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Gamescom: PS Vita has sold 2.2 Million Units Worldwide

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I believe in this day and age if your device can't do everything then you're shit outta luck. That's the way the future is heading. If it's a specialized device that shit needs to be cheap. People want more bang for their buck and have no time for a pocket full of shit. Sony marketed it wrong and now is where we stand. They have little direction and this is the price. A good commercial for the vita would be your wife is watching her reality shows and you can't bare it. Pull out the vita. Or your college mate hogs the Tv, pulls out the vita. And lastly your boyfriend is watching sports, how about some reading time. My point is to use real situations to sell it not walking down the street with explosions that the vita apparently manipulates.

Haha, yup. It all basically circles back to: Sony made and marketed a device for which the audience doesn't exist.

Too bad the Vita isn't a phone.


Haha, yup. It all basically circles back to: Sony made and marketed a device for which the audience doesn't exist.

Too bad the Vita isn't a phone.
That could still turn shit around if they do the right thing. Unlike the ps3 Vita doesn't cost $840 to make and didn't have and r and d of a billion dollars. Vita has a full fledged online system, full controll along with new ways to interact with a game and great graphics. Theres a market for it, Sony needs to see it for what it is.


That may be because you're using your own limited imagination and resources to project Vita's future. Limited because you're just one person, and may not have the right expertise. Sony is a conglomerate.

There are many ways for Sony to take Vita into the future. The hardware and software are flexible enough to take on different scenarios. There are enough talent in-house and in the software industry to do interesting things with it. The price point is a challenge because they haven't demonstrated Vita's value adequately to their intended audience.

The problem we see right now is more because of Sony's marketing. They can't make up their mind what they want Vita to become (Perhaps internally, there are different camps). They need to get together to back up Vita with real values, then articulate them clearly.

You can't just say there are "many ways" for Sony to save Vita and then fail to mention even one example.

Price drop is the most obvious one but they seem unable or unwilling to do that this year.

When it comes to games, Sony does have a lot of in-house talent, but they're almost all working on consoles. I don't think it's realistic to expect them to move their developers over to a struggling handheld, especially with the upcoming PS4 release to support. I also think Sony will have a very hard time securing third party Vita exclusives after such dismal hardware sales.

I don't see what they can realistically do in the short term to save Vita.
Well for $149.99 my wife felt like I needed a PSV.

>.> The kids don't seem to interested in it. Granted they are young, and there is no Mario. Still, I have no faith in the system. Any news on homebrew?
For all the emphasis on how Vita has not had a Christmas yet to make a big splash, the reverse is true, as well.

If it fails to make a splash at Christmas, that's the ball game.


For all the emphasis on how Vita has not had a Christmas yet to make a big splash, the reverse is true, as well.

If it fails to make a splash at Christmas, that's the ball game.

I'll stand by what I say. There are two indicators. The first holiday and the first price cut. If there isn't traction after both, call it a game.


Please help me with my bad english
For all the emphasis on how Vita has not had a Christmas yet to make a big splash, the reverse is true, as well.

If it fails to make a splash at Christmas, that's the ball game.
If anything of substance is announced at TGS next month, a poor Christmas performance could be semi-excused.


Well the price cut isn't coming until next year, so the first holiday is null and void.

They are independent of each other. The lack of software is partially addressed in Q4. If that does not address sales then maybe price is a barrier. Ideally it would be great to have them both at the end of the year.


I'll stand by what I say. There are two indicators. The first holiday and the first price cut. If there isn't traction after both, call it a game.

The best time to slash the price would be alongside big new game releases (CoD and AC) and the busy holiday shopping season. I think it's crucial that both of those games are successful since they'll be viewed as "tests" of the platforms viability by other third parties. Those are two of the biggest franchises in gaming after all - if those don't sell there's probably not much hope for other games.

If Sony can't pull off a Vita price drop later this year I don't think it'll happen until late 2013. And by that time it may be too late.
I think Sony can drop the price any time they want. They're losing money, but they are still making big purchases and they have strong cash reserves. Losing money is different when comparing you or me to a corporation as large as Sony. If you are losing money and can't spend to improve your business and get out of whatever put you in debt, you are in big trouble.

Not that I think a price drop would make a big difference beyond a week or two, but the option is there, I think.

The problem is the software. If the COD and Assasin's Creed spinoffs are successful (doubtful) and Sony jumps on board, then third parties might feel confident enough to start making software, but new projects would still be at least a year off from completion.

Something would have to fill the void in the mean time. Secret Vita Game or some surprise hit already in development.

If the "big two" Vita games aren't successful and the system has a slow holiday, I think it's over.


Why can we not get away from this myth that COD is a big title for Vita?
The importance of portable CoD titles should be discussed. How did the DS CoD titles sell? Considering Classified looks like a worse effort than the DS games and the install base of the Vita is poor it would be neat to see if the game outsells any of the DS ones.


Why can we not get away from this myth that COD is a big title for Vita?

If we had a proper console like fully featured port, then I think it could be a potential big seller. Looking at the lazy piece of shit that declassified is I think it is safe to assume it's not going to help vita in any way.


What importance?

About as mythically important as RE Revelations was on the 3DS. See, I just made an opinion.

I forgot the memo where "Forever" was designated the GAFer who wrote and therefore shall be.

See COD is a title who sold millions on the PS3 despite having broken multi player, inconsistent frame rates, and a lower resolution. It sold despite a move from IW to Trey. It will sell despite the developer pedigree.

I should add that it's not going to push Vita into 3DS numbers but it will help in the holidays.

EDIT: Good pic Mileena. This comparison to DS versions are ridiculous.


