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Unexpectedly Cruel Moments (That Took You Out Of The Narrative)


Thread idea was inspired by a gaming thread about characters not reacting to their situations appropriately. I thought it would add to the discussion to include all forms of media.

Bad stuff can happen to characters in stories. Sometimes it's gruesome, sometimes it's cathardic, but usually it's done with a narrative purpose: a likeable character meets a gruesome end, everyone feels bad. An unrepentant villain meets a karmic end, the audience cheers. A victim in a horror movie gets a lawnmower to the face, the audience recoils (but still keeps one eye open). Things like that.

But there have also been examples of bad things happening to a character seemingly out of random and/or not given the full acknowledgement from other characters. I'm talking about those moments that feel tonally different from the rest of the material, leaving you to question why it happened and why no one seems particularly bothered by it.

I feel the most recent and most familiar example to most people comes from Jurassic World:


I remember watching this in the theater, and everyone in my group was united with the same thoughts: it was an unusually brutal and perverse death scene, and it happened to a character who didn't even deserve it. Usually in the Jurassic films you get that one awesome dino kill that's usually reserved for that specific movie's biggest jerkass. In Jurassic World, the lady in question was not a jerkass. She was, at worst, neutral, if not annoyed at having to babysit two asshole kids who ditched her at a moment's notice. Still, she remained a responsible adult and stayed by their sides even during all the chaos, rather than running to hide at the nearest port-a-potty. Her minutes-long suffering was uncomfortable, and it's never acknowledged by anyone in the movie. Pretty much nobody cared that she died, and it remained the most sour moment in an otherwise enjoyable film (in my opinion).

Runner-up goes to Fate/Grand Order, an ongoing mobile game that also had a promotional anime that served as the backdrop for the main story:


The character in question is Olga, who served as the Rin-type authority character with a tsundere attitude. Despite her personality, she was shown as dependable and willing to risk her life to protect her comrades. In the anime's climax, the main villain reveals himself, who was previously a man that Olga admired and loved (romantically?). As if his shocking betrayal wasn't bad enough, he proceeds to entrap Olga inside the glowy Mcguffin, where she will "experience the moment of her death in an infinte loop for all eternity".

Wait, what? That's pretty fucked up.

It only gets even more fucked up as she's screaming and crying for help as she's being slowly dragged toward her Fate (I'd make a pun but this is seriously a bummer). While the main characters do take a moment (as in, a second) to regret what happened, it's never brought up again. In fact, based on what I've read, fans have pestered the writers of the mobile game to create a scenario where Olga can be freed, but they have more or less responded with "She doesn't matter, shut the fuck up already."

When it comes to bad writing in fiction, this is probably my single biggest pet peeve. If you're going to introduce a gruesome moment like this but don't have the characters react accordingly, then you've pretty much shown the cracks in your storytelling.


Is it strange I instantly knew this thread was going to be about the woman from Jurassic World?

Anyway, for me it would probably be the shit they pulled with Newt and Hicks in the opening moments of Alien 3, complete with gruesome autopsies.


Yeah, that Jurassic World death was terrible. I remember hearing a few people laugh, and I was wondering if I had missed something or whatever because I thought it was ridiculous. That alone drops the movie a point or 2 in score.


Unconfirmed Member
House of Cards is chock full of these. Seemingly illogical and almost out of character murders and whatnot that somehow get swept under the rug time and time again.
Yeah her death in JW just felt so unnecessary. Even if she was a hated character I never saw the point of drawing her death out. It just felt stupid.


Transformers age of extinction when the comic relief guy gets fossilized in a gruesome manner by an alien grenade in the first act, it was unnecessarily brutal for a guy that was a comic relief sidekick a few minutes ago (even tho he "betrayed" the good guys, he was trying to protect them).


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Hunter x Hunter has a ton of these moments though it often works to the show/mangas benefit. Whether it was picking someone's brain or people being turned into dogs there was a lot of wanton horrible shit.


I remember this coming up a lot with the ending of BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea (personally I actually was on board with the way it went in context).

Also felt this way for certain Game of Thrones main character deaths. They are almost always torturously painful moments.


