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LTTP: Tales of Arise, looking better than ever but...yeah that's it



Tales of has always been this sort of B-Tier JRPG franchise for me. They’ve always been enjoyable enough to be worth playing through but at the same time they’ve never truly been up to par with some of my favorites in the genre.
I had high hopes for this since the visuals and overall production values looked like a massive step forward for the franchise, which had sort of been trapped in the Ps3 era of visuals for a long time. But while I enjoyed my time with it, in many ways it still feels like that same B tier franchise, with several annoyances that nicer visuals can't quite compensate for.

The presentation is indeed very nice, the game has some awesome vistas, flashy effects and animations, a nice watercolor look that really sets it apart from other HD anime style games (like DQ11 or Xenoblade), and it also has some really nice looking towns which is always a plus in my book. Compared to the previous Tales I played (Xillia) I also found some nice quality of life improvements. There’s no longer MP but rather “Cure Points” which are only used for healing spells and buffs, so mages have become more fun to play and you also no longer have to worry about the AI companions using up all their MP in 30 seconds. The transitions to and from battle are also way quicker (though it's a tad disappointing that fights still happen in a separate arena), and they thankfully removed the after battle screen in favor of just getting the XP and loot information on the side once regular gameplay resumes.


This town in particular was really nice, I just wish there was more to do in it

I think overall my biggest issue with this was the story, which wasn't terrible but never managed to elevate itself beyond "just ok". The entire premise is very generic, there isn’t much in terms of interesting (or at least unexpected) plot developments and, maybe more importantly, the cast is on the bland side, lacking a lot of that party chemistry that I’ve come to expect from the franchise.
I think a part of the issue is that the optional skits seem longer and more exposition heavy than before. They used to be more lighthearted and comedic in tone, giving you some of that banter and team building in between the more serious story heavy cutscenes. But now a lot of them drag on and it’s often the characters repeating their same main story beats over and over with slightly different phrasing.


Bonus points for no young children, lolis or annoying furry mascots though

The combat is a mixed bag too.
It’s one of the rare cases where I think it’s much better when fighting regular enemies than bosses (usually I’m the other way around). Enemies are on the spongy side but it sort of makes sense as you are encouraged to stagger them and create long combos which eventually allow you to do a “boost strike” that insta kills them. Finding the best skills to create long combos as well as the right time to call in allies to keep them going was fun, and the boost strikes are just short and flashy enough to not get old despite seeing them over and over.
But then you get to the bosses and all of that gets thrown out of the window since you can no longer break their stance (so you can’t really do combos) and you can’t boost strike them either. Moreover they all have massive amounts of HP so you just feel like you are evading attacks and hitting a wall for 10 minutes. What’s worse is that towards the end more and more boss type enemies start to get recycled into regular encounters (the final dungeon is pretty terrible because of this).

The length was at least decent, I beat it in a bit over 40 hours doing quite a few sidequests which is thankfully pretty decent and not as stretched out as other 60+ hours modern JRPG’s, but despite that it still didn't manage to escape that sense of bloat as the last 6 to 8 hours could have been trimmed. It reaches a point where you almost can’t play 5 minutes without triggering some cutscene, and the final dungeon is annoyingly filled with bullet sponge enemies which makes it a chore to get through and takes away a lot of the fun from encounters.


Ultimately though, it was still ok. I’d give it a 7/10. If the next entry managed to combine this level of presentation with a better plot I’ll be looking forward to it.
Also bonus points for a decent PC port, still can't belive how nicely this ran on my 1050ti laptop.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Sad to read that the combat sucks so much.

Can't the sponginess be avoided by playing on easier difficulties or something?
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The game is overall decent but a completionist run took me over 120+ hours. It certainly isn't for the faint hearted. It can get very grindy at certain points in the game also. Side-quests were kinda lame overall. The story was also ok. Had some good moments and is enjoyable if you have the patience to stick with some drawn out and beleaguered story beats i.e. Shoinne.

Towards the end of the game it throws the most op mobs (bosses that you fought earlier in the game) at you one after the other. These fights aren't short and it gets a little monotonous. To the point that I almost felt glad to have finished it so that I could move on to something else.
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Sad to read that the combat sucks so much.

Can't the sponginess be avoided by playing on easier difficulties or something?

Yeah reducing the difficulty does reduce the sponginess. But it makes the regular encounters super easy.

To be fair, as I mentioned I think the regular battles are fun. The enemies are spongy but if you build up the "boost strike" meter you can basically insta kill them even if they still have half their health left. It feels well designed, spongy enemies so you can actually do long combos, but the boost strike mechanic so you don't actually have to reduce their HP to zero to kill them.

