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Your milkshake duck

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Oh boy, are you in for a disappointment. He's a communist propagandist cheater.

Chinese shouldn't get more freedom, says Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan says Chinese people need to be 'controlled'

I'm not sure if it is good to have freedom or not, he said. "I'm really confused now. If you are too free, you are like the way Hong Kong is now. It's very chaotic. Taiwan is also chaotic.

He added: I'm gradually beginning to feel that we Chinese need to be controlled. If we are not being controlled, we'll just do what we want.​

Chinese Redditor from Hong Kong explains how Jackie Chan is viewed at home as opposed to the well-liked guy in the West

Jackie is somewhat of an infamous sex fiend within the Hong Kong entertainment industry, quite often he has been sighted taking younger starlets into hotels from nightclubs (have personally heard stories from friends who work at clubs). His biggest scandals are probably from his numerous and quite public affairs during his wife's pregnancy, which he has gone on record to defend by saying that he was just trying to test out his best options. His irresponsibility in his love life is also why his son (known as Jaycee Chan in the west)

He consistently acts as one of the more prolific mouthpieces for the Chinese Communist Party (NOT China, see below).His statements are always incredibly inflammatory ("People's freedom should be restricted" etc.), poorly-supported, very heavily propagandized, and not to mention reductionist and biased. There is no logical or reason at play in most of his political rants. His entire strategy towards commenting on any political issue is basically "I'm famous so fuck you. Hail the Party."

He is also fiercely anti-American, which can come off as hypocritical considering that he made a considerable part of his fortune in America.​

Jackie Chan named in scandalous Panama Papers

The martial arts expert and famed "Rush Hour" actor is reportedly linked to the Papers via Mossack Fonseca, the Panamanian law firm that originated the documents, according to Time Magazine. Chan owns six businesses that the firm manages.​

Well, fuck.

I would often quote how he had mentioned how he never wants to have romances in his movies so as not to upset his wife. He honestly seemed like the one for me. Hopefully a lot of his behavior is out of ignorance or here-say, because I still can't accept it.

And this is why we should only idolize fictional heroes. I know that Goku would never let me do-




Ok, wow, so I guess it is a black or white issue with some people on here, nevermind then. I guess I must want the death of thousands of children because I think it's stupid that people would take so much influence from a celebrity rather than their own Doctors. It's not like celebrities have believed crazy things and fads before.


Ok, wow, so I guess it is a black or white issue with some people on here, nevermind then. I guess I must want the death of thousands of children because I think it's stupid that people would take so much influence from a celebrity rather than their own Doctors. It's not like celebrities have believed crazy things and fads before.

I don't know if you fully understand this situation. It's not that people might take advice from celebrities, it's that people are taking advice from celebrities. Of course they aren't actually wishing children to die, they are just ignoring hard facts that children will die, and have died from preventable diseases.


Ok, wow, so I guess it is a black or white issue with some people on here, nevermind then. I guess I must want the death of thousands of children because I think it's stupid that people would take so much influence from a celebrity rather than their own Doctors. It's not like celebrities have believed crazy things and fads before.

Nobody is perfect, that's as true a statement as can be. The internet can and does tend to view things in a very black-and-white fashion.

I think tolerance is an important thing to consider: does a person's good outweigh their bad, and so on. If Jackie Chan is a womanizer, it sucks, but it's not enough for me to denounce his movies and his (seemingly) positive demeanor.

When it comes to something like sexual harassment, mass racism, basically anything that fucks with another person's life, well...yeah, milkshake duck.
Ok, wow, so I guess it is a black or white issue with some people on here, nevermind then. I guess I must want the death of thousands of children because I think it's stupid that people would take so much influence from a celebrity rather than their own Doctors. It's not like celebrities have believed crazy things and fads before.

So...what's the problem? You seem to be able to acknowledge that anti-vaccers aren't just holding an innocuous opinion but have and are capable of causing the deaths of children and the immunocompromised through failure to vaccinate their kids. You even think it's stupid that people would take medical advice from celebrities, but your early post wants to blast people essentially for expressing that they are disappointed in others for taking or giving that advice.

It's not like celebrities have believed crazy things and fads before.

