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I believe it's time to disband 343 Industries.


The thing with 343 and Infinite is, it was developed for new fans and old fans by combining classic gameplay and new gameplay into one. I honestly think if they had just stuck with Halo 5 gameplay and kept it as pistol starts, we would not be having as many issues as we are.

As a prime example, there's a former pro called Naded who only streams Masterchief Collection. He ONLY wants classic Halo and thinks anything but classic settings is trash. The guy is 32 years old and can't seem to move on. He pulls around 120 viewers when he streams MCC and only complains about Halo Infinite and 343. He was invited to be one of those Forerunner guys who played the game and gave feedback even though he doesn't like anything but classic settings.

Why is 343 inviting him for feedback on Infinite when he stated since Halo 5 days that he does not like anything but classic gameplay?

They need to stop trying to appeal to the boomer crowd who can't move on from classic and just stick to the new vision of Halo. If people want classic Halo, they can go play MCC.

The big issue with 343 as a whole is they tied to please everyone and that NEVER works. No matter what field you work in, you CANNOT please everyone. Pick a vision and develop that. If the oldies can't adjust to new Halo, they can go play MCC and never move on.
Just finished the halo infinite campaign is was great. Prob need to lay off trying to make a LS game but halo single player is the best it’s been.
Got to agree, it was for sure the best campaign since Halo 3. I’ve played all those games to death too.

The multiplayer isn’t for me, far too sweaty with too many try hards, but I had a good amount of fun with it for a couple of weeks.

Edit: Just wanted to add that I think OP is blowing things out of proportion. They are a decent studio in my opinion, but they need a break from Halo.
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Infinite was good but struggled because of years of poor leadership. I think they are on track for a great next game.

Good how

So many questions

Leadership smeadership

Culmination of stupid choices. Wasted opportunity. Core MP is sick but it's layers not.



State of, reasons why, etc

Watch this tho

This game is sick af


Good how

So many questions

Leadership smeadership

Culmination of stupid choices. Wasted opportunity. Core MP is sick but it's layers not.



State of, reasons why, etc

Watch this tho

This game is sick af

The multiplayer definitely has its problems but I enjoyed the single player for what it was. Falls apart at the end though.
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Ok it's settled then!


Disband 343i please.
I don’t know about disbanding it, but everyone needs to be fired, bring in new talent, people who give a fuck what this IP stands for.
Listen the campaign surprised me, I went in thinking the worst but it was actually, do I dare say good/great.

It’s the multi, I don’t understand what they are doing and why it’s so fucking difficult to come up with a few new maps every few months and features to be added, like where the fuck is firefight.
I just don’t get it. Are they just sitting around a table discussing cool things they can do but nothing ever gets done?? Where the fuck is that Frank O’Connor dude, maybe if he wasn’t spending so much fucking time on reset some shit could’ve gotten done.
I don’t know about disbanding it, but everyone needs to be fired, bring in new talent, people who give a fuck what this IP stands for.
Listen the campaign surprised me, I went in thinking the worst but it was actually, do I dare say good/great.

It’s the multi, I don’t understand what they are doing and why it’s so fucking difficult to come up with a few new maps every few months and features to be added, like where the fuck is firefight.
I just don’t get it. Are they just sitting around a table discussing cool things they can do but nothing ever gets done?? Where the fuck is that Frank O’Connor dude, maybe if he wasn’t spending so much fucking time on reset some shit could’ve gotten done.
The campaign is what disappoints me the most. It's pretty to look at, sounds great, and has excellent core gameplay but that's where the positives stop. The worst thing about it is there's nothing to do other than liberate outposts. There are no side missions. No variety in environments. No setpieces. There's only one covenant faction. It could've been great if there was some actual variety but instead it's like this big tease. Youve got a beautiful one world with nothing to do. There's only taking over outposts, taking down "bosses" or taking over FOB's, for the entire game! It gets really old after doing it the umpteeth time. Doesn't matter how great the gameplay is.

