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Wii U Thread - Now in HD!

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About this, I know someone working on one of those ports that has told me that working on Wii U has been a real pain in the ass so far and that most of the team members haven't really liked their experiences developing for Wii U. Apparently almost all documentation is in japanese and Nintendo hasn't been that much of a big help. So I won't be surprised if most ports are sub par at launch.

Uh huh. I'm a little more inclined to believe actual public statements by people like Randy Pitchford/Gearbox, Michael Ancel and Jeremiah Jackson.


..but cry so much I wish I had some
Uh huh. I'm a little more inclined to believe actual public statements by people like Randy Pitchford/Gearbox, Michael Ancel and Jeremiah Jackson.

This is just what I'm told from my buddy. I can say it's not from a lack of experience as he's been doing this for quite a while. He says that if you compare this to working on the 360 and the communication they have with Microsoft it's almost night and day. He says the team really likes working with the controller and that they definitely had lots of ideas for it but that porting the game for the console isn't as easy as it should be and that most people on the team are finding it tedious. Obviously they are working for a unreleased console and Nintendo being japanese might not really help for the documentation, but they say they've definitely had better experiences in the past.


I'm willing to bet there are more 3rd party games being developed for PS720 right now then for WiiU. It also wouldn't surprise me that after 3 months of release of the next HD twins, they'll have more 3rd party games then WiiU.

You are growing tiresome. Almost everything you post is speculation, and always slanted as negatively as possible. Do you even have ANY interest in the Wii U? Other than interest in being a buzzkill for anyone who IS excited for the system?
You are growing tiresome. Almost everything you post is speculation, and always slanted as negatively as possible. Do you even have ANY interest in the Wii U? Other than interest in being a buzzkill for anyone who IS excited for the system?
People get tags for a reason, I say.
I wouldn't worry. There's actual legitimate news coming in four days... then people who have a strange vendetta against the Wii U will dissipate... right? :(
1) Hate something.
2) Find reasons to back your hatred.
3) News comes out that eliminates your reasoning.
4) Find new reasons to back your hatred, or magnify the importance of the remaining reasons.
5) If you are unable to find reasons, express general disinterest without reason, or troll through made-up reasons to satisfy your hatred.

Call me a prophet when this happens.


I'm willing to bet there are more 3rd party games being developed for PS720 right now then for WiiU. It also wouldn't surprise me that after 3 months of release of the next HD twins, they'll have more 3rd party games then WiiU.

buying a console because of big (in quantity) 3rd party support. good one.
Kind of dismissive, aren't we? You must have alot of confidence in your sources, seeing as that lherre, Prophecy2k over at Beyond3D, and the (old) leaked specs sheet are all saying 1.5 GB total, and Eurogamer seems to imply it. Even Ideaman is not so sure anymore.

That dealt with how much the games could possibly access, not total.

I agree with the second paragraph. I read someone claim that GDDR5 is 4x as expensive. Don't know how accurate that is but seems reasonable. Why did you choose 500 Mhz as a theoretical speed for GDDR5, though? Even the chips embedded on the low power e6760 run at 800 Mhz...

Jordan's memory proposal works out to 500Mhz.

Where dit lherre state this? And what spec sheet? The one saying 3GB for the devkit?

And BG isn't saying it won't/can't be 1.5GB, he simply doesn't agree that it seems to be set in stone.



I'll shut up unless they have no big surprises, in which case I fear I'll have quite a meltdown.
The anti-Wii U sentiment will be louder by this time next week than it has been before.

That does not necessarily have anything to do with the content of the conference.
The anti-Wii U sentiment will be louder by this time next week than it has been before.

That does not necessarily have anything to do with the content of the conference.

HaHa the coming weeks sure will be interesting. People really shouldn't get hyped about the conference though. People expecting any kind of announcement that wasn't obvious already will end up being extremely disappointed
I'll shut up unless they have no big surprises, in which case I fear I'll have quite a meltdown.