When a significant amount of the population takes a celebrity's words at face and it causes them to not do something that would help prevent kids getting nearly eradicated diseases, it's far and beyond the level of any stupid old banana diet fad they'd usually tout. Celebrities have increased visibility and a wide reaching platform and, yes, people who hang off their every word. They are culpable in helping certain trends gain traction, in this case one that is causing very real damage.
Ok, wow, so I guess it is a black or white issue with some people on here, nevermind then. I guess I must want the death of thousands of children because I think it's stupid that people would take so much influence from a celebrity rather than their own Doctors. It's not like celebrities have believed crazy things and fads before.
Yeah, being an anti-vaxxer is zero tolerance for me, working in the health field. I don't want outbreaks and resurgences of diseases in developed countries. Anti-vaxxer might start as a belief, then it becomes action once the parent refuses vaccination to their kids.

These outbreaks are happening every year now in different developed countries, the most recent was Minnesota a few months ago with measles:
How Anti-Vaxxers Brought Their War To Minnesota - Then Came Measles
Not so visible was the fact that this Somali-American community—Minnesota's largest—is currently experiencing the state's worst measles outbreak in nearly three decades. On Thursday, the count rose to 44 confirmed cases across three counties. Public health officials are now scrambling to keep the disease from reaching pockets of unvaccinated kids in other parts of the state. This means advising accelerated shot schedules to doctors and parents, and considering quarantine orders for anyone who has been exposed. The health officials know that once a measles outbreak gets going, it can be very difficult to contain, even if they expected it.

And they totally expected it. Over the last decade, anti-vaxxers have fortified this corner of Minneapolis into a bastion for pseudo-science. It all began with higher-than-normal rates of severe autism in the Somali community.


Andrew Wakefield—the study-falsifying founder of the modern anti-vaxx movement—met with upset Somali families three times between 2010 and 2011. And Minneapolis health officials say it’s not hard to draw a line between this targeted misinformation campaign and the current measles outbreak. Kris Ehresmann, director of the health department's Infectious Disease Division, points to the precipitous drop in vaccination rates in recent years: Today, only four out of every 10 Somali kids in the city are protected against the disease.​
Anti-vaxxer movement is child abuse.
Ok, wow, so I guess it is a black or white issue with some people on here, nevermind then. I guess I must want the death of thousands of children because I think it's stupid that people would take so much influence from a celebrity rather than their own Doctors. It's not like celebrities have believed crazy things and fads before.

What are you even on about at this point?

Your first post criticized posters for expressing disappointment that certain individuals hold anti-vaccine viewpoints. Then a bunch of people responded that those viewpoints are not just a "difference of opinion" and are, in fact, dangerous, whether they come from someone famous or your average parent.

So what's your issue?


Un Rama
Now Pat's girlfriend Paige is another story, because checking her twitter feed she tends towards "lol triggered people/microaggresssions amirite?" and I couldn't find it but she has retweeted stuff from some questionable people. Didn't know there was something up with Plague, what'd he do?

No doubt in mind now after she liked that the ACLU is defending Milo's free speech and she follows known shithead Ian Miles Cheong.

I kinda wish I knew either way which opinions the sbfp guys have.

Edit: that SJW bit in the new IHE video was a bit "eh?"

It's probably just easier to assume that all YouTubers are cunts.


wait wait what did bill murray do? if he's just an asshole I'm okay with that, I enjoy bruce willis & dennis leary sometimes

He's on this forum and I sometimes watch his stuff on YouTube. What did he do?

Got himself banned for his persecution complex. He was bothsides-ing Gamergate and Anita Sarkeesian and whining that, as a white guy, he wasn't being allowed to talk.

Now he has a persecution complex about the ban.

yeah he was a bernie bro "liberal ally" that decries identity politics, defends pewdeepie, rides for #teambothsides and a cursory look at his twitter shows a love for accounts like feminist bullshit & meninist memes

he usually hocks his YT account here & uses that to rail on gaf for banning him so it might be a moot point soon


EDIT: don't know how he got got in the end but all I hear is he turned into a dumbass xenophobe/Islamaphobe/racist

Dave was alright by me in our exchanges but damned if he wasn't in every muslim thread, especially around the syrian refugee crisis
for years there was a crowd here shifting on us yanks for pushing "failed multiculturalalism" and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't glad to see em gone


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
SmokeyDave went full Brexiteer a year or two before Brexit I believe.
yeah he was a bernie bro "liberal ally" that decries identity politics, defends pewdeepie, rides for #teambothsides and a cursory look at his twitter shows a love for accounts like feminist bullshit & meninist memes

Don't forget the way he made excuses for people who were harassing that Kotaku writer over some information that was leaked early, or his defense of Bill Maher's racism.

He was always awful.


Don't forget the way he made excuses for people who were harassing that Kotaku writer over some information that was leaked early, or his defense of Bill Maher's racism.

