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ARK: Survival Evolved XO-PS4 crossplay working internally; Sony won't allow it


Users have been getting amazing games to play on a consistent basis. Sounds like 4theplayers to me...

This. Sorry but it doesn't affect me at all and I know tones of people who aren't on gaming forums who have consoles and they don't even know this is a thing to be upset over. I am not saying there are not people that could benefit from it but I think most ps4 owners are doing just fine.
This. Sorry but it doesn't affect me at all and I know tones of people who aren't on gaming forums who have consoles and they don't even know this is a thing to be upset over. I am not saying there are not people that could benefit from it but I think most ps4 owners are doing just fine.
All gamers are doing just fine, the issue which most of the apologist don't seem to get is that overtime player bases drop. Once those player bases drop playing legacy games become frustrating
All gamers are doing just fine, the issue which most of the apologist don't seem to get is that overtime player bases drop. Once those player bases drop playing legacy games become frustrating
Which ones? I have no issues with tlou, bf4 and edf games. Those are pretty old. Either way, most have been too busy with all the new games. Haven't gotten around to Hellblade and hotshots and yakuza are right around the corner. Crossplay would be nice but not at the top of most gamers' priorities
Because losing one of the biggest game and locking out your users doesnt seem like a clever business decision.
That's why people are saying this is defending Sony.

They're not losing the game. Personally, I feel like this is bad PR in the short term and nothing more. It's not PR that I'd want if I were Sony, but I don't think it's going to stop people from buying Minecraft on their system.

We'll see how things pan out over the long term though. Hopefully what a lot of you are saying does pan out and it lights are fire under their asses.

Its not going to zero-out obviously, but Minecraft is driven by LP and online interaction/communities, and a lot of word of mouth transitions and interests. That's going to reverberate heavily against Sony and their sales potential of Minecraft, simple as that really.

If a parent is weighing getting a PS4/X1/Switch for their child, Minecraft has become a peg for X1/Switch and a realizable loss for PS4 as a selling point. The child's input on the basis of Minecraft is now also skewed against PS4.

I get what you're saying, although that assumes that parent knows what cross play is and cares just as much as the people in this thread do to forgo the PS4 version. I just can't see this happening to such a degree that it will become a long term problem for them, which is shit because they'll continue to bury their heads in the sand. That's just how I see things panning out. If sales trends so far are to be taken as gospel, more PS4's are going to be sold than Xbox One's for the foreseeable future, month by month. I'm not convinced that all of those new PS4 owners are going to turn their noses up at Minecraft because it doesn't have crossplay.
Every time crossplay is brought up Sony is like

Lol so many people infatuated with and ready to go to war for a multi million dollar company that doesn't give a shit about them. Let's be real my dudes, this is DEFINITELY blatantly anti consumer. YES anti consumer policies are often in place to make the company more money but that doesn't mean we have to go "oh yes Sony you're so smart for fucking us over for more money" when we wouldn't do the same for other companies.


ffs I don't care about it being an issue for Sony. I'm talking about users. You know, the players.

I absolutely know that.

But to justify why Sony must do this you guys always talk about how bad, stupid, dumb, whatever....decision they are making for their community and how this is going to bite them in the ass.

And look...nothing happened. I can play FFXIV right now on PS4 cause Sony doesn't have anything against crossplay. I wish DQX would come too.

Dont' get me wrong I'm not against this shit but it's crystal clear for me that Sony doesn't win anything to support MS in this. MS would do the same thing if they were doing better with their plan of W10 games ecossystem. This is not apologism at all IMO

I think if we want this to happen we're doing it wrong cause we have to press MS to do better. They have a good idea but they're doing nothing for the console market at all. They should at least show they are really interested doing a better job as a manufacturer, but all they are focusing are on their service, on their ecossystem.


Which ones? I have no issues with tlou, bf4 and edf games. Those are pretty old

You've never played a game before where you struggled to find a match?

Fighting game communities especially die a death without support. Anything to give them a jolt in the heart is a good thing.


All gamers are doing just fine, the issue which most of the apologist don't seem to get is that overtime player bases drop. Once those player bases drop playing legacy games become frustrating

They do allow cross platform with pc and almost every game I see get mentioned have very healthy communities atm. I know that could change in time.


Fgs would def benefit. See my edit

Absolutely for most gamers, it's not a priority. I do think Minecraft is going to leave a crater, but that's a unique phenomenon. It's not a priority for most gamers and most games, but it's the way technology is going. If Apple and Google can do it with no fanfare, it's only going to look more and more antiquated to keep your brand in a little box.


