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PCVR Game Discussion |Thread| Knocking down the (virtual) walls


Awesome to hear about Racket! I'm still debating on whether to get Mage's Tale now or wait for a sale. Still have many VR games to get through like Lone Echo and I know Mage's Tale will go on sale at least by the holiday sales.

I'm about 2-3 hours into mage's tale right now (I doubt im halfway yet so it gets bonus points for being a long vr game :D ). Since i've finished lone echo, mages tale is my focus before i start other games.

For now, it seems like the best vr game for the adventure/ fantasy genre but it hasn't set a high bar, so the next wave of fantasy games should do way better.

It allows you to freely explore the dungeons and there's a ton of secrets to find, easily my favourite part of the game. The secrets range form holes in the bottom of the wall that require you to physically duck to see into them, to bricks you can push to open a secret area. There's been some really cryptic ones that I've felt proud for finding (like 2 small skulls high on the wall in opposing dead ends, that rotate when you use a wind spell. Rotating both opened a hidden passage leading to a puzzle room that when solved gave me a chest with items :D

The main path features puzzles too but they are nothing mind bending or anything so it shouldn't halt your progess for long.

battles are often fought against multiple enemies, mostly against archers. Melee enemies will also have a shield which deflects spells so you need to wait for them to attack or taunt before you can hit them or use a wind spell to send them flying. Arrows and most attacks(some magic spells will penetrate shield) can be blocked with a magic shield (dual weild the shields and bring them together to make a giant one which is cool).

I think combat can sometimes be a little clunky at times when you're being swarmed by a lot of enemies. One big reason for this is the way you switch between spells. You can only have one spell active at a time and on one hand only. You change between spells by holding a button down and then selecting the spell you want (like a weapon wheel basically). This is a massive missed opportunity in my opinion when they could have you do certain hand gestures or movements to toggle between them. The magic wheel isn't as user friendly as it could be as its a bit too specific of where you put your hand to grab it off the menu, so in a frantic fight it can feel clumsy to use. The game will have swords you can pick up but unfortunately these break the moment you try to attack an enemy which is a shame, I think having a melee option would have helped this game out quite a bit.

One boss fight i came across (whilst not difficult) was fun due to his size. Just seeing it stand above you to scale was pretty neat for a game like this when you've been fighting human sized goblins the whole time. So i hope theres more encounters similar to this.

For spells, theres only 4 (fire, ice, lightning and wind). You can use the base magic to craft altered versions of them but these just enhance it in small ways (you can add an enhanced effect, increase strength, range, change the colour, add a guided or enemy seeking effect etc).

My least favourite aspect of the game is the companion, a blue goblin with bad voice acting who spends the entire time insulting you. I don't mind his attitude as much, as I think that'll change as the game progresses but it's voice acting and his animation. He pretty much has no facial expressions/animations besides his mouse movement so it comes across really low budget.

The default movement option is short teleports, no aiming just tilt the analog stick in a direction to do a short hop. They are almost like quick steps forward so it's a nice way to give almost free locomotion/movement without making some people feel sick.

The second is full movement with the analog stick, I would normally always pick this option but the speed of the movement is way too fast so i prefer the default. (it doesnt make me sick or anything, I just dont like the speed at which you travel where it feels i'm running at full speed all the time).

So for now, the game is enjoyable but not something I will list as a system seller or must play like lone echo or robo recall.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Ok, just played through the tutorial of ULTRAWINGS. Its good. Worth the 25$. Can't wait to put more time into it. I saw a mission where you fly the plane and shoot a pistol at some balloons. Thats what I'm all about.

And Xenobox VR just got an update, and its a lot better than it was. Fun game in the making there, but not ready yet. Definitely recommend if you're lookin for somethin cool.
The new Alien Isolation Mod (MotherVR) has been released by Nibre as an alpha build today


It doesn't read very enticing to me as a seated game without vr controller support at the moment, but maybe that changes along the way and gets improved later. Maybe someone want's to give that a go here.


The new Alien Isolation Mod (MotherVR) has been released by Nibre as an alpha build today


It doesn't read very enticing to me as a seated game without vr controller support at the moment, but maybe that changes along the way and gets improved later. Maybe someone want's to give that a go here.

yeah, it will be tough I think for a modder to incorporate proper motion controls into a game not meant for it. I will give this a go at some point, I actually haven't started the game since I was hoping for the rift demo's they were doing at events to become a real thing.


I thought Alien Isolation had VR support already?

No, it doesn't have official support sadly. They did demo a vr mode at events to promote the rift but they never released it for some reason or take it any further (at the time it was xbox controller only too, no touch controller support).
I thought Alien Isolation had VR support already?

There are more details in this article.

