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No Man's Sky - Atlas Rises |OT| Nada, Polo and you no longer fly solo

I gotta ask again (the update is almost done), will continuing with my old save start me in the middle of the story?

Nope. The main story is open for everyone the same.

However, one annoying side effect is that the Planet Base questline has also been redone and rewritten so you will need to complete those too at some point, even if you completed the old quests.

At least they offer new written material.

Took a picture on my new home planet.
Went from a toxic hell hole to this beautiful place.


I don't mean to be a downer (but I am about to use the word "but")

But it seems that everyone forgot the launch of the game. It was blatant lies and the game was horrible. It's true what they say, the cycle continues. This is exactly why we can't have nice things... because you guys are supporting this kind of behavior "with your wallets".

Games will continue to launch broken, games will continue to launch with DLC in mind as a development while the game is still in development, games will continue to launch with loot boxes, games will continue to launch with making the most money from the players as much as possible, now single player games are being affected too (Middle Earth Shadow of War).

I mean, I'm happy where the game seems to be now (I don't own it yet), but the cycle will continue, there will be another NMS.

Edit, dammit! Nothing good ever comes for me for being first in the new page...

What if I bought it today?

I didn't support their bullshit at launch.

I supported it today. With only $24 after they've fixed a lot of their shit and added a lot of content. How is that supporting bad behavior? If anything, I screwed them by not purchasing their "broken and incomplete" game at launch. Go bitch and complain to those poor bastards who got suckered for $60+


Neo Member
how do I upgrade the exosuit's high capacity slots? the game tells me to go drop pods but when I go to drop pods there's no option to upgrade. is it bugged?


Very impressed with the patch so far. I didn't reinstall for 1.2 so some of the effect is cumulative.

The aesthetic of the planets I've seen is better; more variety, more density and more interesting flora.

The UI is much better and it does a good job of actually giving you guidance on what to do next. It's night and day to the first hour I had with the game at launch.

I said it would be like Minecraft when it came out, Hello Games are building more and more into the game each time and I'm happy they are still supporting it.

Now I'm off to go find some sandworms!
What if I bought it today?

I didn't support their bullshit at launch.

I supported it today. With only $24 after they've fixed a lot of their shit and added a lot of content. How is that supporting bad behavior? If anything, I screwed them by not purchasing their "broken and incomplete" game at launch. Go bitch and complain to those poor bastards who got suckered for $60+

Not only that but some of us didn't even feel like suckers when we bought it at full price. I'm thrilled that they've continued to build and expand on what was there but I and many others had plenty of fun with the game as it was when it launched.

All this concern trolling is fucking tiring. It's been a year, is it EVER going to stop?
What if I bought it today?

I didn't support their bullshit at launch.

I supported it today. With only $24 after they've fixed a lot of their shit and added a lot of content. How is that supporting bad behavior? If anything, I screwed them by not purchasing their "broken and incomplete" game at launch. Go bitch and complain to those poor bastards who got suckered for $60+
I bought the game day one with no regrets.
Gosh I almost want to start a new save but I don't want to lose everything I've built since launch. Playing through all the new content/story missions still has me completely overwelmed. Decisions, decisions...
They need to cap the 1080 mode to 60. That unlocked framerate makes my ps4 sound like it's about to explode. The clouds at night look better than in the day. Wonder if that's new. Also noticed this new galaxy has sort of cloud-type stuff in the background

Edit: The clouds are weird. Sometimes they have a nice swirly effect and other it looks all blurry like something didn't load in


I haven't found any of the new biomes yet. :(

On an unrelated note it's surprising how much the introduction of a simple quest system adds to the exploration.

There's an awful lot of 'stuff' to be doing now.

I think I've hit 3 so far. Also got that metal plate looking planet.

Three clouds dont look particularly great, but the little changes they made add so much to the atmosphere.
I never felt like a sucker.

I knew they were a small developer and they turned down offers from publishers to pick up their funding so they can have full control over the game and keep calling it their baby.

Today, the game is worth $60 and anything that they add after today is that much more value.

It feels like a high quality Kickstarter - even better than what Star Citizen is doing. NMS is still doing things neither Elite or Star Citizen has done. Hell, even Eve hasn't done a lot of the stuff NMS does.

I had plenty of complaints the past year - and HG answered almost every one of them.

Once they flesh out multiplayer more, NMS will stand on its own as one of the best Space Sims/Builders/Survival/Explorer games ever made.

It's fucking brilliant, even with its shortcomings.
Ive got my FOV set to 100 and it still seems narrow, wonder if that's working right.

Question on expanded cargo slots: I went to a drop pod and spent the 50k for a slot...but I've got no slot. What did my money do? Did it give me the ability to buy slots in the future? Sort of bummed since I'm in a new game and that was all my money and nothing happened.
Ive got my FOV set to 100 and it still seems narrow, wonder if that's working right.

Question on expanded cargo slots: I went to a drop pod and spent the 50k for a slot...but I've got no slot. What did my money do? Did it give me the ability to buy slots in the future? Sort of bummed since I'm in a new game and that was all my money and nothing happened.