Because losing one of the biggest game and locking out your users doesnt seem like a clever business decision.
That's why people are saying this is defending Sony.
They are not losing the game.... crossplay is cool but you are expecting the casual consumer to know what it is and how it affects them and then choosing to somehow pick another platform just for that. A PS4 only customer isn't going to pick up a xb1 because of crossplay and vice versa. If there is potential for dual console owners to not having to pick one version over the other if crossplay was available then Sony with its larger base stands to lose out on a sale. This is what Sony is likely predicting will happen and not allowing it. Yes I am sure we can say xb1 likely stands to lose as well but it probably benefits them more than it hurts and the opposite is true for Sony.


Absolutely for most gamers, it's not a priority. I do think Minecraft is going to leave a crater, but that's a unique phenomenon. It's not a priority for most gamers and most games, but it's the way technology is going. If Apple and Google can do it with no fanfare, it's only going to look more and more antiquated to keep your brand in a little box.

It won't look antiquated bc the moment sony doesn't have a considerable lead they will allow cross play.at this point they have cross play with pc just like Xbox not counting Minecraft. Even if Nintendo and ms have more cross platform games coming sony still has a larger user base.


It won't look antiquated bc the moment sony doesn't have a considerable lead they will allow cross play.at this point they have cross play with pc just like Xbox not counting Minecraft. Even if Nintendo and ms have more cross platform games coming sony still has a larger user base.

We'll see. If they stick to it, with the lead, while developers start to pile up saying they're ready to pull the trigger... as that story keeps building... yes, it'll look antiquated.
Which ones? I have no issues with tlou, bf4 and edf games. Those are pretty old. Either way, most have been too busy with all the new games. Haven't gotten around to Hellblade and hotshots and yakuza are right around the corner. Crossplay would be nice but not at the top of most gamers' priorities
Yeah for this to be come a big issue, it needs to be shown that crossplay will bring tangible benefits to an actual 'problem' and as you said, finding matches for the vast majority of games are not a problem on the PS4.
Run by execs that are blocking progressive gaming ideas, proves these guys are not best suited to lead if they use thier hold to deliberately stop progress.
I play crossplay games on ps4 all the time... Those execs were allowing it before MS offered it. I feel like it will be bigger thing when ps5 launches.
This. Sorry but it doesn't affect me at all and I know tones of people who aren't on gaming forums who have consoles and they don't even know this is a thing to be upset over. I am not saying there are not people that could benefit from it but I think most ps4 owners are doing just fine.

Doesn't affect you at all so it doesn't matter, huh?

It's crazy to see so many apologists making excuses for a blatantly anti-consumer practice just because they love a company that doesn't care about them.

Rocket League
Tekken 7

Missing more, but you get the point. Now Ark, too?
Doesn't affect you at all so it doesn't matter, huh?

It's crazy to see so many apologists making excuses for a blatantly anti-consumer practice just because they love a company that doesn't care about them.

Rocket League
Tekken 7

Missing more, but you get the point. Now Ark, too?

Yup. This shit is crazy. Cross platform play is a dream come true and it's a shame to see a major platform holder block it out of such greed


Doesn't affect you at all so it doesn't matter, huh?

It's crazy to see so many apologists making excuses for a blatantly anti-consumer practice just because they love a company that doesn't care about them.

Rocket League
Tekken 7

Missing more, but you get the point. Now Ark, too?
You can make a list of games all you eant but i am Not apologizing for anything. It doesn't feel anti consumer to me but maybe that's bc I don't buy games wondering if they will have cross platform play. Only game i play on that list is rocket league and the community is more than healthy on ps4 . My statement was that it isn't that big a deal not that I am pro no cross platform


From what has been explained to me repeatedly by apologists, they're doing it so that Xbox players will be forced to buy PS4s to play with their friends on PS4.

It sounds like your just mad that others aren't mad along with you. Is there a game right now that you can't play bc of this decision?
From what has been explained to me repeatedly by apologists, they're doing it so that Xbox players will be forced to buy PS4s to play with their friends on PS4.
Wouldn't they have bought ps4s if all their friends were on ps4? I would wager most ps4 and xbox users didn't buy their respective consoles on the premise of having crossplay with each other. As a consumer, i have gotten everything I wanted when i bought my ps4. I hope they allow a wider range of crossplay games as it becomes more popular and an expected feature but I see no reason why sony should play nice with ms and its userbase at this point in time. They have to run a business and they have been doing a great job making and securing great games for their users.


