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Game Informer's Guessable Cover: Elders Scrolls Online [Move to details thread]

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At least this wasn't developed by Bethesda. Let them continue concentrating on the single player games.

DAoC creators? Could be interesting.

There's no way they will have PvP. How could you possibly balance the infinite build combinations of a class-less RPG?
WoW's player base is decreasing too- it's a good time to launch an MMO if you can. Watch the throne and all that. With TOR maybe not doing overwhelmingly great, and Elder Scrolls being a more commanding presence in video games nowadays than Star Wars, it's worth a shot.

It's actually a terrible time to launch a subscription MMO. There's too much F2P/cheap competition for your dollars.

F2P, that's another story.


Need more information before I can accurately judge if this is awesome or shit. Third person? First Person? Free Roming? WoW Clone? Guild Wars 2 style?


It MUST BE FIRST PERSON if they want to have even a slight of chance against WoW.

FPS MMO? no.

And they won't stand a chance against WoW if they clone their game from it (like 99% of the mmo's out today). MMO genre is dying because its full of copycats. EVE Online is one example of how your game can be much different from WoW and still do good.

But given this is Elder Scrolls, it will aim for that big casual crowd of WoW and inevitably try to copy it as a result. The biggest problem with MMO devs is that they think new people won't come to the genre if they try something different.
There is a loop. People make WoW clones because they believe people want WoW more than anything else.

They make WoW clones for the same reason they make every special effects movie in 3D now. And why everything is a trilogy nowadays.

They have no idea what people really want, they just see something that is/was wildly successful and want to replicate it.


SWTOR reminded me that I just can't get into MMOs, so this feels like a waste of the licence.

That's because SWTOR is a pretty boring game. It's too grindy and by the [WoW] book for a single player game, and it's strengths are too single player focused for an MMO, so it fails on both fronts. (Plus subscription moneyz)

IDK, I think that handled right (and running away as far as possible from the WoW formula) TES universe lends itself pretty well for a massive online experience. Wait and see I guess.
I'll have to buy the GI issue and read these pages.

Few take aways and questions:

1.) 3 Factions for PvP = great start. Every MMO that is serious about PvP should have at a minimum 3 factions.

2.) Is each zone the size (or at least close) to the zones seen in the last few ES games? If so, then I would imagine there will be a ton of players per server which is good. The current disaster of all recent MMO's is opening too many servers and then losing the "3 months and out" majority for most MMO's, leaving the rest of the fans scattered. Lower amount of servers = better long term health IMO. Just need to be able to handle it!

3.) I can't imagine them deviating too much from what makes ES...well...ES with the skill system. I expect a skill system here. Maybe close to Asheron's Call or SWG in design?

4.) ES as a game is sand box based. As above, I can't see them deviating so expect a sandbox system. Be nice to have territory control (if the land is big enough as hoped in #2), in depth crafting economy (see EVE or SWG), resources (mine) control, and player created cities/towns/villages.

I'll have to keep thinking up a wishlist. Still, for this game to succeed, I believe they need to follow what I laid out here.


FPS MMO? no.

Who said anything about it being a shooter?

And they won't stand a chance against WoW if they clone their game from it (like 99% of the mmo's out today). MMO genre is dying because its full of copycats. EVE Online is one example of how your game can be much different from WoW and still do good.

But given this is Elder Scrolls, it will aim for that big casual crowd of WoW and inevitably try to copy it as a result. The biggest problem with MMO devs is that they think new people won't come to the genre if they try something different.



I'm like 90% sure Bethesda and some of it's employees are involved with this project. My friend was offered a job on an unannounced MMO last January through one of Bethesda's producers. LMAO @ people writing it off because it doesn't have their name cited as doing any work on it atm.


formerly "chigiri"
I'd like to quote these until people stop saying silly things. Zenimax Online is making this game. This is not the same company as either the parent (Zenimax Media) or the sister studio (Bethesda Game Studio).

This is their first game, but a lot of the people there are industry vets. Firor was part of DAoC, and is probably the reason why this has 3 factions.
Aye, I wonder if this image is big enough to demonstrate they're different companies. :p

Watch this video at 2:40
Lemme guess. This will be Elder Scrolls 6-100?

