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DigitalFoundry analysis of DOOM for Nintendo Switch


I've just been watching KZ:M to refresh my memory:


off screen here too.

It was a great looking game but it feels like Doom is in a totally different league now looking at it. It's the atmospheric details and lighting that really tell.

Framerate looks terrible there, Doom looks much smoother from the videos.

I agree that Doom looks great. If Sony released a portable as powerful people would be praising it to high heaven and back.


30fps for this game is an absolute waste.

So much of what makes it great is the fluid movement and extremely fast gameplay.

Do yourself a favor and play it on another console or on PC.

This port is not worth it.

lmao...imma just buy it and support it just to see you cry more
I'll take a 30fps handheld Doom over no handheld Doom at all. Still excited.
That's not really the choice, though. People were playing handheld Doom over a year ago when it released. Nowadays those with a PS4 Pro can even play at 60fps.

This port takes a buttery smooth framerate and halves it to "playable but not butter smooth" level. Which again, is impressive for hardware with roughly 1/3rd the capability of the weakest console of the set.
But why is this "impressive" rather than just "expected"? The game not only runs at half the framerate, it also runs at a quarter the resolution, and with graphical effects turned down across the board. That seems to match pretty well with the hardware having a third of the performance.


So you don't believe in supporting inferior ports despite owning an inferior version of the game?

I was waiting for someone to point out the irony of this statement.

Fact is, if you're not buying exclusives, the PC version of a game craps on a console in most cases, which includes the PS4 Pro and the upcoming Xbox One X. And neither system have the benefit of being portable like the Switch.


Having played doom on my pc at high fps, my interest in this was already low. Fps games with analog sticks are already terrible, and I can't even imagine what playing this with the switch sticks would feel like, but 30fps just cements this game into the ground. Great game, but no interest in playing it like this

What exactly is different or negative about the switches analog sticks?


hmmm, any word on the input lag?

The glixel video looks a BIT off, like 3 frames of input lag


slowed down


or is the joycon's deadzone that big. (i'd say the 3rd frame of the video - which is recorded in 30 fps too - is when the stick is definitely pushed sufficiently far)
It's really hard to tell. But input lag would be a much bigger issue to me than 30fps.

Oof, that slowed down GIF hurts.

30 FPS with input lag. Get all the way out of here with that.
30fps for this game is an absolute waste.

So much of what makes it great is the fluid movement and extremely fast gameplay.

Do yourself a favor and play it on another console or on PC.

This port is not worth it.

What if I want to play it on the train on my way to work? Is the PC version worth it? Come on
So you don't believe in supporting inferior ports despite owning an inferior version of the game?

I'm seeing you can't imagine a scenario in which I built my gaming PC after the game released on consoles.

The PC version was one of the first games I bought. Plus it's always on sale, which makes it even better.

What are they charging for the switch version? $60? Again, no thanks.

What if I want to play it on the train on my way to work? Is the PC version worth it? Come on

I guess that's the difference between you and me. I would never subject myself to that. Playing a game that has been compromised to this degree on a train does not appeal to me.


I'm seeing you can't imagine a scenario in which I built my gaming PC after the game released on consoles.

The PC version was one of the first games I bought. Plus it's always on sale, which makes it even better.

What are they charging for the switch version? $60? Again, no thanks.

Opinons and as have been pointed out, the Switch is a portable so you can take the game without you and play as long as the battery holds. For some, that is worth more than 60 frame rate or high-tier graphics.


Worth remembering that those screens are taken from the Japanese Direct stream, since DF weren't allowed to have raw footage to compare.

That said, I do think it's sub-HD in handheld mode at least, based on the video previews we're seeing.

It's an important point. I watched the video and it seems like it's less of the usual in-depth DF analysis and more "first impressions" based on video streams as well as some brief playthroughs. I'm looking forward to DF having this game in house so they can really put it through the paces and answer some of the questions that are still open.
I'm seeing you can't imagine a scenario in which I built my gaming PC after the game released on consoles.

The PC version was one of the first games I bought. Plus it's always on sale, which makes it even better.

