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Bungie are upsetting the fan base with Destiny 2

I think the OP is kinda broadening exactly who is "upset" of Destiny 2; don't me wrong the complaints in the op should be taken in to consideration(well maybe not the beard and emote wheel) but I certainly am not seeing a level of outrage to where Bungie would have to respond.

my only comlpaint is what the OP put in his post was the exo stanger; as I said in the other thread about it as we knew nothing about her, i don't see how giving you a gun(right after telling you there's much out there and what she's seen from the "darkness") and then just vanashes

the darkness was what I thought it would be and that was those opposing the traveler i.e. Fallen/Hive/Vex/Cabal/Taken.

very much exited for Destiny 2, lets see where Bungie takes us next.


Hardly a surprise given Destiny at launch was just whatever they could salvage and get out the door from a narrative/world perspective - everything felt like a placeholder "darkness", "knights" and so on.

Destiny was a company feeling its way to games as a service and making a lot of mistakes content/narrative wise.

TBH while I get it will annoy those who did invest in the lore I can see why they'd ditch as much as possible and look to alter things to better suit a service/regular follow on sales model.

That said technically the fact it's Destiny 2 is still a mistake: a true service model you'd get the new engine for free and purchase the extension content and there is no "2" there's just more content... but this stuff is pretty embryonic in games vs commercial service models.


Lol, I can't even remember playing a game without beards in a character creator.

And I hate it when supposedly significant plot elements aren't even thought out. What the fuck are these writers doing? Surely at some point someone has had to have some (vague?) ideas about the elements they put in their story?


I'm curious how well this will sell compared to the first game. I know many people will return but also everyone who hated D1 will not bother getting this day one unless reviews are favorable.


I'm curious how well this will sell compared to the first game. I know many people will return but also everyone who hated D1 will not bother getting this day one unless reviews are favorable.
My own sense is it will sell alot more than D1.
I'm not bothered by this. The gameplay is the best in the genre in my opinion and very addictive. I'll be there day 1 unless it MCs less than 50.


Not if theres competition.
Yeah the competition doesn't matter at all, Considering the destiny "killers" like the division are mostly forgotten about.

I'm curious how well this will sell compared to the first game. I know many people will return but also everyone who hated D1 will not bother getting this day one unless reviews are favorable.
I think it will be a huge seller.


I'm curious how well this will sell compared to the first game. I know many people will return but also everyone who hated D1 will not bother getting this day one unless reviews are favorable.

It's gonna be massive. It will get all the return buyers, people with thousands of hours played who swear they're out, and people picking up consoles this holiday. You underestimate hype and friend networks.

I don't think D2 will be anything special at all, but I'm still buying it because I love playing games with my friends. A middling game with friends is still a ton of fun.


And I'm still going to buy it despite everything missing. The core gameplay is just so good. Even though Bungie can't seem to actually make the game in a timely fashion.


I'm curious how well this will sell compared to the first game. I know many people will return but also everyone who hated D1 will not bother getting this day one unless reviews are favorable.

Its gonna sell insanely well. There are only a few people complaining out of the millions that will be playing it. It will also do awesome on PC because its not a port, people have been waiting on it since before destiny 1, its on battle.net, and all the impressions out there say it feels like a brand new game compared to consoles.
of all the things to get upset about, "the darkness" (which always seemed more like a poetic name for evil than an actual thing) and the fucking exo stranger... really?


The amount of people who come in here and say "actually it's bad and people are being tricked or just like shit" is ridiculous. It's fucking ridiculous.

It's one of the best feeling shooters on the market. The raids are experiences that can't be found in other shooters. It's also just a great multiplayer game.

It's a fantastic shooter and you're right - I love the raids, there's nothing like them out there. But I'm not going to be sticking around for content draughts this time around if they're anything like D1's.


Yup, I agree. It will sell real well.

Still salty about the way Stranger was handled. I hope Luke is just lying and they're gonna put her int he story as a surprise. Would be stupid to reveal story-related stuff in an interview before release.


Seriously, they never went around to defining "The Darkness"? Even internally? Even I remember from my little playtime it was a term thrown around A LOT. Wasn't it supposed to be an opposing force to the Travelers "Light"?

I bet The Darkness was an actual thing in that first draft of the Destiny story until the designers ripped it all up and started playing stupid puzzle with it.


Why are ps4 destiny players complaining about exclusive content ? 🤣

I'm am (was) a D1 PS4 player.

I believe that exclusives are terrible for the game, and even more insulting when they are scrapping everything from D1 when moving to D2. At least it made sense when everyone would eventually get the content, but now with the 1yr gating - I just don't trust that XBOX/PC will ever see the PS exclusive content.
Well, they could. Playstation running on separate servers with no cross-play means they could have Playstation-specific playlists and weeklies, if they wanted. However, Bungie being Bungie, they won't.

That would be a really stupid decision to do. They'd have to rewrite the app to support the different platforms, they'd have to make sure to do two separate TWAB, twice the work to support the different playlists, etc. It's just stupid. Because of that maybe people will understand why this exclusive crap is bad for the community as a whole. PC and Xbox players get the shaft by having to wait on content (assuming it ever comes over) and PS4 players get screwed because the exclusive stuff will never be a part of the rotating weeklies. No Xur, no Nightfall. This part reeks of Activision to me as I doubt Bungie would have much say in the negotiating between Sony and Activision for marketing and exclusives. At least I hope so because if this was all Bungie then that's really fucked up that they'd screw half their audience especially since they have a history with the Xbox crowd.