Prepare for a meltdown then. The only big surprise in 4 days could be a decent price.
Other than, wait for Iwatas ,,something'' that might actually have new games of interest. Speaking of which, what's going on with NoE exactly? No word on anything, plus they didn't even reveal their release list for this quarter yet. Not even dates on 3DS.
Prepare for a meltdown then. The only big surprise in 4 days could be a decent price.
Other than, wait for Iwatas ,,something'' that might actually have new games of interest. Speaking of which, what's going on with NoE exactly? No word on anything, plus they didn't even reveal their release list for this quarter yet. Not even dates on 3DS.

Are you stating a guess that no new games will be announced?

We'll count this as non-port titles that have not been explicitly announced before today.


That quantity will also have much quality in it. I'm not sure who will get most 3rd party support though.

of course, but he was talking about quantity. besides that i still see no point in getting a ps4 or xbox 720. that rumble pak and working consoles are for
attitude of this gen, beside not delivering something special, didn´t really convinced me.

Are you stating a guess that no new games will be announced?

We'll count this as non-port titles that have not been explicitly announced before today.

Would they even have time for new game announcements in NY? Assuming they have an one hour conference, there's still so many details about dates, SKU, prices, OS, etc. that need to be be cleared up and then they surely will want to push Nintendoland and others further for launch. That Gameinformer ,,WiiU month'' seems like a precursor of what can be expected.


of course, but he was talking about quantity. besides that i still see no point in getting a ps4 or xbox 720. that rumble pak and working consoles are for
attitude of this gen, beside not delivering something special, didn´t really convinced me.
Bigger quantity = bigger chance of more quality games :)

The attitude stuff you mention was in the very begining in this generation, about 5-6 years ago. If you have basically no interest in the games however, then there isnt much point in buying it indeed.
Would they even have time for new game announcements in NY? Assuming they have an one hour conference, there's still so many details about dates, SKU, prices, OS, etc. that need to be be cleared up and then they surely will want to push Nintendoland and others further for launch. That Gameinformer ,,WiiU month'' seems like a precursor of what can be expected.
I wasn't asking for your reasoning, I was asking if that was your assertion, but I suppose one suffices as well for the other.


A brand new console and people are advising we keep our expectations in check. *Sigh*, gone are the days where we can actually treat ourselves to a little hype.

We knew about Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3 Smash Bros and more all within the time frame we've had knowing about the Wii U. Pathetic.

We have to see RETRO'S new game, and I WILL expect it. Someone has to keep the faith.

It is unfortunate, but them's the cookies that Nintendo has baked for us. A low-hype machine, marketting and game showcase - so far.

This is just what I'm told from my buddy. I can say it's not from a lack of experience as he's been doing this for quite a while. He says that if you compare this to working on the 360 and the communication they have with Microsoft it's almost night and day. He says the team really likes working with the controller and that they definitely had lots of ideas for it but that porting the game for the console isn't as easy as it should be and that most people on the team are finding it tedious. Obviously they are working for a unreleased console and Nintendo being japanese might not really help for the documentation, but they say they've definitely had better experiences in the past.

Quick, serious, question. Is he a low profile dev or maybe working on a typically not Nintendo title? I can imagine that the people that Nintendo consider "lower" would get less help and Nintendo would be focussing on the big guns.

The anti-Wii U sentiment will be louder by this time next week than it has been before.

That does not necessarily have anything to do with the content of the conference.

Never a truer word spoken. And it will only get worse. The only way Nintendo could slow (never stop) the anti-Wii U sentiment is to surprise us with a console that trounces the current generation (NOTE: Never going to happen). Almost all anti-Wii U arguments seem to be predicated on it's lack of power. It's an easy thing to notice and take the piss out of.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Other than Black Ops 2 and maybe something heavily rumored like F1 All Stars, I can't really think of anything that will be announced in NYC next week.

I'm betting on some sort of Japanese Nintendo Direct or something from Japan to show some genuine new stuff.


I remember an interview of some time ago of an AMD guy who talked of the WiiU as a 1 TFLOP/s machine
is this still true or we can except better?


