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Volition won't back down to negative feedback on Saints Row reboot trailer - says its just a shock reaction

digging your own grave GIF


At some point the industry has to inevitably realize that these TikToking zoomer sjw pandering games are nothing but complete failures.

They're going to have to accept at some point that their majority audience is not the bleeding heart social justice warriors that they want it to be.

With every giant "woke" failure, we move closer to that day. It just sucks that many of our favorite franchises have to be sacrificed.
The hell is woke/sjw/soy about any of this? lol

It looks corny to me, but so are the old games and I loved them.

I honestly just don't care that much as long as missions are fun and the world is cool; I'm a cut-scene skipper anyways.
Yeah, I want to echo this sentiment. Where has this woke/SJW stuff come from?

Nothing about the trailer screams that it's woke to me. Is it the characters or something?


Oof. I'm don't really belong to the "I'm angry because diversity is being forced into my game" crowd that is angry at this game.

But based on these responses I'm seeing from the devs, this game looks like a hard avoid. If the game gets good scores (spoilers, I highly doubt it will), I'll try it out on discount for $20 after all the DLC is out in a year and a half.

Sucks because Saints Row was one of my favorite franchises. Was there Day 1 even for Saints Row 3 and 4 which I disliked. But yeah, these devs are pulling a Battlefield V all over again by insulting and thinking they know more than their core fanbase and they are going to get a rude wake up call when they see their sales numbers on release.
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That is the weird part; Saint's Row has always been pretty diverse since the first game, so the people trying to peg the backlash squarely on "bigoted incels" are just showing their true colors and what they want to happen so they can politicize it for their own purposes.

I'm not saying there aren't some people coming into it from that angle; sadly since all this culture war shit has started there's been a creep of highly politicized people on both sides sneaking in and using the medium as a way to preach their own crap, so I wouldn't be surprised if there are some alt-right, extreme anti-SJW types who have no history with the IP (and probably don't even play games that much) ginning up the usual "woke", "diversity = bad!", "get woke go broke" talking points.

But, that's not what the vast majority of the backlash seems to be about. It's literally over what many are perceiving as a neutering of the game's image and corporate-like redesign trying to get in touch with the Fortnite-type crowd. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but they may've tipped too far into that while not sticking close enough to the series' established visual identity or tone.

Of course Volition can't accept that because it'd mean having to bear the burden of responsibility in maybe missing the mark with their core fanbase, and it's always easier for these companies to shift the blame to supposed 'istaphobes being bigots who don't understand their vision due to hate.

I could be reading too much into this, but it sometimes seems like the goal with these games/situations is to "educate" us. There's a presumption that the general public/masses have no clue about, for example, diversity and need to be shown/told the right way. So, Saint's Row has always been diverse but it's not the "right" kind of diversity. You can see that attitude in the documents detailing the planning of this game and responses to criticism like: "You just don't know you want it yet" or this statement from the Engadget piece: "Boone said that the classic series of games were very much “of [their] time,” with tastes and attitudes having moved on." I mean, he's provably wrong given the fan response to the new game about tastes and attitudes, but we'll all come around once we hear their message of progression and equality.

As you say, both sides have their extremists, but it seems like the target audience for these companies is the majority in the middle. And when that majority doesn't respond like they're supposed to or has the audacity to react negatively to what are often patronizing gestures, suddenly millions of people are hate-filled bigots. Can't leave out the financial aspect either - homogenizing IPs to appeal to fans of the most popular franchises. That's, of course, totally discounted by the developer: "We don't think you know what Fortnite looks like but you do you".

Your thoughtful post helped me put together these observations that have been banging around in my head for a while. Hopefully, I didn't go too off on a tangent.


Honestly nobody was asking for a new Saints Row.

This new game should have another name...they are just using SR name for marketing

A new firsth day Gamepass contender has born
Please keep this shit away from Game Pass I’d rather just wait for Starfield.


