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Guild Wars 2 Press Beta [Prepurchase Is Live]

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I hope the GAF guild has a creative name and simply isn't GAF Guild The guild should be independent and representative of the game we all chose to play.

Same here.

I find "neogaf" pretty boring as a guild name, honestly. I don't mind having the tag GAF though.

Personally, I always found the guild name used for the dead Warhammer Online guild fun. It was called Guild of the Forever, a play on the whole game of the forever thing. Seems like a good choice for this game. :p


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Ok so it sounds like GAF is gonna be making a guild for this. Anyone decide on what class/race they'll be playing first?

Female Human Guardian or Engineer.

Since you can be in more than one guild at once, a GAF guild is definitely gonna happen, if only as a chatroom to goof off in with fellow GAFers.

I hope it will be more than that, I wanna get stuff done with my fellow gaffers!


The Cryptarch's Bane
I usually avoid the 'small' race because they often come across as too cartoony (especially in the animation department) and their story too much like comic relief. But I'll be damned if the idea of making an Asura Engineer wearing a backpack of gadgets bigger than he is doesn't sound awesome.
Aaw, I love the Asura. They're unique for a little race. Technologically advanced to the point they have like the only robots in the GW universe, super elitist and snarky, deep sense of honor under the surface. They're my homeboys.
As if I needed to anticipate my character anymore! The detail for each class/race animations is really exciting; those are the little things that get one really invested into the character and differentiates each person. Unless you're a sylvari thief; then expect to see a clone of you every few feet unless there's some drastic change from every other MMO ever.
Hmm why are we assuming Sylvari theif will be that common? I'm thinking Human Thief, Charr Warrior, and Sylvari Ranger will be the most common picks.
Fairly certain that race only affects utility skills,appearance, and the storyline. GW is classist rather than racist.

I assume that all combos will be viable, I just mean, I know a ton about the Asura from EotN, what they're good at and what they value, and I like it- I don't know what the deal is with the Sylvari much yet. They're playing it pretty close to the chest.

Divinity's Reach is absolutely the most appealing city, so I completely understand the whole "private instance" thingie. Hurts even more since I'll be rolling an Asura and don't really like the look of the Asura main city.
You don't deserve to live in Rata Sum, bookah
GAF guild stuff
Guild As Fuck
Aaw, I love the Asura. They're unique for a little race. Technologically advanced to the point they have like the only robots in the GW universe, super elitist and snarky, deep sense of honor under the surface. They're my homeboys.

Hmm why are we assuming Sylvari theif will be that common? I'm thinking Human Thief, Charr Warrior, and Sylvari Ranger will be the most common picks.

Guild As Fuck

I don't hate Asura, but I can see this:



and in general it seems like other halflings, goblins, gnomes types creatures. I think its the least inspired race.

I think Human Ele and Human Guardian will be among the most popular.

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™


The Cryptarch's Bane
I think its the least inspired race.
Well my friend, I have to disagree in that humans would strike me as the least inspired.

And of course you can see what you want in them, be it house-elves or gremlins or whoever that charming young fellow you posted was, but there is certainly more to them. This is how I see them in my mind:


Hmm why are we assuming Sylvari theif will be that common? I'm thinking Human Thief, Charr Warrior, and Sylvari Ranger will be the most common picks.

From my experience in fantasy MMO's rogues and elf type characters end up crazy popular. For all their 'coolness' beast-like races are never the most popular in fantasy games. I'll actually buy into Sylvari being too green to really end up as popular as elves usually are.

So maybe it will be something like human Thief/elementalist (Classic mage is usually the close second to rogue in fantasy MMO's). There's little doubt asura will be the least played by a huge margin.

They've done a great job on all the races at breaking them at least a bit away from the normal stereotypes of the fantasy cliches they're derived from.


The Cryptarch's Bane
There's little doubt asura will be the least played by a huge margin.

They've done a great job on all the races at breaking them at least a bit away from the normal stereotypes of the fantasy cliches they're derived from.
I hear that. Gotta stick up for the little guys! Plus I love the golems. Good ol' M.O.X., always helping out.

I think I'm gonna have a dual-dagger and a dual-pistol weapon set. And focus a lot on being invisible as frequently as I can.

edit: Man 8 classes is actually a lot to start with. This is going to be a deeper game than people expect, I bet.


I'm hoping the Gaf Guild is semi serious rather than just a casual thing tbh. I'll have other guilds with friends but would probably make Gaf Guild my main guild cause you guys are so cray. I'd atleast want to try an make a name for ourselves through WvW or PvP for being generally awesome and a force to be reckoned with, a swarm of elementalists destroying everything in sight.


Gaf guild needs to be a haven for Zerg who shall hatch in epic WvW when required.
I'd atleast want to try an make a name for ourselves through WvW or PvP for being generally awesome and a force to be reckoned with, a swarm of elementalists destroying everything in sight.
Player skill is the problem there. Hard to gauge. In order to make a name you pretty much go through months of filtering until you get there. By then, the name is changed and you are part of a completely new crew.



Gaf guild needs to be a haven for Zerg who shall hatch in epic WvW when required.

