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Fighting Games Weekly | April 16-22

I hope if they are doing DS, it's next summer, and save SF5 for nextgen. New engine and all that cool stuff.

All I hope is that there's a shakeup in Ono's team, the people there realize how shitty SF4's artstyle is and how nobody wants characters who look like chimpanzees. Otherwise they should just all be sacked and let Nitsuma's team take over.

I hope either KOF13 or Skullgirls take the throne as the third fighter.

The third fighter will be taken over by SCV, it's already significantly more successful than KOFXIII and that's even though people have been pushing KOFXIII and pretending SCV doesn't exist.

Azure J

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: everyone's killing order should be Doom, Morrigan, ________.

I thought DragonGod was going to be the one to really drive this home, but he made some absolutely horrid decisions after clipping Doom and being patient through most of the fireball wars.

[Armshouse]How can man raw tag into sou sou?[/Armshouse]

Morrigan is a lot like Phoenix (CALM DOWN) in the sense that when watching shit go down, the entire match is just waiting to see if someone has the hard counter or not and if they can execute it or not. I do not like any form of "the match actually begins now." It makes the match one dimensional, can't promote that either.

No, that's just players not getting that if you body Doom assist or use whatever touch they get to snap in said character, Morrigan fireball mirrors become an ass ton easier to deal with. This is especially if what you said before about Chris G's team being front loaded towards Morrigan is true. The assists won't be an issue and thus Morrigan loses the advantages granted to her by his team setup.

If there's an analogue to this, it's like when people would let Weskers and Dante's run amok with a Tron or Haggar assist without dealing with said assist in Vanilla.

By the way, if this is too much for people, God forbid when technicians come in with proper Soul Drain technology. Heads are going to spin Exorcist style. :lol
It was over when Capcom announced the 12 characters before launch and they've reached their saturation point. As much some players request so and so old game, the truth of it is they're already getting stretched thin. And lord knows, if newer players can't handle SFxT, they aren't ready for a proper CvS3.

Between SF, MvC, SFxT, SC5, Skullgirls, a possible Guilty Gear/Blazblue, KoF13 and TTT2 everyone already knows which 2 or 3 games their playing.

+ MK, DS4, Persona, TxSF and probably more.

The third fighter will be taken over by SCV, it's already significantly more successful than KOFXIII and that's even though people have been pushing KOFXIII and pretending SCV doesn't exist.

Might also be because it is significantly more boring to watch too.


El Sloth

The third fighter will be taken over by SCV, it's already significantly more successful than KOFXIII and that's even though people have been pushing KOFXIII and pretending SCV doesn't exist.
Sounds to me like you're underestimating KOF's international popularity.
I wonder if DOA5 will catch on. I played Ultimate and 4 online a lot, but I might be over the series. It was kind of hot since nothing else was offering solid online play.

I doubt it. Going to be hard for anything to get a lot of traction I feel because there are too many options. It would have to be really outstanding.

Can't agree that SC5 isn't boring to watch from what I have seen. Is it one of those games where you really have to know what is going on to enjoy it?


Sounds to me like you're underestimating KOF's international popularity.

Sounds to me like you're underestimating how 3D games are fairly popular internationally. eg. SC in France and Tekken in Korea.

For some the 3d fighters just don't get a lot respect in the US.
I wonder if DOA5 will catch on. I played Ultimate and 4 online a lot, but I might be over the series. It was kind of hot since nothing else was offering solid online play.

I don't think it's gonna catch on in tournaments, but who knows. It will sell more than SC5 I bet though, heh.

So many choices! FGC buffet.
I wonder if DOA5 will catch on. I played Ultimate and 4 online a lot, but I might be over the series. It was kind of hot since nothing else was offering solid online play.

If they fix the counter system and not let it be freaking rock paper scissors a hundred times per match then maybe it will be taken seriously. So far it seems that they are trying to move the series close to DOA3, which is a step in the right direction but is likely to mean the game will remain niche and not taken seriously by other fighting game fans.
Its a shame because KOF13 is the best fighting game this generation. Thats the undeniable truth.
This is the truth, but it would be nice if it had spectator mode and better netcode. There are some other games with potential though...