The importance of portable CoD titles should be discussed. How did the DS CoD titles sell? Considering Classified looks like a worse effort than the DS games and the install base of the Vita is poor it would be neat to see if the game outsells any of the DS ones.




See COD is a title who sold millions on the PS3 despite having broken multi player, inconsistent frame rates, and a lower resolution. It sold despite a move from IW to Trey. It will sell despite the developer pedigree.

It sold because people like to play with their friends in online matches that have more than four people per team. Care to make an avatar bet, true believer?


For all the emphasis on how Vita has not had a Christmas yet to make a big splash, the reverse is true, as well.

If it fails to make a splash at Christmas, that's the ball game.

Considering theres new Nintendo hardware and a competing Nintendo handheld with only it's second Christmas (and new hardware + NSMB2) on the shelves competing for the same dollars, the emphasis on Vita having to make a big splash seems even more difficult.

People talk about the Vita's first worldwide Christmas just because that's normally the done thing to wait for, but there's absolutely no guarantees of anything with the way this year is shaping up.


you know when I heard that Vita Dev kits were being sold much more cheaply than psp Dev kits I thought we'd at *least* get a bunch of doujin-quality 'MAI WAIFU' vita games from smaller studios that would help sell the console to Otaku, but so far nuthin'

"Hey maybe we should get a few studios on board to make visu-nov games for those guys that bought all of those visu-nov games for our PSP?"

Naaah! they can just buy Uncharted instead!

I mean come on! Front *and* back touch controls?? Augmented reality features? This system should be overflowing with hentai/softcore games! Who the hell is in charge over there?


It sold because people like to play with their friends in online matches that have more than four people per team. Care to make an avatar bet, true believer?

Are you so eager and so convicted to bet on an avatar? I stated an opinion, just like you. You want to turn that into a bet?

Maybe never forever ... I don't bet.
Key Word: Effort

Yes, because people buy games because of the effort. Nobody bought CoD on DS because they were miles away of the console experience.

We'll see, probably the Vita game will suck, will be poorly advertised and it will fail on sales, but no matter the effort it will be much more similar to the console experience, so it may push sales.
I'm not going to pretend they were a hidden gem or a revolution in gaming or anything, but the DS CoDs were actually quite competent. Maybe I enjoyed CoD4 more than I should have just for the technical achievement, but nonetheless.


Avtually you could arguably say he's right. Considering the DS hardware I'm not sure how much the cod games could push out of the thing whereas CoD Vita could most probably have been done a lot better than it seems to be so far.

But it looks nothing like CoD. It's so indistinguishable from shovelware shit, which we know the DS has it's fair share of. At least CoD Vita looks like CoD


This is an excellent point and one they I often point out to people. Do you think Joe Schmoe knows (or even cares) about who developed what game? Unless it's some sort of super mega Halo-COD game, people don't pay attention to the studio. Sad, but true.

Go around and ask your friends (you know, the ones who don't hangout on GAF/read Kotaku) what studio made the Assassins Creed games without looking at the box. They might get the publisher, but will they get the studio? Probably not.
I actually dont think that many "average gamers" pay attention to who makes the CoD games either. The games are very similar regardless.

Personally i dont really care much who makes which game either to be honest. It can feel more confident if i know who is making what before i get to try the game myself, but if there is a game that i want to play, i dont really pay attention to who makes the game. I mean, i cant think of one time that i've refused to buy or play a game because (insert game developer here) have made it.
Average gamer = OMG CoD!!!!!!!!!!!

In general in sales thread the consensus i see is that the quality of a game and what developer makes it lieterally have zero impact on how a game sells. So i am honestly curious about what people think causes games to sell? Is it simply all marketing or is there something else at play here?

Personally i don't buy the bullshit that the quality of a game has no impact on how well it sells (at the very least i'd have to imagine reviews would have some impact). Does that mean all good games sell as they should? No. Does that mean all shit games sell terribly? No. However that doesn't mean there is no correlation whatsoever.

About as mythically important as RE Revelations was on the 3DS. See, I just made an opinion.

An opinion that is spot on and you just didn't realise its implications. RE meant absolutely bugger all just as COD will for the vita. The difference is nintendo had their own monster software to fill in the gap. Sony doesn't. I don't see how that is supposed to be a good thing for the vita.


I'll stand by what I say. There are two indicators. The first holiday and the first price cut. If there isn't traction after both, call it a game.

Price cut won't do anything. Why would anything want to carry a 5" smartphone and a PS Vita?


Price cut won't do anything. Why would anything want to carry a 5" smartphone and a PS Vita?

Same reason why they'd carry a smartphone and a 3DS or a smartphone and an iPad. Two devices serving two different functions. There are many who don't use their smartphones as a gaming device.


When my iPhone 4 bust I went back and started using my 7210.

No complaints lol.

I also don't really carry my vita around too much. Mostly just play it at home.

Didn't want to post a new comment, but from the post below, two true points:

Also the the thing is nintendo is still primarily attracting the younger audience in which case they don't have to worry about the dilemma of forcing them to carry a smartphone and gaming device.

In terms of the adult market though they are in a similar position.

Was saying something similar earlier...this thread moves so fast. For it to take off, Sony are going to have to really push it to take off when everyone is this poor to just buy any nice gadget that looks cool.
Same reason why they'd carry a smartphone and a 3DS or a smartphone and an iPad. Two devices serving two different functions. There are many who don't use their smartphones as a gaming device.

How is carrying a vita the same as carrying an ipad with you? It serves a very specific purpose which the vita doesn't. Furthermore most people DON'T carry their ipads around with them unless they specifically need it.

Also the the thing is nintendo is still primarily attracting the younger audience in which case they don't have to worry about the dilemma of forcing them to carry a smartphone and gaming device.

In terms of the adult market though they are in a similar position.
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