People would riot if it was suddenly decided that you could only call or text people with the same mobile provider.

No crossplay is probably the biggest anti consumer thing we have in the gaming industry. I really like how there is some momentum going for enabling crossplay. I hope the better together update is a succes, could be the start of something good if Microsoft and Nintendo opens up for more crossplay games.


You can make a list of games all you eant but i am Not apologizing for anything.

Yes you are. Otherwise your lack of care would result in a lack of you posting about it. Instead you're here to tell us how it's not important because you don't need it.
Wouldn't they have bought ps4s if all their friends were on ps4? I would wager most ps4 and xbox users didn't buy their respective consoles on the premise of having crossplay with each other. As a consumer, i have gotten everything I wanted when i bought my ps4. I hope they allow a wider range of crossplay games as it becomes more popular and an expected feature but I see no reason why sony should play nice with ms and its userbase at this point in time. They have to run a business and they have been doing a great job making and securing great games for their users.
I'm glad you're so concerned with Sony's bottom dollar that you seem actually somewhat HAPPY that Sony isn't playing nice when it comes to a potentially game saving feature (larger user bases means that multiplayer games will live longer regardless of platform). Some of these responses are truly baffling


Oh my god another one of these threads. This is like the what, 20th one?

Yes we get it Sony is currently the big bad that won't allow cross play on there consoles.

But please, for the love of all that is holy, stop making it seem like everyone else is blameless. Microsoft did this same shit last gen when it didn't benefit them to allow it, and Nintendo has been anti everything involving online for almost their entire existence.

Let's stop pretending Sony is suddenly the only greedy corporation in this picture for once.

They are simply the one who currently doesn't benefit financially from it at the moment.


This is hurting the PS4 in the sense that people getting multiplats won't have the same experience as people buying multiplats that have cross play on other consoles.

Cross play will be added to more games as more games are becoming services that can be played on multiple devices. Blocking cross play may not cause any damage now but it definitely will in the future if trends continue.
Oh my god another one of these threads. This is like the what, 20th one?

Yes we get it Sony is currently the big bad that won't allow cross play on there consoles.

But please, for the love of all that is holy, stop making it seem like everyone else is blameless. Microsoft did this same shit last gen when it didn't benefit them to allow it, and Nintendo has been anti everything involving online for almost their entire existence.

Let's stop pretending Sony is suddenly the only greedy corporation in this picture for once.

They are simply the one who currently doesn't benefit financially from it at the moment.
Microsoft's anti consumer bullshit was given tons of shit back in the day. It's only fair Sony faces the same scrutiny when they're acting shitty


Unconfirmed Member
I, for one, am ashamed of my fellow posters for not keeping in mind the safety of the kids. Think about what could happen if Xbox users were able to seduce young PS4 players into their ecosystem. No parent can prepare for that sort of predator entering their homes.
I, for one, am ashamed of my fellow posters for not keeping in mind the safety of the kids. Think about what could happen if Xbox users were able to seduce young PS4 players into their ecosystem. No parent can prepare for that sort of predator entering their homes.

...or Sony's wallet
You can make a list of games all you eant but i am Not apologizing for anything. It doesn't feel anti consumer to me but maybe that's bc I don't buy games wondering if they will have cross platform play. Only game i play on that list is rocket league and the community is more than healthy on ps4 . My statement was that it isn't that big a deal not that I am pro no cross platform

You are the definition of a corporate apologist, so stop pretending otherwise. It doesn't feel anti-consumer to you because you only play rocket league and are most likely a fanboy? Rocket League community being healthy on PS4 means nothing when there's a bigger, healthier community of crossplay out there and people get to game with their friends no matter the platform. What about smaller games and smaller devs? What about older games? Games like Minecraft which are one of the biggest, most played games of all time, which is on like 20+ devices?

Yes you are. Otherwise your lack of care would result in a lack of you posting about it. Instead you're here to tell us how it's not important because you don't need it.

Yep, exactly. Too many apologists whining about not caring about this and how much of a non issue it is yet they're so adamant to keep posting in this thread trying to make others feel the same way.
This is getting silly.

And it's seemingly both sides on different fronts as MS just shut down the crossplay potential of Fortnite.
Wasn't fortnite due the certification process that Ms didn't allowed them to get past it? (so the xbone version would be behind the others which is very bad for cross play)


Ark on console is sh*t. Game runs so bad that it's almost embarrassing. My son use to exclusively play it on PS4 and then I purchased him a PC with a GTX1070. Now he refuses to play ARK on console.
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