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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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I don't remember having this many delaycasts in a season before, though. They don't seem to understand that if they air it anywhere before the stream, it will end up on the internet at the same time.

I'm not saying it isn't stupid. It is. It's really dumb. What I am saying is, they clearly have learned at least some, and they've learned more than a lot of other media industries around.

Also, I can't comment on previous seasons. Like I said when I came in, I've been out of anime for the most part for like 3 years. Most of what I'm speaking to is limited to 3 years ago and occasional glimpses back into the stuff in between.


Crystal Bearer
K 01

Terrible visuals - especially the CG, high contrast filter and animation... the "prequel" manga was a bit better than this tuned out to be. Might check out the next two episodes before dropping altogether.


Kannazuki no Miko - 03

Starting to see a pattern with this show:

1. Chikane and Himeko have their moment.
2. Moment is interrupted by villain
3. Boring guy shows up to defeat said villain.
4. Chikane and Himeko continue to yuri it up.

And it looks like we're about to see
Chikane snap after her recent failures of protecting Himeko. Let the rage flow!

You picked the right show for yuri.



Can someone tell me what anime this is from?
It's from Princess Jellyfish, sans the shitty subs.

Those subs ruin it, goddamn.
people seem to love ruining perfectly good gifs by slapping shitty memes/words on top of them for some reason


sealed with a kiss
K 01

Terrible visuals - especially the CG, high contrast filter and animation... the "prequel" manga was a bit better than this tuned out to be. Might check out the next two episodes before dropping altogether.


I really don't understand most of the the complaints so far, the worst part so far was how "cool" it tried to be with excessive lens flares, reflections, and fisheye lenses. And the naked ghost thing. And the loli. The episode was easy to follow, I'm not sure why people are having so much trouble with that... the animation was really nice as well, despite the attempts to mar it with an overdose of filters.


[Gintama] - 253


I feel fairly confident in stating that Gintama is probably the only show that would return to airing after a break with troll opening and closing credits. I imagine that they'll just edit them at some point, but still there's no attempt to make what's happening 'accessible' to a new audience. It's just wacky Gintama antics right from the start filled with all the 4th wall breaking nonsense that I've come to expect from this.

The episode structure and direction are still fundamentally the same. Light hearted first half which introduces the plot for the episode, followed by a confrontation in the middle which leads to the tone becoming more serious. It's the classic Gintama structure but it still works. I'm not worn out on this show yet.


The Light of El Cantare
K 01:


I busted out laughing when I saw these guys. Specifically, at the realization that I was supposed to take them seriously.

In a world still reeling from the aftereffects of the unspeakable Lisa Frank Disaster, a cute little wisp of a high school boy gets caught in the middle of a war between the Not-Shinsengumi and a roving gang of magical douchebags clad in the most punchable assortment of hoodies, beanies, and fur-lined coats imaginable. With the help of a naked ghost girl that transforms into a kitten, he must confront a bloody past that he doesn't even remember and put to rest any notion that his show's laughably overwrought attempts at creating a hip urban sensibility will achieve anything better than abject failure.

GoHands has created an anti-miracle. The combination of negative factors influencing the creation of this project is beyond belief, and yet it exists. K was already almost certainly doomed from the start due to its gimmick of tasking an (until recently) anonymous internet collective of LN authors with its writing, but no one could have expected this final product, even with the past few months' worth of quasi-pretentious PVs whose kitchen sink barrage of ambiguous elements portended convolution. This Mardock filter, though--that on top of everything else is just sublimely awful, and to think that the GoHands staff who first unleashed this horror on the world in Mardock Scramble have such a boner for their hideous rainbow smears that it's now a standard point of art design for the studio and believe it will increase the marketability of what they produce........I don't know what to say. K's "potential" is off the charts.

The truly funny thing is that the show is desperate to be "artistic" and yet fails at some of the simplest things. One scene involving a bento randomly uses actual photographs of food for some of its contents even though this effect is never used anywhere else in the episode--urban architecture and people wearing crazy-ass clothing are easy to draw, but a chikuwa is just TOO HARD. Perhaps most egregious, though, was GoHands' continuing tradition of having the worst CG cars in anime. Just.......this:

And if that isn't enough to arouse your disgust, get this--the wheels on the car don't move. It just statically glides across the screen and hopes you won't notice. And no, it's not a hover-car. It's the physical representation of laziness. Please don't watch K.
Kami-sama Hajimemashita 01

This is a pretty amusing show.

