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Spring Anime 2012 | Welcome Home, Space Cowboy

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David Production aren't really new. They were just a piece-work studio before taking on Ristorante Paradiso (Which was fab) for themselves in 2009. Go backwards, if you haven't already, cajun, everyone needs to see the old-man moe.

When I say a relatively new studio I mean in terms of making their own productions. Lots of studios worked on co-productions before striking out on their own, but they are usually judged by what they have created themselves, and that is what they are known for.
Maybe I should say "a relatively independently new studio".
Well, I think several studios have released anime adapatations of Key games. Kyoto Animation and PA Works for example.
Kyoto did most of them so check the wiki/

Also aside from Kanon 2002 I just realized I own everything adapted from Key.
Could Little busters be next?
What the hell is that even about?
It's too bad Kanon 2002 doesn't have a US release as far as I know, I'd probably get it...

Glad to see you're enjoying Inu X Boku SS. They also did Ben-to, and judging by positive reactions to that show I'd say they are on a roll for a relatively new studio. Can't wait to see what they come up with next. If its interesting, I'm there.
Yeah, it's good. That same studio made Ben-To? They are off to a good start then, but hopefully Inu x Boku SS doesn't fall apart at the end like Ben-To did in its last few episodes...

As for that magic technology manga, the way you describe it sounds like Kazuki from Mahoraba definitely. Only he didnt have a little sister to protect or anything. Instead he had three girls who wanted his genes. That's such a blatant fanservice panderbait that it's hard not to be amused by it. Will be hard to top Maburaho.
While reading it I was thinking more IS than Mahoraba or Maburaho, but that's probably because of the art style, which doesn't look much like either of those but looks a little more like IS (male uniforms particularly, I think). In terms of story though, I can see the comparisons, yes. It's not a ridiculous farce of a comic panderbait series like Mahoraba (or was that Maburaho? They're somewhat similar in both name and contents, I keep forgetting which is which...), but it is a harem series in a school with magic and a powerful lead who can't really use his powers... (and yes, that description makes me think of Maken-Ki too, though otherwise the two are quite diffrent, and I like this series FAR more than Maken-Ki, though with how bad that franchise is that's not hard.)

You know, when you're dealing with themes this generic, it's kind of hard to nail down exactly which elements of which are there, because they all share certain pieces of this stuff, just not all of them... but though it does nothing new, the manga's decent.

As for ME-tan, she is definitely the most squeeworthy of the OS-tans and her clumsiness is a HUGE part of that. She is unique in that her OS was pretty much a failure and it makes you feel sorry for her.
I used ME as my primary OS for 5 1/2 years, and never regretted not moving to XP, so I at least liked it... apart from the constant crashes of course, that is. It did run, though; only last year did it suffer a major failure that required a reinstall of the OS onto a new drive. At least I still have the original drive though, even though I sadly never managed to fix that install... still though, that's like 9 1/2 years before it suffered a problem I couldn't fix and had to give up on the original install. Not bad.


It's too bad Kanon 2002 doesn't have a US release as far as I know, I'd probably get it...

Yeah, it's good. That same studio made Ben-To? They are off to a good start then, but hopefully Inu x Boku SS doesn't fall apart at the end like Ben-To did in its last few episodes...

While reading it I was thinking more IS than Mahoraba or Maburaho, but that's probably because of the art style, which doesn't look much like either of those but looks a little more like IS (male uniforms particularly, I think). In terms of story though, I can see the comparisons, yes. It's not a ridiculous farce of a comic panderbait series like Mahoraba (or was that Maburaho? They're somewhat similar in both name and contents, I keep forgetting which is which...), but it is a harem series in a school with magic and a powerful lead who can't really use his powers... (and yes, that description makes me think of Maken-Ki too, though otherwise the two are quite diffrent, and I like this series FAR more than Maken-Ki, though with how bad that franchise is that's not hard.)

