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Gaze into the fist |OT| DREDD 3D


I just got back also. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. It was great. Really enjoyed the slow mo scenes in 3D, and I fucking hate 3D


I think the trailer was really poorly cut / didn't present the movie in a favorable light. Way too much focus on the slow-mo drug. Because I initially WAS NOT interested in this movie in the slightest and actually laughed at the trailer.

But based on favorable reviews (RT score) I gave it a shot and it was AWESOME. Totally bought it and despite being light on character development, the movie owns up to being slightly over the top.
The movie was really good. My expectations were met, although in a sideways kind-of-fashion. It had an exploration of each character with interesting points, and the action was just bananas. My favorite scene though, had no dialogue at all:
it's the elevator ride up after Anderson executes the criminal in cold justice. The camera lingers on her face, and we can see the confusion and turmoil in her, compounded by her psychic abilities. Then the camera does a rack-focus to Dredd, who couldn't give two fucks about the guy, with a giant NOPE face.
Speed Racer didn't bomb this bad. :p

Speed racer had a huge budget and expectations. This didn't have either.

True. But Speed Racer was also not dumped into the shit bath for movie releases that is September.

I need to see this movie soon. The trailers were shit, but the interviews with Urban and the director filled me with hope for a REAL Dredd movie. And all the positive word of mouth now makes me more excited.


I thought it was okay. I never read the comics, but the one liners irked me. I hear it's in his character, but it still just bugged me. I think the dialogue writing for the other characters could have covered up Dredd's one liners a lot better. Otherwise it was pretty good. Music was fantastic.
Ma ma was missing that one special scene were we saw her do something really crazy instead of just being told she was.

Still, it was a lot of fun and a movie that I walked out of sad, knowing it will bomb.


Ma ma was missing that one special scene were we saw her do something really crazy instead of just being told she was.

Still, it was a lot of fun and a movie that I walked out of sad, knowing it will bomb.

the flashbacks of her ripping the guy's eyes out don't count?


Absurdly awesome movie. I walked out of the theater laughing to myself with total delight. Every actor owned their role totally, and it was very tightly focused with just enough establishment of the universe to make the setting and rules understandable. Absolutely no fat, with nearly perfect execution (ha) across the board. Fucking great movie.

Naturally, it's bombing. Enjoy your ongoing run of shitty PG-13 action remakes, America. Fuck you doltheads for not making this movie a hit. I hope it has some semblance of legs, everyone who's seen it seems to be buzzing. Unfortunately, that's almost no one.

Exactly one moment didn't work for me, and it may be because I missed something.

When Dredd is downed and the other Judge is over him, he tell the Judge to wait. Anderson kills him a moment later.

I thought that Anderson was on level 200, and Dredd on level 190. Were they on the same one? I think I missed when they converged. How did Dredd know she was out? Was she standing there the whole time? It just seemed a little too convenient in a movie that otherwise avoided that kind of stuff.

Favorite moment:
Dredd tossing the guy over the edge after the gatling gun sequence (OMG), and the cut to Ma-Ma realizing that just maybe, she's fucked.


Neo Member
Liked it lots.

I went in not expecting much from Dredd, but came out very pleased. I went to a 3D showing (great slow-motion bits throughout). Good gun action.


Ma ma was missing that one special scene were we saw her do something really crazy instead of just being told she was.

Still, it was a lot of fun and a movie that I walked out of sad, knowing it will bomb.

This guy knows what's up. She's just not a good villain. Try again in a sequel plz.
Favorite moment:
Dredd tossing the guy over the edge after the gatling gun sequence (OMG), and the cut to Ma-Ma realizing that just maybe, she's fucked.

It's such a great scene: MaMa
watching from the far side. The smoke. The gunfire. The screams. Dredd appearing out of nowhere like the goddamn angel of death to pitch her lieutenant over the balcony before slowly walking back in to the smoke. The look on MaMa's face when she first realizes she might be in trouble.
It was so fucking Dredd I was grinning like a loon.

Ma ma was missing that one special scene were we saw her do something really crazy instead of just being told she was.

MaMa's pretty crazy. In her first scene she
orders her goons to skin three guys alive, pumps them full of slow-mo and pitches them off the top floor of a 200-storey vertical slum. She gouges eyes, feminizes pimps and she obliterates an entire floor killing Grud knows how many people just to take down two judges.
She really was quite naughty.

Anyway, Alex Garland is quoted as saying Dredd needs to make $50m in the States for any chance of a sequel so it's not gonna happen. I always figured it would be a hard sell in a country with not much appreciation for the comics and where most people's only prior experience of the character is the 1995 Stallone turd. It's still disappointing though. Anyone who professes to love the hyper violent action-fests of the 80s and who bemoans the kiddie friendly fare we get these days needs to go and see this film, otherwise they have zero right to complain about GENERIC MICHAEL BAY EXPLOSION-FEST #147 being an anodyne, watered-down piece of shit. After the relative failure of Dredd I fear that's all we're going to get from here on in.


Just got back from it. Badass movie, shame it's probably gonna bomb. The cinematography in particular was gorgeous at times.

Karl Urban is a badass motherfucker.

Could have used a few more shootouts, though.

