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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword |OT| Home of Punkin' Chunkin' Champion 2011


^ Spoilers wtf

I'm glad there are other people who feel this way. Hub-like design, companions and instrument central plots... just not needed anymore. They are the shackles Nintendo unwittingly placed on the series with Ocarina.

I do personally think this game is the best 3D Zelda, I would love to be able to give Nintendo some honest feedback about its flaws and what I feel like they need to recapture. I do think Aonuma aspires to LTTP more and more -- I think a lot of his choices in the last three games have been inspired by it, the symphony concerts paid a particular reverence to LTTP too, and I'd much prefer he move towards reimagining Zelda along those lines and building a cohesive whole world as you describe rather than retreading Ocarina tropes.

To be fair, the concert covered pretty much all of the big Zelda games. Wind Waker got a whole lot of love, as did Twilight Princess (Midna's theme <3). Except for Link's Awakening. Fuck whoever didn't add LA to the line up.
Started it last night. This game has a soul! I like how they've injected so much personality into the characters this time. And they're all very interesting to look at, compared to the nightmare ugly faces from Twilight Princess. I'm also loving all the color in the game.

My only gripe is the "sky" theme when you're flying around the overworld. It's generic and really doesn't fit the Zelda feel. It sounds like it came from some children's movie or something. No comparison to the ocean theme or Hyrule overworld theme.
Pre-dungeon 3, dungeon 3 and post-dungeon 3 are all amazing sections, fair play.

However, the more I play, the more I get annoyed by things.

- Quick select needs to come back. The harp could easily go on B and then allow players to assign items to the d-pad. So many times I tap B to use item and it brings up that stupid fucking menu.
- Combat isn't as responsive as it should be. I'd say it does what I want it to about 70% of the time, which simply isn't good enough. I appreciate them making the combat deeper, but the technology isn't good enough. You can have much deeper combat on a normal joypad which is 100% responsive (think Demon's or Dark Souls)
- Fi just won't fuck off. Midna was a great character and never annoyed me, all Fi does it inform me when I walk up to a boss door with a boss key that I MIGHT NEED TO DO SOMETHING HMMM. Thanks for that. Annoying cunt.

Since I've just got past dungeon 3 I'm at the point where I need to
re-visit all of the other locations again.
This is where the game is going to really disappoint me or surprise me, I feel. I absolutely loathe the idea of
only visiting the same three areas
so if Nintendo haven't absolutely fucking nailed it I can see the game losing me.

It's so weird how this game does so many things right but so many things wrong, too.


Considering they clearly messed up the % for gold skulls and regular skulls, has anyone found an enemy that drops regular skulls more often than gold ones?

I have found a shortcut to almost every rare or uncommon material there is, but regular skulls aren't even meant to be so rare, so I'm not sure if there's an easier approach to getting them.

I'm not 100% sure on this since I haven't tried it myself. But I think you might be able to pull the regular skulls off of certain enemies with the whip. I know Fi mentioned it once but I didn't bother since I had enough to upgrade the items I wanted upgrade.

Also, a word of advice, upgrade the Beetle first. It's used so many times that having that extra speed is a huge time saver.
I'm at the second visit to the first dungeon and I'm supposed to find a key buried in a hole. I've dug up every spot and no key. Am I missing something. The mole tells me its in one of the rooms.
Man, they got so close with the music. It can be really incredible at times, but I'm so disappointed that they still managed to slip in a number of incidental midi music that only serves to detract from the atmosphere. Something like Faron Woods could really have used a beautiful, sweeping theme or simply relied on ambient sound, but instead they slap in this boring midi tune that adds nothing. I also dislike how they insist on using combat music. This has never worked well in any of the 3D Zelda titles (for me, at least). The first dungeon has a very nice piece of music associated with it, but every time you wander near an enemy the music is interrupted by that awful tune.

I still can't believe they brought back that god awful shop music from OoT.

