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Doctor Who: Jodie Whittaker announced as the 13th Doctor!


Ruth Wilson would have been AMAZING!!!

If you've watched Luther: Yes.
If you've watched The Affair: No.

That's the thing about this part. There's nothing like it.


Christ, facebook is a cesspool right now of people doing te usual 'i dont hate women but fuck women' response.

Nice to have a big change to shake up a series. Hopefully the writing imrpoves however, but interested to see where te series goes

Hah, my entire feed has been celebrating.
Christ, facebook is a cesspool right now of people doing te usual 'i dont hate women but fuck women' response.

Nice to have a big change to shake up a series. Hopefully the writing imrpoves however, but interested to see where te series goes

This is what I wrote on facebook before promptly deleting it (because people can be utter bellends on both ends of the political spectrum when it comes to differing opinions):

I'll give Jodie Whittaker a chance as the new Doctor Who but I've always been predisposed towards the continuity of the grandfatherly aspect that lay underneath each variation of the character, with Matt Smith's run being my favourite.

Chibnall (new showrunner) wants a fresh start and perhaps he wants to part ways with Moffat's take on the character as much as possible. We'll see how it ends up.
Since the Doctor gets a new personality crafted by the actor, the answer is a definite "maybe"

They all generally fall under "Eccentric weirdo" though, which is what I'm getting at.

Why are you hesitant about the casting? Not challenging you, genuinely curious to hear your view.

I just overthink things. I would have liked the show to at some point fully explore what gender even means to the Time Lords. Obviously you can go back and forth with a regeneration, but the Doctor has been male for over 2000 years at this point, which makes me believe that switching would feel pretty weird for the guy.

But you can't actually write it as being too weird, because then you get episodes full of "Lol I'm a girl, wtf" jokes, which would be bad. But if you fully ignore it and show the Doctor completely not caring about being female, then I've stopped paying attention to the episode because I'm too busy wondering how Time Lord society works.


As a big DW fan, I'm cautiously optimistic but am going to temper my expectations. I haven't seen Jodie in anything, so I'm excited to see what she brings to the role, it's just Chibnall as showrunner that gives me pause.

He wrote probably my least favourite episode of Season 7, The Power of Three, and all the episodes I've seen from him range from okay to terrible. Hope he does a better job running the show than he does writing for it.

but, to be fair, he wrote really really good episodes for torchwood, and he know Jodie since he worked with her on Broadchurch so im really optimistic now!


I'm going to rewatch Entire History of You and try and get a copy of Attack the Block.

I was right about the Marshall leak - assuming it wasn't bollocks it was a deliberate attempt to scope out public feeling. I feel sorry for Marshall's agent, he now has to find a job for him when the public apparently think he's boring and couldn't act his way out of a paper bag.

Would rather Chibnall hadn't said he always wanted it to be a woman - purely because it makes it slightly harder to refute the "PC gone mad" brigade - but I'm also pleased because it shows he's not afraid to make bold calls (and that's what this is, as infuriating as it may be)

It's not the kind of news that makes me jump for joy, but I think like with Matt Smith she's mainly famous for popping up in supporting roles and this is her first (well, apart from an upcoming miniseries that everyone will now watch) real lead role.

Also, I know it's hard to understand this, but a lot of the women linked to this (Atwell, Waller-Bridge) weren't realistically ever going to take the role.


Pizza Dog
Why are all the articles calling Jodie the first female Doctor? I thought after all that Andy Murray stuff we decided that you don't need a gender qualifier, just call her the first Doctor. It's obvious we're talking about females from the context.


Also, I know it's hard to understand this, but a lot of the women linked to this (Atwell, Waller-Bridge) weren't realistically ever going to take the role.

Yeah, the show is notorious for basically taking over the actors' lives (as in shooting the episodes) as well as taking a toll on them physically and mentally. The reason why Capaldi left, I believe.
Also, I know it's hard to understand this, but a lot of the women linked to this (Atwell, Waller-Bridge) weren't realistically ever going to take the role.

Peter Capaldi was the only real established actor to take the role and continue with it. You could say Eccelston too but that guy dropped the ball pretty quickly.


Kills Photobucket

I don't think I've ever gone through his.

I didn't start watching New Who until Tennant. I liked him, but wasn't a huge fan. Never heard of Matt Smith, thought he looked really young, but didn't hate the choice, and ended up liking him.

Capaldi was a return to the doctor being old, and I was psyched, despite not knowing him from his other roles, and he became my favorite.

I wish Capaldi was staying on a bit longer, but know change is going to happen. Know nothing about the new Doctor.


Doctor Who Series 11 |OT| Miss Me?

Someone else offered the whole OT title of "Did You Miss Me" as a Sherlock reference but I think this is much more eloquent.


Tennant wasn't nothing. He was fresh off Casanova and Harry Potter when he took Who.

I was going to correct you on HP but, damn, it came out in 2005. Those films feel so recent that I thought for sure Goblet of Fire would have been during Tennant's run.


Why are all the articles calling Jodie the first female Doctor? I thought after all that Andy Murray stuff we decided that you don't need a gender qualifier, just call her the first Doctor. It's obvious we're talking about females from the context.

Not sure if serious...


I was going to correct you on HP but, damn, it came out in 2005. Those films feel so recent that I thought for sure Goblet of Fire would have been during Tennant's run.

plus, he have like 5-10 minutes of screentime on HP, that's barely.
Not familiar with her. Hopefully they maintain the ruthless and alien aspects of the Doctor with her, especially after how enjoyable (to me) Missy was and Capaldi probably being my favorite take.

^My vote for the OT.


I feel sorry for Marshall's agent, he now has to find a job for him when the public apparently think he's boring and couldn't act his way out of a paper bag.

I'm sure there is going to be another British light hearted whodunnit for the 8 - 9pm timeslot


Still Gutted Capaldi is off

Not sure how I feel about Jodie Whittaker, She's a great actress but lacks that air of eccentricity I love about the Doctor.. Female Doctor does have me intrigued though


I wish she was older. She‘s as young as Smith... but well, I need to start accepting that I‘ll be older than people who play the Doctor for the rest of my life looking at how Capaldi bombed :(

But hey, looking forward to the next season and hopefully finally regular seasons again!
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