked that I can try out.

Overall, condemning a dude over comments made years ago isn't great. But it seems like there's some evidence he still has some problematic views, so I'm interested to hear what he has to say about that.


The tweet was from 2014, at the height of Gamergate.

He hasn't tweeted about Gamergate specifically recently, but did jump in on the recent pile-on from the alt-right against Bill Nye when Bill Nye said gender was a spectrum, which suggests that his, and the publisher's, contention that he's changed since the tweets is bullshit.

I know, that's a... questionable decision on their part.

I hope the developer himself will say more but his publisher probably told him to STFU. If the game does turn out to have women-hating politics in it, I hope the backlash will be huge.


What a fucking BUMMER. And lol at that hasty publisher comment. You can wait until the morning and at least polish it some.

A Way Out, don't go sideways on me. You're my horse now
Raw Fury Games (The Publisher) has made a statement,

"I am so happy that people are talking about Milkshake duck! I have recently learned some new facts about Milkshake duck's past. I would like to address those now in a way that will hopefully make all of this go away

This is not the Milkshake Duck I know and even though I am now presented with new evidence that would suggest that there were things I didn't know about Milkshake Duck, I will still stand by my, previous, unsullied image of my webfooted friend. Also Milkshake duck was just being naive, but not as naive as I am being right now in my full throated support of a duck that will hopefully, make me money in the near future"


He hasn't tweeted about Gamergate specifically recently, but did jump in on the recent pile-on from the alt-right against Bill Nye when Bill Nye said gender was a spectrum, which suggests that his, and the publisher's, contention that he's changed since the tweets is bullshit.

Is there an archive of that tweet? I went looking and couldn't find it.


"I am so happy that people are talking about Milkshake duck! I have recently learned some new facts about Milkshake duck's past. I would like to address those now in a way that will hopefully make all of this go away

This is not the Milkshake Duck I know and even though I am now presented with new evidence that would suggest that there were things I didn't know about Milkshake Duck, I will still stand by my, previous, unsullied image of my webfooted friend. Also Milkshake duck was just being naive, but not as naive as I am being right now in my full throated support of a duck that will hopefully, make me money in the near future"

Yeah the repeated use of "naive" here killed me, given the "just trust us" nature of the piece.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
watched trailer "damn looks amazing"

then read last two pages...

Game looked nice, oh well.

Can't give money to someone like that on good conscience.


Even temporarily shelving how much of a wanker the head dev is, this looks like the least cyberpunk cyberpunk setting I've ever seen. "Current social systems are actually good" isn't cyberpunk.
The lead writer was literally posting IN THIS THREAD and could have told us how it was a different time for them and that he's evolved as a human being.

Instead he's retweeting bigots and fuckwits on twitter who are ratifying his position and denouncing anybody who's upset as being "salty'

So no I'm not inclined to believe a word out of their mouths at this ppoint.
.That's a lot of words for "he's a good mate, just take our word for it". I know they have to protect their investment in this, but I don't know who Raw Fury Games are. I do know the public record of Tim Soret's twitter account. Would mean more if it came from him and he sounded contrite. Instead this just feels like a PR fluff piece.

They don't give a shit at all.

In fact, the boys at Raw Fury's offices are probably jumping for joy right now.

Have you taken a look at certain GamerGate-infested forums? They're all pledging their full support for the game now as I type this. A lot of them I see happen to be the Usual Suspects who've been brigading Random Access Memories for being an "SJW game" and YandereSimulator because of YD's infamy for expressing Wrongthink on /v/

They've successfully found a niche that will guarantee this game's success. Principles be damned. Honestly, this isn't just reflecting on the game IMO, but it's going to reflect on Raw Fury for me too. Microsoft/Xbox as well possibly if they don't do enough to distance themselves.


For you.
Harassment and doxing shouldn't be happening but I don't see accusations of this guy himself doing any of that. He defended gamergate but as far as I can see that was in September 2014 when people believed that someone had slept their way to a positive Kotaku review; before all the major harassment etc. In the tweets that are being linked I see him simply being against feminism and SJW influence over the video game industry, and it seems like those opinions aren't allowed. I see people in this thread literally saying they're not going to buy a game made by someone who doesn't support feminism. What in the actual fuck? That, at least to me, is like someone saying they're not going to buy a game because its creator has said they don't support PETA.

I'm aware you are already banned, but everyone that is part of GG has always been a rotten piece of human shit, that believed in conspiracy theories about "sleeping for a positive review", despite anyone with a motherfucking functioning brain being able to research and see the review in question didn't motherfucking exist.
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