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"The Last Night" (Milkshake Duck incarnate) E3 Trailer [XBO/Win10/Steam 2018]

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PSY・S;240292493 said:
Probably not.


can't see anything in that pic?


Well some shit heel who probably posts on 4chan also isn't the modern day picasso.

Not saying this guy is Picasso neither. Yesterday was the first time I saw this game, and truly amazed me. Thats why I came to this thread on first place.
Easy, easy Im not defendig his ideas or shitting on yours. Just gave my opinion.


I just expanded on my original idea. No need to shit on me, just gave me opinion in the most respectable way, and considering other points of view as well.

Bunch of very smart guys comparing critically acclaimed movies with one shitty person in the cast to a very personal game made by like two people were everyone involved has been publicly shitty and the game itself is focused on their shitty beliefs.

Flawless comparisons, I'm telling ya.


Jobs != Work.

Work != Jobs.

Jobs may go, but humans can still find work in the creative fields even if they have no chance to profit off those. Or even purposefully inefficient tasks like managing a community garden.

Star Trek y'all

Star Trek

Aim for Star Trek
Not going to discuss this much further, but think very carefully about that "I dont buy something if the creator ideology sucks".

Just think about this:

Picasso was communist and openly in favor of dictatorship-like governments. Guernica is one of the most impressive art creations of XX century.

Marlon Brando raped on camera an actress on Last Tango On Paris. He perform one the most incredible, if not the best of all times acting on God Father, as Vito Corleone.

Alfred Hitchcock commited multiple sexual assault. Its the creator of Psicosis, one of the most important, critically acclaimed movies of last century. A fundamental movie for any film maker.

I could make a 100 page list of artists that made horrible things or expressed things I could never ever be agree with.
At some point in life I learned that is better to separate artist creation from creation itself. I mean, should you skipped The God Father If you would know what Marlon Brando did?
This is different from those examples. In those, the person were simply involved in the art or made art that was separate thematically from their actions. Here, the person is injecting their own beliefs and ideology into the game and building the world and story around those beliefs.



Picasso was communist and openly in favor of dictatorship-like governments.

Marlon Brando raped on camera an actress on Last Tango On Paris.

Alfred Hitchcock commited multiple sexual assault.

One of those things is not like the others.... But really, like, holy shit, comparing sexual assault to being a communist is just so messed up.


never left the stone age
Not going to discuss this much further, but think very carefully about that "I dont buy something if the creator ideology sucks".

Just think about this:

Picasso was communist and openly in favor of dictatorship-like governments. Guernica is one of the most impressive art creations of XX century.

Marlon Brando raped on camera an actress on Last Tango On Paris. He perform one the most incredible, if not the best of all times acting on God Father, as Vito Corleone.

Alfred Hitchcock commited multiple sexual assault. Its the creator of Psicosis, one of the most important, critically acclaimed movies of last century. A fundamental movie for any film maker.

I could make a 100 page list of artists that made horrible things or expressed things I could never ever be agree with.
At some point in life I learned that is better to separate artist creation from creation itself. I mean, should you skipped The God Father If you would know what Marlon Brando did?

Right, right. So we can't hold people to a higher standard now or?



Fucking hell. Was this supposed to calm me?
From that article:
We eventually forgot we’re living in the future, because the amazing tech became invisible to us. Think about how many concepts and pieces of tech from this photo you would have to explain to someone from 100 years ago:


A woman who makes a very good living making porn, who is not shunned because of it, lying in a machine designed to change the colour of her skin using precisely tuned energy emissions, showing off the highly refined silicone in her augmented breasts, taking and sharing a photo of herself to a social network for her fans, writing with hashtag & mentions, on a massively powerful handheld computer capable of taking pictures & sending them wirelessly to the whole world at the touch of a fingertips.
(emphasis mine)
Yes this is indeed a person who I trust when it comes depictions of the female, you know what make that the human experience.

However that blogpost did in fact provide some clarity. It is now beyond clear that they are asshats.


So the writer/producer (who posted here earlier) liked this tweet from a Gamergater account just a few hours ago:


Now check out the linked article in that tweet, which by the way was written by another Gamergater Ian Miles Cheong (a prominent one):

Also, "game developer" in scare quotes, classy

Apparently having your life ruined and being constantly harassed for years is "manufactured drama".

This is all from the writer/producer of this game. And he "liked" this, along with other tweets complaining about SJWs, just a few hours ago.

But sure, they're totally reformed and distancing themselves from their GG past. Right?

Oh so they haven't changed shit

I hope MS drops this quick.


This is different from those examples. In those, the person were simply involved in the art or made art that was separate thematically from their actions. Here, the person is injecting their own beliefs and ideology into the game and building the world and story about those beliefs.

Honest question... dont you think most artists inject their own beliefs on their creations? Im sure most of them do that.