You know, when you're dealing with themes this generic, it's kind of hard to nail down exactly which elements of which are there, because they all share certain pieces of this stuff, just not all of them... but though it does nothing new, the manga's decent.

I used ME as my primary OS for 5 1/2 years, and never regretted not moving to XP, so I at least liked it... apart from the constant crashes of course, that is. It did run, though; only last year did it suffer a major failure that required a reinstall of the OS onto a new drive. At least I still have the original drive though, even though I sadly never managed to fix that install... still though, that's like 9 1/2 years before it suffered a problem I couldn't fix and had to give up on the original install. Not bad.

The show we are thinking of is Maburaho. the reason its confusing is because J.C. Staff also did Mahoraba Heartful Days. Maburaho is the one about the kid in a magic academy with the bloodline of very powerful magicians and is a harem series. Mahoraba is more of a romantic comedy incvolving a girl with a severe case of multiple personalities.
Maburaho is the weaker of the two and I think Gaf despises it, but they do seem to appreciate Mahoraba.


Rolling Girl
The show we are thinking of is Maburaho. the reason its confusing is because J.C. Staff also did Mahoraba Heartful Days. Maburaho is the one about the kid in a magic academy with the bloodline of very powerful magicians and is a harem series. Mahoraba is more of a romantic comedy incvolving a girl with a severe case of multiple personalities.
Maburaho is the weaker of the two and I think Gaf despises it, but they do seem to appreciate Mahoraba.

Very appreciative!


Nice. I'm just waiting for it to finish so I can continue my marathon without hurdles.


Bleach 366

Couldn't do it. Couldn't even finish the ep. Not that it was bad, because it wasn't actually at all--quite the opposite--but that I told myself that I said goodbye to the anime with the ep where Ichigo gave a heartfelt goodbye to Rukia and lost his powers.--the end of the Aizen arc, 26somthing or so. THAT was the perfect end to Bleach, the series, not just the animu, but the whole damn thing. This ep, in turn, while good, felt like I was watching some extraneous addendum. Just... No.

No, it would be very shitty for it to end after the most anticlimactic final fight yet or some sappy goodbye.

Bleach began with a smirk and should end with a smirk.

At least not ending with that arc or the next gives kub more opportunities to redeem himself.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Toradora! 19-25 (FINAL)


What a delightful ending. These feels that I had no idea it would evoke from me suddenly awakened. At face value, my predictions after watching 11-18 seemed spot-on but the way it happened differed from how I thought it would play out. Episodes 11-20 got sort of too serious business but hey, it was relevant to the rest of the series after that so I can't fault it too much. While I tried to suspend my disbelief, those middle episodes made it all to clear what was going to happen in the ending. I don't know if it's because I nearly spoiled the ending for myself before I even started the show but
Ryuuji x Taiga
was the obvious pairing mainly because
Ryuuji and Taiga seemed blatantly incompatible with any other character.
Knowing anime these days, the only thing that was going to make
a believable match for
would be some serious character development on the part of both and while there is some convincing character development portrayed in Toradora, it was driven in a way so that the
two misunderstood "delinquents" would obviously be together.
Minori was a very divisive character for me throughout the show. Right until the end,
Minori is that bipolar chick who is either uber-energetic or uber-depressed and it was so bothersome to watch because she didn't come off as a human being at all. There was very little middleground for her but the end resolved that in a believable way.
Despite that, I liked the ride that Toradora provided. [borat]It's a very nice![/borat]

I give Toradora a 4 out of 5.

Well, after I go through the Toradora OVA and SOS, I begin Cowboy Bebop and I've heard that was pretty decent.
Toradora! was the best anime of 2008. Louise may be my first kugiloli, but Taiga is mai waifu.

Mawaru-Penguindrum 23-24 -END-

Flashback. Flashback. Flashback. Flashback. Flashback.

But... That was beautiful.


I enjoyed watching this. I mean, in retrospect. The first half (which I think, for coherence's sake, should be titled
Ringo-chan's Braindead Adventures
) was beyond annoying, and I would've undoubtedly dropped it right after that episode with fairy tale-esque skits if I hadn't started watching the show because of a personal recommendation.

