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Resident Evil 6: Bro-Splosion Announced, Nov 20 PS3/360, PC Later, PR/Trailer In OP


Not too sure about that for me, games that give better action also put you in a position of power that the only fear is of having to restart something and do it all over again. It's why I don't find Dead Space or RE4/5 scary because the tools given made you such a badass that you rarely feel helpless or overwhelmed usually. Unless they just throw a shit ton of enemies at you. But I also had more fun in those games so it's okay.

Probably fast huge stalking enemies and tight corridors would work, but there probably will be areas that will be a lot of actions and be focused on tension rather than horror.

But you're probably right though, since it's registered as an action game in my head, I'd just shoot whatever that pops out, and be frustrated if I can not kill him and having to restart :lol
Dammit, I promised myself not to get hyped by this game and now I'm hyped. Just because of Leon, Ashley and that other operator chick with the glasses from RE4.

Damn you, Capcom :mad:

Also I think that when you play as Chris, the game will be much more action, whereas when you play as Leon the game will feature more real RE4 style gameplay.
That's just my guess though. It did look like it from the trailer.


This. He looks hotter now whereas before he looks like Leonardo Douchecaprio complete with emo bangs from Titanic-era. I guess they're now trying to make him look more like the actor who portrays him in RE: Retribution.


Hair aside, I like that they seem(?) to be keeping his RE4 face model but aged it up a bit.
Damn, that trailer was awesome.

I'm a huge Resident Evil junkie. Going through my eighth playthrough of RE4 currently, this time it's RE4 HD on PS3.
They should've kept Leon's segment as solo and Chris' as co-op to appease both parties. I can't say I care about this as much as I feel I want to though. The cheese from this series has lost all its heart.


So they are finally going all out with the more action TPS direction? I guess I should be disappointed but somehow that trailer still got me hyped. I'm confused.


So they are finally going all out with the more action TPS direction? I guess I should be disappointed but somehow that trailer still got me hyped. I'm confused.

Look more for a mix of the two...probably similar to what they achieved in Revelations.

Speaking of Degeneration, I always thought that would have made a really good RE mid series game like Code Veronica or Revelations.


Probably fast huge stalking enemies and tight corridors would work, but there probably will be areas that will be a lot of actions and be focused on tension rather than horror.

But you're probably right though, since it's registered as an action game in my head, I'd just shoot whatever that pops out, and be frustrated if I can not kill him and having to restart :lol

Yea, I think the need to runaway from enemies to conserve ammo is another huge strategy now lost in these games, especially with a reliance on kill rooms and not being able to progress unless they are all dead. I've never approached games with that mentality in a long time.


There HAS to be a moment where Leon says to Chris, "What, Chris, the BSAA have you pushin' too much pencils?" And then Chris says "YOU SON OF A BITCH" and they grab hands and flex their biceps for the camera.

It's what this whole series was leading up to.


Looks more like an action game/Gears of Wars than survival horror. I'll probably wait until it's on sale on PC unless Capcom just really knocks this out of the park.


I don't like 'realistic' Leon.

He's so ugly now. :(

He looked pretty realistic in RE4, it's just he was a more of a pretty boy but badass looking at the same time. I don't understand why they change the faces so much. He even looked weird in the CG movie and less like the RE4 version. It's like replacing a different actor for the same role.



There HAS to be a moment where Leon says to Chris, "What, Chris, the BSAA have you pushin' too much pencils?" And then Chris says "YOU SON OF A BITCH" and they grab hands and flex their biceps for the camera.

It's what this whole series was leading up to.
They had better share more than two minutes together. And they had better have a co-op attack where Leon kicks the zombie into Chris's fist.


The "Hey It's That Dog" dog needs to come back at Leon's most dire moment of need. Like he's in China or something dangling from a skyscraper and the dog appears to pull him up.

I also want a reveal that Chopper Mike never died.


Looks like capcom is tripling down on the action shooter approach. I like that we are getting city environments again with lots of dark lighting. The different sections really look like different games, survival horror, some kind of brawler, then Gears. Hopefully it all blends together well.


