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The Kiseki / Trails (of the Sky/Zero/Ao/Sen/Etc) Community Thread: SPOILERTAGS OR DIE

Nyoro SF

The mask reminds me of the other not-so-subtly masked individual from the 3rd.

It is possible that Phantasma will strike again.
Pretty shit way to spoil that one. Not like it would have escaped the opening for the game though, considering they like showing major spoilers for a split second in them.
They are also looking for someone to edit the Nayuta translation. That would probably be a pretty big undertaking and require knowing Japanese since the base translation is a machine translation. A lot of lines would likely need to be thrown out and retranslated.

This is a pointless exercise. You can't edit a machine translation into something acceptable. It kind of makes me nervous about their other Kiseki projects.


Unconfirmed Member
This is a pointless exercise. You can't edit a machine translation into something acceptable. It kind of makes me nervous about their other Kiseki projects.

Who do you mean by "their?" Flamethrower is the one that did nearly all the work on Nayuta, but he's basically just a hacker/programmer and didn't have a translator or editor to work on the project.

His involvement with the Zero/Ao projects is only hacking. Those games have a translator (Guren), and editors working on the translation (mostly Supremezerker for Zero, apparently).

The Nayuta thing just seems like a request along the lines of "this game deserves better, anyone want to step up?"
Who do you mean by "their?" Flamethrower is the one that did nearly all the work on Nayuta, but he's basically just a hacker/programmer and didn't have a translator or editor to work on the project.

His involvement with the Zero/Ao projects is only hacking. Those games have a translator (Guren), and editors working on the translation (mostly Supremezerker for Zero, apparently).

The Nayuta thing just seems like a request along the lines of "this game deserves better, anyone want to step up?"

You're right in that I shouldn't lump this all together, but the whole machine translation thing just worries me. I've seen too many fan translations resort to it and try to hide it.

Young Magus

Junior Member
The mask reminds me of the other not-so-subtly masked individual from the 3rd.

It is possible that Phantasma will strike again.



Hmm, SteamSpy numbers for Cold Steel sitting around 10k now. I know it's still too early and too low to be accurate anyway, but still disappointing to see. There hasn't been much movement so I really don't know what it will be like in a week or so.
I was expecting at least 30k-50k numbers :(


Since that initial leak we knew Azure Siegfried was coming, so that hardly surprises me. What did surprise me is that they reveal (CS2 spoiler)
Rutger Claussell
this casually, for I thought (CS1 spoiler)
his resurrection would be addressed in-game
after (CS2 spoiler)
Xeno's "we're trying to bring the boss back"

You're right in that I shouldn't lump this all together, but the whole machine translation thing just worries me. I've seen too many fan translations resort to it and try to hide it.
It's not like the current English script is incomprehensible -- very much like the Bandai Gagharv scripts -- but it just needs to be edited, that's all. Since it pretty much came and went, I thought it might be worthwhile to bring it to attention again.


Hmm, SteamSpy numbers for Cold Steel sitting around 10k now. I know it's still too early and too low to be accurate anyway, but still disappointing to see. There hasn't been much movement so I really don't know what it will be like in a week or so.
I was expecting at least 30k-50k numbers :(

First of all, yeah, no WAY SteamSpy is accurate this early into a release.
Second, you'd be really shocked how many people buy these games on other services!


First of all, yeah, no WAY SteamSpy is accurate this early into a release.
Second, you'd be really shocked how many people buy these games on other services!
I just want to see higher numbers :(

But yeah, I do indeed keep forgetting about GoG and Humble every. single. time. Every single time. Good to hear that the games are doing well there!

And good work with the turbo mode for the TitS games btw!
Hmm, SteamSpy numbers for Cold Steel sitting around 10k now. I know it's still too early and too low to be accurate anyway, but still disappointing to see. There hasn't been much movement so I really don't know what it will be like in a week or so.
I was expecting at least 30k-50k numbers :(

10k would be the best opening for a Kiseki game on steam since TiTs1. And this is at a higher price point.


10k would be the best opening for a Kiseki game on steam since TiTs1. And this is at a higher price point.