Player skill is the problem there. Hard to gauge. In order to make a name you pretty much go through months of filtering until you get there. By then, the name is changed and you are part of a completely new crew.


Well we have quite a few GW1 vets in here, and many experienced MMO players. We could atleast get a few good Structered PvP teams together.


I'm hoping the Gaf Guild is semi serious rather than just a casual thing tbh. I'll have other guilds with friends but would probably make Gaf Guild my main guild cause you guys are so cray. I'd atleast want to try an make a name for ourselves through WvW or PvP for being generally awesome and a force to be reckoned with, a swarm of elementalists destroying everything in sight.

Well, from what i've gained from that guild screen footage Jira posted earlier in this thread, there seems to be a ton of stuff to do and accomplish as a guild.

Also, there's apparently some great benefits and incentives for teaming up and working together, both in PvE and WvW. Guild Banks, political influence, gear, architecture, etcetera.



Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Well my friend, I have to disagree in that humans would strike me as the least inspired.

And of course you can see what you want in them, be it house-elves or gremlins or whoever that charming young fellow you posted was, but there is certainly more to them. This is how I see them in my mind:

Pretty much why I'll be playing them right there.
Wow sounds like there's going to be a ton of Elementalists, guess that helps make my decision a bit easier, going to be a Human/Norn Necro first, then maybe a Sylvar Elementalist (something about a plant casting fire is kinda idiotically funny to me :p). Asura Engineer would be a good match for my 3rd alt. But yea like others have mentioned, I think I'll make 5 chars right off the bat to at least call dibs on names and birthday gifts :)

As for the GAF guild, my vote would be on "Believe" or maybe "Bomba"? About being "serious" I don't think it'll that big of a problem. In the SWTOR Empire guild we still have a good number of active people that are on nearly daily, usually enough high lvls for 16 man raids with others casually leveling. With the lack of factions and no subscription, I can see the GAF guild staying around for a while.


I already made the best gaf guild name for that temp GW1 one I made months back.

GAF Port Beggars (GAF)

I like dual meanings.


Well, from what i've gained from that guild screen footage Jira posted earlier in this thread, there seems to be a ton of stuff to do and accomplish as a guild.

Also, there's apparently some great benefits and incentives for teaming up and working together, both in PvE and WvW. Guild Banks, political influence, gear, architecture, etcetera.


Yeah, there's something to do for everyone. It will be a lot of fun going for all the guild achievements with fellow gaffers, perhaps splitting up into groups to accomplish different achievements. We just need some organisation etc and hope it doesnt turn into just a chat room like others said, that's just me personally though.


I'm hoping the Gaf Guild is semi serious rather than just a casual thing tbh.

Agreed, but like I said, I'll just be happy to have another Guild chat I can ruin.

So many of you rolling humans, so boring! :p

It's a community thing, you have to think about all of the parts of GAF to make your decision.

For the Charr, it's only a matter of time before FurryGAF finds this thread and then there's gonna be more awkward silences in guild chat than at a Feminist picnic when everyone realizes nobody made any sandwiches. Asura aren't quite furry but I bet there's enough Plushie spillover to make things awkward. Asura are probably safe, for the most part.

Cannabis-GAF will all roll elementalists with torches and try to smoke the Sylvari.

The only safe bet is Human or Norn females since everyone knows GAF can't talk to girls.

Lucky for us there's no mounts or PonyGAF would drive us all out.


GAF guilds don't last long. I'd be surprised if this is the exception.
There are a decent amount of us who are intent on making GW2 our main game for years. On top of that, nobody has any reason to leave the guild since you can be in multiple guilds at once. I think a GAF guild could be fairly successful.

I'm getting urges to go back and start playing GW1 again. Should I resist and wait for what I'm actually excited for?
Unless you're looking to unlock things in the hall of monuments, you should probably wait. Aside from lore, the two games have very little in common. Prophecies and Factions have not aged all that well, but Nightfall and EotN hold up pretty well.
If you've beaten any campaigns in GW1, maybe check out the EotN expansion (note, it's not standalone and you have to be level 20 to play it I think). It's easily the most well done thing they put out in my opinion, and the visuals are really polished.


I was starting to look at builds for Guardian yesterday as the game gets a bit closer to release. I ended up coming to a lot of the same conclusions as you but I was curious where you got your concrete info as to which skills were fields/finishers. For my part I'm heavily leaning towards mace/focus as it seems to be the best balance between offense/defense in terms of combinations with a great variety of tactics to utilize. I actually was leaning toward Hammer as my alternate for something that seems a bit heavier on the aoe. My intended utilities/profession skills are a bit different than yours as well; I almost exclusively coop so I have to bring a bit more DPS in my builds as well. I'll actually pull the lists up on my phone and put my build up after lunch.

My other concern with Guardian is that all of his initiator fields that I could find information on were light; at the very least I expected Guardian to have a fire field. Fortunately my coop partner is 99% likely to play necro, elementalist, or mesmer so we'll probably cover a good portion of the possibilities between the two of us. It really seems to be the only class that has exactly one type of initiator field (Except possibly warrior?) but I suppose that's balanced by being the most survivable of professions.