He looked pretty realistic in RE4, it's just he was a more of a pretty boy but badass looking at the same time. I don't understand why they change the faces so much. He even looked weird in the CG movie and less like the RE4 version.


He looked terrible in the CG movie.



Looks like capcom is tripling down on the action shooter approach. I like that we are getting city environments again with lots of dark lighting. The different sections really look like different games, survival horror, some kind of brawler, then Gears. Hopefully it all blends together well.
Wow, now that you mention it, you're right. It does look like three games in one: survival horror with moderate action (Leon), survival action with moderate horror (Chris), and uh... Survival brawler with moderate horror (the Nemesis is a thrilling stalker if nothing else). It's as though Capcom said "Ah screw it, let's put something in for each polarity of our batshit insane fanbase." Brilliant!

Also, I agree with jackdoe that we need Leon roundhouse kicking someone into Chris' boulder punch. Luckily, we'll probably get something like this since the PR almost immediately shines a spotlight on the fact they're together in this game. And possibly gay. (Read between the lines, oh it's there all right.)


Haha this is pretty much everything people wanted. Urban setting, zombies looking like zombies, balls to the walls scenes...

Personally I gotta say, as much as I adored the old school RE style, I did like the RE4 and RE5 jumps. RE5 in my mind got points docked for lack of originality, forced co-op, and blatant, overt racism. As long as they improve on the RE5 style action, I'm fine with that.

And like others are saying, putting these two into one game would be a real shame if they didn't team up for a little while. That being said, with the way everybody seems to be jumping around locations, I'd be SHOCKED if the whole crew didn't meet up to take on the big bad.



Personally I gotta say, as much as I adored the old school RE style, I did like the RE4 and RE5 jumps. RE5 in my mind got points docked for lack of originality, forced co-op, and blatant, overt racism. As long as they improve on the RE5 style action, I'm fine with that.

And like others are saying, putting these two into one game would be a real shame if they didn't team up for a little while. That being said, with the way everybody seems to be jumping around locations, I'd be SHOCKED if the whole crew didn't meet up to take on the big bad.

OMG here we go again..
He looked pretty realistic in RE4, it's just he was a more of a pretty boy but badass looking at the same time. I don't understand why they change the faces so much. He even looked weird in the CG movie and less like the RE4 version. It's like replacing a different actor for the same role.

Because if anything Mikami always has had vision for his games, and I can't say the same for other directors at Capcom


Looks like capcom is tripling down on the action shooter approach. I like that we are getting city environments again with lots of dark lighting. The different sections really look like different games, survival horror, some kind of brawler, then Gears. Hopefully it all blends together well.

Im ok with this. Some of those melee/dodge actions look insanely smooth.


The "Hey It's That Dog" dog needs to come back at Leon's most dire moment of need. Like he's in China or something dangling from a skyscraper and the dog appears to pull him up.

I also want a reveal that Chopper Mike never died.

this would be wonderful times
I don't like 'realistic' Leon.

He's so ugly now. :(

I think he looks uglier too. :/ I don't understand why he needed to be redesigned.

The "Hey It's That Dog" dog needs to come back at Leon's most dire moment of need. Like he's in China or something dangling from a skyscraper and the dog appears to pull him up.

I also want a reveal that Chopper Mike never died.

RE6 should have a save import feature that only checks for whether or not you freed the dog from the bear trap in RE4.


So, still an action game and no longer a survival/horror game?

Leon is probably going to be survival, Chris is probably going to be straight action horror tension, and the new guy looks like it might be...horror stealth? Something similar to a faster paced Nemesis crossed with Siren.

EDIT: Resident Evil 5 wasnt racist...but the AI did make single player a chore. Co-op gameplay with another human online or off was/is an amazing experience.


Personally I gotta say, as much as I adored the old school RE style, I did like the RE4 and RE5 jumps. RE5 in my mind got points docked for lack of originality, forced co-op, and blatant overt racism. As long as they improve on the RE5 style action, I'm fine with that.

And like others are saying, putting these two into one game would be a real shame if they didn't team up for a little while. That being said, with the way everybody seems to be jumping around locations, I'd be SHOCKED if the whole crew didn't meet up to take on the big bad.
They were in western fucking Africa for Christ sake.
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