And it's a late port of a game which is often heavily discounted on PSN. I'd be curious to see how well these games sell on GOG and Humble Store though. That's the main problem with Steamspy, it gives an incomplete picture of how these games are selling.

Oh, btw, the DX9 beta and turbo mode seem to be available for all 3 TitS games. The Third runs much more smoothly with DX9 on my notebook, it doesn't stutter anymore so far.


I generally don't consider anything a company includes in marketing all that major a spoiler and Falcom probably won't change that, honestly. Because if this game is anything like SC, a huge bomb will be dropped and then the game will continue on for 2-3 more chapters.
I generally don't consider anything a company includes in marketing all that major a spoiler and Falcom probably won't change that, honestly. Because if this game is anything like SC, a huge bomb will be dropped and then the game will continue on for 2-3 more chapters.

I normally don't, but Falcom's Trails is like a class of its own, you know? Like, the launch trailer to Sen no Kiseki II contains things that I thought would really be nice surprises.


They've been skirting around it since that first piece of artwork with Rean so it was inevitable that they revealed them.
Ao's trailer literally spoils half the game.
Falcom are pretty bad at trailers.

Regarding those spoilers
Death and Erebonia don't get along well it seems. It definitely has to be related to the other Sept-Terrion.
Looking at Ao's master arts it could be the old man with the clock or the suspicious green thingy in what looks like a pond.
(Lazarus pond?)
Kevin's gonna need lots of Sodium Chloride to solve this mess.


I normally don't, but Falcom's Trails is like a class of its own, you know? Like, the launch trailer to Sen no Kiseki II contains things that I thought would really be nice surprises.

I can understand that. Still, I feel confident there's going to be a lot more to it.

They've been skirting around it since that first piece of artwork with Rean so it was inevitable that they revealed them.

The fact that
he's wearing a mask
tells me this is probably a reveal pretty early into the game, too.


Seriously. Just look at this. I'm really happy I didn't watch this before playing CS2.

The spoilers on trailers are way overblown, when I finished CS1 all I had to placate that cliffhanger was that trailer and without context all I got is that it was going to be awesome and some characters you already knew would join you while some you didn't know would fight you.

By the point you're playing the game, it doesn't really matter that you saw 2 second flashes of random scenes.

The images posted by famitsu are not that serious tbh,
it was hinted that it may happen in the previous game.


Has anybody else had broken saves since the update? I was part way through a replay of SC a month or two ago and stopped to catch up on newer games, now my last save won't open in the regular or the beta version. The save before works fine.

Having had a look at it running I guess I'll wait until it's out of beta before resuming my playthrough (which I really should do anyway, so much of FFXII still to get through). Everything is laggy as hell now, evening opening menus takes a couple of seconds to respond.

Something else that needs fixing, if you're moving with turbo on the party members spread out much more than if you're running at normal speed, could be a pain in the arse when enemies chase you, surely there's no reason this should happen.


I was actually rather fine with that. The end of this, however...
I would call neither that nor what has been revealed today.

I think whatever one classifies as a spoiler is really personal anyway. I myself take everything Falcom throws at me and analyse it to bits, but when the actual games hits I'm going on full media black-out. Well...Not only for spoilers, but why would I want to be distracted when I finally have access to the game I've been waiting for for so long?
I would call neither that nor what has been revealed today.

I think whatever one classifies as a spoiler is really personal anyway. I myself take everything Falcom throws at me and analyse it to bits, but when the actual games hits I'm going on full media black-out. Well...Not only for spoilers, but why would I want to be distracted when I finally have access to the game I've been waiting for for so long?

Yar, I am not saying "Falcom is a big dum-dum who does us all disservice by revealing too much." It's just that the tail end of their promotional cycle usually contain things that I generally prefer to experience for myself. Like you said, where we draw the line is all personal, and I was planning to stop short of the very last trailer.

The time gap between the Japanese release and the English release, though... I don't know what to do. I could distract myself for a while with Persona 5, but afterwards...
Spoiler culture is the worst

Hopefully the editing of zero and edit of nyuta go smoothly. If Xseed ever makes them I'll support their versions but I'll take even gagharv level of translation as opposed to being told "read the wiki" or "learn Japanese" if Xseed can never release them.