It says that it had DK2 support and the CV SDK of the Rift broke compatibility. I hope the modder can achieve his goals of adding motioncontroller and Vive support, I would definitely play the game a second time in VR given the chance.


I just tried the Alien Isolation mod out on my Rift for a short period of time. Menus are a bit off and terminals kind of make me cross-eyed otherwise it's pretty good. The immense amount of work the devs put into all the world detail really shines in VR. It's a shame it wasn't a native feature.
Played through Serious Sam The First Encounter in about 8 hours. Ususally not my type of game I had a lot of fun with this but the open arena like challenges I wasn't really a fan of, too many enemies at once and I ran out of ammo very quick. So I activated cheats later in the game.
I love the cannon that shoots a huge cannonball and kills everything in one shot, nearly played the rest of the game with that weapon once I had aquired it.

Now I need a small break from the insanity of this game before I continue with The Second Encounter.

Also played a little bit of DUO, Breakout in VR. The few levels I have played I can only say that it is ok, but it doesn't really feel right imo. It does not feel like you are playing breakout and it's very hard to keep track of the two orbs even though you are given 2 massive shields.
I'm not a fan.

You can help out testing a creative voxel modeller/painter/builder and maybe get it for free in the process:


sign up form

On that note, anyone here have experience with graphical mods and Vivecraft? Is everything out there tanking the framerate or is there a mod that enhances the visuals and is rather easy on the hardware? (I'm actually quite content with how the basegame looks in VR but it doesn't hurt to know)

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Ok.. I'm kinda freaking out about ultrawings. Its extraordinary. Theres not a lot of capital C Content in it yet. But this game is something special.
So I've caved and I'm trying to make an Oculus account to play Lone Echo, but I'm stuck at the verify email step. Oculus appears to be refusing to send a verification email to me and it's been hours at this point.

I'd like to say this is a sign, but I actually just want to set up Revive and stuff now. Did anyone have this issue when registering?
Ok.. I'm kinda freaking out about ultrawings. Its extraordinary. Theres not a lot of capital C Content in it yet. But this game is something special.

I absolutely love flying games. Especially Pilotwings and things like it.
Ultrawings is going to be the first game I get when my Rift comes.


So I've caved and I'm trying to make an Oculus account to play Lone Echo, but I'm stuck at the verify email step. Oculus appears to be refusing to send a verification email to me and it's been hours at this point.

I'd like to say this is a sign, but I actually just want to set up Revive and stuff now. Did anyone have this issue when registering?

As obvious as it sounds - did you check spam folder?
Or try another email address.
Gunheart just released in early access on Steam. Kind of a steep price at $34.99 but it also looks really polished. Definitely going to wait for some impressions though.

Also Pavlov finally got a much needed update. Highlights include a couple new weapons, smoke and flashbang grenades, bullet penetration, and new hands with a wristwatch HUD so you can finally see if you're wearing armor or not lol.



Gunheart just released in early access on Steam. Kind of a steep price at $34.99 but it also looks really polished. Definitely going to wait for some impressions though.

oh nice, been waiting for this to be added. With that price point I'm expecting it to have a lot of content (atleast by the time it leaves early access). Will also wait for some impressions for the next week or so, but will most likely buy it :D

Any ideas if this will be added to the oculus store too(since it supports the rift already)? Would prefer to buy it through that so I don't need to mess with steam.

EDIT: I misread the pricing, saw it £ instead of $. Seeing the price in store, i'm fine with that pricing :D
oh nice, been waiting for this to be added. With that price point I'm expecting it to have a lot of content (atleast by the time it leaves early access). Will also wait for some impressions for the next week or so, but will most likely buy it :D

Any ideas if this will be added to the oculus store too(since it supports the rift already)? Would prefer to buy it through that so I don't need to mess with steam.

Not sure if they've ever mentioned whether or not they plan on getting on Oculus Home but I wouldn't be surprised if it's on the roadmap. It definitely has Oculus Touch support though.


Not sure if they've ever mentioned whether or not they plan on getting on Oculus Home but I wouldn't be surprised if it's on the roadmap. It definitely has Oculus Touch support though.

Just visited their discord and saw the link posted for oculus:

I'm guessing oculus update their home page and listing at a delay so it will show up eventually, but for now theres the oculus link for anyone who wants to get it there instead of steam. I'll buy it tonight and will post my impressions a little later :D

EDIT: purchased XD
Just visited their discord and saw the link posted for oculus:

I'm guessing oculus update their home page and listing at a delay so it will show up eventually, but for now theres the oculus link for anyone who wants to get it there instead of steam. I'll buy it tonight and will post my impressions a little later :D

EDIT: purchased XD

Sweet. Hopefully it has cross-play.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I may try Gunheart once I get upstairs. I just wanna play that damn pilot wings though.


Tried Gunheart out briefly (about 45 mins).