I'm sure there are people who like this stuff, but I can't help but feel that the music of OoT (which I was never a big fan of) pretty much ruined the audio side of the series for over a decade. They went from Zelda 3 and Link's Awakening (both of which featured incredible tunes) and then never managed to match them. Some of the music used in Skyward Sword is remarkable and feels like a return to form, but then they fall back on the same midi crap they've been throwing around since 1998.

Aside from that (and the constant interruption from Fi) the game has been pretty amazing thus far. :) Just needed to rant a little.

I've come to really dig alot of the post OoT stuff. There's some really amazing stuff that's come out (i've mentioned Queen Rutela's theme from TP in another thread), but I can also agree that I miss the old ways. It just ain't gonna happen though. Nintendo's moved on from that and it is pretty sad because you can still capture the spirit of those compositions and apply them to modern games ala Super Mario Galaxy.


Just started the 6th dungeon. The pre-dungeon part for this was terrible.
I enjoy the game a lot but it's the worst 3d Zelda imo.

First of all... WHY do I have to endure this shit every time I pick a treasure?
Load game, enemies appear, slash, kill one,Link picks treasure and looks at it like an idiot, 10 seconds of text plus menu action and then I'm lost in the middle of the fight.
I find myself avoiding picking them up. Seriously this is a huge flaw.

My main gripe is the linearity. Even in dungeons the game will not let me choose a path that will lead to a locked door. They are either at the beginning or somewhere in the only available path. Let me get lost for a bit, I don't mind!

The game while fun and extremely polished, has failed in the 25 hours I've played to excite me. That's a first for a Zelda game (I've played them all except for Zelda 2).


Just started the 6th dungeon. The pre-dungeon part for this was terrible.
I enjoy the game a lot but it's the worst 3d Zelda imo.

First of all... WHY do I have to endure this shit every time I pick a treasure?
Load game, enemies appear, slash, kill one,Link picks treasure and looks at it like an idiot, 10 seconds of text plus menu action and then I'm lost in the middle of the fight.
I find myself avoiding picking them up. Seriously this is a huge flaw.

My main gripe is the linearity. Even in dungeons the game will not let me choose a path that will lead to a locked door. They are either at the beginning or somewhere in the only available path. Let me get lost for a bit, I don't mind!

The game while fun and extremely polished, has failed in the 25 hours I've played to excite me. That's a first for a Zelda game (I've played them all except for Zelda 2).

whats your favorite 3D zelda games?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Third dungeon definitely sold me on motion control combat. So satisfying to
take out turrets with slash and stab
. Didn't have it misinterpret my moves once.


aka iby.h
Excellent game!

Post dungeon 3 has to be my favorite part in any game in the last 5 years. Just completed
Dins Power Trial
I dont want this game to end :(
In my mind, there's three types of Zelda fans:

The Classic fan maintains OOT and ALTTP are and always will be the best.

The Contemporary fan sees TWW as one of the best and has more praise for LA than ALTTP.

The Minor fan is a huge fan of the DS games and has never played the original NES titles.
At the 6th dungeon. I've loved all the backtracking. I've never had Fi tell me the answer to a puzzle...I have no idea what you guys are talking about.



woo. i havent played skyward sword yet but I saw your impressions, got a bit worried, and thats why i asked what ones you prefer to see how they matched my likings. I have the exact opposite list lol. Im WW>TP>MM>OOT


At the 6th dungeon. I've loved all the backtracking. I've never had Fi tell me the answer to a puzzle...I have no idea what you guys are talking about.

Before the Third Dungeon,
you had to activate three generators, each with their own symbol on a grid. Fi outright tells you to look at the map and see how they are lined up on the grid. It's the only time where she just gives you the answer. Even though I was literally about to press the map button since I noticed the symbols appearing as I went through them. That's the only example I can think of that she tells you an answer to before you get a chance to figure it out.


Question: How much did Fi really bother you guys in the first dungeon?

I've read complaints about stuff like her popping up for obvious puzzles and telling that your hearts are low, but I only really saw those if I summoned her by hitting down on the d-pad. Is that the stuff that's annoying everyone or am I just blanking out her popping up a bunch without being called? Or does it get worse in later dungeons?
In the first dungeon? Not at all. She only started getting annoying later, I don't remember her doing much in the first few dungeons. It was never that annoying but it was a bit ridiculous when she just pops up telling you stupid stuff like MASTER, THIS DOOR IS LOCKED THEREFORE IT MUST HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT in the fifth dungeon, and a lot of her observations were completely superfluous.