I find this in a lot of Asian media. Violence against children or casual references to torturing animals that completely jars with the "normal" every-day violence of a thriller/action film/drama.


I recall the Jurassic World staff justifying that scene, claiming that in a real life scenario, with outrageous beasts out to kill any human they see, they wouldn't give a hoot about their prey deserving a gruesome fate or not, they would kill a bunch of saints if it meant a quick lunch. Which is a valid point but of course this is a work of fiction, where all is planned beforehand to serve the narrative, thus, the nature of the most merciless death in the film falling to a random minor character who didn't deserve it, while the main antagonist himself got off easy in comparison, couldn't help but be puzzling as hell.


Man Jurassic World looks different from how I remembered it

GAF really wastes no time in letting people fix their mistakes.

But that's fine, since this was going to be another example from me: in the 1990's Spider-Man cartoon, there's an ongoing sub-plot about Peter suffering from a mutation in his spider-blood, which causes him to spontaneously turn into a Man-Spider.

When The Vulture appears, his goal is to sap people's youth in order to restore his own. He manages to sap away Peter's youth, turning him into an old man. The problem for Vulture is that he also absorbs Peter's Man-Spider mutation, causing him to transform against his will.

Stuff happens and eventually Dr Connors manages to return Peter's youth, but keeping the Man-Spider disease inside Vulture. What we get is several scenes where Vulture is crying out in pain and begging for help, and the episode ends with him flying away in Man-Spider form, crying that he has to hide in the dark where no one will see him.

It may be a karmic villain punishment, but it's really out of character for Peter to be okay with something so cruel happening to his enemy. Furthermore, having a rampaging (and flying!) spider monster roaming the streets should be something he ought to take care of, but instead he just swings away to go make out with Mary Jane or something. It's never brought up again, even when Vulture returns several episodes later all normal and everything.
Yeah, that Jurassic World death was terrible. I remember hearing a few people laugh, and I was wondering if I had missed something or whatever because I thought it was ridiculous. That alone drops the movie a point or 2 in score.
I enjoyed it in a "oh that's gotta hurt, I can't believe this is happening" way. I recognize I'm in the minority, but I wouldn't want it removed.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Is it strange I instantly knew this thread was going to be about the woman from Jurassic World?

Same. It really doesn't fit with the rest of the movie. You'd have to sell her being more of an asshole, like dangerously negligent or a coward. OR you'd have to keep the "anything can happen to anyone" moments coming.


The Jurassic World death makes much more sense in retrospect now that we have Book of Henry to create a pattern of Colin Trevorrow not understanding how humans work.


Remembered another one:

That guy who is turned into sausages at the slaughter house in King of The hill.

It's brutal, he was villian who threatened to kill hank and was grooming Luane for a really fucked up life, so you kinda feel he deserved to die, but still, this is fucking King of the hill, and the fact is he dies by being processed in his own slaughter house, just seconds after an accidental shock seemingly cured him of his psychosis.
Insert Transformers movie here







Yeah, that Jurassic World death was terrible. I remember hearing a few people laugh, and I was wondering if I had missed something or whatever because I thought it was ridiculous. That alone drops the movie a point or 2 in score.

I laughed at it because it was so ridiculous. Almost couldn't believe it was in the movie.


With the Jurassic world scene I can see how they maybe wanted to sell the idea that anyone can die, but the execution (no pun intended) was off.

Just felt cruel and icky.


Everything is moe to me
I recall the Jurassic World staff justifying that scene, claiming that in a real life scenario, with outrageous beasts out to kill any human they see, they wouldn't give a hoot about their prey deserving a gruesome fate or not, they would kill a bunch of saints if it meant a quick lunch. Which is a valid point but of course this is a work of fiction, where all is planned beforehand to serve the narrative, thus, the nature of the most merciless death in the film falling to a random minor character who didn't deserve it, while the main antagonist himself got off easy in comparison, couldn't help but be puzzling as hell.
The main antagonist got the 'you are Alive when they start to eat you' death. At least her troubles were over quickly.


Hunter x Hunter has a ton of these moments though it often works to the show/mangas benefit. Whether it was picking someone's brain or people being turned into dogs there was a lot of wanton horrible shit.