Lil Marco

So glad I got out. It's clear that Destiny is nothing but a social experiment attempting to fire the right brain receptors to keep their players busy and addicted. When they added micro-transactions it was just an added way to use what they learned about psychology to extract as much money as possible. The fact that they have no explanation for fundamental themes like "The Darkness" or no ideas for the main, mysterious protagonist from the original game (exo stranger) shows that story is nothing but an after thought.

But they've gotten their hooks in. They've hit the right psychological stimuli so their fan base will continue eating it up.

Agreed. They also made the gameplay super smooth and satisfying (each gun has it's own ASMR-like sound design when it fires and reloads and moves) and of course the loot system which is designed to keep you addicted.

It's a casino shooter. I'm also glad I got out- I was addicted to it from 2015-2016 and it wasted a good chunk of my life.


Gold Member
As someone who put way too many hours of my life into Destiny, none of OP's complaints bother me in the slightest.


Why are ps4 destiny players complaining about exclusive content ? 🤣

Because it does impact PS4 players in some ways. In Destiny 1, Xur could never sell PS4 exclusive exotics, and the PS4 exclusive strikes could never be added to the Nightfall rotation because those had to be the same across each platform.


The amount of people who come in here and say "actually it's bad and people are being tricked or just like shit" is ridiculous. It's fucking ridiculous.

It's one of the best feeling shooters on the market. The raids are experiences that can't be found in other shooters. It's also just a great multiplayer game.

lol yeah, people love to find any possible reason to be disgusted by Destiny and blow it up to be a bigger deal. Just look at the difference in threads between Destiny 2 being 30fps and Anthem's 4k at 30fps. For some reason, people love to exaggerate and hate on Destiny. Not sure if it's all bitterness from the game not meeting expecations at launch or what. It's a great game that's unlike most games out there.

They've made a thread on every little thing, even the misinformation from a mistranslated article, building it up to be this colossal failure, but it's really not.


I always get a kick out of superfans. I can't imagine carrying about the storyline in Destiny of all games. It's just there as a conduit.


Can we stop this idea that Destiny has any meaningful story or "lore"? There is no narrative direction whatsoever, and the stuff on the grimoire is just filler created by what must be people quite apart from the actual team.

Destiny has no story and it never will beyond "There are bad aliens - kill them." I'm not excusing it, but fans need to be honest about it. Watching people praise Taken King for story was a major crazy pills moment. It was just a specific alien baddie, and some characterization of a few people - but no real story or character development.

It's Space Invaders, but with money. Nothing more.


Smith: We didn't know what it was, and we, for a period, we chose [that] we're going to lump all the races [in together], and you see this in the tooltips in the game. ”Minions of the darkness." And we had taken all the races and said, ”Ah, they'll just be The Darkness." But that's not what the IP deserves. It's like, literally not.

Schreier: I'm glad you're admitting this.

Smith: And so what we're doing with Destiny 2 is, we are deliberately telling a story about the Light. And what it means to be chosen. And as such, we're in the process of removing the term ”Darkness" from the game.

Schreier: I like that.

Smith: Because when we're going to talk about Darkness next, we need to know what it is and have a plan for it. And we do.

I guess the other half of that segment didn't fit your narrative?


I guess the other half of that segment didn't fit your narrative?

But he said that it's a part of a future tile. Is that three years from now? In an expansion in a year?

At this point, Destiny is the Lost of games - it's fun, great minute to minute drama, but little to no "there" there. It's not about anything, so I wouldn't take Smith's comment at face value.


I look forward to them having a Season Pass and then releasing two more Big Add Ons that you have to buy separately after


We should also note that the dude discusses a map (a MAP!) as a major addition to the series, and admits that D2 is merely iterative.

There's just so little ambition in this sequel.


But he said that it's a part of a future tile. Is that three years from now? In an expansion in a year?

At this point, Destiny is the Lost of games - it's fun, great minute to minute drama, but little to no "there" there. It's not about anything, so I wouldn't take Smith's comment at face value.

He said, it's about Light and Darkness. This game is about Light.

We haven't played Destiny 2 yet. Why don't we wait until the game is released before we jump to conclusions about 'direction'.


Neo Member
I've put in 100-ish hours into Destiny. I have no clue what the story is, it involves the traveler... That's about it.
I can see if someone was super into the lore they might be upset, but the majority of the player base could care less about their lore. Destiny is not a story heavy game.
Personally I find all their lore and story stuff to be a hot mess, and I don't see that ending anytime soon.

Lil Marco

How does Destiny 1 have such a crappy story yet well written lore/universe?

IIRC there was lots of corporate infighting during development and Activision ended up scrapping the main story and forcing them to reset pretty late in the development cycle. So the "story" that shipped with the game was just an empty shell of what was initially intended. They attempted to fix it via the Grimoire cards, but it's arguable as to whether or not the average player will bother to look through it.

Kotaku has a great writeup on it.
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