Once they got over the crazy secondary characters' backstories and the plot started running in circles, though, it actually became pretty good. The style, the OST, Shouma and Kanba made me stand strong through the hard times, and I'm glad for that.

Shouma and Kanba. Such bosses.

And I guess the show's message is
being kazoku is suffering.
The show had its share of problems regarding pacing, but I'm glad people warmed up to the family dynamics in the end. It's a lovely cartoon.


Tantei Opera Milky Holmes II 12

I can't believe it's over... :(

I'm going to miss my weekly dose of my insane, cute, funny anime that never failed to make my laugh. I thought the ending was really nice, the 11th episode was obviously the best, but the 12th had things to make up for the lack of action. <3

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
People should not even be allowed to talk about Avatar or Korra in this thread anyway. It's not anime, and this thread is exclusively about ANIME DISCUSSION only.
Isn't most anime animated in Korea anyway?
Zero No Tsukaima F 12

Well it ended. It's amazing how visually hideous this season was, it clearly had no budget. Just looking at Mr. Colbert's staff whenever he was on screen was hilarious, the lines weren't even straight. When you consider that the 2nd season was actually a fairly decent looking show, ZnT's budget really went to shit by the time they got around to doing this final season. Although I'm surprised it even got the extra season to close the story out. They certainly blew through a shit ton of material very quickly. Definitely the worst season of this series overall.
While I ended up missing the harem hijinx I got rather enthralled in the plot. Imo season 3 was way worse.
So what will kugibros watch now that ZnT and Shana are over?
I'll keep watching these two gifs forever and ever:
Kiyoshirou Inoue's new Steins;Gate doujin has better art than either the game or the anime. True fact.
but can i fap to it?
I really wanted to like the Bakuman anime, considering I follow the manga with a fervent passion. But the pacing was so sluggish and I just couldn't watch more than a few episodes... Glad you enjoyed it though.

I was never up to date with the manga. Though I sometimes read it in line with the anime, some episodes they really cover like three or so chapters though. So, sometimes it really didnt feel slow, but I love the potrayal of everything in Bakuman in the anime

Bleach 366

Couldn't do it. Couldn't even finish the ep. Not that it was bad, because it wasn't actually at all--quite the opposite--but that I told myself that I said goodbye to the anime with the ep where Ichigo gave a heartfelt goodbye to Rukia and lost his powers.--the end of the Aizen arc, 26somthing or so. THAT was the perfect end to Bleach, the series, not just the animu, but the whole damn thing. This ep, in turn, while good, felt like I was watching some extraneous addendum. Just... No.

An end in which the key character loses powers and says goodbye? I dont know if I would accept that, curious how the actual true end will be. I always pictured some happy ending for all shonen jack anime and manga.
The show we are thinking of is Maburaho. the reason its confusing is because J.C. Staff also did Mahoraba Heartful Days. Maburaho is the one about the kid in a magic academy with the bloodline of very powerful magicians and is a harem series. Mahoraba is more of a romantic comedy incvolving a girl with a severe case of multiple personalities.
Maburaho is the weaker of the two and I think Gaf despises it, but they do seem to appreciate Mahoraba.

Alright, Maboraho, yeah, that's what I was thinking of too. I haven't actually seem Mahoraba. As for Maburaho though, I enjoyed the anime, yes. It's too bad it doesn't have another season, there are a lot of novels not animated... and the manga version's really short (two volumes at most), so it's no replacement. But yeah, Maboraho was a fun series, I enjoyed it. It was pretty stupid, and I disliked some parts (the lead was too stupid for words, he richly deserved what happened to him late in the season!), but it was overall entertainingly bad.

There is another series I'm thinking of though, I just forget the name... I was thinking it was Mahoraba but it's obviously something else. The MC is a boy with "no" magical powers whose sisters are secretly witches, there's also a tsundere witch girl who shows up and moves in, etc etc. I believe it did have an anime too, though I haven't seen it.