To start, I like the main character. She's spunky and pretty amusing. I do enjoy the different shifts in art that the series is basically throwing around with.

It does look like it's gonna be more youkai being introduced which could be fun. Will keep watching.


sealed with a kiss
K 01:

In a world still reeling from the aftereffects of the unspeakable Lisa Frank Disaster, a cute little wisp of a high school boy gets caught in the middle of a war between the Not-Shinsengumi and a roving gang of magical douchebags clad in the most punchable assortment of hoodies, beanies, and fur-lined coats imaginable. With the help of a naked ghost girl that transforms into a kitten, he must confront a bloody past that he doesn't even remember and put to rest any notion that his show's laughably overwrought attempts at creating a hip urban sensibility will achieve anything better than abject failure.

GoHands has created an anti-miracle. The combination of negative factors influencing the creation of this project is beyond belief, and yet it exists. K was already almost certainly doomed from the start due to its gimmick of tasking an (until recently) anonymous internet collective of LN authors with its writing, but no one could have expected this final product, even with the past few months' worth of quasi-pretentious PVs whose kitchen sink barrage of ambiguous elements portended convolution. This Mardock filter, though--that on top of everything else is just sublimely awful, and to think that the GoHands staff who first unleashed this horror on the world in Mardock Scramble have such a boner for their hideous rainbow smears that it's now a standard point of art design for the studio and believe it will increase the marketability of what they produce........I don't know what to say. K's "potential" is off the charts.

The truly funny thing is that the show is desperate to be "artistic" and yet fails at some of the simplest things. One scene involving a bento randomly uses actual photographs of food for some of its contents even though this effect is never used anywhere else in the episode--urban architecture and people wearing crazy-ass clothing are easy to draw, but a chikuwa is just TOO HARD. Perhaps most egregious, though, was GoHands' continuing tradition of having the worst CG cars in anime. Just.......this:

And if that isn't enough to arouse your disgust, get this--the wheels on the car don't move. It just statically glides across the screen and hopes you won't notice. And no, it's not a hover-car. It's the physical representation of laziness. Please don't watch K.

You mean you tried to take it seriously at first? D:


Humanity has Declined:01

After finishing Tsuritama, I decided to check out the other show highly recommended by Anime-Gaf. While I'm not typically that in to shows that concentrate on cute things doing funny stuff, I really enjoyed what I saw. It made me laugh on quite a few occasions. Some of the larger jokes of the episode, like the
living skinned chicken
fell flat for me, but their were a ton of really clever throw away jokes that really made me laugh,
the "don't hold meetings" joke in particular

The art was a similar win/lose scenario. I really don't like the character art that much, I just don't really like shows that try too hard to be cute. On the other hand, I adore the backgrounds , animals, etc. They have a real style to them that I find just fun to look at.

Overall, I don't think I'll adore this show as much as some, but I really do look forward to checking out some more.


Hidamari Sketch×Honeycomb - 01


SHAFT single-handedly saving anime this fall.



I'm not going to live to see the end of this season at this rate.


You could tell me those screens were from the first Mardock Scramble movie and I'd believe you assuming I just didn't notice when I watched. Christ.

Some questioned it was even technically possible for GoHands to bring their unique stylistic choices from the world of movies to the lower-budget existence of televised animation but, thankfully, they've managed to transplant their style successfully.


The Light of El Cantare
You could tell me those screens were from the first Mardock Scramble movie and I'd believe you assuming I just didn't notice when I watched. Christ.

I have to. It's the most anticipated show of the season.

I threw around the idea of doing a series of "Is it Mardock? Or is it K?" posts earlier today but didn't. Maybe I should've, lol.

Will you be watching it?

But of course.

Yes, but it seems like you had a completely wrong set of expectations!

Nope, knew 100% what I was getting into. Doesn't mean I can't still thrash it if it's bad!