Sadly it's a bug.


Just posting for those who have asked: 21:9 support is limited. It supports the rendering aspect ratio, but the UI is not native, so the game looks good while the UI is stretched out to fit. It's not a deal breaker for me, but it's worth noting. Running on my i5-4690K and GTX1080Ti, performance is solid with little in the way of dips at 3440x1440.

Now, to fix that ridiculously limited FOV...


Junior Member
I don't mean to be a downer (but I am about to use the word "but")

But it seems that everyone forgot the launch of the game. It was blatant lies and the game was horrible. It's true what they say, the cycle continues. This is exactly why we can't have nice things... because you guys are supporting this kind of behavior "with your wallets".

Games will continue to launch broken, games will continue to launch with DLC in mind as a development while the game is still in development, games will continue to launch with loot boxes, games will continue to launch with making the most money from the players as much as possible, now single player games are being affected too (Middle Earth Shadow of War).

I mean, I'm happy where the game seems to be now (I don't own it yet), but the cycle will continue, there will be another NMS.

Edit, dammit! Nothing good ever comes for me for being first in the new page...

You are literally a year late. I prematurely bought into the hype a year ago, and I was very upset back then. I was very much in the whole documenting what was lies etc. This post is two-fold. The first is that the thing we have to remember is that we shouldn't be carried away by hype trains, and we shouldn't allow practices where journalists don't get the game in advance of launch. NMS pulled a "we want everyone to have the same experience, so we're not giving review copies yet", and journalists were powerless to stop the hype train. It shows us that we can't continue to give into publishers' dodgy launch businesses. We need to vote with our wallets. But, that message has been done.

It's a year later, and Hello Games haven't tried to win us back by saying the right things or whispering sweet promises in our ears. They've kept quiet and worked for a year on moving the game towards what they wanted it to be. With the update to day, they redeem themselves in my eyes. They have given us their full dedication with a year of free, quality updates. They show they weren't happy with what they had, and it tells me a story that Sony pushed way too hard to publish it way too soon. Perhaps the scenario they chose worked better, milking the hype train at full speed. We'll see how Star Citizen does eventually. Still, I can't ask for much more of a small team like Hello Games to not abandon their game and move onto a new project, or that they've stayed away from new ways of monetizing their content. They haven't sold us DLC, or put microtransactions into the game.

On a personal note, I live for the hype. A good game that comes out is not as much fun as a game I'm hyped out of my ass about. I'll continue to let hype get to me, because that's fun. NMS has been an emotional rollercoaster, and today it moves ever closer to what it always seemed to be. I am enamored once again. Can't wait to start a whole new game tomorrow morning.
I bought it at launch, not quite full price but even if I had it wouldn't have bothered me. I enjoyed it and continue to play periodically. It's a relaxing game.

The timing of this update is perfect, I'd reached a point where I didn't feel like warping anywhere anymore. I just went between my home planet and teleporting back and forth between systems. I'm curious to see how the new economy works and whether farming will become less boring.

Maybe if we ignore these tourists they'll go away, ah?

Also, loving the S class variety (not mine).

So the Exotic ship class has close to max bonuses on everything?


Just posting for those who have asked: 21:9 support is limited. It supports the rendering aspect ratio, but the UI is not native, so the game looks good while the UI is stretched out to fit. It's not a deal breaker for me, but it's worth noting. Running on my i5-4690K and GTX1080Ti, performance is solid with little in the way of dips at 3440x1440.

Now, to fix that ridiculously limited FOV...

Thanks for that.

If I'm understanding correctly, the game world itself is 21x9 but all user interface is stretched?

Or is everything stretched from 16x9 to 21x9 so we don't have boarders?


So are there exclusive designs for S Class ships and multi-tools, or does the "S" simply mean they have inherently better stats than A/B/C?


I read the patch notes, but didn't see anything relevant, but...

Is it easier to scan flying creatures now? Shooting them down and then finding the body to scan them was the worst, and finding all of the creatures was otherwise one of my favorite ways to get money.


Thanks for that.

If I'm understanding correctly, the game world itself is 21x9 but all user interface is stretched?

Or is everything stretched from 16x9 to 21x9 so we don't have boarders?
You are correct. Game world is perfect, and the UI fills the 21:9 screen so there are no boarders, but the UI is stretched from 16:9 to 21:9 to do so.

Because I've seen it requested, you can fix the FOV in the PC version as follows:
Go to your "...steamapps\common\No Man's Sky\Binaries\SETTINGS" folder, and open the "TKGRAPHICSSETTINGS.MXML" file.
Find "FovOnFoot" and "FovInShip" and change as you like. Maximum accepted value is 150 I believe. Note: changing graphics options in the game itself will revert this back to the value in the game. If you change graphics in game, you'll need to repeat this change.

For what it's worth, I've got mine on 125. Feels terrific.


I don't know if I ever engaged a hostile ship in the original game, but I fought a hostile bounty today and it felt pretty alright... maybe even 'good'?