But returning ot Maburaho, I posted reviews of the series last year, while watching it: 1-5, 6-8, 9-15, 16-20, 21-24.

... Huh, I seem to have never posted my Maburaho eps 21-24 review on GAF, or at least I can't find it in searches. Well, I posted it below. This was written back in March 2011.

Maburaho 21-24 (End) - Good series, mostly. The first eight episodes were weaker than where it went after that, but in the end this was alright. It's too bad it didn't continue, I know the light novels do. Oh well, at least this season was okay. It's nothing special, lots of generic harem stuff, but amusing, and the fact that he actually
dies and becomes a ghost
after about eight episodes was different, in a lot of series they wouldn't have done that... it was a twist that made the show better. He wastes so many spells up to that point, it was interesting that they actually went through with it instead of coming up with a way out of him running out. And then in the end he
comes back
, which was alright... he'd earned it I guess. I have to wonder how much magic he has after that though, it didn't say and if it's as little as he had before, how would he avoid having it all happen again...

Anyway though, it's mostly an average show with little point and largely circular progression, but it was decent enough to be worth watching.


Inu x Boku SS 9-11

I've grown to really like the OP for this. 9 and 10 were OK episodes (10 had some SD moments that were exceptional, I'd say), but 11 was pretty cool. The revelation was obvious, but it was still nice to see the whole flashback with no interruptions.
So now there is only episode 12 left to see after it airs. Hope that delivers too.


No, it would be very shitty for it to end after the most anticlimactic final fight yet or some sappy goodbye.

Bleach began with a smirk and should end with a smirk

At least not ending with that arc or the next gives kub more opportunities to redeem himself.

Bleach began with Ichigo hating that he could see spirits. It ending with him getting his initial wish, but at a cost, would be the best thing ever.


Sket Dance 51

Damn. When this series is going good, it is really fucking good. That was as beautifully bittersweet as I remember it being in the manga. Really nice.


Huh I've heard about Chihayafuru, but it was never recommended to me when i asked at another forum, will prob. give it a watch or read to see if I'd like it.


Alright, Maboraho, yeah, that's what I was thinking of too. I haven't actually seem Mahoraba. As for Maburaho though, I enjoyed the anime, yes. It's too bad it doesn't have another season, there are a lot of novels not animated... and the manga version's really short (two volumes at most), so it's no replacement. But yeah, Maboraho was a fun series, I enjoyed it. It was pretty stupid, and I disliked some parts (the lead was too stupid for words, he richly deserved what happened to him late in the season!), but it was overall entertainingly bad.

There is another series I'm thinking of though, I just forget the name... I was thinking it was Mahoraba but it's obviously something else. The MC is a boy with "no" magical powers whose sisters are secretly witches, there's also a tsundere witch girl who shows up and moves in, etc etc. I believe it did have an anime too, though I haven't seen it.

But returning ot Maburaho, I posted reviews of the series last year, while watching it: 1-5, 6-8, 9-15, 16-20, 21-24.

... Huh, I seem to have never posted my Maburaho eps 21-24 review on GAF, or at least I can't find it in searches. Well, I posted it below. This was written back in March 2011.

Maburaho 21-24 (End) - Good series, mostly. The first eight episodes were weaker than where it went after that, but in the end this was alright. It's too bad it didn't continue, I know the light novels do. Oh well, at least this season was okay. It's nothing special, lots of generic harem stuff, but amusing, and the fact that he actually
dies and becomes a ghost
after about eight episodes was different, in a lot of series they wouldn't have done that... it was a twist that made the show better. He wastes so many spells up to that point, it was interesting that they actually went through with it instead of coming up with a way out of him running out. And then in the end he
comes back
, which was alright... he'd earned it I guess. I have to wonder how much magic he has after that though, it didn't say and if it's as little as he had before, how would he avoid having it all happen again...

Anyway though, it's mostly an average show with little point and largely circular progression, but it was decent enough to be worth watching.