What are they charging for the switch version? $60? Again, no thanks.

No, I'm just going based off of what you said. DOOM on PS4/X1 was still inferior compared to PC even when you didn't have a gaming PC. Anyone that cares about that sort of thing was probably well aware of that when they purchased the game.

My point is, you say you don't support inferior ports, but you own a console copy of DOOM. That doesn't add up no matter how you try to spin it. DOOM on console has always been an inferior version of the product.

You clearly do support inferior versions of a game to an extent. There's nothing wrong with that, just don't claim that you don't.


I get what DF is saying. From a technical perspective, this port is quite good. The problem lies in that DOOM is so fast that 60fps is definitely a requirement for the gameplay to hold up. Unfortunately, this is a case where the concessions made to get this to run, while impressive, were simply done for the wrong game. If this were Destiny 2, this wouldn't be an issue.

But as it stands, if you've been waiting to play DOOM until the Switch port comes out, and you have another way to play the game, I would definitely not grab the Switch port. Portable DOOM isn't worth the drop to 30fps, especially if this'll be your first time playing.

Yeah id/Bethesda should've released Destiny 2 instead. 😛

I don't necessarily disagree with you, I have DOOM on PS4 and wanna double dip on PC soon for Ultrawide/100hz support and don't really have any interest in this myself, but it's certainly better than nothing. When I was a kid I mainly played PS2 and had no idea that the Xbox was more powerful- I think it's reasonable to think that people (especially younger players) who only have a Switch would take it over not being able to play at all and still enjoy themselves.
I mean, I appreciate they doing this and all but 30 fps and terrible resolution makes this an hard sell. Unless is the only version you can play of course.

Not really. I already put over 30 hours into the PC version and play at either 1440p/144fps or 4k/60 and yet I'm still picking this up day 1. Easy decision for me.
I'm seeing you can't imagine a scenario in which I built my gaming PC after the game released on consoles.

The PC version was one of the first games I bought. Plus it's always on sale, which makes it even better.

What are they charging for the switch version? $60? Again, no thanks.

I guess that's the difference between you and me. I would never subject myself to that. Playing a game that has been compromised to this degree on a train does not appeal to me.

So I don't know what you are doing on a Switch thread did you expect a tablet hardware to run Doom as good as a PC or PS4!?


Framerate looks terrible there, Doom looks much smoother from the videos.

I agree that Doom looks great. If Sony released a portable as powerful people would be praising it to high heaven and back.

That's because Sony would still have an actual home console to go along with it. Drop the fanboy persecution complex.
30fps is fine. Don't get the hate. More people playing this game then amazing. I'm sure some people on PC weren't able to play this at 60fps due to shitty setups, What's wrong with having a 30fps version on switch. I never thought we'd even get a current gen game like this on switch anyway.

I played this on PC at release and i'll deffo be double dipping. Looks fairly smooth at 30fps too anyway. I managed playing driveclub at 30 fps absolutely fine, so meh don't get the 60fps or bust argument.


But it's Doom! For Doom it is essential because it's a fast game, and every single fast game is played at 60 fps on consoles! Always have been!

I know this DOOM was released at 60fps, but it's funny to see people implying it's always been a part of the series. The original game ran at 35fps.


Not really. I already put over 30 hours into the PC version and play at either 1440p/144fps or 4k/60 and yet I'm still picking this up day 1.

I've played 50 hours on PC and I'm still getting this too. Switch and PC are completely different platforms in every way. This coming to the Switch took me by complete surprise as I thought the effort required to get this running on it would be too much hassle, but here it is running smooth in handheld mode. Far from anything you would call unplayable.

Some members need to listen to the feedback the journalists are saying about how it feels to play on the Switch instead of making assumptions its 'unplayable' without playing it themselves.

DOOM played with a controller (console or on PC) has generous amounts of assisted aim to help with the fast speed required to turn around with an analog stick.

Input lag is my concern though, but if its the same as on other platforms with a controller then I have no concerns.

