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Unexpectedly Cruel Moments (That Took You Out Of The Narrative)


Transformers age of extinction when the comic relief guy gets fossilized in a gruesome manner by an alien grenade in the first act, it was unnecessarily brutal for a guy that was a comic relief sidekick a few minutes ago (even tho he "betrayed" the good guys, he was trying to protect them).

Especially since that movie would have been made 10x more entertaining if it had just been The Adventures of TJ Miller and His Pal Optimus Prime.
This thread is making me want to watch Jurassic World just so I can get an idea of how jarring the scene you're describing is within the context of the film.


The Olga thing in Fate: Grand Order felt kinda weird because the game just set you up to constantly rip on her up until then in the dialogue options. Like she wasn't just tsundere but kind of the butt of a bunch of jokes too.

I guess maybe it's not good to be a dick to people because you might not know when they'll be forced to suffer an eternity of torment

Remembered another one:

That guy who is turned into sausages at the slaughter house in King of The hill.

It's brutal, he was villian who threatened to kill hank and was grooming Luane for a really fucked up life, so you kinda feel he deserved to die, but still, this is fucking King of the hill, and the fact is he dies by being processed in his own slaughter house, just seconds after an accidental shock seemingly cured him of his psychosis.

Wait, what the fuck? I never saw that one. That was a thing? What the fuck?


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
For me it was Shawn of the Dead, I just didn't like the shift in the last act at all.

This thread is making me want to watch Jurassic World just so I can get an idea of how jarring the scene you're describing is within the context of the film.

Unlike the rest of GAF I thought it was a fun movie, except for that one part, it's pretty jarring. Having a relatively sympathetic character dying in a manner usually reserved for the big villain was a pretty strange move alright.


Yeah her death in JW just felt so unnecessary. Even if she was a hated character I never saw the point of drawing her death out. It just felt stupid.

I didn't even see her as a hateable character. She wasn't on the tier of the lawyer or Nedry from the first movie in terms of hate and I don't think either of them had a death quite as drawn out as hers was.

It didn't really take me out of the film, but Eric from the Evil Dead remake took a hell of a lot of punishment, even for Evil Dead. He got stabbed with glass, stabbed in the eye with a needle, shot multiple times with a nailgun, got the crap beaten out of him with a crowbar, and then got stabbed again. And then blown up after finally dying from all of this towards the end of the film and reanimating.

Several Saw deaths also come to mind from this. I get that the focus of the film started shifting towards "how fucked up can we make this death trap" but Jigsaw's reasoning for placing these people in death traps is all over the place.

In one film you've got a group of people who were all responsible for a building fire that killed people and they're basically all given the chance to survive with minimal injury (but don't because they're all selfish and stupid). Then in a different film you've got the janitor of an insurance company building who smokes and he's put in a death trap that's basically designed to be in the other guy's favor.

Jigsaw can you tell me why this doctor that you kidnapped to save your life or this woman who unknowingly married a con artist deserve just as horrible deaths as this gang of white supremacists or this creepy motel owner who assaults people?


I share the outrage guys. I only watched the film about genetically enhanced big toothed escaped dinosaurs in an island full of people with nowhere to run to learn more of their culture


Living in the shadow of Amaz
I was so relieved when Olga Marie got offed.

It's pretty obvious she'll come back, though.
The 2011 3D movie Sanctum about cave diving had a really bad one that left me going "Jeeesus".

The Victoria character get her hair stuck in the ropes and partially scalped. While she's in terrible pain, she cuts her line, falls down and breaks her back on the ropes. She proceeds to fall into the water and drowns while paralysed.


The Elfen Lied is chock full of moments like this

Season 2 of the Walking Dead game:
when the dog randomly turns on you and you throw it onto some rebar. You're then given the option to finish it off I think.
Just disgusting and completely unnecessary. No reason to put that in the game. That is the closest I've ever been to just totally dropping a game.

You can list virtually every single dog death in a movie here.

I was even going to make a separate thread about it. I'm truly sick of every thriller or horror movie using a cheap dog death.