I knew this reboot was going to suck. A real Saints Row is not very compatible with current times sadly.
I have to say that this is a very concerning indication of what might happen with GTA next.
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Fare thee well

What I don't understand is there isn't anyone at the company pointing out that a woke hipster game will get great reviews from other woke hipesters, but the world is a lot bigger than that and wokeness is mostly a US phenomenon. Gamers in Eastern Europe, South America, the Middle East and Asia will look at the trailer with different eyes. That global audience is less likely to buy US games if they increasingly cater to a woke US hipsters. The foreign market couldn't give a rat's ass about female representation and/or the importance of having butch women and effeminate gay men in games, they see those elements as huge turn offs.
Not really disagreeing, just playing off what you said. I think it sucks that games have to be made for some large worldly demographic anyway. I wish everyone would stick to their true artistic vision and say 'damn the sales stats and damn the trends.' I don't want a Chinese, European, etc video game to alter itself for some sense of what the general US audience is. I want that unique perspective from another historic and cultural background, you know? And if that's bad business, then maybe international-sized video game companies aren't the dream.
I'm struggling to see what is so woke with the game? Especially woke enough to spit the vitriol seen here? Does having non white characters mean woke now? I don't get it.

Do you people realize you're acting like the bizarro of the the woke crowd you hate so much? Constantly picking apart everything and getting offended by wokeness, phantom or real. It's bizarre behavior.



That's a winning strategy right there.

This is actually embarrassing. Why the hell is the person on this account so defensive? If you believe in your product then its quality will speak for itself.

I'm struggling to see what is so woke with the game? Especially woke enough to spit the vitriol seen here? Does having non white characters mean woke now? I don't get it.

That's a big strawman, Saints Row was already diverse. No one is mad about there being nonwhite characters in SR, something that's always been there.

Look at what the producers are saying, look at the aesthetics of the characters, and the way they've been presented. It's obvious who this is meant to appeal to.

Do you people realize you're acting like the bizarro of the the woke crowd you hate so much? Constantly picking apart everything and getting offended by wokeness, phantom or real.

Pointing out there that there's something you don't like being added to something you do like is not bizarre behavior, nor is it rare or specific to one group.
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Gold Member
Non-video game companies: "We make new products based on years of market research"

Video game companies: "We make new games based on copying whatever game is hot right now, or we make whatever we want behind closed doors assuming gamers love it"
This is actually embarrassing. Why the hell is the person on this account so defensive? If you believe in your product then its quality will speak for itself.

That's a big strawman, Saints Row was already diverse. No one is mad about there being nonwhite characters in SR, something that's always been there.

Look at what the producers are saying, look at the aesthetics of the characters, and the way they've been presented. It's obvious who this is meant to appeal to.

Pointing out there that there's something you don't like being added to something you do like is not bizarre behavior, nor is it rare or specific to one group.

It's not a strawman, it's my best educated guess cause I can't figure out what the woke whining nonsense is about. Honestly, it just sounds like a bunch of self entitled bellyaching cause a game isn't being exactly the way you want it to be.
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And yet here you are, still not providing any evidence of this evil woke sjw boogeyman you're all screeching about in this game that you've extrapolated from a few minutes of gameplay and a cgi trailer.

We literally already have press releases, interviews, and statements from the producers about the content of the game being being more toned down and meant to appeal to modern audiences, descriptions of the characters, what they like and their personalities.

We have plenty of visuals showing us exactly what they mean too. As I said, your guess isn't very educated.

Trying to make it about "non-white characters" being the focus is moronic, given the franchise and its history. Anyone that likes SR isn't going to give a fuck about that.
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Every time a product like this comes along, I wonder, where are the rebels? When I was a kid, you had the bourgeois-approved, good-for-you, politically-correct films, albums and games, those that your teacher, your parents, the Catholic League or your local politician would approve of. And you had the rebellious, punkish, un-PC stuff, that would get you in trouble with your mom, that would lead to panels on CNN with worried-looking boomers wondering what’s to be done with today’s youth, and that would be the subject of boycott calls from Bill Donohue and Tipper Gore.

Where are the rebels today? Where are the punks?
These companies and corporations will never learn. Alienate or ridicule the people who built up and made your franchise popular in the first place only to cater to an audience that most likely has no interest or care very little for your offerings. This is becoming all too common in many industries.
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I'm struggling to see what is so woke with the game? Especially woke enough to spit the vitriol seen here? Does having non white characters mean woke now? I don't get it.