Click through them and look for Field or Finisher.


There are a decent amount of us who are intent on making GW2 our main game for years. On top of that, nobody has any reason to leave the guild since you can be in multiple guilds at once. I think a GAF guild could be fairly successful.

Unless you're looking to unlock things in the hall of monuments, you should probably wait. Aside from lore, the two games have very little in common. Prophecies and Factions have not aged all that well, but Nightfall and EotN hold up pretty well.
If you've beaten any campaigns in GW1, maybe check out the EotN expansion (note, it's not standalone and you have to be level 20 to play it I think). It's easily the most well done thing they put out in my opinion, and the visuals are really polished.

I definitely intend to join the GAF guild so I can have people to play with when my friends aren't online, as I know I'll be playing this much more often than they will.

I don't care for HoM and I haven't touched the game since I watched the credits roll at the end of EotN. I'll wait then. But oh man am I feeling that urge to play an MMO.



Click through them and look for Field or Finisher.

I did that all yesterday and couldn't find anything except light fields. Was really surprised not even the torch had a fire field effect for the guardian.

Also: Does anyone know Arenanet's philosophy on DPS output? Do all classes have the potential to have equal DPS output or is control/healing/mitigation a metric that lowers your maximum DPS potential in their designs?



Reposting the Necro video since I will be using it to compare to a Mesmer.

The Marks shown here and how they're used present more of a control and choice-making system than what the Mesmer currently has. For one, the Marks are doing more than an illusion does and doing it better. There are often conditions and boons, or multiple conditions or conditions and damage. By being a part of the environment, they force the foe to make a choice of taking a direct line to the Necro or going around the Marks. An illusion on the other hand either applies a single condition or does minimal damage, its added benefit being on shatter which has shown to provide little damage itself. The most useful shatter seems to be stun or retaliation. Another problem is that the Mesmer's replacement for empathy/backfire is the Confusion condition which has shown to need a lot of stacking to even matter to a foe. The other benefit of Marks is that they remain once they've done their work, so they can hit multiple foes. Illusions are single targeters and die once the target dies. If you shatter them, then they're done for.

This gets to some other issues. Namely that Illusions of a Mesmer present a choice to a foe, but not a pick your poison sort of choice. Either you one-shot the illusions and take away the Mesmers shatter ability or you ignore them and go right after the Mesmer because the Illusions do hardly any damage. I don't see where the winning choice here is for the Mesmer since shatters haven't shown to be all that great. In videos, you saw nearly every Mesmer go Greatsword once they got it. This also seems to be the weapon set that relies the least on Illusions. There aer two illusion skills on the Greatsword skillbar, but one is primarily a getaway + illusion and the other was a phantasm that wasn't used all that often. The primary skills used were spatial surge and the aoe knockback because they work well together and because Spatial Surge was actually the only Mesmer skill seen doing much damage. The lack of damage would be fine if the Mesmer had control, but the Illusions aren't providing much control because they do not last long and do less overall than Necro or Elemantalist skills.

Something that would be more in line with what a Mesmer is known for would be things like a Necro's Mark that look like boon areas to the enemy. This would be an illusion and be the actual mindgames a Mesmer is supposed to play.

Mesmer problems being: complicated delivery system which may actually deliver a weaker package, the choices the Illusions force are not that negative to the Mesmer's foe and may be more a negative to the Mesmer themselves at times, confusion requiring a ton of stacks to be effective, other conditions that provide better control alike chill are common to other classes like Necro and Ele but no so available to Mesmer.


I did that all yesterday and couldn't find anything except light fields. Was really surprised not even the torch had a fire field effect for the guardian.

Also: Does anyone know Arenanet's philosophy on DPS output? Do all classes have the potential to have equal DPS output or is control/healing/mitigation a metric that lowers your maximum DPS potential in their designs?

I edited some of these myself actually so I know they're in there.


Combo finisher: Leap


I edited some of these myself actually so I know they're in there.


Combo finisher: Leap

I should have been more clear: Initiator Fields. They actually have a great selection of finishers for the combo attacks but the only combo field they have is light. It's really not a problem in the end because I'll be playing with someone using a lot of fields that I can finish off, I was just surprised they didn't have a fire initiator field.


I should have been more clear: Initiator Fields. They actually have a great selection of finishers for the combo attacks but the only combo field they have is light. It's really not a problem in the end because I'll be playing with someone using a lot of fields that I can finish off, I was just surprised they didn't have a fire initiator field.

Oh, right yeah they do only have Light fields. I mean I could see them getting maybe a Fire field on the Torch, but who knows. I think they're aiming to give each profession a single initiator type so that each profession stands out in that regard. Maybe I'm wrong on that, I'd really need to take a look at other classes.
Finally saw the video of the skilled player playing a human warrior.

I'm amazed at how much the combat, when played well, resembles something like Fable more than it does other MMOs. Really psyched about it. The game as a whole so far looks to be an MMO with polish near that of a single-player game, really. I may be about as excited for the combat as I am the Dynamic Event System.

Directly into my veins, please.

PS. Norn 4 lyfe
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