The worst would probably be the UFO short from V/H/S 2. I was really digging the film up to that point, at which I then said "fuck this" and vowed never to watch it again.

Seriously Hollywood (and JoJo guy): leave the fucking dogs alone.


The main antagonist got the 'you are Alive when they start to eat you' death. At least her troubles were over quickly.

Hmm, memory's admitedly fuzzy on his death, but I recall it coming across as a major step down from the lady's. So much focus is given to hers' and she's even toyed with before ultimately being devoured, adding to the sadism.

Classic cartoons had this from time to time. A well known instance in Tom and Jerry is Tom's sudden beheading at the end of the Musketeers short. Just doing his job, Jerry and Tuffy caused this, and even after witnessing the beheading in question, conclude that war is like that and go along on their merry way. I mean, that could be excellent dark humor depending on who you ask (I myself admire the guts it took to go there), but it's undeniable cruel and out of nowhere. Then you had the Gene Deith shorts with Tom's male owner who would beat the shit out of him for kicks, including a short that ends with Tom tied up while and crying as fish are tossed at his face. And it's supposed to be funny!

The Donald Duck short Bee at the Beach comes to mind too. Don (inadvertedly) steps on a bee while setting up his spot at the beach. This enrages the bee who then throws sand at Donald's face (from Don's perspective this is the bee starting the conflict). Don then traps it in a soda bottle and goes for the sea. The rest of the short is the bee taking an unusually sadistic delight in pushing Donald further into the sea and do all in its power to have him eaten by sharks. It ends with Donald furiously trying not to be eaten by a bunch of them while getting more and more stranded in the sea, the bee observing this from the lifeguard's post (who of course isn't present), and finding it hilarious.

(There's something kind of fascinating about how many Donald shorts set out to utterly fuck the character we're predisposed to root for. The director for many of these confessed to growing to hate the character over time.)

Then you have that infamous Hey Arnold episode where Arnold's forced to parade in front of a laughing neighborhood, his Grandpa included, dressed in a bunny costume, and being clearly miserable about it. That episode was fucked up on its own but when looked within the context of a series that was idealistic and optimistic 95% of the time it feels like a mistake.
Yup, Zara getting killed in JW was the big one that I thought of when I read the topic title. Completely soured me on the rest of the movie. The ultimate example of Colin Trevorrow not understanding tone at all.

It's basically a death scene that belongs in something like Piranhas or something and Trevorrow basically put it in the movie because he thought it would be "unexpected." Much like a lot of smaller aspects of the film, a lot of it was seemingly put together as if they were various separate pieces without stopping to consider what the final product actually meant in the end when it was all put together. Just absolute amateur film making.


Hunter x Hunter has a ton of these moments though it often works to the show/mangas benefit. Whether it was picking someone's brain or people being turned into dogs there was a lot of wanton horrible shit.
Huh hunter x hunter pretty much waste no time in tell you the world is sucks. Nothing unexpected.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Wait, what the fuck? I never saw that one. That was a thing? What the fuck?

Yea, it was in season 7, I think it's called pigmalion or something similar. I watch KotH all the time but never rewatch that one, it's plenty disturbing even before that moment.


I was so relieved when Olga Marie got offed.

It's pretty obvious she'll come back, though.

"Offed" would have been merciful compared to what she got instead.

I feel like Nasu wanted to channel Urobuchi in this instance, except Urobuchi never tortures his characters for no reason.

Seriously, dude is a master class in making you feel sorry for characters, even the incredibly evil ones.


Jurassic Park and World by extension are way too cartoony in general for that scene to have struck me as particularly bad. It is not unlike a scene from an Itchy and Scratchy segment.

I recently saw a movie where someone was beaten on for about a minute and a half while bound as a means of torture. It wasn't particularly graphic, but the combination of the actresses' screams and the guy portraying the bad guy's manic portrayal made me think it was probably going too far. Which may have been the point, as one of the other villains in the movie goes "This is stupid I'm leaving" at that point, but still. Makes me wonder if the scene was put in there for *that* type of crowd. You know who I mean.
That death scene from Jurassic World is the worst because it's so fucking sexist and misogynist.