He was always awful.

yeah it's been known in any thread about dems/bernie & race (women too), didn't know about the kotaku harassment though. gotta figure that was no man's sky related.


No doubt in mind now after she liked that the ACLU is defending Milo's free speech and she follows known shithead Ian Miles Cheong.

I kinda wish I knew either way which opinions the sbfp guys have.

That's the guy! My gut instinct is to say that the sbfp guys are mostly tolerant and respectful. One example I keep thinking of his how they constantly criticize David Cage for his portrayal of the mentally ill and his female characters as well as his use of racial stereotyping. I haven't heard any unironic jokes targeted at the "SJWs," and any off color jokes they do go for (Grand Wizard Wakka, Superbunnyhop Blackface, White Power Pat, etc.) are constructed in such a way that they are deliberately framed as "This is funny because it's a bad thing, let's laugh at the bad thing" and not "It's funny because it gets a rise out of people, stop being such a wet blanket." I can't think of any major incidents where they crossed a line and doubled down on it ala Penny Arcade and Dickwolves. They come off as so self-effacing that it would be weird for them to say "Stop being so sensitive!"


This paranoia towards the SBF is getting a little creepy. It's like people want to desperately search for any sort of content to say "See, I knew it!"

I'm sure Pat would find the idea of being part of a witch hunt amusing, but still.


bump for any #TeamBothSides discovered today; fortunately for me, looks like anyone i'm aware of who ran with that shit was someone i already ideologically tossed into the bushes a while back anyway

Don't forget the way he made excuses for people who were harassing that Kotaku writer over some information that was leaked early, or his defense of Bill Maher's racism.

He was always awful.

looks unbanned now, by the way


yes, that talented of a member
For all these JonTrom posts, do you know if the revelations of his stance actually affected his viewership?



Just a few nights ago, I caught NeoGAF's own Maximilian say that word a few times on Twitch. That seems to be one of the last bastions of slurs still accepted by supposed progressive people. It probably should be it's own topic but I'd guess since so many people say that not to insult the mentally challenged, it's still accepted despite still being an inconsideration for those who actually live with such a state, let alone, from my experience in middle-school, being part of the bully's code book. You can still catch the word here and there on this very site.

Xander on twitter yesterday hinted that another popular YouTuber has revealed him or her self to be a shithead.

Maybe, overall, Amirox wasn't a milkshake duke but he and others on that Norway shooting thread in regards of the fucker's sentencing lead to discovering new perceptions about forgiveness. Powerful, life-changing stuff and yet years later he like...fuck...-_-

I was watching one of his streams before the US Presidential elections and he was going on and on about conspiracy theories about how the world works in regards to politics and whatnot. The dude also says the N word and the F word alot.

It's kind of hard to enjoy their content now, especially Knights :(
I was actually watching his individual Twitch stream after the results of that US election. Things got uncomfortable when women issues got brought up. I typed up about Trump being a sexist and then blathered at me with "What proof do you have that he is one!?". I was on my mobile device at the time and thus didn't even communicate. In hindsight, I realized that you really shouldn't need "evidence" to identify misogynistic and sexist dominating egomaniacs. Either Knight is a sexist himself or just has a really bad history with women.

Chris Benoit

One of the best wrestlers ever but nobody can acknowledge that and his name has become incredibly taboo.
When a house Smackdown show came to our city, I noticed someone wearing a Benoit shirt....yeeeaaaahhh.

Jake Adelstein, author of Tokyo Vice and many Japan related (especially yakuza) articles on the internet. I read the book thinking it was pretty interesting if a bit embellished, but a few years back I read some stuff that made it seem like he was a giant liar and a creep - and looking more closely at some of the stuff he writes, it really does come across as nonsense and fabricated.

There's this "yakuza playing Yakuza 3" article written by him linked on GAF sometimes that I get irritated when I see now because it's most likely BS.
That book was suggusted in the Yakuza 0 thread. Probably should link this if somebody does the same for Kiwami's OT.


I also wouldn't mention GAF to Knight because I feel like he isn't particularly fond of GAF. The dude straight up said the N word to one of his black "friends" and his black friend was like, "come on dude.... Really?!" Knight was pretty much silent after that and had a awkward chuckle afterwards *rolls eyes*
Huh. I remember he once criticized the United States' police force due to the influx of black Americans moving up to Canada due to them still killing them.

He's no Keanu Reeves.
I cosplayed him at SDCC this year....maybe that means something. (probably not)

At least Mr. Rogers is incorruptible
Well, besides the early episodes, anyways....