Yes. I have this series. Its called Magikano.
I mentioned it earlier.


Huh I've heard about Chihayafuru, but it was never recommended to me when i asked at another forum, will prob. give it a watch or read to see if I'd like it.

Honestly, if you can handle a bit of in-depth talk about the Karuta game and its strategies, this is a VERY enjoyable anime series to pick up. The music especially, is absolutely beautiful.


Huh I've heard about Chihayafuru, but it was never recommended to me when i asked at another forum, will prob. give it a watch or read to see if I'd like it.

They probably saw it's Karuta with no loli jailbait which is why they wrote it off.

Beautiful designs with engaging atmosphere and soundtrack.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I got like this for the Zero no Tsukaima F ending, stop hating. :(
Erica is totally the best Precure.
I don't know if I agree, but she is certainly top tier.
Utena 7

Stop being mean to Anthy. :(

Love triangles




Pizzaroll Section:

Touga's knife throwing
You have no idea.
I'm actually rather excited for this!
Kora no Densetsu 1

Anime is saved.
Sweet, we have mod approval!
Kora no Densetsu 2

First we had Avatar with some Baccano, now we have Avatar with some Tron.
I still don't' understand the fucking rules of that fiction sport.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
'Anime' in the English usage is an example of a reborrowed loanword. 'Anime' (&#12450;&#12491;&#12513;) is derived from the English word 'animation', and is used correctly in Japanese to refer to all forms of animation, no matter the country of origin. When it was reborrowed into English, it's meaning changed to only refer to Japanese animation.

So, Korra no Densetsu is 'anime' in the correct Japanese usage of the term, and it isn't in the reborrowed English usage of the term. I'll let you decide for yourself which usage is the correct one. I've wasted too much time typing this goddamn post instead of using it enjoyably to watch another episode of F/Z.
So what you are saying is that the people who consider Korra anime are more weabooish than the ones who don't consider Korra anime?
So, in a matter of days we will see hear Shoko Nakagawa destroy the legacy of Saint Seiya by singing Pegasus Fantasy. Is everyone ready?
Hey, as long as she doesn't touch the Spanish OP that's cool.


Sket Dance 51

Like I figured, two of the chapters focusing on
the brothers
. Love the "Happy to Meet You" story.
Nice montage with the first OP theme to close out the first year/season for Sket Dance, and onward to season 2!

Finally, Saaya appears, voiced by Kana Hanazawa. Looking forward to this so much.

e: oh, I almost forgot, people who were worried for comedy since Gintama's over?
Sket Dance says you'll be alright.


So this weekend is Anime Contents Expo, which should hopefully be everything that TAF used to be.

We should almost certainly get a PV for From The New World this weekend as it's being screened at their talk panel - I watched the "prelude" videos that TV Asahi have uploaded this week but there's not a huge amount to see in those. There's apparently a PV for Mankind Has Declined as well (is the title for comic effect? I get that the story is about a world where mankind has declined, but it looks like some silly fluffy thing about fairy ambassadors?), but I'm not particularly excited about that.

Not sure what to get hyped about that we don't already know a fair amount for. Noitamina's news conference is tomorrow and I doubt there'll be much to see of anything of their shows at ACE. I had wondered whether that show adapting the karuta poems could have been in Noitamina, but maybe that'll be in the NTV Tuesday night slot to carry on the theme from Chihayafuru?


I probably should try to get back into Sket Dance. I left off right in the middle of Himeko's backstory arc because it wasn't really grabbing me. But then again, it's gonna be really hard for anything to top Switch's.


I probably should try to get back into Sket Dance. I left off right in the middle of Himeko's backstory arc because it wasn't really grabbing me. But then again, it's gonna be really hard for anything to top Switch's.

Yeah, Himeko's backstory really is junior-leagues compared to either Bossun's or Switch's, unfortunately. And like Articalys mentions, if you're a Gintama bro, there isn't a much better replacement. I just got back on the train, myself.