That woman was the perfect incarnation of the Working Woman. Her clothes, her sunglasses, her cellphone. Even her fucking latte. So the movie really props her up as representing the modern career woman. And why does she die? Because she is written to fail her task of babysitting the kids. And she dies the most horrible death; worse than the main fucking villain who dies off-screen.

This death happens in a movie that clearly belittles career women. The entire arc of the main female character played by B.D. Howard is learning to let go of her job and reconnect with her fucking maternal instinct.

The movie's writer probably has Return of Kings as his Chrome homepage.


From Animals of Farthing Wood

Newborn mice are snatched by a bird and killed by being dropped and impaled onto a thorn bush.


Even watching it as an adult it's pretty shocking, as is the parents reaction and the wider group as well.

I'm sorry, this gif made me laugh. Like it's awful, sure, but just so insanely so. Plus the cut away to that smug ass bird.


I thought the fates of some of the friends in The Worlds End were unexpectedly cruel. Actually a case could be made that the entire ending goes too far for everyone. Still a good movie though.
I went into Martyrs(original) blind and checked out because it was just them doing horrendous shit to some poor girl for most of the runtime.

The JW death is the saving grace of what otherwise would have been a completely garbage scene rather than the mostly garbage scene we got. You've got a sky full of dinosaurs and without Zara's sacrifice all we would have gotten was some guy with a backpack getting lifted off the ground by about 2 feet and one guy getting bit on the hand with no blood.


That death scene from Jurassic World is the worst because it's so fucking sexist and misogynist.

That woman was the perfect incarnation of the Working Woman. Her clothes, her sunglasses, her cellphone. Even her fucking latte. So the movie really props her up as representing the modern career woman. And why does she die? Because she is written to fail her task of babysitting the kids. And she dies the most horrible death; worse than the main fucking villain who dies off-screen.

This death happens in a movie that clearly belittles career women. The entire arc of the main female character played by B.D. Howard is learning to let go of her job and reconnect with her fucking maternal instinct.

The movie's writer probably has Return of Kings as his Chrome homepage.

I hate to think it, but you might be right. That scene really did feel like whoever wrote it was trying to "get back" at somebody, if not a concept.


I've never seen Jurassic World. This clip is hilarious.

Im starting to think this thread is going to "out" certain individuals...


The fact that years later people are STILL talking about that scene in Jurassic World completely justifies its inclusion and execution.


Wait, what the fuck? I never saw that one. That was a thing? What the fuck?

That death is brutal, but it's not the only fucked up thing about the episode.

The plot is Luane meets a rich dude who owns a slaughter house and a meat company and she seems to be dating him, Luane brings Hank and Peggy to meet the guy and Peggy senses there is something off about the guy, his behavior is really creepy and obsessive. Peggy low key confronts the guy while he's showing Hank a hot air balloon he has, he tells Peggy to mind her own business or he'll let Hank fall off to his death.

To not make the post longer, the punch line is, the guy had some sort of pyschosis, he was obsessed with Luane not because he wanted her, but because he wanted her to marry some other guy (whose 5 seconds of screen time makes him look like he's been brainwashed) so they could be the family in the label of his meat packages, and he would be the pet pig in the photo, the rich guy even wearing a pig costume. Luane freaks out and tries to run while Peggy is trying to save her, so they run into the slaughter house to hide where the guy meets his end.
I really don't see the problem with the Jurassic World death. People are comparing Zara to Nedry, but really, she's more like the lawyer in Jurassic Park.

I mean, what was the lawyer's crime, again? It certainly wasn't anything horrible, unlike Nedry, but he still got the worse death of the two.
I really don't see the problem with the Jurassic World death. People are comparing Zara to Nedry, but really, she's more like the lawyer in Jurassic Park.

I mean, what was the lawyer's crime, again? It certainly wasn't anything horrible, unlike Nedry, but he still got the worse death of the two.
The lawyer abandoned two children when he got scared. And his death scene is still like not even half as long or drawn out as Zara's. The T-rex grabs him, shakes him, and that's it. The lawyer was also an actual character who had an important role in more than a few scenes before his death. Zara is a background "character" in every scene she's in before she dies.