Skullgirls could go places if it has another five-six characters, multi fight lobbies, spectator mode and all the other stuff they want to add. Those guys at Reverge have big plans for the game in terms of updates and patches. BlazBlue is the dark horse of this generation. No one will care if BB3 is the Accent Core of this gen. Mahvel 3 could be amazing if it gets an AE update with better roster choices, more buffs for the Capcom side and some extras like Online training mode, hitboxes and replay.
+ MK, DS4, Persona, TxSF and probably more.
TxSF is probably a 2014 (late 2013 at best)game at this rate and DS4 is only a rumor that is a year away at best.

El Sloth

Sounds to me like you're underestimating how 3D games are fairly popular internationally. eg. SC in France and Tekken in Korea.

For some the 3d fighters just don't get a lot respect in the US.
I prefer SCV over KOF. But it's no joke that KOF is super popular in South America and Mexico. It also has players in Europe, Korea, and of course Japan. I think KOF wins the international popularity contest.
Skullgirls could go places if it has another five-six characters, multi fight lobbies, spectator mode and all the other stuff they want to add. Those guys at Reverge have big plans for the game in terms of updates and patches. BlazBlue is the dark horse of this generation. No one will care if BB3 is the Accent Core of this gen. Mahvel 3 could be seriously amazing if it gets an AE update with better roster choices, more buffs for the Capcom side and some extras like Online training mode, hitboxes and replay.
And don't forget the movelist. As much a people like to downplay it's exclusion it is still a real big turnoff to people who haven't been following the game or are only casual fighting game fans. Just look a the latest Giantbomb quicklook. They spend a big chunk of it just harping on that.

*cue someone replying in a unnecessarily snarky way about laptops and pdf's*
It's weird because my best friend isn't really a stream monster but is an old school player who watches a lot of tourney footage on youtube. He sent me a text today saying "What's up with SCV? Most of the shit I see in tournament vids I know I could never pull off, but this looks as basic as it gets."
It's weird because my best friend isn't really a stream monster but is an old school player who watches a lot of tourney footage on youtube. He sent me a text today saying "What's up with SCV? Most of the shit I see in tournament vids I know I could never pull off, but this looks as basic as it gets."

Basic how though? Because there are no big combos?
okay that makes more sense. I was reading it in context and just sort of incredulous?

I feel like something went down tonight but I was out writing a paper!
I prefer SCV over KOF. But it's no joke that KOF is super popular in South America and Mexico. It also has players in Europe, Korea, and of course Japan. I think KOF wins the international popularity contest.

And don't forget the movelist. As much a people like to downplay it's exclusion it is still a real big turnoff to people who haven't been following the game or are only casual fighting game fans. Just look a the latest Giantbomb quicklook. They spend a big chunk of it just harping on that.

*cue someone replying in a unnecessarily snarky way about laptops and pdf's*

I see a good number of Pakistanis at the KOF 98 GGPO room.
TxSF is probably a 2014 (late 2013 at best)game at this rate and DS4 is only a rumor that is a year away at best.

True but they will come, and you wouldn't expect the other games to be dropped like stones. Will just thin things out more. Also chuck in a virtual fighter game in there somewhere too.

It isn't just hard to learn to play all these games, it takes an effort to learn to watch them too.


levelup stream chat going in on sp00ky?

That's fucked up, man.

Hard to decide whether it was a good thing or a bad one that the stream trolls didn't follow Spooky from Twitch to Own3d. Chat is actually readable over there, but Spooky deserves all the eyeballs he can get.
True but they will come, and you wouldn't expect the other games to be dropped like stones. Will just thin things out more. Also chuck in a virtual fighter game in there somewhere too.

It would be very cool if a scene sprouted up around VF5FS. Damn game deserves it. Even a small hardcore following who impose it at locals would be great.
It would be very cool if a scene sprouted up around VF5FS. Damn game deserves it. Even a small hardcore following who impose it at locals would be great.

Definitely. I never paid too much attention to it because I never thought that it would be released here. Since the announcement I've soaked up match vids by the hundreds and I now believe what my friend has been saying for a while....It's one of the best fighting games of all time.


Wow, that one wake up Ultra led into 4 straight game wins and the match win for Marn. Did not realize Dudley had that kind of stun output (although, yeah, it IS Seth.)
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