One bright note that I've learned over the past few years from twitter: Bill Trinen is a decent guy.
Nintendo Treehouse or maybe Nintendo of America seem very liberal as fuck, at least.

Got himself banned for his persecution complex. He was bothsides-ing Gamergate and Anita Sarkeesian and whining that, as a white guy, he wasn't being allowed to talk.

Now he has a persecution complex about the ban.
.......wait, he was bothsiding GG after the dust settled?

Also: is JonTron half Iranian and half Jewish?


Unfortunately he seems just about as popular as before.
Can't really judged it seeing as he's still not released any videos since the whole stream thing. His previous videos seem to be in the same ball park region as they were before. Not sure on Twitter, etc.
I don't know if he's been mentioned but Sean Connery was one of my childhood heroes so learning that he's a horrible woman hating prick really disappointed me.


Can't really judged it seeing as he's still not released any videos since the whole stream thing. His previous videos seem to be in the same ball park region as they were before. Not sure on Twitter, etc.
Oh wow didn't realize he hadn't done any videos since then.


My milkshake duck is Sam Harris and basically the whole Great New Atheist Schism.

It hurt me even now to think about it.


Junior Member
This paranoia towards the SBF is getting a little creepy. It's like people want to desperately search for any sort of content to say "See, I knew it!"

I'm sure Pat would find the idea of being part of a witch hunt amusing, but still.
I think people are just really afraid of people they look up to/love a lot turning out to be horrible people.

So people are desperate to find a definitive answer asap (I know they're no supporters of any vile shit). People just wanna know for sure so they can continue to love their content without reservations.

Just a few nights ago, I caught NeoGAF's own Maximilian say that word a few times on Twitch. That seems to be one of the last bastions of slurs still accepted by supposed progressive people. It probably should be it's own topic but I'd guess since so many people say that not to insult the mentally challenged, it's still accepted despite still being an inconsideration for those who actually live with such a state, let alone, from my experience in middle-school, being part of the bully's code book. You can still catch the word here and there on this very site.

Maximilian was already on thin ground after the nigger incident last year. Can you link to a Twitch clip where he said retard?
I kinda saw jontron coming when gamergate hit. He was always stiring the pot with women for some reason. I didn't find out about the racist moment of sonic until later.

There are so many that hurt I'm no longer holding my heart in. If Yoko taro ever did become one that would do me in for sure.

Koichi Sugiyama is one of mine. He wrote so many classic tunes for Dragon Quest, but he's also an apologist/denier for Japanese atrocities in WW2. Puts a bit of a damper on my enjoyment of his work.

God fucking damn it not him!
Can't say i've ever been a fan of Jontron or Pewdiepie but their recent alt-right remarks or defense of people espousing nonsense like "white genocide" can only be described as appalling, albeit not unsurprising for Pewdiepie given his various incendiary remarks in the past i.e. rape jokes. Boogie's "both sides"-ism is the very worst of centrism that allows harassment that he supposedly condemns to flourish by pretending Gamergate and other harassment campaigns to be seen as a platform for one to stand with, hence why I have unsubscribed from his channel and will not see any videos made by him in the future. Also, that holocaust survivor tweet was just...no
This is exactly the same for me. boogie was a huge inspiration for me for his fight with his weight, his draw my life video was heartbreaking to watch and I liked him a lot.

His centrist arguments and his continual defence of clear examples of horrible people, especially more than once where he backtracked by saying he hadn't actually read everything these people said made me unsubscribe completely.

He has defended himself by saying his centrist views are a part of his severe anxiety that makes him try to avoid conflict. While I can definitely see that being true, it doesn't excuse taking the time to write, record, edit and publish videos to defend someone but not to actually read what they said or the legitimate arguments against it before making the video.
Ok, wow, so I guess it is a black or white issue with some people on here, nevermind then. I guess I must want the death of thousands of children because I think it's stupid that people would take so much influence from a celebrity rather than their own Doctors. It's not like celebrities have believed crazy things and fads before.

Uh, yes it's a very black and white issue. Not vaccinating your children is incredibly dangerous. This is scientific fact, not a "belief" or "view". Stop pushing that bullshit. Preaching and spreading anti-vaxxer beliefs (especially people in positions of influence, like, say, celebrities?) is reprehensible.