I played through Nayuta with the English patch , and it wasn't that bad, it will be fine with some editing. Great game by the way, but it's more Ys OiF/Origin than Trails. Is it even canon?


I played through Nayuta with the English patch , and it wasn't that bad, it will be fine with some editing. Great game by the way, but it's more Ys OiF/Origin than Trails. Is it even canon?

As far as we know, no, it's not canon.

And really, it's even more Zwei than it is Ys.


It kills me the wait and never knowing if I'll get to play Ao and Zero someday... I'd prefer before CS3 but I guess that's not gonna happen. Why is Japanese so daunting to learn (English is my second language, French is my mother's tongue). If the sells are a lot higher on GOG or Humble, I guess it's still not high enough for Xseed to be able to commit to bring these.

Regarding the latest information Falcom tweeted and CS2 ending:
Didn't Crow die when his Divine Knight got impaled ? He has a huge wound in the middle of it's chest, and as far as I remember he dies on screen


It kills me the wait and never knowing if I'll get to play Ao and Zero someday... I'd prefer before CS3 but I guess that's not gonna happen. Why is Japanese so daunting to learn (English is my second language, French is my mother's tongue). If the sells are a lot higher on GOG or Humble, I guess it's still not high enough for Xseed to be able to commit to bring these.

Regarding the latest information Falcom tweeted and CS2 ending:
Didn't Crow die when his Divine Knight got impaled ? He has a huge wound in the middle of it's chest, and as far as I remember he dies on screen

With what happened to Osborne and the talk about Zephyr trying to resurrect their boss, Crow was probably resurrected.


With what happened to Osborne and the talk about Zephyr trying to resurrect their boss, Crow was probably resurrected.

I really wonder what could be powerful enough to out right resurrect someone, and who did it ? Vita seemed affected by his death from what I remember so another group outside of Ouroboros ? And Indeed we never knew how Osborne pulled that off.


I really wonder what could be powerful enough to out right resurrect someone, and who did it ? Vita seemed affected by his death from what I remember so another group outside of Ouroboros ? And Indeed we never knew how Osborne pulled that off.
That seems to be an underlying theme of Sen III (CS2 spoilers):
- Osborne should have been shot through the heart, but was alive and kicking two months later.
- Rutger Claussell was killed in the year before Cold Steel and was being "brought back" during the Finale of Cold Steel II
- Crow was impaled through the heart by Testa-Rossa but appears to be alive again (not sure what's up with the mask, though -- it's so painfully evident it must be a red herring)
- Arianrhod should've been long death since she lived during the Middle Ages but is still instilling fear in the post-Orbal Revolution world
- Roselia who was said to live during the Middle Ages but somehow lives and looks much younger than she was initially described in Red Moon Rose

I'm kind of clueless.

Guess we know what's in Dengeki this week then.

Also looks like
Osborne and Lechter aren't getting new art.

I really wonder what could be powerful enough to out right resurrect someone, and who did it ? Vita seemed affected by his death from what I remember so another group outside of Ouroboros ? And Indeed we never knew how Osborne pulled that off.

A sept terrion presumably, although seems to be resurrections from various different factions.

That seems to be an underlying theme of Sen III (CS2 spoilers):
- Crow was impaled through the heart by Testa-Rossa but appears to be alive again (not sure what's up with the mask, though -- it's so painfully evident it must be a red herring)

I'm kind of clueless.

Not like Schwarzritter was any less obvious, and he still had a mask.


That seems to be an underlying theme of Sen III (CS2 spoilers):
- Osborne should have been shot through the heart, but was alive and kicking two months later.
- Rutger Claussell was killed in the year before Cold Steel and was being "brought back" during the Finale of Cold Steel II
- Crow was impaled through the heart by Testa-Rossa but appears to be alive again (not sure what's up with the mask, though -- it's so painfully evident it must be a red herring)
- Arianrhod should've been long death since she lived during the Middle Ages but is still instilling fear in the post-Orbal Revolution world
- Roselia who was said to live during the Middle Ages but somehow lives and looks much younger than she was initially described in Red Moon Rose

I'm kind of clueless.