When that bee-hat girl gets mundanely shot to death by a handgun, and then they show her lower body twitching and convulsing as the sounds of more shots are heard...

You know, for kids!
My theory about the woman in Jurassic World is that somebody higher up in JW production got dumped by Megan Fox so he decided to take it out on a Megan Fox look alike. That's the only way I can make sense of that (hilarious) scene.


Junior Member
Remembered another one:

That guy who is turned into sausages at the slaughter house in King of The hill.

It's brutal, he was villian who threatened to kill hank and was grooming Luane for a really fucked up life, so you kinda feel he deserved to die, but still, this is fucking King of the hill, and the fact is he dies by being processed in his own slaughter house, just seconds after an accidental shock seemingly cured him of his psychosis.

I loved that episode because of how bizarre and "un-King of the Hill like" the episode was.


Mine would have to be season 5 The Wire. It just felt so crass and nihilistic. They basically took this perfect blend of cruelty and apathy with humanity and empathy (that they had going for 4 seasons) and then shit all over it by introducing a set of characters who felt completely two dimensional and faceless.

It was like they ran out of an ideas and then just started tipping over the sets and being like "fuck him, fuck her, fuck you, see nobody wins in the end, everything is ultimately all shit!"


"Minutes long suffering"

*checks Youtube clip*

So.... 45 seconds out of a 124 minute movie.

There are many complaints to be made about Jurassic World, the whole "pteradons and Dimorphodons deciding to eat humans" being one of them, but Zara's death isn't remotely out of the zone of terrible deaths in the films, and worse deaths have happened to nicer people (poor Eddie gets ripped in two because he helps save dumbass Julianne Moore and Vince Vaughn.)
The main antagonist got the 'you are Alive when they start to eat you' death. At least her troubles were over quickly.

There is no way that mosasaur gave her a clean death. It's mouth is so wide she probably didn't even get touched by the teeth. She got swallowed and suffocated/drowned in it's throat while being crushed by the internal pressure.

Or maybe I just overthink these things.

I really hate that part of the movie, though.


That new King Kong movie does this like six times.

Really the thing is that movie just has no idea what tone it wants.
With the Jurassic world scene I can see how they maybe wanted to sell the idea that anyone can die, but the execution (no pun intended) was off.

Just felt cruel and icky.
I think it would have worked if she miraculously survived at the end of it, like a scene where she gets barfed up and has some cheesy quip like "I hate my job!" *cue laugh track*


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Yeah, that Jurassic World death was terrible. I remember hearing a few people laugh, and I was wondering if I had missed something or whatever because I thought it was ridiculous. That alone drops the movie a point or 2 in score.
What makes that scene even more ridiculous is that there are literally hundreds of small children in that scene. Yet the only person the reptiles are able to pick up is her. It made no sense, they tried to make you want for that to happen to her, but they failed because she was just an assistant who had a bunch of kids dumped on her. Not to mention the kids being asshole brats who run off.

Then to top it all off, the main villain gets killed off screen, in a death that lasted mere seconds.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Ending of Hanya Yanihighara's People in the Trees.

Whew boy.


From Animals of Farthing Wood

Newborn mice are snatched by a bird and killed by being dropped and impaled onto a thorn bush.


Even watching it as an adult it's pretty shocking, as is the parents reaction and the wider group as well.


Pan's Labyrinth, if you've seen the movie you know the scene I'm talking about. I personally thought it was perfectly placed to let you know it's time to buckle up, this movie is not fucking around. One of the strongest moments in film that made me go ok anything could happen from here on out.


Blood C (I think?)

I haven't seen the whole show but I was shown a clip to get me to watch it (you know the one) with the dog demon.

Realistically, the girl should've been dead after being smacked to the ground a second time. That the death went on and on and on was just torture porn at that point.


in the Tomb Raider reboot, the death scenes where Lara gets gruesomly impaled on sharpened sticks (through the head, no less) when you fail a QTE.

Like, geesh guys, calm down


Season 2 of the Walking Dead game:
when the dog randomly turns on you and you throw it onto some rebar. You're then given the option to finish it off I think.
Just disgusting and completely unnecessary. No reason to put that in the game. That is the closest I've ever been to just totally dropping a game.
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