That book was suggusted in the Yakuza 0 thread. Probably should link this if somebody does the same for Kiwami's OT.

that Yakuza 0 thread was mine, and i'm helping with the Kiwami one - ill go remove the link(s?) referencing dude & you won't see it in the next.
*edit - can you point to what was said specifically? ive done 0 & 4 OT's and the Starter Guide, a friend did the Community thread. maybe i'm missing them

this should really surprise no one who interacted with legacyzero here in OT

Sexism and Racism in their purest form need to go. But commonly, a lot of folks on the left mislabel those things when they truly aren't, or at the least, they cheapen the actual movement, for actual equality, and ending Racism.

But what do I know? I'm a straight white dude. Folks say I'm not allow to have an opinion on anything related.

welcome back to captain actual feminism by the way
Maximilian was already on thin ground after the nigger incident last year. Can you link to a Twitch clip where he said retard?

Do people still think he dropped the N bomb on purpose? That's crazy. He does say the word "retarded" a lot when talking gameplay, never heard him use it to address another player or person, not that it makes it okay.

This paranoia towards the SBF is getting a little creepy. It's like people want to desperately search for any sort of content to say "See, I knew it!"

I'm sure Pat would find the idea of being part of a witch hunt amusing, but still.

Yeah, I think that Liam dropping the N word for shock value wasn't great even though Woolie laughed along... and I think pat once said "bitch nigga ghost" with a hard "A" to reference a skit Woolie did, but ultimately I feel that those guys are pretty good. Their edgier jokes about Wakka and SuperBunnyHop and Race Wars and stuff have always been with the intent of laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of their statements rather than the actual content of them. They also always try to use those jokes to shit on their friends or characters in games, so it feels in good fun.

Paige always seems nice on stream, so I don't know what's up with that. Her charity stuff and generally uplifting talk paints her in a good light for me, but maybe someone knows something I don't.

Plague has said the N word before, which felt weird. I can't remember the scenario, I think he was talking about saying awful words and their effects and said it. Other than that, he seems to have said "I don't care about what republicans or liberals are spouting at me, everyone go away" in one of his most recent videos, which annoyed people from both sides. He ultimately appears to just care about his own stuff and doesn't seem to try to shit on any particular party, and he's also mentioned how he doesn't care if anyone is trans or gay or whatever because he believes that if you're not hurting anyone, then do whatever. That's the worst I can think of what he's done, so I can't really fault him too badly. I also never thought of him as much more than what he appears to be, and he has never claimed to be an amazing person, so he's not a milkshake duck.

TotalBiscuit was apparently not great during the GG fiasco? I only started listening to his podcast afterward that stuff but he does say some shit which makes him seem kinda scummy sometimes. Mainly baseless assumptions about companies or obsessing over how much money he can make, though that may be some sort of inside joke I'm unaware of.


For me it's probably Jontron. The tweets I've seen posted around have made me regret watching the 30 or so episodes of his stuff with the GG a few years ago.

Cannot cosign white people sayin nigga

Not any day of the week

Yeah I can get that. I don't like it either.
TotalBiscuit was apparently not great during the GG fiasco? I only started listening to his podcast afterward that stuff but he does say some shit which makes him seem kinda scummy sometimes.

He was a complete and utter scumbag. He said many, many things that GamerGaters loved while being too much of a coward to outright say he supported them, so they held him up as a neutral figure when he was anything but.

His quote about how the threats on Anita Sarkeesian's life weren't credible because she was still alive is probably the talking point that got the most notice, but he's spewed plenty of bullshit that he has yet to apologize for. The one that comes to mind is when he said he didn't want to be interviewed by a mainstream media outlet because he didn't think he would get a fair shake, and then he proceeded to passive-aggressively shit on Zoe Quinn for canceling an interview after she found out she would have to have a panel discussion with one of her harassers.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Doug Tenappel hurts every time it's brought up.

Also man the SmokeyDave 'news' in this thread has legit broke my heart.

The one that will kill me is Dave Grohl. He at least kinda sideways admitted to being a complete control freak asshole in his band documentary movie thing all those years back but if something more nefarious ever outs itself I don't think I could take it.


this should really surprise no one who interacted with legacyzero here in OT

Doesn't a milkshake duck have to, you know... actually have grace to fall from to begin with in order to be a milkshake duck?

TotalBiscuit was apparently not great during the GG fiasco? I only started listening to his podcast afterward that stuff but he does say some shit which makes him seem kinda scummy sometimes. Mainly baseless assumptions about companies or obsessing over how much money he can make, though that may be some sort of inside joke I'm unaware of.

TB also completely flubbed the JonTron situation and demonstrated how far up his own ass he was/is with some really pathetic posts on soundcloud. I used to defend him and think he hadn't really crossed into that territory but no more.
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