But then you get to bosses and it's like" even spongier but with no mechanics to offset it"

Was okay but it did have one huge asspect that was nice about it.


I like how they try to justify it lol "...It's for more mobility!!!"


Neighbours from Hell
Frankly, I think polishing up the visuals and making the areas more diverse, better looking, and interesting was all the Tales series really needed. Tales always had great battle systems, lots of side quests, customization. Where the Tales series went wrong is the lack of detail and how uninspired the worlds became. Forests look like they were designed in about 10 minutes, cutting and pasting trees mindlessly. Arise made it feel like the game was designed with passion again, which is all I really wanted the series to get back.
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I thought I was nuts when this game came out, everyone else was praising it as the best JRPG in years with thrilling combat, and a riveting emotional journey and lovable characters...

I played through the entire thing, and uhh, it's riddled with localization errors, awful pop in, characters are completely one note, I liked the combat enough but...it wasn't special. The 3D skits were awful. And then there was that part that felt like a modern "Xenogears Disc 2" situation.

Shame too, I actually feel they had a good foundation, but they squandered it.


This character design is just bad, like cosplay-tier bad.

I wish JRPGs evolved past the ridiculously exaggerated character design. They look like they came out of a circus.
Even DQ11 characters don't look this ridiculous.
I kinda like the Women's design tbh, peak JRPG style

Anyway I've never played a Tales of/Trials of game yet, coming off Xenoblade 2, this could be a nice time to start one, would this be a good one?


OP don’t be afraid to use the whole scale. Your post reads like it was 5/10 C-Tier game not a 7/10 B-Tier game.

5/10 games can be enjoyable. As a community we need to stop actin like anything below 7 is garbage, otherwise whats the point of using a 10 point scale.

Yeah I guess I went with the 6-10 media scale. Using the whole scale it's more like a 6/10.
Even with all the issues, I still think it was above average, if only because of the nice presentation, lack of excessive bloat and some nice quality of life improvements over previous entries.

I kinda like the Women's design tbh, peak JRPG style

Anyway I've never played a Tales of/Trials of game yet, coming off Xenoblade 2, this could be a nice time to start one, would this be a good one?

Yeah I didn't mind the character design. It's a bit "overdesigned" in some ways but it could have been worse.

As for the Xenoblade comparison. I definitely liked the story and world better in Xenoblade 2, the battle system is also more consistent. This one has a more action heavy combat though which might be better or worse depending on your taste, and while the art direction isn't quite as good as Xenoblade 2 it does look a lot sharper and more detailed by virtue of not being constrained by Switch hardware.

If you don't mind some dated visuals I still think Vesperia is better, there's a decent remaster available on all modern platforms.


The demo was enough to convince me of not buying this, despite the pretty graphics. I felt in the trap with Scarlet Nexus, not a second time with this one.


Honestly... It was all it needed to be. Tales of was already an incredible franchise (a few stumbles aside), it just needed the production values to shine.
Yeah, looking back, it was okay at best. I enjoyed berseria alot more.
I feel like Berseria is really underrated, it is hardly mentioned despite being honestly one of the few JRPGs that has decent dialog (other than Velvet cramming something about her vengeance and revenge into every fucking conversation imaginable) and story and doesn't tick off every generic anime cliché box as possible. I mean don't get me wrong it kind of does but a dose of restraint and competent writing smooths a lot of it over. There is a category to me that is "anime that isn't anime," and Berseria is closer to that than not.
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I thought the game was great. I think most jrpg stories are just okay for the most part so I wasn't expecting much and wasn't let down.

I feel sorry for people with high standards. They seems doomed to almost always be disappointed.


This character design is just bad, like cosplay-tier bad.

I wish JRPGs evolved past the ridiculously exaggerated character design. They look like they came out of a circus.
Even DQ11 characters don't look this ridiculous.

Agreed. It was fine when I was 13 years old. However, I look at most anime style games now and just barf. This game specifically, has no artistic direction or consistency with character and world design.


Game started out pretty strong, but just fell flar towards the end. So much overly written dialogue in the last 20% of the game made me want to blow my brains out. I also wish they stuck to a more simplistic storyline. Thr game started with a slave revolt, then turned into craziness later.


Sad to read that the combat sucks so much.

Can't the sponginess be avoided by playing on easier difficulties or something?
TBF i thought the combat was fantastic, I am playing Xenoblade3 and that games is significantly worse with the boss sponges and basic combo systems and nobody calls it out as trash.

The story is also better than this guy leads on.