Do you people realize you're acting like the bizarro of the the woke crowd you hate so much? Constantly picking apart everything and getting offended by wokeness, phantom or real. It's bizarre behavior.
This is disingenuous as fuck. The characters are straight up Reddit material. The idea that SR fans are outraged over nothing is nonsense. And of course you don’t get it, that would require being self-aware.
We literally already have press releases, interviews, and statements from the producers about the content of the game being being more toned down and meant to appeal to modern audiences, descriptions of the characters, what they like and their personalities.

We have plenty of visuals showing us exactly what they mean too. As I said, your guess isn't very educated.

Trying to make it about "non-white characters" being the focus is moronic, given the franchise and its history. Anyone that likes SR isn't going to give a fuck about that.

I wasn't trying to make it anything. I explained myself clearly, it was my best guess as I can't see this uber woke shit you people are losing sleep over. Whatevs man I'll enjoy videogames, including this one more than likely, you keep fighting the good fight against those gosh darned "wokes".


I wasn't trying to make it anything. I explained myself clearly, it was my best guess as I can't see this uber woke shit you people are losing sleep over. Whatevs man I'll enjoy videogames, including this one more than likely, you keep fighting the good fight against those gosh darned "wokes".
Yeah, keep on playing those games that suits you.


I think the people making Suicide Squad are kind of worried at this, both are generic 3rd person open world games with boring future tech shoe horned in.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I had to watch the trailer a second time, and it dawned on me that the franchise has come to resemble the same kind of embarrassing, hipster pop culture shit they used to lampoon.

Edit: wow whoever they have manning their Twitter account is the wrong kind of person for the job. Humorless, ill tempered, doesn't know how to read a room or respond to it, unable to make light of criticism - only knows how to respond with bullheadedness. It's like they hired the reee mod team for their PR.
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Too much fortnite energy in the trailer from what i've read
Well, no one can't deny that everyone wants to copy Fortnite in hopes of recreating its success and the money that it makes. Sadly, we live in a horrible age of video games right now. It's like how in the PS3/360 era every FPS wanted to be Call of Duty and ruined Killzone franchise in the process :(
Well I'm over 35 and am definitely a millennial. I can relate some with Gen X but they're a little before my time in most things Gen X. My class was definitely the ones who kicked off the Millennial "age" as we soared through learning HTML, sending email, using the internet to do research papers, and such. We were the first ones to sign up for MySpace and the first ones to mock it as we left in droves for some year book sounding thing called Facebook. We quickly adapted from copying music CDs to ripping mp3's from them for sharing and downloading. We were graduating college at the height of the recession, working crazy hours as newly minted graduates-turned-interns, and basically working hard for pennies while our boomer bosses and parents got rich or richer.

I would be shocked if I saw sales data proving that Millennials don't make up the largest percentage of people buying games. It can't be Zoomers, and the earliest of Gen X probably isn't as interested in games as the late Gen X'ers who basically got to play any and all NES and SNES/Genesis games they wanted.
I'm 48 I grew up with Atari, then NES, SMS etc I still play games and most people I know my age are still gamers as well, the average console gamer again is 35 that's all I looked up I didn't look up PC or mobile gamers but when it comes to consoles it's 35 not people in their 20's. I am sure there are plenty of gamers in their 20's but I think a lot of them still play on a switch or go with mobile stuff.


Gold Member
Oh, how I love watching people bounce between “developers should be free to create their vision” and “developers should cater to my vision.”
Both can be true when it depends on whether it's a pre-existing IP or not. If this was called anything but Saints Row, it would've received less hate.

It'd be like Konami doing a new DDR game but calling it a new MGS game. I mean, feel free to do a DDR game but it's certainly not MGS.


The reason why they can shift the Saints Row IP in this direction, and then double down when receiving blowback is because they have the backing of an incredibly massive video game holding company. It’s not like the THQ days where the survival of the whole company was at risk with each game release. Now they can take a chance with whatever woke shit they want. And who knows, maybe their corporate masters want it like this anyway.