Disclaimer: If having this conversation is potentally making me bannable, just let me know and Ill stop right here :) I dont to lose access to the other 99% of videogame based threads on this forum ha ;)
Gaffers really think they are so holy lmao
Not at all. I admit that I'm heavily flawed, in addition to being largely powerless. That's exactly why it's so important to me that when I am able to do something to actually do that something. Those chances don't come around that often (and when they do, we often don't know about them), so when a chance comes around that we're both aware of and actually able to do something about, that's when it's particularly critical that we speak up and do something. As if we don't raise our voices then, then when?

And if you truly want to contend that none of this matters at all, then if anything that makes the way we each choose to react even more revelatory, not less. As what's a better mark of a man than how he chooses to act and conduct himself when there's no pressure either way? Anyone can act tough and say this or that when the pressure's on, but when it's not? That's when a person's true character shows.

But like I said, I'm by no means perfect or holy. Far from it. Which is just more reason to me to try the best person I possibly can be when I get the chance, not less. But that's just the opinion of a flawed young man. Take it for what you will.
Fucking hell. Was this supposed to calm me?
From that article:

(emphasis mine)
Yes this is indeed a person who I trust when it comes depictions of the female, you know what make that the human experience.

However that blogpost did in fact provide some clarity. It is now beyond clear that they are asshats.

Oh my lord.

I don't think Americans know anything about communism outside of the Soviet hyperbole tbh.

They'd probably explode if people told them that 'communism' itself was never achieved in a state
Okay yeah, when the synopsis is written in a more straightforward language it's harder to give the benefit of the doubt that just because the Aesthetics are on point the story must be at least somewhat clever.

The writer, Madquills, says to read this Medium post from last year for some clarity, so I'll do so when I get home.

NSFW warning - that link has a topless photo in it.

And that post has quite happily confirmed this game is something I want nothing to do with.


Normally I'm the type that can separate the art from the artist, I did so with both Ender's Game and Shadow Complex. However the premise of this game seems to be tied to this guy's ideology which is likely a deal breaker for me, but I will hold judgement for when the final product is out and I can read some impressions on it. Either way my hype is really deflated for this one.

Ran rp

Fucking hell. Was this supposed to calm me?
From that article:

(emphasis mine)
Yes this is indeed a person who I trust when it comes depictions of the female, you know what make that the human experience.

However that blogpost did in fact provide some clarity. It is now beyond clear that they are asshats.



I think my point was not clear. Obviously Picasso's creations were influeced by his ideology, thats why I mentioned the Guernica.
Heck! Even Jorge Luis Borges, the writer I took the name for my nickname, said horrible things like to be in favor of Argentinian dictatorship.
No need to hate me or something. This is just my opinon, I fully respect yours even if I dont coincide with it.

I'll be honest, I'm not too familiar with the work of Picasso. However, from skimming through the Wikipedia page about the Guernica, it seems it was a piece created in response to the bombing of the village Guernica in Spain by Nazi Germany and Italian fascists. I think there's a difference between supporting communist dictatorships and standing against nazi fascism. If the piece was about the former I'd have a difficult time loving a piece of art about it if I was an anti-communist, the latter seems like something most reasonable people could stand for.



"yes, women are just deserving of respect and justice as men, but have you considered the perspective that women are subhuman and don't deserve equal rights?" #makesyouthink #2deep4me


I'll be honest, I'm not too familiar with the work of Picasso. However, from skimming through the Wikipedia page about the Guernica, it seems it was a piece created in response to the bombing of the village Guernica in Spain by Nazi Germany and Italian fascists. I think there's a difference between supporting communist dictatorships and standing against nazi fascism. If the piece was about the former I'd have a difficult time loving a piece of art about it if I was an anti-communist, the latter seems like something most reasonable people could stand for.

Absolutely, I love Picasso's work, and Guernica is by far one of the most incredible creations ever made by a human being. My point there was that most artists represent their ideology on their creations.
Honest question... dont you think most artists inject their own beliefs on their creations? Im sure most of them do that.

Disclaimer: If having this conversation is potentally making me bannable, just let me know and Ill stop right here :) I dont to lose access to the other 99% of videogame based threads on this forum ha ;)
Sure. But those beliefs and works don't tend to be outwardly racist, sexist, misogynistic, etc and explicitly designed around racist/sexist/misogynistic/etc ideas, plots, characters, and so on. And if they are, you can bet there would be as much criticism about those works as there is here

See the recent resurgence in criticism and spreading of awareness about the book, The Camp of the Saints


Sure. But those beliefs and works don't tend to be outwardly racist, sexist, misogynistic, etc and explicitly designed around racist/sexist/misogynistic/etc plots, characters, and so on. And if they are, you can bet there would as much criticism about those works as there is here

See the recent resurgence in criticism and spreading of awareness about the book, The Camp of the Saints

Thanks, Ill take a look at that book.
Im not into the gamergate thing, but obviously seeing reactions looks its a very hot subject on this forum, and probably the rest of videogame industry as well.


Absolutely, I love Picasso's work, and Guernica is by far one of the most incredible creations ever made by a human being. My point there was that most artists represent their ideology on their creations.