Ozma 02

I liked the first OP more. :(

I'm gonna assume you fuckers hate this because it doesn't have moé and lolis and like it's space battles but not really because they are in the sand. Well screw you jerks, this is manime. Stuff like this is what I envision when I hear the term Star Trek anime, not fucking Boring Space Not Pirates.

I hated it because it's annoying, cliched, and ugly as sin.


dem iberian accents man, i don't get them
Nothing strange as there was confusion here, as well... I remember comparisons of this person with a drunk German tourist of horrible accent reciting encouraging songs for his summer friends on any typical 'chiringuito' of Benidorm.


Bleach 366

Couldn't do it. Couldn't even finish the ep. Not that it was bad, because it wasn't actually at all--quite the opposite--but that I told myself that I said goodbye to the anime with the ep where Ichigo gave a heartfelt goodbye to Rukia and lost his powers.--the end of the Aizen arc, 26somthing or so. THAT was the perfect end to Bleach, the series, not just the animu, but the whole damn thing. This ep, in turn, while good, felt like I was watching some extraneous addendum. Just... No.

Did I post this all ready? Can't remember so I'll post it again. I'm content with the ending, it closed enough story threads without opening a whole new can of worms. Definitely better than the open ending for the first InuYasha series. "Yes, we will defeat Naraku!" *Inuyasha & Co run off in to the sunset* -END-
Katsuhiro Otomo, who previously headed up the omnibus collection Memories, has a new omnibus product planned for next year: Short Peace. It gathers together "top creators at the leading edge of Japanese animation, exploring possible future avenues of expression." It'll include the short Otomo has been directing at Sunrise, "Combustible," about firefighters in the Edo period. Its release is scheduled for 2013.

Ozma 02

I liked the first OP more. :(

I'm gonna assume you fuckers hate this because it doesn't have moé and lolis and like it's space battles but not really because they are in the sand. Well screw you jerks, this is manime. Stuff like this is what I envision when I hear the term Star Trek anime, not fucking Boring Space Not Pirates.

No, I dislike Ozma because it's a mishmash of cliches that feel like they were stolen from Matsumoto's back pocket, the characters are paper-thin and uninteresting, the "plot" has spent most of its time on intricate technological jargon I don't care about, and even though almost the entirety of this episode is static face shots, the animators still can't be bothered to keep the faces consistent:

It's just completely forgettable apart from the soundtrack. I'll still watch it but my expectations are low (so I can profit if it does a 180)

The soundtrack is done by Kousuke Yamashita, who was also composer for Chihayafuru, so it's not a surprise that it's the one element of worth that has emerged from this project.

Glad to see you're enjoying Inu X Boku SS. They also did Ben-to, and judging by positive reactions to that show I'd say they are on a roll for a relatively new studio. Can't wait to see what they come up with next. If its interesting, I'm there.

Level E was good, and Ristorante Paradiso looks interesting, but based on Ben-to, which had a few bright moments but was generally dull, and Inu X Boku SS, which was altogether bland, I'd say David Productions is on a roll downhill.

e: oh, I almost forgot, people who were worried for comedy since Gintama's over?

Sket Dance says you'll be alright.

The problem with Sket Dance is that it lacks that spark of inspiration in its setting, characters, story, writing, and direction which elevates Gintama to such a high level. The comedy isn't as sharp or unrestrained. That said, it's certainly a solid show which entertains me often enough to keep me watching. Occasionally you do get episodes which show that normally lacking spark, especially when Shinichi Watanabe (Excel Saga) is director as in episode 43.


Setec Astronomer
You know, some of the people complaining about Korra no Densetsu have also made posts about a show named Mahoutsukai.


The problem with Sket Dance is that it lacks that spark of inspiration in its setting, characters, story, writing, and direction which elevates Gintama to such a high level. The comedy isn't as sharp or unrestrained.

This. Sket Dance is missing everything that makes Gintama what it is. It's a hollow shell that Gintama fans should avoid completely.
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