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Wonder Woman and the 5 Words That Saved DC Movies From Darkness



After the gloominess of “Batman v Superman” and “Suicide Squad,” a team of DC executives and creatives looked for a new guiding philosophy. DC Entertainment president Geoff Johns told TheWrap they looked to the DC legacy and the qualities that first made people fall in love with superheroes.

“Get to the essence of the character and make the movies fun. Just make sure that the characters are the characters with heart, humor, hope, heroics, and optimism at the base,” said Johns.

I mean not a ton here, and guess we'll see with Justice League, but very similar to what Johns promised with Rebirth and think delivered easily on that.
That's a good goal to have. Doesn't seem like this was their mindset from the beginning, and I appreciate they were trying to do something different, but they aren't going to do well in the long run if they don't focus on what was quoted.

Either way, I'm game. Don't reboot, just do well going forward.
Yeah, Superman's "growth" as a character in the DCU has just been an absolute mess. He was not a type of guy you want to root for or be inspired by. A serious superhero movie doesn't have to mean that it's completely absent of joy and hope.


Drunky McMurder
Making superhero movies is so hard. Heroics? Who could have ever expected people wanted that out of superheroes? Fans are too fickle.


Not far from the mantra of the creators of the Flash show (of which Geoff Johns was one).

I think Kreisberg said their three key elements were 'heart, humor, spectacle.'

Sorry Geoff Johns, I'm still giving the credit Patty Jenkins and Allan Heinberg.

Even Patty credits the work she did with Johns.


Super Member
I like Superman serious. Having him interact with Plastic Man, Captain Marvel, Conner Kent, Myxyzptlk, the Legion of Superheroes or Kyle Rayner the Fun Green Lantern would be an interesting contrast though


Yeah, Superman's "growth" as a character in the DCU has just been an absolute mess. He was not a type of guy you want to root for or be inspired by. A serious superhero movie doesn't have to mean that it's completely absent of joy and hope.

It's premise was sound, but it's execution makes him a character we can't cheer with while the in-film world is scared of him, only to eventually come around. Had they handled that aspect of Man of Steel better, we wouldn't be here.
I don't think Man of Steel was terrible, it just wasn't Superman. If it had been AlienMan, yeah, whatever.

BvS is just bad. Cool Batman though, but still no idea what Superman's about. Not that I think the alien from Man of Steel could ever be Superman, when your introduction to the planet is as a fugitive from a bunch of guys who come looking for you and murder a city, yeah, good luck becoming the hero that has the world thinking Lex Luthor is crazy.

Wonder Woman is great. The last CGI fight isn't good, but it's not enough to make me dislike the movie.
Not far from the mantra of the creators of the Flash show (of which Geoff Johns was one).

I think Kreisberg said their three key elements were 'heart, humor, spectacle.'

Even Patty credits the work she did with Johns.

I'm being hyperbolic, but I just don't want everyone to give Johns all the credit :p


I don't see any of this in the upcoming Justice League so far from what they've shown, just some forced jokes here and there. Everything still looks dark and gloomy like some post-apoc world.
I don't see any of this in the upcoming Justice League so far from what they've shown, just some forced jokes here and there. Everything still looks dark and gloomy like some post-apoc world.

Wasn't JL in development pretty much straight after BvS?

I don't think Johns worked on it at all, while he did work on the story + script with Snyder/Jenkins etc (for Wonder Woman). I don't think anyone disagrees with you too much, most of the optimism after Wonder Woman is being ready to get knocked down again if JL is a dud. I'm just praying the final boss is more interesting than CGI army of Chitauri/UltronBots etc filled with Doomsday levels of "I can't even tell what is going on".

The invasion in the trailer sorta looks like that, but you can forgive it for being a war.


Super Member
I don't see any of this in the upcoming Justice League so far from what they've shown, just some forced jokes here and there. Everything still looks dark and gloomy like some post-apoc world.
Yeah well they're fighting Darkseid's forces

Did anyone expect the Superfriends Darkseid?
I don't see any of this in the upcoming Justice League so far from what they've shown, just some forced jokes here and there. Everything still looks dark and gloomy like some post-apoc world.

People were similarly superficial about Wonder Woman trailers from seeing the (appropriately) dark and gloomy World War setting.

Yeah well they're fighting Darkseid's forces

Did anyone expect the Superfriends Darkseid?

we're getting,

well fuck me that's just about the antithesis of man of steel and bvs right there

Yep. Hopefully this is the turning point for the universe.

Hope is the one I clung to after seeing Wonder Woman and talking to my brother about it. I know Batman is dark and gloomy, but he shouldn't be fucking hopeless. That was one of the things Nolan's movies nailed. Bruce still believed in people and thought Batman could inspire them to be better. I don't know what current Batman and Superman believe in other than killing everything.


I don't see any of this in the upcoming Justice League so far from what they've shown, just some forced jokes here and there. Everything still looks dark and gloomy like some post-apoc world.

Appearance and tone aren't necessarily one and the same

Wonder Woman for the most part looks visually similar to Man of Steel, but have diff tones.