I think the campaign is a disaster in this respect. At least Gears 5 knew they needed to break up the open parts with some side missions and some cutscenes and also had the characters actually talking and having a dialog. It's so close to being good yet so far away at the same time. It's clear they ran out time because of all their issues at the studio- which is why they desperately need to make some changes to the company.
Killing a bunch of studios just to recreate them under new brands is exactly what ruined Microsoft in the last decade.

2012? They didn't recreate studios at all. 343 already existed, the only studios that were destroyed were ones related to Kinect, which is why they started the Xbox One with few studios in the first place, with many of their exclusives outsourced to third parties like Crytek and friends.
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Gold Member
Gamers don't want games anymore. They want a surrogate for success and the dopamine hit of checking a box or filling a bar.

You just so directly put into words what makes me uncomfortable about games.

I can't even begin to care about those dopamine hit mechanics, even in games I play like Infinite. It's like it's all invisible.

Know where my dopamine hits come from? Headshots.


I think this has already happened to a degree. The twitter accounts of Bonnie Ross and crew has been pretty silent, while Joe Staten has been fairly active.

That big open world map in Infinite is begging for content.


Report me if I continue to console war
Another Halo fan in denial, I give up. You won't see sense.

Oh look its FergusFrost the poster who thinks Halo infinite is a failure but spends quite a bit of time coming into halo threads and saying to fans they are in denial.

Seriously the gigs up dude u just come in Halo threads to troll. Your not even a fan of Halo fan, because if you were you would not just post negative unconstructive stuff in Halo threads.
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343 has a habit of stumbling out of the gates, but coming back and finishing strong despite their self sabotages. First things first though: anyone who knocks the master chief collection needs to be spanked. Yeah it was rough when it released, but 343 got it to where it is today and it's one of the best collections of games ever made. It's a model that CoD needs to follow, and perhaps will if this acquisition goes through.

Here are my overall thoughts on 343 when it comes to their misgivings on Halo 4 through Infinte:

With Halo 4 they tried to carry over all the new stuff that Bungie had put into Reach instead of being able to just focus on a really strong Halo game (Not necessarily their fault). Abilities, perks, etc. were just a bad addition to Halo and a mess to try and balance out - (I'm a Halo traditionalist and still think CE is the best out of the bunch.) - I believe abilities, perks, and random ordnances alone held Halo 4 back from being up there with the first 3 Halo games. Halo 4's gameplay was fluid, precise, and the campaign was decent, but that was all marred by the trash from Reach they really had no choice but to include.

Fast forward to Halo 5. Instead of focusing on making a traditional, solid Halo after learning from their shortcomings with halo 4, what did they do for Halo 5? They completely revamped the system... They focused on Warzone instead of BTB, and added a whole bunch of new stuff that needed to be balanced out, like ground pound, thrusters and a req system among other things. While the gameplay was actually quite fun, the focus away from BTB was a mistake and their choice of new maps added into the game was straight poop. On top of all that, the campaign ended up being pretty subpar. Halo 5 was a chance to step back and look at all the things that were so divisive and controversal with Halo 4, and pump out a great game. They could have said, "hey, let's go back and knock a traditional Halo game out of the park!" They did not...

Then here comes Halo Infinite. Since Halo 4 had a pretty good campaign and gameplay (minues the abilities and such), and Halo 5 had a pretty solid multiplayer (minus the bad maps), all 343 needed to do was take what they had learned from both and put it all together into one perfect game. Did they? NooOOOooo... They once again revamped the entire game, and not just the game but the engine itself.

Therein lies the problem.

They've never once just taken what they've learned from a previous game, stuck with it, and perfected that knowledge into a strong Halo game. They've always, and I mean ALWAYS, completely 180'd from their previous game to do something new. So, I wouldn't say that they're incompetent. All things considered, it's impressive what they've been able to accomplish with trying to reinvent Halo each time. Their biggest issue is their decision making, which is a management issue. People have talked about poor 343 management for ages and I've always kind of given management the benefit of the doubt. But now I'm like who is in charge over there and how come every one of their Halo game tries to reinvent the wheel? It's unfair to fans, who are constantly subjected to unmet expectations and questions like, "WTF?"