It's also quite different from things we know of in other kiseki games. (CS2 spoilers)

I first thought Osborne had that power himself. Now there might be some old necromancy at work. Has to be Beryl :p


It's also quite different from things we know of in other kiseki games. (CS2 spoilers)

I first thought Osborne had that power himself. Now there might be some old necromancy at work. Has to be Beryl :p

Beryl ? You mean that student fortune teller ? I guess I shouldn't be surprised how a lot of things are connected but I'll need to read more on her because I don't see it.
(CS2 Spoilers)

You guys are talking like
Osborne didn't know what was going to happen beforehand. I always took his "death" like a farce.
Crow managed to shoot him, yes, but what I got from CS2 ending is that he already had a plan set in motion if that ended up happening.
Now that dead characters are being resurrected left and right, I don't know what to think.
Did he use a power to resurrect himself, and that power is the same the Society seems to know of? Seems weird, to put it simple.

Also, regarding one character in specific:
Crow , I don't like him being resurrected, at least at the moment.
I liked that promotional image with him and Rean. I thought it meant that his death had a lingering effect on Rean, and that would affect Rean's actions during CS3, making him hopefully a more compelling character. (I like him, but he needs something)


Beryl ? You mean that student fortune teller ? I guess I shouldn't be surprised how a lot of things are connected but I'll need to read more on her because I don't see it.

There's something going on with that girl. We just don't know what.

PK Gaming

I'm not sure why people are freaking about the spoiler (if you can even call it that). It's a character literally designed to mess with expectations before release... it's straight up integral to the character. It's not going to be some grandiose reveal, and judging from the description said character appears early on.

Example of similar types of reveals:


So relax... Falcom knows what they're doing.


Neo Member
Reminder that if this ends up being what I think it is, it won't be the first time Falcom pulled
a lame character resurrection
in the legend of heroes series. Who's to say they won't do it again? I'm not giving them the benefit of the doubt on this one

Non-trails spoiler:
I'm talking about AToV and its BS ending, which was penned by the same writer(s) who is likely responsible for cs3's main scenario
Non-trails spoiler:
I'm talking about AToV and its BS ending, which was penned by the same writer(s) who is likely responsible for cs3's main scenario
Incorrect. The writer behind Gagharv's scenario, Tadashi Hayakawa, has long since left Falcom, and Cagesong of the Sea was finished by other writers (including a younger Hisayoshi Takeiri, the Trails scenarist/writing lead) based on Hayakawa's work/foundation. Falcom developers are big fans of previous Legend of Heroes games, so borrowing Gagharv twists/tropes for Kiseki games is nothing new,
though I'm not sure how much Crow has in common with Mile
. References to
Tear of Vermilion
have gotten really common in the Sen ard for some reason.


Neo Member
Incorrect. The writer behind Gagharv's scenario, Tadashi Hayakawa, has long since left Falcom, and Cagesong of the Sea was finished by other writers (including a younger Hisayoshi Takeiri, the Trails scenarist/writing lead) based on Hayakawa's work/foundation. Falcom developers are big fans of previous Legend of Heroes games, so borrowing Gagharv twists/tropes for Kiseki games is nothing new,
though I'm not sure how much Crow has in common with Mile
. References to
Tear of Vermilion
have gotten really common in the Sen ard for some reason.
I was actually talking about the Windows version of
released in 2000 as opposed to the original version of the game from the 90s, which I heard (from the few people who played it) had a much darker story that was revamped by the writers of the Windows version. Like you said, among those writers were Takeiri, who is likely the lead writer for cs3.
I was actually talking about the Windows version of
released in 2000 as opposed to the original version of the game from the 90s, which I heard (from the few people who played it) had a much darker story that was revamped by the writers of the Windows version. Like you said, among those writers were Takeiri, who is likely the lead writer for cs3.
That's true, but the death and turn-heel resurrection of
was already in the PC-98 original AFAIK. After the Win9x remake, Bamco retained these writing expansions/changes for the PSP remakes.


What did you folks here who played Ys VIII think of the story in comparison to Trails? I know impressions were pretty positive on it in the important thread, but I'm curious how you'd rate it compared to Trails specifically, since the series constitutes 95% of what I've played by Falcom so far. (I played a little bit of Celceta and wasn't really grabbed.)
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