I remember an interview of some time ago of an AMD guy who talked of the WiiU as a 1 TFLOP/s machine
is this still true or we can except better?

We don't know, but it seems speculation is sitting around the 500-700 GFLOPS I think.

I think this coming conference will be quite fun. I won't get up at 1am like I did for E3 (4am) and end up being bitter, but my expectations are basically on the floor so even if they announce CoD BLOPS II it'll feel like a megaton.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
They'll re-confirm that Retro are maybe possibly working on something that might be for a console rhyming with "Fii Q".

While a small minute Nintendo message board population has a hard-on for Retro Studios and Monolith supposed HD saviors. They are rather insignificant to the majority of the gaming population. There are things of much more impact to the overall market. Right now, announcing Call of Duty: BLOPS 2, Nintendo's online service, and other services (achievements, dlc, accounts) are what is imminent.

Big third party publisher titles from the West and Nintendo's overall system details is the most crucial thing Nintendo needs to demonstrate.


Bigger quantity = bigger chance of more quality games :)

The attitude stuff you mention was in the very begining in this generation, about 5-6 years ago. If you have no interest in the games however, then there isnt much point in buying it indeed.

i know, but still he didn´t talk about that phenomenon. he was talking about quantity. and no matter if its in the sake of quantity alone or the phenomenon you mentioned, there is something you already purchased in the first place.

and yes it was in the beginning. wonder what they will come up with the next in the beginning.


Other than Black Ops 2 and maybe something heavily rumored like FA All Stars, I can't really think of anything that will be announced in NYC next week.

I'm betting on some sort of Japanese Nintendo Direct or something from Japan to show some genuine new stuff.


Other than Black Ops 2 and maybe something heavily rumored like FA All Stars, I can't really think of anything that will be announced in NYC next week.

I'm betting on some sort of Japanese Nintendo Direct or something from Japan to show some genuine new stuff.

its basically confirmed
I remember an interview of some time ago of an AMD guy who talked of the WiiU as a 1 TFLOP/s machine
is this still true or we can except better?

Someone finally translated the article for us, and based on the translation you can ignore that meaning something.

However if GPU7 ends up like I think it will I would say it's performance could be comparable to, if not better than, a 4850 in a PC.

The 1 TFLOP was a rumor not associated with AMD.

It was before we got a proper translation.


I don't expect game announcements at the NY event. I expect them from Japan either before or after when the final launch details are out in the wild.

TGS is gonna be fun, one way or another.

I just want to be able to pre-order the fucking thing.

My bank overdraft will never have been more useful. I just have to decide which EB Games to put in my pre-order at, the one close to work or the larger one where there will be more people.


i know, but still he didn´t about that phenomenon. he was talking about quantity. and no matter if its or the sake o quantity alone or the phenomenon you mentioned, there is something you already purchased in the first place.
I think he just ment that there would be more games available, which could lead to more interesting games (this is of course subjective). How do you mean with "already purchased" by the way?

and yes it was in the beginning. wonder what they will come up with the next in the beginning.
From Microsoft, most likely graphics, all-around box (media capabilities, stuff like that), Smartglass (use any tablet, no need for a special one) and Kinect. For Sony, most likely graphics, all-around box, long cycle (10 year plan). Not sure about anything else.

Sorry F1.
Ok :) I didnt know that game had All Stars in the title, so i was wondering which game that had "FA" shortening.
I already pre-ordered Darksiders II for Wii-U through Neweggs 12 bucks off pre-orders thing.

I'm waiting to see what announcements come to see if there end up being any game packed in bundles before pre-ordering any 1st party titles.
Someone finally translated the article for us, and based on the translation you can ignore that meaning something.

However if GPU7 ends up like I think it will I would say it's performance could be comparable to, if not better than, a 4850 in a PC.

It was before we got a proper translation.

"Look man! I'm not going to fall for bananas in my tailpipe!"

I wish I knew what a 4850 was :(
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