You start off with a basic pistol and a crossbow that you can upgrade with in game currency. The crossbow allows you to control the arrows (like the film wanted) briefly by holding the trigger down which i thought was pretty awesome. holding both weapons together (so their tops touch eachother) transforms them into a minigun which is really satisfying to use.

Movement allows for free movement (analog stick to move around) and teleport with rotation control (just like robo recall). The only thing missing for me is the ability to rotate on the spot, Rotating the right analog stick would teleport me and rotate (instead of just a quick rotate). I might have missed the controls for that, but if its not in I'll probably make a request on their reddit or discord for it to be added (otherwise i can see myself getting tangled in the rift wires).

Explored the area of one mission (seems pretty big), I died during the mission and it gave me a timer (to be revived or to spend in game currency to respawn). I let the timer play out since I only had a little. Once I died, it sent me back to lobby. The mission was a 2 player mission (a random player joined the mission but since i was still following tutorial and practising controls I got left behind).

Lobby was fun, reminds me of rec room with players sharing the same space. It looks like a bar with 4 stations (cosmetics, weapons store, bestiary and mission select). You can use the gravity gun to pick objects and move them, place them, throw them. You can also use a drawing gun to draw or write things in the environment (coloured blocks), these can have items placed on top of it or be broken by other players etc. You can also use a balloon gun and a giant foam hand (toggles between different styles like a smiley face, heart etc). Wasted like 30 minutes doing random stuff in the lobby with other players doing the same.

These are super early impressions as I haven't done much in it besides mess about in the lobby. Will try going through a mission later tonight or tomorrow.

EDIT: You can rotate on spot, just needs to be enabled in options :)

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I just played some Gunheart as well. Its quite neat but definitely early. The fuel pump mission thing was a slog. But the first linear mission I did was pretty dang cool.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Also forgot to mention The Red Stare came out as well and it's free. Basically a game where you spy on your neighbors from your window looking for communist spies during the 1950s.

Oh shit is this that Rear Window game? Man. lots of games this weekend. Just saw the long dark had a huge update too...

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I really want a multiphasic experience where you're running around in roomscale shooting dudes and then you have to sit down in a chair and fly a spacecraft or whatever, and then get out again. You'd have to like, assign a spot in the room for a chair or somehow make it so you sit down on the floor. But man it would be cool.


I really want a multiphasic experience where you're running around in roomscale shooting dudes and then you have to sit down in a chair and fly a spacecraft or whatever, and then get out again. You'd have to like, assign a spot in the room for a chair or somehow make it so you sit down on the floor. But man it would be cool.

I tend to do that anyways XD Did it with lone echo, anytime when travelling with the transport (forgot its name), i'd sit down on the floor :p


Played more of gunheart for the past hour and I'm liking what I've played.
I did the first mission a few times, first proper attempt was with 2 others who knew what they were doing. Second time i was soloing it but got joined by another player halfway and then 3rd time i was joined by 2 players doing the mission for the first time so i was the veteren (even though I'm technically a newbie too). This is the first game i've particpated in with voice chat and had a lot fun with it :)

I tried out the carbine (smg) which i liked better than the pistol. The upgrades are pretty cool too (ammo regen and the recoil reduction makes it as accurate as the pistol).

I enabled the rotate on spot function so I have no complaints with the movement system, it seems to cater to everyone's needs so people who are normally sick with vr movement should be ok with this game.

For now there seems to be 4-5 missions available, with the first one mission being a scripted one. The others have the randomised label on it since it uses procedural generation for those ones (havent tried those out yet).

With the character and weapon upgrades it has a decent amount of content for an early access game so there's huge potential for this. It'll also be interesting if they can deliver on their goal to get vive,oculus and psvr playing together (steam and oculus players are already playing together, but its whether or not sony will allow crossplatform play with their vr).

Playable demo of vr horror game Home Sweet Home is out

That looks pretty cool :) I know i'll regret playing it the moment i start it (just out of fear) XD


So my Antivirus quarantined the .exe as Malware/Trojan, and now (after i turned off the antivirus) Steam won't validate, or not even re-download from scratch, saying i'm missing the privileges (for the exe).

Now that's a real horror game.



I'll wait for it to come out of early access, or for us to finish all the co-op VR games we still have to finish before getting it though.

What are some of the other good VR coop games? I have a friend I'm trying to guilt into buying a Rift.
subnautica is waaaay to choppy for me. the frame drops kill the experience. otherwise it would be awesome. I'm running a 1070

Really? on my 970 machine there are a few frame drops, but barely noticeable, and on my 980ti and 1080ti machines, it's basically buttery smooth for the most part. Remember, it's still in early access and still in development. Polish and optimization come last, once it's right about to be released. If its too choppy for you where it breaks the immersion so much that you can't stand it, then just wait until release. It'll get better, just give it a couple months.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Was fun playing Gunheart today, a bunch of the devs were playing. Cool game. Kinda like borderlands. I wanna play. Lot more.
I really want a multiphasic experience where you're running around in roomscale shooting dudes and then you have to sit down in a chair and fly a spacecraft or whatever, and then get out again. You'd have to like, assign a spot in the room for a chair or somehow make it so you sit down on the floor. But man it would be cool.