Zetsuen no Tempest - 1

Not a bad start. I'm not a huge fan of the original character designs, too generic, but BONES have done a good job of making them look better, but at times they still didn't look up to par with the usual BONES standards. This is especially noticeable whenever Samon was on screen (thank god it wasn't often), I really hate his design.
Other than that, the music was really good, and Ando did a great job with the direction, the whole episode flowed so well, I really can't remember when was the last time I've seen an anime episode that achieved this, mostly because I've only been watching Summer season crap for the past few months but still.
Anyway, I want to see more, too bad the manga turns into crap, but hey, it's BONES, we can always expect them to do something like the first FMA (the ZnT manga isn't finished afaik, or did I miss something?) and do their own thing, which would make me very happy.
Hopefully this will be the show to return at least some of the former glory to BONES and make the naysayers see that they are indeed the best.


Accel World 03

It's a real shame. This series really does have a great premise and world. The in-game stuff is great as well. It's too bad it's squandered by such lame character designs and characters in general. Especially the awful protagonist. I'll keep watching to see if that premise and in-game stuff can keep it fresh.


Some details from the Otona Animedia interview with the Magi director was posted on 2ch:

- The series is 2-cour
- He says they should be able to adapt all of the Balbadd arc without cutting out much
- Making Aladdin's mannerism feminine was apparently a direct order from the original author
- Tatsuyuki Nagai (Anohana director) is storyboarding and directing the OP, while Atsushi Nishigori (Idolmaster director) is the animation director for the OP
- They're planning a big event in the future


Oh man, I should have waited to post that about AW until I watched 4. That episode has pushed me dangerously close to dropping this show. So many contrived narrative bits, poorly executed. They really didn't need to pull the
girlfriend gets in a life threatening accident or friend is you enemy twist
this early in the series. Both of those are things you build to, not just throw away. Also, if this show keeps having 2-3 episodes between fights, I don't think I'm interested.


Zetsuen 1

The pacing for the story in this is pretty weird. Like the first half going over the relationship of the 2 main guys is a bit drawn out, then in the 2nd half a bunch of major plot points are kind of thrown at you in short order. "Hey I'm a mage now, found this doll in the sea, black iron disease, etc etc", it all just comes out without much build up honestly. Yoshino is so fucking stoic about it all too, someone should check if he has a pulse. He'd probably be less dull if he just bent over for Mahiro.

Great animation btw.
Some details from the Otona Animedia interview with the Magi director was posted on 2ch:

- The series is 2-cour
- He says they should be able to adapt all of the Balbadd arc without cutting out much
- Making Aladdin's mannerism feminine was apparently a direct order from the original author
- Tatsuyuki Nagai (Anohana director) is storyboarding and directing the OP, while Atsushi Nishigori (Idolmaster director) is the animation director for the OP
- They're planning a big event in the future

2-cour? Fuckin shit! I can't imagine they won't cut out some good stuff with only that.


Some details from the Otona Animedia interview with the Magi director was posted on 2ch:

- The series is 2-cour
- He says they should be able to adapt all of the Balbadd arc without cutting out much
- Making Aladdin's mannerism feminine was apparently a direct order from the original author
- Tatsuyuki Nagai (Anohana director) is storyboarding and directing the OP, while Atsushi Nishigori (Idolmaster director) is the animation director for the OP
- They're planning a big event in the future

Looks good to me. Going by most of the posts I remember from here, I'm going to be one of the few who hasn't read the manga, but I'm pretty excited for this.

I don't know how important it is that Nagai is storyboarding the OP (I like Nagai as a director though), but I like Nishigori's animation work. It's definitely going to look good!

Edit: Ahaha, I guess 2 cours isn't enough? Well, we'll see how it goes.


Tragic victim of fan death
Oh man, I should have waited to post that about AW until I watched 4. That episode has pushed me dangerously close to dropping this show. So many contrived narrative bits, poorly executed. They really didn't need to pull the
girlfriend gets in a life threatening accident or friend is you enemy twist
this early in the series. Both of those are things you build to, not just throw away. Also, if this show keeps having 2-3 episodes between fights, I don't think I'm interested.

The point of the spoiler block is not really due to interesting plot developments, rather it's to get the premise of the show done with. You'll see after you see episode 5.