My opinion tho, and i platinumed the game. It's not perfect but more of an 8/8.5 out of 10 than a 7
TBF i thought the combat was fantastic, I am playing Xenoblade3 and that games is significantly worse with the boss sponges and basic combo systems and nobody calls it out as trash.

The story is also better than this guy leads on.

My opinion tho, and i platinumed the game. It's not perfect but more of an 8/8.5 out of 10 than a 7
I'll take Xenoblade 3's combat all day over this. I platinumed it too and I'd say 6.5-7 is just about right.


Neo Member
Sad to read that the combat sucks so much.

Can't the sponginess be avoided by playing on easier difficulties or something?
Idk, I liked the combat. They offer a lot of different options. You can change your attacks to match the enemy your fighting. Such as elemental attacks. I mean there's a ton of attacks to unlock too.


The nicest person on this forum
I'll take Xenoblade 3's combat all day over this. I platinumed it too and I'd say 6.5-7 is just about right.
Both SMT and Xenoblade have my favourite combat system in JRPG, which is weird for me to say since I’m not really fan of MMORPGs but Xenoblade’s combat really clicked with me and 3rd game’s Class system is just amazing!
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I found the game to be overall pretty forgettable. The first half of the story was interesting, but the second half really dragged. The combat was decent overall, but some battles were very unbalanced.
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I'll take Xenoblade 3's combat all day over this. I platinumed it too and I'd say 6.5-7 is just about right.
I literally step away and let auto attack do its work on reg mobs since Xeno 3 is so boring - im sorry its a fact when the most damage you can do is the click and wait chain attack system


I liked it, its the best of the full 3D ones by a huge margain.

But again, completely overrated at the beginning as the *BEST TALES EVER* and now I'm finding myself on the opposite side with people shitting on it to a degree I can't understand as much as the overhype when it released. Happens a bit too often.
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What’s a semi-recent jrpg that’s actually good?
The new Yakuza.

It's produced by adults who know how to make good character drama instead of borderline-amateur moé nerds who think TVTropes is a worthy source of inspiration.

That's more or less all you need to be a good JRPG in today's climate, rare as they are.
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Sad to read that the combat sucks so much.

Can't the sponginess be avoided by playing on easier difficulties or something?
I hate when difficulty is artificially inflated by making enemies spongier

I have no shame turning the difficulty down for that, the only way it's actually more difficult is that it's harder for me to find time to beat it.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief
People who were hyping this trash DEFINITELY never played a Tales game before. Soon as I heard there was two worlds I knew it was the same old shit.
I've never played a Tales game before.
Is the two worlds thing a recurring theme like Chocobos in Final Fantasy?
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Both SMT and Xenoblade have my favourite combat system in JRPG, which is weird for me to say since I’m not really fan of MMORPGs but Xenoblade’s combat really clicked with me and 3rd game’s Class system is just amazing!
Have you played FFXIV? I feel like you'd love that game.


I don't find it looking that good tbh, i mean it's not ugly either, but can be better, much better.


The nicest person on this forum
Have you played FFXIV? I feel like you'd love that game.
If they can make it offline only and I can switch between different party members then I don’t mind giving it try.

but personally can’t stand online gaming and have no intension of paying any type of subscription.
If they can make it offline only and I can switch between different party members then I don’t mind giving it try.

but personally can’t stand online gaming and have no intension of paying any type of subscription.
Well, I know the last 2 expansions could actually be played without any other players. The NPC story characters feel the roles that RL people normally would in dungeons.

I heard they were patching the entire game that way. If that's out, then it really can be played 100% solo. Being offline isn't an option, but I don't see much difference. People won't be able to do anything to bother you.

You wouldn't be able to actually play the NPC characters directly, but you can change your class at any time and fulfill whatever role.

Gameplay wise, it's very similar to Xenoblade, but overall better games (each XIV expansion can be pretty much treated as a full seperate JRPG).


The nicest person on this forum
Well, I know the last 2 expansions could actually be played without any other players. The NPC story characters feel the roles that RL people normally would in dungeons.

I heard they were patching the entire game that way. If that's out, then it really can be played 100% solo. Being offline isn't an option, but I don't see much difference. People won't be able to do anything to bother you.

You wouldn't be able to actually play the NPC characters directly, but you can change your class at any time and fulfill whatever role.

Gameplay wise, it's very similar to Xenoblade, but overall better games (each XIV expansion can be pretty much treated as a full seperate JRPG).
In my JRPG I like to play as proper character rather than just avatar and online only and subscription just a deal breaker for me, I'm typer of person who is not even willing to get subscription for PS+ or Nintendo online let alone for MMO.

If they can make SP only similar to their SP FF games then I'm all in.
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