We haven't really seen anything "dark" in tone in JL trailer. Just dark in design.


I can understand why the US needs humour, hope, heroics right now, but it's not something that appeals a lot to me. I like my music and films dark. Superman, under Snyder's guidance, felt like he had dimensions to him as a character, and that's something I can't say about Singer's Reeve knockoff. I wouldn't mind some 'fun' and 'light' films like Aquaman going forward, but I want super high stakes at the very end, with a sense of loss permeating throughout. I'm from the Alan Moore school of comic books, unfortunately.
well fuck me that's just about the antithesis of man of steel and bvs right there
That sweet sweet mom and son moment that warped up that movie's view to me ...

As for WW ... wow, people react well to a character who actually gives a shit about people and things. Who woulda thunk it?!?


I can understand why the US needs humour, hope, heroics right now, but it's not something that appeals a lot to me. I like my music and films dark. Superman, under Snyder's guidance, felt like he had dimensions to him as a character, and that's something I can't say about Singer's Reeve knockoff. I wouldn't mind some 'fun' and 'light' films like Aquaman going forward, but I want super high stakes at the very end, with a sense of loss permeating throughout. I'm from the Alan Moore school of comic books, unfortunately.

Ironically, Alan Moore absolutely hates this take on superheroes!


Ironically, Alan Moore absolutely hates this take on superheroes!

He was seminal in the dark ages of superheroes whether he likes it or not. Bringing heroes into a more grittier real world rather than pulling us, the readers, into their magical world


I didn't need 850 million dollars to tell you to make the 3 pinacle characters of DC comics stories about being super Heroes.

Fucking hell 10 mins of the Donner films has more heart than all 3
I would say that Wonder Woman hit most of that criteria. The only issue I really had with the movie is the somewhat muddled ending. But otherwise, it is good.


That's literally the mantle of the CW shows, they have "heart, humor, spectacle" pinned up in the writer's room. Not that you'd be able to tell from this year's Flash, but still.
Not that I think that this direction is terrible, but the gloominess really didn't feel like what was wrong with the Batman stories.

I mean many of the best superhero stories are very dark.
I look forward to seeing more hope and optimism in Justice League. If Wonder Woman is an indicator, they're finally on track.

I'm not feeling very hopeful or optimistic about it, though. Prove me wrong, DC. Please. I want to stop looking at Superman and feeling like he'd sooner beat me up than have a nice chat.
It's a good thing to follow. More comic book films shouldn't act like their ashamed of their source material. Embrace the goofiness.
I was enjoying the whole "what if superheroes were real? They'd be knocking down buildings, the streets would look like war zones and there'd be arguments on whether they're saviors or terrorists on CNN" thing DC was doing.

I enjoyed Wonder Woman but I liked BvS much more.


Could this be the end of Zack Snyder's DC Cinematic Murderverse? Find out next issue, true believers!

Actually, wouldn't it be interesting if they made 2 different universes for the movies to be in? Like all of the sudden Batman and Superman are nothing like their BVS portrayals in the next movie with no explanation at all. Then later down the line there's a crossover movie where the real DCEU heroes encounter their Snyderverse versions.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I'm pretty sure those words don't exist in the rest of the DCCU.

Alternatively the 5 words for BvS are:

Martha, Martha, Martha, Martha and Martha


I'm over the word "fun" being used as a marker of quality. Suicide Squad is a "fun" movie that's booty. A movie trying to be "fun" ultimately means nothing.



I mean not a ton here, and guess we'll see with Justice League, but very similar to what Johns promised with Rebirth and think delivered easily on that.

That was Snyder's mindset from the get-go though. Even BvS ends with
Superman making a supreme sacrifice to save humanity. The world that was shunning his existence. It ends with a changed Batman who wants to be better as a result of Superman's actions.
Plus, the Snyders are on record saying that by its very nature, Justice League would be a more optimistic/brighter/happier kind of movie. Justice League isn't going to be different in tone because of the outcry. It's going to be different in tone because that was always the plan.

I can't wait to see the reactions if the movie is praised. It'll be "Joss Whedon saved DC" or if it's still panned it'll be "Joss didn't have enough time to fix what Zack destroyed."
I was enjoying the whole "what if superheroes were real? They'd be knocking down buildings, the streets would look like war zones and there'd be arguments on whether they're saviors or terrorists on CNN" thing DC was doing.

I enjoyed Wonder Woman but I liked BvS much more.

Should've called it BatMetal vs HopeMan instead of Batman vs Superman then...
As a person who liked Man of Steel and didn't have BvS, I can heartily endorse this.

The number one thing with DCEU Superman-- maybe the only thing-- is that he doesn't enjoy being a hero, and views it as a burden.

Superman can have a melancholy side, and has in the comics ever since the Silver Age, but it should not define him. It should be rooted in longing-- for a lost paradise, for being the last of his kind, for not being able to have a simple life-- but not for resenting the good that he does for the world.

BvS would have improved immensely if they showed Superman smiling a few times.
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