And the characters actually mentioned that the lawyer died afterwards, and it was an important part of showing how bad things had gotten. Zara gets a minute long torture scene and then is completely forgotten for the rest of the film.


She survived

I would legit stand up and cheer in the theater if the new movie showed her as a badass with a makeshift spear who had to survive on her own after the park was abandoned and she was assumed dead.

plus she was pretty hot, so having her go all Lara Croft reboot would be an enjoyable visual


The "do anal?" moment in Kingsman. Soured the whole film for me.

It's really crass and low brow, but it doesn't take away from the narrative, which is to make fun of James Bond movies, topping everything with showing how fucking creepy and misogynistic JB is by taking what would be a typical bond girl moment to the grossest, most gratuitous logical conclusion.
sequence in Grand Theft Auto V.

Unexpected or not (I'm playing a game about criminals), I hated it and almost completely checked out on the story afterward.
Unlike the rest of GAF I thought it was a fun movie, except for that one part, it's pretty jarring. Having a relatively sympathetic character dying in a manner usually reserved for the big villain was a pretty strange move alright.

I planned on watching the film at some point so I could make up my own mind how I thought the film was. Now the problem is when I do watch it, I'll be anticipating the death the whole time until it happens. LOL
He abandoned the two kids, that made him pretty deserving IMO.

And Zara's negligence causes her to lose track of the kids and put them in danger. Even when her boss told her to not let them out of her sight, she was basically gossiping on her phone the whole time.

The point is, it's characters who don't really do any really terrible things that get the most brutal deaths in the series (for example, Hoskins and Nedry get fairly tame deaths compared to Zara or the lawyer).


I've always felt that
the Invisible Man getting raped to death by Hyde
in the second volume of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was a bit much.

Also, speaking of LXG, the death of
in Century. It's not brutal or whatever, but
being electrocuted to death by lightning shot out of Harry Potter's dick is the most humiliating character death I've ever seen.


It's really crass and low brow, but it doesn't take away from the narrative, which is to make fun of James Bond movies, topping everything with showing how fucking creepy and misogynistic JB is by taking what would be a typical bond girl moment to the grossest, most gratuitous logical conclusion.

That's the problem with Matthew Vaughn, isn't it? He wraps up all of his disgusting excesses under the guise of "satire." Which would be more credible if the film was, even for a single frame of the film, about criticizing those excesses and not celebrating them at every turn.

Whatever. Kick Ass is fucking terrible too.

Vaughn and Treverrow's brand of immature manchildren cinema is so dull. Fuck them both.


And Zara's negligence causes her to lose track of the kids and put them in danger. Even when her boss told her to not let them out of her sight, she was basically gossiping on her phone the whole time.

The point is, it's characters who don't really do any really terrible things that get the most brutal deaths in the series (for example, Hoskins and Nedry get fairly tame deaths compared to Zara or the lawyer).

She turns her head for like a SECOND while she's in the middle of juggling her multiple duties.

And Nedry sabotaged the park, causing the deaths of hundreds of people and who knows how many millions in damages.

Totally the same!
Richard Schiff's death in TLW still actually serves a purpose: to show the other characters (are they in that hanging trailer at that point?) how fucked they are and to basically introduce the second T-Rex. It at least has meaning for the rest of the main characters.

I think the JW death is more of an issue because of how unearned it is for a character whose worst crime in the movie was she couldn't find the kids (who ran off? It's been a while), panicked, and oh she was on her phone a lot, kind of a far cry from purposely abandoning kids in a car when a T-Rex is loose in the area.


That's the problem with Matthew Vaughn, isn't it? He wraps up all of his disgusting excesses under the guise of "satire." Which would be more credible if the film was, at all, about criticizing those excesses and not celebrating them at every turn.

Whatever. Kick Ass is fucking terrible too.

Vaughn and Treverrow's brand of immature manchildren cinema is so dull.

See also: Mark Millar.
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