I have a hard enough time getting in and out of my flighsim setup when I am not blind.
Another fittnessgame review BoxVR


I feel like all fittness-like VR games need to have music as fundamental motivational mechanic and that includes using your own music of choice (in the same or similar way Audioshield and Soundboxing are doing that). It seems this game is actually doing this in the training mode.

Or else the motivation will decrease dramatically over time, I also don't like jumping with a VR headset on, that should be optional.
I really want a multiphasic experience where you're running around in roomscale shooting dudes and then you have to sit down in a chair and fly a spacecraft or whatever, and then get out again. You'd have to like, assign a spot in the room for a chair or somehow make it so you sit down on the floor. But man it would be cool.

This is basically what that would look like. Any actual game built around that idea would have to be purely room scale though and ideally the chair would be tracked just for safety reasons. Could be really awesome as a wireless VR arcade experience.


The Alien VR mod is pretty rough. I have to sit at a certain posture to keep the whole world from moving with my headset. It still does it a little even when I find the sweet spot. Nausea is an issue when turning. I've cranked the controller sensitivity all the way down and I'm still having to take breaks. I've only had my Rift for about a week so maybe I'll get used to it.

Using terminals and other interactive panels is really wonky. I also feel taller than I think I should be. I hope an official VR patch is in the works. The environment is awesome and the game looks amazing. I haven't encountered an alien yet.
Yikes, that sounds rough yukonrye. You haven't had any tracking issues in other games? The world moving when your head is stationary is pretty much a hard dealbreaker.
Played a few stages in Gunheart and it's interesting. It's overall fun, but it has the potential to be great and a lot of things holding it back at the moment from doing that. The gunplay in particular isn't very good right now. The guns don't have enough impact/feedback and neither do the enemies which makes shooting things not very satisfying. There's a bit of lag between pulling the trigger and the gun firing also. There are some other issues too like how it only has blink teleport as a teleport option instead of having Raw Data style dash teleport and, combined with the large levels, it's easy to lose spatial awareness (the game also has touchpad locomotion but you still need to teleport to get to certain places).

That said, it has a lot going for it. The art and graphics are really good. There's a lot of player customization, gun and stat unlocks, etc. The structure of the game feels like Destiny strikes (minus the classes) which is really cool. The levels are very large and very open with a lot of options to attack encounters. The general game loop is earning cash by finishing levels, finishing side bounty things like killing X enemies with explosions, and finding little cash boxes that are hidden around levels ala Rec Room Quest mode and spending that on unlocks and it's a pretty satisfying gameplay loop and lends itself well to replayability which is good. So yeah. Hard to recommend at it's current price but it's potentially one or two updates away from being an easy recommendation.


more impressions on gun heart:

Played way more today and had ago at different missions. I actually got it wrong in my previous impressions on the game in regards to the amount of missions. There are 4 locations with 4-5 missions each (the first mission in each location is marked as story and the others are a mix of randomised objectives, defend key points on a map, horde mode etc. I have only unlocked the 2nd location so far called "the hollows" which takes place in bug infested caverns as well as introducing new enemy types.

Having a lot of fun with the game so far, doing co-op with random players. I'm focusing on upgrading my armor and upgrading the smg gun (carbine) which has regenerating ammo so I can bypass reloading alltogether on that gun.

Tried an explosive bow weapon and mine caster in one of the missions so I'm looking forward to unlocking those permanently too.

Pvp is unbalanced right now, i'm guessing matchmaking hasn't been implemented correctly yet and will be looked at later on during the early access.

I still think the core mechanics need a little more work to reach the level of robo recall when it comes to how it feels when aiming. Not sure how to describe it, but with robo recall I am able to dual weild and aim with precision and with gunheart my aim on my left hand is really bad.

There are a bunch of achievements in game that unlock new cosmetics and skins for weapons which is nice (ranges from tasks like blowing up a certain amount of enemies using explosive barrels to showing your face to someone who's reviving you).

my ingame name is lakuza if anyone meets me in game (same for raw data which i haven't had chance to dive into much yet).
Finally finished Climbey, which was very cool but I felt like wearing out the trigger on the controllers, I want to play this with the knuckles controllers!


Also played Belko VR - An Escape Room Experiment which was free on Steam. I didn't know that was part of a movie pr campaign, but it was very well done... and also extremely short. But I wont complain as it didn't cost me anything.
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