Would I give Halo to a different developer? At this point it's moot, so we're stuck with 343 in its current form. Staten has come along and I have no doubt he's made some serious beneficial changes to the game, changes that saved us from further pain (that we will never know about). It may take as long as it took 343 to fix TMCC to fix Infinite, but I think they can pull it off. If 343 ultimately fails with Infinite, however,, then, yes, it's time to pass the torch to a different dev. But we may all have dentures by that point in time.

Sad Ice Cream GIF


343's issue is management. Not going to get into personal details but its pretty weird to be playing a different game with a bunch of leads because they got their bonus and wanted a chill day while Halo Infinite is burning at the background. The management team kinda gamed the system. They are compensated and treated like normal Microsoft management with good benefits, high pay, and fairly solid job security. They are insulated from the factors which force other studios to produce in a shorter time which is why development has been troubled. MS is sorting it out. Management is being reshuffled and key positions have been opening up. I would suspend the death sentence for a year to see if those changes materialize into anything substantial.

In 343's defense, the market has shifted. Halo Infinite multiplayer is solid and amongst the best in the series. 343 gave it away for free and improved monetization by offering battlepasses which never expire. Outstanding moves that would save most Halo players $60 and open the game to a broader audience. What did the market do? Bitch that there was not enough "progression" or that playing felt like a "waste of time" because the battlepass was "too slow". Gamers don't want games anymore. They want a surrogate for success and the dopamine hit of checking a box or filling a bar.
Elden ring ?

The game just aint it chief.
You can like it and have Ur fun. And all is good but dont project Ur own thoughts as absolute on the whole Player base. If 90÷ or more quit the game, its not that great of a game.

Thats reality.

But i like games as well many others dislike. Fair game, i just need to understand that my enjoyment is not the absolute truth.


Elden ring ?

The game just aint it chief.
You can like it and have Ur fun. And all is good but dont project Ur own thoughts as absolute on the whole Player base. If 90÷ or more quit the game, its not that great of a game.

Thats reality.

But i like games as well many others dislike. Fair game, i just need to understand that my enjoyment is not the absolute truth.

You're absolutely correct. Halo Infinite is not Elden Ring. Impressive observation.
ngl, you sound like this guy

like yes, put thousands of people out of a job just cuz they made a bunch of bad game
there are better ways to handle this that dont involve killing an entire studio, as retarded as 343i are they're still actual people

Wtf it has to do with people? It's a work and if you fail in your work couple times you would be fired, moved in another department simple as that.
MCC was unplayable for TWO YEARS. Anyone giving them a pass because they eventually fixed all the issues with the collection are in denial.
They’re really bad. Like so incompetent. Imagine giving your flagship franchise to a clown show like that.
People are free to feel the way they want to, but you have to remember that 343 is made up of a lot of previous Bungie employees. It's not like some random no-name group that simply took the reigns out of the blue.
MCC was unplayable for TWO YEARS. Anyone giving them a pass because they eventually fixed all the issues with the collection are in denial.
You're assuming that they weren't given a hard deadline that was impossible to hit, given all the different pieces that needed to come together and the different outsourced parts. The Master Chief Collection is brilliant. 343 didn't even have to come back and fix it, but they did. Honest and true halo fans would wait as long as it takes to get TMCC. The ones that are like, "it's too late! I'm moving on..." are faux-fans that must not have ever enjoyed Halo in the first place.


Infinite feels like a polished beta that is missing the actual campaign. The entire game may as well be endgame content for a game we didn't actually get to play. It's fun to play in very short bursts, but the lack of a strong narrative and set pieces hurts the experience greatly. It's like they spent the entire time building a sandbox to test mechanics like the grapple and then had to rush something together to hit the release date.
People are free to feel the way they want to, but you have to remember that 343 is made up of a lot of previous Bungie employees. It's not like some random no-name group that simply took the reigns out of the blue.

You're assuming that they weren't given a hard deadline that was impossible to hit, given all the different pieces that needed to come together and the different outsourced parts. The Master Chief Collection is brilliant. 343 didn't even have to come back and fix it, but they did. Honest and true halo fans would wait as long as it takes to get TMCC. The ones that are like, "it's too late! I'm moving on..." are faux-fans that must not have ever enjoyed Halo in the first place.