It's still disappointing though. Anyone who professes to love the hyper violent action-fests of the 80s and who bemoans the kiddie friendly fare we get these days needs to go and see this film, otherwise they have zero right to complain about GENERIC MICHAEL BAY EXPLOSION-FEST #147 being an anodyne, watered-down piece of shit. After the relative failure of Dredd I fear that's all we're going to get from here on in.
Whoa man, there's nothing watered down about Michael Bay movies.

Fox Mulder

Naturally, it's bombing. Enjoy your ongoing run of shitty PG-13 action remakes, America. Fuck you doltheads for not making this movie a hit. I hope it has some semblance of legs, everyone who's seen it seems to be buzzing. Unfortunately, that's almost no one.

It sucks that this is being ignored, but people might just think it's a remake of the shitty Stallone film, and the Dredd stuff really never was big here. I bet the robocop remake will make money regardless of how it turns out.


Wow this movie bombed like few movies do. Opened on Friday to 2.2 million. A shame because it seems to be legitimately good. I'll be catching it next week.

Well, the bad news is that we can say goodbye to any chances whatsoever of a sequel or TV show.

The good news is that it will be out for us to own in a month.


Other then the cool looking suit I didn't really like it. Everything from the action to the music was just forgettable, and the 3D was once again a huge waste of money. I'll just stick to the original movie or better yet watch Robocop instead.
I wonder what kind of satisfaction you get from being wrong on purpose...

It's a disgrace this film seems to be bombing in North America. I don't even want to think about how it did compared to Total Recall.
Total Recall had the name behind it. Judge Dredd only has word of mouth and comic book fans. The old stallone movie turned off older non-comic fans of Dredd.


There needs to be an internet campaign to get peoples asses in seats, this movie cannot fail...

let's get a 2nd weekend that blows the first outta the water...or we lose the hope of a sequel and also the hard "R" forever.


I was surprised to see how much of a rip off this was of The Raid. The Raid was a much better film, but Dredd was still enjoyable.


I was surprised to see how much of a rip off this was of The Raid.

Do believe this is backwards. Dredd was written long before The Raid.

Although both are are Die Hard ripoffs anyways. And Die Hard is a ______ ripoff. The moral of the story here is: that movie you just saw? Its been done before.


Apparently the US boxoffice is bad.This is why we can't have nice things. Nemesis, that will be a 15 instead of an 18 if at all,a new Punished film, don't make me laugh and as for a Dredd sequel... One can dream.

Also Deeds, was written and the script was leaked before the raid started filming. Hell I am almost certain the only reason it took so long being released was post production.
I said previously that I couldn't begrudge anyone passing on Dredd if their only prior experience of the character was the Stallone travesty. The makers of Dredd always had a mountain to climb in terms of public perception, but trying to climb that mountain with a Stallone-sized monkey on their backs was probably too big an ask.

I think Dredd might end up being something of a cult classic. It's the very least it deserves.


Really had a blast with this and it was so spot on with the comics it was perfect and Urban owned the role as Dredd. It's going to take repeat viewings to pick up on some of the easter eggs but I did catch the belly wheel next to the dead fatty.

Sadly yeah, when myself and a group of friends saw it last night at a prime 9:30pm showing the room was practically empty. :(

there was a giant Chopper graffiti. Don't remember which scene but I saw it.


Really? Hmmm, I'll have to listen out for that next time.
Yeah, during the slow mo sequence you hear a hyper slowed down version of the song.

How did D9 do it's first weekend out?
It was a pretty rough weekend all round, and Dredd faired the worst out of the newcomers. It'll only make around 6 mill this weekend.

The movie is fairing much better overseas, though.
Do believe this is backwards. Dredd was written long before The Raid.

Although both are are Die Hard ripoffs anyways. And Die Hard is a ______ ripoff. The moral of the story here is: that movie you just saw? Its been done before.

About the only movie I can think of that had not been done before was Being John Malkovich.
Saw the movie yesterday. It was alright but I found it lacked tension. Dredd was way too efficient at gunning down everyone that there were almost no moments in the movie were there was actual tension about whether he would live or die. Thats the only flaw of it in my eyes.


Both movies started production at around the same time, neither is a rip off of the other.

Ok, maybe rip off wasn't the correct term. They are just eerily similar. I felt like I was watching a remake of The Raid but set in a futuristic world.

Either way, I enjoyed both films. But they are similar. And The Raid is a much better film.

Sucks to see that Dredd flopped. No sequel :(

Funky Papa

Saw the movie yesterday. It was alright but I found it lacked tension. Dredd was way too efficient at gunning down everyone that there were almost no moments in the movie were there was actual tension about whether he would live or die. Thats the only flaw of it in my eyes.
Well, Dredd tends to wreck shit like that. You need to bring some genuinely badass enemies (and sometimes supernatural ones) to put him in serious danger. There's a reason why he's a legend among the rest of the judicature. Druggies and menial thugs ain't no thang for Dredd.

Although he did get a number of potentially lethal scares in the second half of the movie.
I thought this was filmed on the cheap so in order for it to do well it doesn't need to light up the charts?

Is it out in the UK yet? That's Dredd territory. I imagine it'll do well there.
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