The main thing that annoyed me wasn't even her popping up, it was the irritating blinking icon and sound when either I was low on hearts or the battery indicator was up. The battery indicator is already annoying on its own because you can't get it off, the last thing I needed was her trying to tell me what I could already see. One time it stopped after a few beeps... then I went into the next room and it started up again. Just stop it. It doesn't help that Motion Plus seems to chew through batteries like nothing else in the first place (other than perhaps the excessive speaker use in TP, but at least you could turn that off)
Before the Third Dungeon,
you had to activate three generators, each with their own symbol on a grid. Fi outright tells you to look at the map and see how they are lined up on the grid. It's the only time where she just gives you the answer. Even though I was literally about to press the map button since I noticed the symbols appearing as I went through them. That's the only example I can think of that she tells you an answer to before you get a chance to figure it out.

I completely forgot about that one. She told me after I failed it.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Before the Third Dungeon,
you had to activate three generators, each with their own symbol on a grid. Fi outright tells you to look at the map and see how they are lined up on the grid. It's the only time where she just gives you the answer. Even though I was literally about to press the map button since I noticed the symbols appearing as I went through them. That's the only example I can think of that she tells you an answer to before you get a chance to figure it out.
I did this part without even realizing she helped me. Is that what the big deal is about regarding her ruining puzzles?!?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Before the Third Dungeon,
you had to activate three generators, each with their own symbol on a grid. Fi outright tells you to look at the map and see how they are lined up on the grid. It's the only time where she just gives you the answer. Even though I was literally about to press the map button since I noticed the symbols appearing as I went through them. That's the only example I can think of that she tells you an answer to before you get a chance to figure it out.

I was literally just about to press the map button as well. Like my mental process was "wait....so I can align them differently....this area is circular....*reach for plus button* oh what is it Fi?......GODAMNIT!"


In my mind, there's three types of Zelda fans:

The Classic fan maintains OOT and ALTTP are and always will be the best.

The Contemporary fan sees TWW as one of the best and has more praise for LA than ALTTP.

The Minor fan is a huge fan of the DS games and has never played the original NES titles.

I can't agree with this as i'm a Zelda player born 86 been playing since 1990 and Wind Waker is probably my number 1 and i'm defintely not "contemporary".

I just don't think you can lump fans into any sort of categorised system.
I can't agree with this as i'm a Zelda player born 86 been playing since 1990 and Wind Waker is probably my number 1 and i'm defintely not "contemporary".

I just don't think you can lump fans into any sort of categorised system.
Well my first choice for naming that group is "realistic" because I agree with you about TWW but didn't want to offend the "classic" people.

And I agree that everyone is different but these are the 3 types of opinions I see expressed all the time.


Question: How much did Fi really bother you guys in the first dungeon?

I've read complaints about stuff like her popping up for obvious puzzles and telling that your hearts are low, but I only really saw those if I summoned her by hitting down on the d-pad. Is that the stuff that's annoying everyone or am I just blanking out her popping up a bunch without being called? Or does it get worse in later dungeons?

She hasn't been a problem at all for me. She's appeared a few times automatically during cut scenes that's really it. Any other time I have to manually summon her and she isn't annoying at all. I don't really understand the hate some have for her. Then again I also never understood the hate for Navi as well and wasn't bothered by her in the slightest.


In my mind, there's three types of Zelda fans:

The Classic fan maintains OOT and ALTTP are and always will be the best.

The Contemporary fan sees TWW as one of the best and has more praise for LA than ALTTP.

The Minor fan is a huge fan of the DS games and has never played the original NES titles.