Some details from the Otona Animedia interview with the Magi director was posted on 2ch:

- The series is 2-cour
- He says they should be able to adapt all of the Balbadd arc without cutting out much
- Making Aladdin's mannerism feminine was apparently a direct order from the original author
- Tatsuyuki Nagai (Anohana director) is storyboarding and directing the OP, while Atsushi Nishigori (Idolmaster director) is the animation director for the OP
- They're planning a big event in the future

I guess it could be . . . fine. Believe in Yoshino. :/


The point of the spoiler block is not really due to interesting plot developments, rather it's to get the premise of the show done with. You'll see after you see episode 5.

Whatever it is they do, I can't believe it couldn't have been executed in a less contrived fashion. Both those spoilered events are some of the most ridiculous plot points I've seen a series pull, and this is 4 episodes in.

I'm not saying I am dropping it, the fights are legitimately cool, but those events have pushed me right to the edge with this show.


Whatever it is they do, I can't believe it couldn't have been executed in a less contrived fashion. Both those spoilered events are some of the most ridiculous plot points I've seen a series pull, and this is 4 episodes in.

Don't worry, it'll go lower.
It'll definitely be interesting to see how much they condense between the Dungeon arc and Balbadd itself. I think those are the most likely to get shortened if they need to.

I'm just worried they're going to cut out vital character development and/or great action scenes. 76 chapters in 25-26 episodes is cutting it too close imo.

Edit: Actually, maybe not. Toriko got to chapter 71 in 26 episodes, and it's one of the better paced WSJ adaptations. I guess we'll have to wait and see.


Tragic victim of fan death
Whatever it is they do, I can't believe it couldn't have been executed in a less contrived fashion. Both those spoilered events are some of the most ridiculous plot points I've seen a series pull, and this is 4 episodes in.

I'm not saying I am dropping it, the fights are legitimately cool, but those events have pushed me right to the edge with this show.

To echo Dresden, yes, it does get worse.


To echo Dresden, yes, it does get worse.

Part of the reason I think this pushed me so far is the damn length it's been between fights. I'm sure next episode will get me right back on board, or at least as on board with this show that I can be.


HidaSketch x365 EX2

vote bike/hinako 2012

i wish i could get paid to troll the shit outta people

It's called the internet.
this "internet" sounds like a terrible place

Some details from the Otona Animedia interview with the Magi director was posted on 2ch:

- The series is 2-cour
- He says they should be able to adapt all of the Balbadd arc without cutting out much
- Making Aladdin's mannerism feminine was apparently a direct order from the original author
- Tatsuyuki Nagai (Anohana director) is storyboarding and directing the OP, while Atsushi Nishigori (Idolmaster director) is the animation director for the OP
- They're planning a big event in the future
2-cour :/


Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun 1 - This was pretty damn good. Great colour composition and backgrounds, Brain Base is definitely bringing their A-game here. But I'm not feeling the characters to much yet, in terms of animu romcoms this year I think I preferred the cast and tone of MGX and Anonatsu. The cast has plenty of time to grow on me, so we'll see. I really like the main girl, but haru bothers me for some reason, and I fucking loved the other haru in Tsuritama from episode 1, unlike a few others who found him obnoxious.

Either way, it was a solid start I'm looking forward to more - direction was strong, production values and animation were good, although the most interesting part that stood out to me about the first episode was the pacing - it kind of reminded me of Kids on the Slope #1 and Idolm@ster #1 in that it covered a large amount of ground in a small amount of time, felt like they crammed a 50-minute OVA episode in 22-minutes, but it never felt rushed despite that feel, which is a good thing. I'm expecting them to slow down the pacing past episode 1 though, with the current foundation that's laid down right now.

Time to watch Zetsuen no Tempest. it's been 2/2 so far in this Fall season. Not bad.


The only thing I'll mention about the flow of time in Zetsuen no Tempest is that how episode 1 was done was very deliberate and intentional. If some people find certain things a bit confusing, it is also deliberate. Not that this makes it a good (or bad) thing automatically, but within the first 10 episodes or so, it'll be possible to revisit how the earlier episodes were done to discuss some of the choices made in presentation.

Remember, this is a mystery thriller after all. Sometimes confusion and misdirection is part of the intent of the presentation. I don't want to really go into any details because I don't want to spoil anything for those who didn't ruin stuff for themselves by reading the manga.
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