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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable

Wait, you guys think these are free?

It just means you can't buy his shitty items until he reaches level 13 lol they're still 1000 gold upgrades.


Wait, you guys think these are free?

It just means you can't buy his shitty items until he reaches level 13 lol they're still 1000 gold upgrades.

This is really the change they needed to make. Are people too dumb to not rush upgrades that aren't cost-effective? Just don't let them do it.


yeah i was thinking about a change like this a few days ago

i mean, it's kind of their fault for playing out this blacksmith archetype and then the upgrades being kind of shit you only actually use once every 30 games

i think only time i built it i was like winning/losing for so much it didn't even matter
This is really the change they needed to make. Are people too dumb to not rush upgrades that aren't cost-effective? Just don't let them do it.

People don't want to pick up the FREE ward? Automatically purchased when they leave the base. Sometimes you need to protect people from themselves.

Honestly though, the upgrades being purely stats is kind of boring.


People don't want to pick up the FREE ward? Automatically purchased when they leave the base. Sometimes you need to protect people from themselves.

Honestly though, the upgrades being purely stats is kind of boring.

I wasn't being sarcastic! "Don't let people do dumb things" is a very important game design rule.


i think it's also important to properly guide people towards the "right way"

like singed's old dumb passive incentivized ppl to buy mana which was core to him. now a million years after his release it's no longer needed and there are arguably more elegant approaches you could take when designing him but yeah, it's not only saving ppl from themselves but also teaching them smartly what's best for them

it's why i think jhin's passive is one of the worst in the game, it's so fucking convoluted it makes knowing what to buy on him really confusing. like he deals less crit dmg but his crit gives him ad, do you buy crit? and attack speed gives him ad but doesn't actually make him hit faster, so do you buy ad? when do you buy attack speed over crit and when the other way around? do you buy ad? or arpen? it's so such a convoluted design that you can't really figure out without doing a lot of math or having someone else do the math for you and that's why it's a really fucking bad design

and i think the problem with ornn is that his archetype and his passive lead people to believe that hey, here's this unique thing about this champion that no other champion has, i should try and make use of this champion's unique ability, right? it ends up being a big bait because of how the champion is presented and it's unrealistic to assume most ppl will be able to tell that no, spending 1000g on stats alone early in the game is a really dumb idea


If they ever get to that point.

Smiteless Fiddle's usually whine when they get blue buff stolen level 1 because they have no smite.
Takes me back to the old days when bad WWs didnt take Smite either.

You know, this reminded me. Back then, items like Madred Bloodrazor and old old Black Cleaver were considered noobtraps. I feel like old old Black Cleaver would be pretty busted these days. Bit of health, good AD, good ASPD, and -45 armor shred after just 3 hits.


it's why i think jhin's passive is one of the worst in the game, it's so fucking convoluted it makes knowing what to buy on him really confusing. like he deals less crit dmg but his crit gives him ad, do you buy crit? and attack speed gives him ad but doesn't actually make him hit faster, so do you buy ad? when do you buy attack speed over crit and when the other way around? do you buy ad? or arpen? it's so such a convoluted design that you can't really figure out without doing a lot of math or having someone else do the math for you and that's why it's a really fucking bad design

Yeah, Its confusing.

Speaking of convoluted passives, I still don't know Morde one works.


Yeah, Its confusing.

Speaking of convoluted passives, I still don't know Morde one works.
He has one of the most straight forward passives in the game. The damage from his abilities gives him a shield that decays. How complex is that really?


Where is Eve's rework?

Also, Veigar is gonna get a rework isn't he? His kit just seems pretty...monotonous?
I don't think they ever mentioned Veigar reworks of any kind. He kinda already had a mini rework / mechanic changes over the last 2 years or so. Gaining AP for hitting champions (instead of only kills on anything), Q becoming a 2-hit linear skillshot (instead of point and click one target), E delay, turning R into an execute instead of scaling with enemy AP...

He was a legit support pick back then. Aside from instant E stuns, his R didn't need items to scale.
The players with shitty connection, computers or are just afk all game deserves being punched in their fucking dicks for ruining games. Why is this still such a big issue in Season 7 of LoL? I mean the fuck....

Toxic players that "defend" their friends that ruins the game with the shitty stuff and afk behavious also deserves dick punches.


I've gotten to the point in ranked where I'm just gonna start doing /mute all cuz typing just isn't worth anymore. Gonna see how it goes!! Might help me climb to where I want to be
Is it possible to lose fucking badly 4v5 in ranked? Yes it very much is on teams i end up on.

Jesus fuck this game, sometimes i wonder if i play with vegetables as team mates.

Man am i glad that there is this remake system these days, had 3 games in a row with remake. The enemy team this game decided to not remake but they won 4v5 anyway since top lane feeded, the adc decided to dive against jinx 3 times. The jungler died while ganking against top lane and mid lane the whole game. I mean what the fuck...?

Am i just that unlucky to be matched with these kinds of people with connection issues and being just weird?


More runes stuff.


The late game choice is one thing, but the Ultimore rune is quite new. Extra cooldown reduction on your ultimate is going to be a big deal for quite a bit of champs. At most it's an extra 20% cdr for your ult, so you can have 60% cdr on the ult or 65% if you go with the other cdr rune too.