The big attraction for the Switch version for me is I can play this in any room in the house, on the bus, and on breaks at work and no boot times to worry about thanks to sleep mode on handhelds like the PSP, Vita and now Switch being so fast to get back into a game and carry on where I left off. No hassles.


So we got a huge third party game on a Nintendo platform on a console that we know the power of and no one is still happy. Well back to first party only Nintendo consoles..


Trucker Sexologist
30fps is fine. Don't get the hate. More people playing this game then amazing. I'm sure some people on PC weren't able to play this at 60fps due to shitty setups, What's wrong with having a 30fps version on switch. I never thought we'd even get a current gen game like this on switch anyway.

I played this on PC at release and i'll deffo be double dipping. Looks fairly smooth at 30fps too anyway. I managed playing driveclub at 30 fps absolutely fine, so meh don't get the 60fps or bust argument.
Doom's trademark is lighting fast gameplay enabled by crisp, responsive controls. It's starting to look like they missed the target.

Davey Cakes

I only watched the GameXplain video but honestly, I think Doom on Switch looks...acceptable? It might be a heavily compromised version but the appeal of Switch has always largely been the portable form factor and Doom in this form may actually be good enough, despite people's reservations.

Might be one of those things where you don't get it until you play it yourself.

I have my own reservations. After seeing the PS4 version it's hard to accept anything less smooth. We'll see.
That's not really the choice, though. People were playing handheld Doom over a year ago when it released. Nowadays those with a PS4 Pro can even play at 60fps.

I'm always baffled by people that imply streaming a game is even remotely the same as playing it natively, they weren't playing handheld Doom, they were playing console Doom streamed to a handheld screen, there's a very big difference, mainly being it requires you to have a good internet connection at all times, which simply isn't possible for most people.
Remember the days when we got SNES and Genesis games like Street Fighter 2 and Mortal Kombat on the Gameboy? We were happy to play the 'same' game on the go.

Nowadays the people aren't happy with almost perfect ports that have lower framerate/resolution.

I don't care.

I buy the game.


Fair enough, and if I came across as too harsh I apologize. Honestly, it can be hard to tell when there's genuine inquiry vs the "concern troll" type posts.

And yeah you're right. There is a vocal defense force of Nintendo fan with any sort of criticism of which I'm really not one of. They deserve a lot of their criticism though the conceit that they somehow still are imposing some sort of violence/gore censorship is one assumption I think still gets thrown around way too much and is inherently wrong. And though there is clearly a defense force for Nintendo, it's easy to see that Nintendo does bring out emotions on the other side for non-fans; this goes beyond apathy and goes into pure disdain. It's something I don't really understand TBH.
Hey, no issues, it is what it is.

I don't understand half stuff that happens on here sometimes but it does seem to get in the way far more often than it should. It's entirely possible that I could have worded it better but it does seem to read differently to some other people than it does to me.

Anyway, I'm glad it's sorted. I'm pretty sure nobody died so no harm done. 😉
Doom's trademark is lighting fast gameplay enabled by crisp, responsive controls. It's starting to look like they missed the target.

What instead of not supporting a console and not making the game so they can keep their 'reputation'. Get outta here with that shit.

Oh and also driving at 'lighting fast' speeds in driveclub seemed perfectly fine at 30fps.
That's not really the choice, though. People were playing handheld Doom over a year ago when it released. Nowadays those with a PS4 Pro can even play at 60fps.

But why is this "impressive" rather than just "expected"? The game not only runs at half the framerate, it also runs at a quarter the resolution, and with graphical effects turned down across the board. That seems to match pretty well with the hardware having a third of the performance.

Digital Foundry seem to be pretty impressed so why wouldn't people also be impressed? Personally, I'm not necessarily impressed, but I am glad to see it as there were lots of people that claimed it simply wasn't possible to run a game like Doom on Switch, regardless of the resolution/fps.
This is the whole pitch. Switch might as well be called the Nintendo TrainBoy. It is simply the best thing to ever happen to my commute.
Yeah. The point of the Switch is to take Console like experiences on the go. If you don't want that then the Switch isn't really for you. You can still play it at home of course, but if you have a PC or whatever you'd be better off getting the game there.
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