I don't mean to be a downer (but I am about to use the word "but")

But it seems that everyone forgot the launch of the game. It was blatant lies and the game was horrible. It's true what they say, the cycle continues. This is exactly why we can't have nice things... because you guys are supporting this kind of behavior "with your wallets".

Games will continue to launch broken, games will continue to launch with DLC in mind as a development while the game is still in development, games will continue to launch with loot boxes, games will continue to launch with making the most money from the players as much as possible, now single player games are being affected too (Middle Earth Shadow of War).

I mean, I'm happy where the game seems to be now (I don't own it yet), but the cycle will continue, there will be another NMS.

Edit, dammit! Nothing good ever comes for me for being first in the new page...

I don't think its being first on a page that brought this.


Kotaku: No Man’s Sky’s Story Overhaul Gives The Game Focus
When I played No Man’s Sky at launch, it was easy to get lost and confused. This was a part of the game’s appeal, in a way: to be able to get so deeply lost in a vast universe. I’d go from planet to planet, just looking for the best sunsets or strangest creatures. Now the game has actual opening missions, as well as ones that span more than one planet and galaxy. I was a little afraid that a more structured game would take away from the joy of exploration, but instead it’s made the game easier to parse. Instead of making goals for myself 100% of the time, I now I have a neat thing to check out in each new galaxy. Many of these introduced me to new gameplay elements. On one planet, I learned how to make antimatter. On the next, I found my first outpost. This guiding hand is sparse enough that I don’t feel pigeonholed towards one way of playing the game but direct enough that I now have a much clearer sense of what to do if I get bored of sunsets. For the even more mysterious additions, like portals, there’s now a in-game guide that will tell you what to do with them when you find them.
When No Man’s Sky first released, I wasn’t really sure what it was, or what it was trying to be, but I found a way to have fun with it. Now I have a better sense of the game’s goals: it’s a survival game with base building and a heavy emphasis on exploration. It’s not revolutionary, but now it’s focused enough that it does all those things very well. This doesn’t mean it’s lost its sense of wonder—there are still views that take my breath away. No Man’s Sky is just easier to play now, and I’m very excited to get lost in it again.

Optimus Lime

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
What if I bought it today?

I didn't support their bullshit at launch.

I supported it today. With only $24 after they've fixed a lot of their shit and added a lot of content. How is that supporting bad behavior? If anything, I screwed them by not purchasing their "broken and incomplete" game at launch. Go bitch and complain to those poor bastards who got suckered for $60+

Can we please have less of this? The endless, relentless, hysterical hatred around this game long ago left all semblance of reality behind.

I bought it at launch. I wasn't 'screwed', I wasn't 'suckered', and I wasn't a 'poor bastard'. I bought a game and played it. Parts of it I loved, parts of it I found dull, and even after watching some of the thousands of Youtube videos desperate to prove that Sean Murray is a dang, dirty liar, I enjoyed myself, and felt no animosity towards Hello Games.

The absolute insanity that has engulfed the conversation around this game has to end. Stop acting as though buying a game you didn't happen to like qualifies you to characterise everyone who bought it as 'poor bastards'. It's really irritating, and after this patch, utterly unwarranted.
Nope. The main story is open for everyone the same.

However, one annoying side effect is that the Planet Base questline has also been redone and rewritten so you will need to complete those too at some point, even if you completed the old quests.

At least they offer new written material.
Thank you. Started with my save before I saw a response and got a prompt asking if I wanted to free roam or not. Chose follow because I can roam after and I'm not sure how to get back on the path if chose not to.


For such a small team the scale of these updates is insane. Kudos to Hello Games for delivering, again and again, update after update. Now, I'm off to explore the revamped Galaxy.


You are correct. Game world is perfect, and the UI fills the 21:9 screen so there are no boarders, but the UI is stretched from 16:9 to 21:9 to do so.

Because I've seen it requested, you can fix the FOV in the PC version as follows:
Go to your "...steamapps\common\No Man's Sky\Binaries\SETTINGS" folder, and open the "TKGRAPHICSSETTINGS.MXML" file.
Find "FovOnFoot" and "FovInShip" and change as you like. Maximum accepted value is 150 I believe. Note: changing graphics options in the game itself will revert this back to the value in the game. If you change graphics in game, you'll need to repeat this change.

For what it's worth, I've got mine on 125. Feels terrific.

This is good stuff, thanks so much. Is it possible to post some pics? I have the game on PS4 but im debating buying on PC IF the game is a massively different experience and well implemented on a 21.9 monitor.


Lets see...

Lost all collected words... nice...
Homeworld completely ruined.
Tried to kill 100.000 money elite ship in space. Recharced shields 10 times and had to run away while enemy was at 50%. Couldnt hit anything.


I read the patch notes, but didn't see anything relevant, but...

Is it easier to scan flying creatures now? Shooting them down and then finding the body to scan them was the worst, and finding all of the creatures was otherwise one of my favorite ways to get money.

They fixed that ages ago.
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