Also, if my memory serves me correct, Volition has always been kinda looked down on in game journo circles for being a bunch of Midwestern white guys spoofing hip hop culture, and for “juvenilia” as I think a Volition developer recently put it. This reboot feels a major repentance or virtue signal to their industry counterparts on the West Coast. Maybe what we’re seeing here is something of a career move for people on the team?
It’s funny that they‘re going hard defending this reboot but they rebooted it to be like so many other games that are releasing right now. It’s not like they’re taking some wild chances. They’re going the safest, dullest route of emulating Ubisoft and acting like people just don’t get it lol
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Boss Mog

Maybe what we’re seeing here is something of a career move for people on the team?

Well they're probably gonna need it after Volition shuts down if this game bombs. Even wokeness aside, the game looks bad, like worse than GTA V on PS360 (albeit at a higher resolution).


Their attitude and direction is so bizarre here I'm really trying to understand.

I don't think they needed the dildos or over the top lewdness in this game but I also don't think they needed to do the safest game in the world either.

I don't know who this game is for.. well.. I suppose I do but they're not going to buy this game.. setting yourself up for a massive fall.

This isn't like a well known franchise anymore either so it can't bank on that. Even Battlefield V was a well known franchise and the game performed well under expectations.

I would be very worried if I was them right now. This has a potential to be a disaster.


Worked great for EA's Battlefield V
Even Battlefield which has a large amount of players told EA to fuck off. Players still bought the game though because it's a well known franchise and that's gonna happen.

Saints Row though has very few loyal fans who are telling the devs to fuck off and then what are you left with? A game thats less badass and is probably going to look worse than GTAV which again is going to get a rerelease soon.

I would say wait for Gameplay footage but if that cgi art is even the best the game can look they're in trouble.
Isn't it fairly obvious that the new characters were selected because they will be sent up. They are material, and I'm pretty sure they will interact the MTV Cribs era Saints Row style and take from it what they need and become some sort of bridge.

The old crew can't physically show up, because has been done way too many times (Gears/MK/Yakuza LAD) But that will be the story.

Now, if we want to bitch about everything being that story, now we are talking. I guess at somepoint you have a negative reaction to it and ask why can't the thing just be the thing anymore. Probably because we are on sequel 5-10 and you need something left in the tank for sequels 11-15.
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Boss Mog

Even Battlefield which has a large amount of players told EA to fuck off. Players still bought the game though because it's a well known franchise and that's gonna happen.

Saints Row though has very few loyal fans who are telling the devs to fuck off and then what are you left with? A game thats less badass and is probably going to look worse than GTAV which again is going to get a rerelease soon.

I would say wait for Gameplay footage but if that cgi art is even the best the game can look they're in trouble.
There's been gameplay footage shown, a bunch of quick cuts to try to obfuscate how dated the game looks graphically.


well it's not like they can change everything now, especially considering what kind of PR would follow.

this being said, it's never a good idea to put the blame on the customer, because it never ends well, just keep doing what you are doing without going the "oh shock reaction" or "you think you want but you really don't" route.


There's been gameplay footage shown, a bunch of quick cuts to try to obfuscate how dated the game looks graphically.
I just don't understand it. They're going to be in direct competition to GTAV again and instead of trying to gather some players from GTAV or fans of the previous saints row games..

They're going for people who hate those games?

Good luck lol
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These are weird times, at least during certains gaming period like the 'tude era of the 90's or the edgy/dark era of early 2000's when every games tried to shift to something new, it wasn't patronizing nor completely watered down the experience.
My concern with this woke trend for gaming, is that everything becomes a palette swap of any similar game, what is left? Only gameplay and graphics that still would had been better used on a game that offered real distinct characters or personality.

Imagine if this impacted classic games you've liked back then.


At some point the industry has to inevitably realize that these TikToking zoomer sjw pandering games are nothing but complete failures.

They're going to have to accept at some point that their majority audience is not the bleeding heart social justice warriors that they want it to be.

With every giant "woke" failure, we move closer to that day. It just sucks that many of our favorite franchises have to be sacrificed.
not sure what's woke about the game thus far except for the absence of a white guy in the group.

you might not like the aesthetic and humor, but nothing of that is "woke"
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