If you fuckers thought Daisy was a pain in the ass before just wait until I make my stone waifu show up multiple times every fight.


More runes stuff.


The late game choice is one thing, but the Ultimore rune is quite new. Extra cooldown reduction on your ultimate is going to be a big deal for quite a bit of champs. At most it's an extra 20% cdr for your ult, so you can have 60% cdr on the ult or 65% if you go with the other cdr rune too.
that looks pretty neat on leblanc

some of these effects look really crazy, idk how they're gonna balance that next to like thunderlords lol
Not really...30 minute game feels pretty average, and even the benefits at 20 minutes seem alright.

In terms of it having impact on the game. A game can get determined 10, 20 minutes in, and if there is a rune that immediately provides its benefits at the start, then that can be the determining factor.

I mean in terms of taking that fact into account.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
It's not a keystone slot, so the power level of other runes it competes with is going to be less significant. I would say that for most players the number of games that are decided 10/20 minutes in are fairly low. It is pretty hard to compete with straight stats, and I can see an appeal for scaling AP/AD for late game champs, or even for early game focused champs who want to scale better late. I can think of a number of champs, particularly mages with a safe laning phase, who could easily take Gathering Storm at little risk. Would need to see the options though.


50 ap at minute 30 sounds pretty nice imo

that's like 10-15% free ap and it's gonna get multiplied with deathcap

also the ultimate cdr thingie is pretty nice in theory but actually getting to the full 20% is gonna be pretty rare. even if you use ur ult on cooldown it's gonna take at least 15m, on top of idk 10 minutes to get lvl 6 (i don't know this number off the top of my head). you do get the extra cdr every time you use ur ult and the 5% flat is there from the start, but still, it's very much a scaling rune

i think they're talking about it like it's great on like big effect long cooldown ultimate champions like karthus and amumu but i think it's the other way around, you want low cooldown ultimate champions that can stack it faster and then just spam it with 60% cdr

leblanc would have 12s cooldown on her ult at lvl 16, that's kind of awesome

It's not a keystone slot, so the power level of other runes it competes with is going to be less significant. I would say that for most players the number of games that are decided 10/20 minutes in are fairly low. It is pretty hard to compete with straight stats, and I can see an appeal for scaling AP/AD for late game champs, or even for early game focused champs who want to scale better late. I can think of a number of champs, particularly mages with a safe laning phase, who could easily take Gathering Storm at little risk. Would need to see the options though.
yeah it sounds really good for champions with good scaling and spammy abilities like ori, specially since it probably helps a fair bit to hit ur waveclear breakpoints
i think they're talking about it like it's great on like big effect long cooldown ultimate champions like karthus and amumu but i think it's the other way around, you want low cooldown ultimate champions that can stack it faster and then just spam it with 60% cdr

This. It's for the Karmas and Zileans of the world.

And the "skill-test" of Gathering Storm is judging how long the game will last. If the mid lane is Ziggs v Anivia and both junglers are tanks it looks like a great option. If one side has no wave clear or three losing lanes against an aggro jungler it's much riskier.


This. It's for the Karmas and Zileans of the world.

And the "skill-test" of Gathering Storm is judging how long the game will last. If the mid lane is Ziggs v Anivia and both junglers are tanks it looks like a great option. If one side has no wave clear or three losing lanes against an aggro jungler it's much riskier.
i think that rune looks like an old mastery

some champions will take it while others won't, i'm guessing it'll probably compete with a more immediate rune or a rune that benefits specific types of champions

in the end it doesn't change much since most mids run ap quints + ap/lvl blues and now they'll run this instead

Is there a place that has guides that aren't from 3 years ago and don't try to hijack your browser?
i don't think guides are too popular anymore but i may be mistaken

lolking used to have a big guides feature but idk if that's still alive
Hold on, so Ultimore grants up to +20% Max CDR too? Like, 60% CDR total with other stuff? Seems bonkers for people with medium ult CDs like Karma.


Even if my champ doesn't deal ap damage, it is worth building Abyssal on a tank, for example, if my team is heavy ap right?


Even if my champ doesn't deal ap damage, it is worth building Abyssal on a tank, for example, if my team is heavy ap right?
Every tank does magic damage.

If your question is like, should I build abyssal on Jarvan, the answer is no.
I knew J4 was strong, but fuck me...

I've been rolling udyr top recently. Having a good time. Come up against J4 and think, nah there not much he can do early.

Mother fucker, with only one +10 leathality item he was q'ing me for 750+ dmg. Who the fuck in rito thought that J4 needed that much dmg. Then when he got duskblade he wiped out 3 squishes with two abilities. They were close to fall health.

Either nerf duskblade and or nerf j4.


Gold Member
More runes stuff.


The late game choice is one thing, but the Ultimore rune is quite new. Extra cooldown reduction on your ultimate is going to be a big deal for quite a bit of champs. At most it's an extra 20% cdr for your ult, so you can have 60% cdr on the ult or 65% if you go with the other cdr rune too.

wow. gonna be nasty having 20 second ults on rumble, zed, riven trynd etc. resourceless champs are gonna benefit a lot.
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