Ah yes, because people were tired of being sold lies and given subpar releases are “faux-fans” :pie_eyeroll::pie_eyeroll:

Reality is, most people have standards. Just because you are a shill that will accept whatever crap they give you doesn’t mean others will.
to be fair, the vast majority of people who shat on halo infinite on this board are usually people who aren't really fans of the series. i can only think of a few halo fans on this board who actually did dislike halo infinite

We both know that is complete bullshit. A delusion to make yourself believe the game doesn’t have numerous flaws that many can’t look past.


Reverse groomer.
We both know that is complete bullshit. A delusion to make yourself believe the game doesn’t have numerous flaws that many can’t look past.
is it not a true observation? a lot of the flack on this board seems to come from non halo fans
there's like 01011001 01011001 's thread which reads like the kind of thing a superfan would write but i have my doubts if he even likes halo or not, and most of the time a lot of the people citing halo infinite as a shitty game (which by the way, includes me so maybe consider hearing me out before you start slinging insults) tend to not seem to like halo in general


is it not a true observation? a lot of the flack on this board seems to come from non halo fans
there's like 01011001 01011001 's thread which reads like the kind of thing a superfan would write but i have my doubts if he even likes halo or not, and most of the time a lot of the people citing halo infinite as a shitty game (which by the way, includes me so maybe consider hearing me out before you start slinging insults) tend to not seem to like halo in general

dude... I unlocked Recon in Halo 3 the legit way. if you know what that means you also know that I indeed like Halo.

Bungie Halo that is. 343 Halo is just not Halo, it's a farce, a shitty and unsuccessful attempt at making Halo into the new Call of Duty, but these idiots at Microsoft completely missed the fact that Halo was the original shooter phenomenon, and it became that DUE TO BEING HALO.

now Halo changes stuff to be more like any mainstream shooter in all the wrong places, and is stuck in the past in all the wrong places too.

you have the clash of copying modern shooters by implementing a completely useless Sprint button, adding vaulting (clamber) and removing friendly fire.
but then they refuse to bring the controls and options to the standards of the very games it tries to copy.

Halo Infinite is the worst offender here due to also being a ridiculously unfinished piece of software gore and lacking 80% (a very generous estimate in Infinite's favor) of what the average Halo fan would expect a Halo game to launch with.
it even is the Halo game with the worst first year of Post Launch support, even though it also tries to be a GaaS title... what a fucking joke that game is.

believe me, tha hate I have towards this dogshit game can not come from someone who isn't a big Halo fan. there are far worse games out there that I don't give a flying fuck about, you'll never see me make a whole thread about them, because I am not invested into those franchises.

Halo Infinite is the worst Halo game ever made, it feels like noone in charge knew what Halo is truly about and just tried to copy very basic concepts and executed them in the most shallow/surface level ways possible.
all while not knowing the nuances that actually matter.

and it's so obvious too. noone who actually wants to make a good Halo game would remove friendly fire from any playlist,
noone who actually cares would make a Halo game where grenade jumps are not possible,
noone who actually cares would even think about removing player to player collision detection,
noone who cares would launch a Halo game without coop,
noone who cares would DELIBERATELY make it so AI soldiers can only enter the host's vehicle in coop (yeah they said it's by design),
or would launch Halo with a completely broken custom game mode,
or have that cusrom lobby have less game mode options than Halo fucking 2,
or remove pre- and post-game lobbies,
or launch with such a low number of game modes that it makes Halo 1 look like it's its sequel...

I could go on like this...

these days I just try to see the humour in it all. I love shitting on the game and seeing videos of funny ways it's terrible. it is cathartic :)
the most fun I had with Halo Infinite is watching videos of people making fun of it

this one had me in stitches
Games are about gameplay first and 343 never fumbled when it comes to gameplay. In the FPS space they are top 5 developers from a gameplay standpoint. Infinite is a superb game and mediocre service. It should have been a traditional mp game and not gone with the service aspects but it’s still the tightest online shooter out right now. Disbanding them doesn’t make sense to me when they make good games. It’s not a situation where they’re making crap.
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