I've been playing the series since ALTTP, my favourite game in the series is Majora's Mask. WHERE DO I FIT IN??


never left the stone age
Changed my used 3rd party nunchuk for a used official nunchuk and..it works! Awesome game, combat is fun and not really wonky at all. Just played up to Faron Woods so I can't say much more than that. But I like what I've experienced so far. The tutorial parts were kind of painful..but yeah. Fi is kind of annoying too..but yeah.

Game looks really good even on my semi-crappy Widescreen SDTV :)


Ok, this game is awesome! Just finished the first dungeon.

The motion control complaints were blown out of proportion. I really gotta stop reading reviews and impressions before I get to play a game. Not going back to this thread until I finish this.


You've probably figured this out by now, but you can go ask the
old man
at the
Pumpkin' Bumpkin'
or whatever the proper name is.

Is that on Skyloft, or is it a different island?

One more question (early sidequest):

I tried the bamboo chopping minigame and scored 30 my first run. I can't get any higher than this (keep scoring 25-30 now). Is the goddess plume the final reward, or do I get a heart piece or something for a higher count?
I can't believe that we're trying to come up with groups for people depending on their favourite Zelda. Everyone is different, it doesn't matter when you started or anything like that.

Personal taste. Fin.


Is that on Skyloft, or is it a different island?

One more question (early sidequest):

I tried the bamboo chopping minigame and scored 30 my first run. I can't get any higher than this (keep scoring 25-30 now). Is the goddess plume the final reward, or do I get a heart piece or something for a higher count?
It's off Skyloft.

Also no, that's the final reward. You don't get a heart piece or anything.


After finishing the 3rd dungeon, I'm still really loving this game, but this talk of tedium and padding in the game's second half has me a little worried. While I love Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, the tears and triforce pieces are my least favorite parts.

Also, approximately how far along am I after the third dungeon?


Played 5 hours and cleared the first dungeon. Comments so far :

- Hate the fact it's another Zelda game with too many hints about what to do next. You can't really get stuck unless you're retarded thanks to Fy and other various hints.
- Cannot use Z-targeting to fire your slingshot like the other 3D Zeldas. You need to aim manually to do so (unless I've missed something)
- Sword combat isn't that fun and blocking seems inexistant
- I really do hope the next dungeons will be bigger but from what I've read it isn't the case.
- A really, really slow start with more childish moments that I could bear even for a Zelda game

On the plus side
- First boss kicked my ass many times before I got him
- Even though it's the Wii I think the visual style is incredible, the colors are amazing

It's still early but I doubt this game will be better than OOT or MM. It's like Nintendo is stuck with outdated design concepts and won't evolve them or bring them in new directions. Unskippable text, false challenges (fall into pit = lose no heart, can't lose the bird thing, etc.) and much more. Oh and I'm already at 300 rupees - nightmares from TP resurfacing in 3,2,1....
I can't believe that we're trying to come up with groups for people depending on their favourite Zelda. Everyone is different, it doesn't matter when you started or anything like that.

Personal taste. Fin.
Indeed. Even boiling it down to define a fan based on their favorite game, there can still be various reasons why exactly they have that game as their favorite.

I for example started playing OoT and it still remain as my ultimate gaming experience, thus having it as my favorite game. I acknowledge that there have been better Zelda games released since OoT, but it will still remain my personal favorite.


Disagree; I tried 3 times and can't get past 14. Do I have to get a longer sword, as he says?

Do you have any tips? I basically just swing horizontally really quickly.
I went back and fourth between diagonals. Not sure if that helps. Using the first sword.
Despite all the hints and hand-holding I'm still running into quite a bit of moments that temporarily stump me, which is more than I can say about any recent Zelda apart from Majora, which was too cryptic and full of trial and error (annoying trial and error, not the fun kind) for my tastes.


Oh and I'm already at 300 rupees - nightmares from TP resurfacing in 3,2,1....
That's one problem the game really doesn't have thankfully. I got tons of rupees but I used them all (had about 800 at the end of the game in a massive wallet that could hold
). The air shop has loads of expensive stuff to buy (a bunch of the items get replaced with others when you buy them), upgrades cost money, buying new shields costs money, minigames cost money... Yeah, there's plenty to spend your rupees on.
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