I love the Elder Scrolls. I still play Morrowind on a regular basis, working on mods.

I have zero interest in this. And it's likely the end of the Elder Scrolls as a single player game franchise.
That's because SWTOR is a pretty boring game. It's too grindy and by the [WoW] book for a single player game, and it's strengths are too single player focused for an MMO, so it fails on both fronts. (Plus subscription moneyz)

IDK, I think that handled right (and running away as far as possible from the WoW formula) TES universe lends itself pretty well for a massive online experience. Wait and see I guess.

TOR is a great one month ride. Just after that it needs help. Time will tell (and it won't be a long time) to see what Bioware does about this since they realized this in their latest article / interview with the media.

I still think they need to expand beyond the WoW model and open up "space" in some free form way to really get going long term, but thats IMO.
It's actually a terrible time to launch a subscription MMO. There's too much F2P/cheap competition for your dollars.

F2P, that's another story.

Oh yes, agreed. I just meant MMOs in general. We're not far off the point where someone can make a real push to become the new king. I don't think they'll achieve that through subs, yes, but we'll see what this game turns out to be.

They've gotta have some tricks up their sleeve. They can't just waltz in and demand subs- I guess if anyone could get away with it, it'd be a TES game, but it seems kinda foolish, and there's better ways to capitalise on Skyrim's success.


Lemme guess. This will be Elder Scrolls 6-100?

I love the Elder Scrolls. I still play Morrowind on a regular basis, working on mods.

I have zero interest in this. And it's likely the end of the Elder Scrolls as a single player game franchise.

This takes place 1,000 years before Skyrim and is being developed by ZeniMax online, not Bethesda.


Dude, I've enjoyed what I played too, but GW2 doesn't seem tremendously different..

How are fundamental changes to the definition of "quest," "level," and the design of skills tremendously different? This stuff is only going to have more of an impact after it's out and people have spent time with it.


I hope they don't have a shitty class or job system like most MMOs where I have to make a different character for each job.


If they actually keep this like an Elder Scrolls game : Skill system, First person gameplay, open questing structure. Then color me very very interested. It could be great, but if this is just another third person WoW with a coat of ES paint, then they deserve to crash and burn horribly.


How is removing quests and completely changing the way levels work not tremendously different? This stuff is only going to have more of an impact after it's out and people have spent time with it.

Both the "Heart" quests and DE's seem just to be quests without having to talk to a green exclamation point.

I meant, the first words that came to my mind were "Heart Quests". "Quests". I couldn't think of another word to aptly describe it.

Even the Personal Story Quests (again, what else do you call them?) feel more like normal "Quests", I think even the "Missions" in GW1 were more unique from what I've played (Up to lvl 15)

That said, stoked for the game. It's different, just not tremendously so...
It's actually a terrible time to launch a subscription MMO. There's too much F2P/cheap competition for your dollars.

F2P, that's another story.

Hybrid model is probably what they'll go with. Monthly for "premium" and everything else is F2P cash shop/etc...

In fact if they do use some sort of skill system, F2P could work well (want to make weapons? Buy the weaponsmith pack. Want to own property? Buy a deed.)

Actually that deed idea would work well to keep the "player owned" structures down to manageable levels....if they do that:p


I hope they don't have a shitty class or job system like most MMOs where I have to make a different character for each job.

I would love if they did what you could do with FFXI... You can level up each job/class and then have a sub job opening up more options. That would be rad.


I am interested, i don't like mmo games because they are usually bad games, but i usually try them before talking, so i will wait for more news before taking the torch and burn this thing.

At least DAoC had some nice stuff.
First screen shot should be up at the GI website this afternoon, they are saying, followed up by the a game trailer tomorrow.


It MUST BE FIRST PERSON if they want to have even a slight of chance against WoW.

That would be terrible, especially if they kept combat anything similar to Skyrim. Of course it's a different developer though. What I'm expecting is more like generic MMO with Elder Scrolls lore.


It would be a waste to develop this for current gen.
Should be a next gen launch title. MMO's on current hardware are flawed.
I want to see a next gen mmo, something that will look and run as smooth as a single player skyrim game.

What does that have to do with PC?
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