Okay? I don't see how that point contradicts why so many people aren't buying this game. It represents some pretty despicable beliefs to us, especially about women. I can buy a game from a creator with views who don't agree with mine and that seeps into the work in a way that isn't really morally wrong (in my opinion), I can't buy a game from a creator with immensely terrible views that completely seep into the work.


Agreed. It wouldn't have even been on my radar otherwise. Looks like a must buy.
I like how you can see the narrative changing as the story develops.

Now its "oh gee all this backlash is only going to make it MORE popular! Thanks feminists lol cucked"

Won't mean shit when MS drops em

This gamergate chump is totally like Picasso.

You remember when Picasso called Zoe Quinn a cunt? Classic Picasso.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Thanks, Ill take a look at that book.
Im not into the gamergate thing, but obviously seeing reactions looks its a very hot subject on this forum, and probably the rest of videogame industry as well.

Not into the gamergate thing or don't know what gamergate is?


Sure. But those beliefs and works don't tend to be outwardly racist, sexist, misogynistic, etc and explicitly designed around racist/sexist/misogynistic/etc ideas, plots, characters, and so on. And if they are, you can bet there would be as much criticism about those works as there is here

See the recent resurgence in criticism and spreading of awareness about the book, The Camp of the Saints

There are of course tiers to all of this. Imagine if you have a movie about a white-nationalist gang murdering and torturing people of color.Even if thats the premise you would expect vastly different results if it was written and directed by lets say a person of color, a vanilla white person and a white-supremacist person.

Its impossible to pretend that the creators viewpoint wont come through their art. It is also dependent on how they wish to express themselves.
So the writer/producer (who posted here earlier) liked this tweet from a Gamergater account just a few hours ago:


Now check out the linked article in that tweet, which by the way was written by another Gamergater Ian Miles Cheong (a prominent one):

Also, "game developer" in scare quotes, classy

Apparently having your life ruined and being constantly harassed for years is "manufactured drama".

This is all from the writer/producer of this game. And he "liked" this, along with other tweets complaining about SJWs, just a few hours ago.

But sure, they're totally reformed and distancing themselves from their GG past. Right?

Oof, I guess I was naive thinking that he had changed and it seems the writer shares similar beliefs. Seems safe to assume that the game has not changed either unfortunately.

My hope for this game is dwindling.


Fucking hell. Was this supposed to calm me?
From that article:

(emphasis mine)
Yes this is indeed a person who I trust when it comes depictions of the female, you know what make that the human experience.

However that blogpost did in fact provide some clarity. It is now beyond clear that they are asshats.

Can you honestly say you read that entire post, and the only thing you can come away is this relatively disingenuous reading of a single line?

Relative to how pornographers were treated 100 years ago (thrown in jail), they lead pretty decent lives now.



"yes, women are just deserving of respect and justice as men, but have you considered the perspective that women are subhuman and don't deserve equal rights?" #makesyouthink #2deep4me

Lol, so their defense now is that their game is so vapid it will have no message, because that is the true measure of quality! Because we have no agenda, which is apparently how pretty much everyone on our team ended up coincidentally buying into the same agenda in our very private lives which will in no way affect our game, which we swear is devoid of meaningful content, despite our earlier statements to the contrary about its anti-progressive themes.

Like, I would rather they just own up and make something openly conservative instead of pretending at neutrality.

Can you honestly say you read that entire post, and the only thing you can come away is this relatively disingenuous reading of a single line?

Relative to how pornographers were treated 100 years ago (thrown in jail), they lead pretty decent lives now.

The guys who have a history of going off on internet-boy screeds about the evil of feminism don't really get the benefit of the doubt around being creeps when their first thoughts on how the world has changed from the past revolve around pornography.
I read the medium article and don't see any issues with it. The part someone quoted was highlighting differences between now and a hundred years ago.


Can you honestly say you read that entire post, and the only thing you can come away is this relatively disingenuous reading of a single line?

Relative to how pornographers were treated 100 years ago (thrown in jail), they lead pretty decent lives now.
Yes I read all of the pseudo intellectual posturing which constituted that article.

And it's not a "relatively disingenuous reading", it is my earnest bewilderment at how someone can write that "women who act in pornographic films aren't shunned these days". Anyone who writes that is an idiot.


I have heard and saw gamergate posts here, but never participate on them. I dont know what gamergate is at all.
This is totally believable, and I'm serious when I say that, so I'm not trying to be glib or sarcastic here.

But living inside this bubble someone saying "I don't know what gamer gate is at all" in 2017 is like, mind fucking blowing to me.


PSY・S;240296457 said:
There's a "Swamp Food" sign on the right. Seems to be a theme.

Or maybe 'Swamp" is referring to the "Deep State" Swamp lmao

Isn't that from the few years old demo? If you talk about Trump's "Drain the swamp", that wasn't a thing until last year iirc.


The guys who have a history of going off on internet-boy screeds about the evil of feminism don't really get the benefit of the doubt around being creeps when their first thoughts on how the world has changed from the past revolve around pornography.

Except that it doesn't revolve around pornography? That tweet is part of a larger point about technology and taboos, which is a section of a still larger article about technology's effect on humanity.
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