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Far Cry 3 seems to take one step forward, two steps back (RPS impressions inside)


“Play it safe,” says the execushite to the creative. “Play it safe.”
Story of this generation.

So long and drawn out, so many repetitions, so many iterations, so much streamlining of things that should not have to be streamlined... I'm glad when it's over and more developers are allowed to try something new targeting next generation hardware.

edit: also rofl at execushite actually being used in an RPS article :lol


Far Cry 2 was riddled with terrible design decisions. I am still interested in Far Cry 3.

The part where RPS talks about constantly being under attack in Far Cry 2 was the worst. It's nice to have some quiet time and don't run into fucking guard posts all the time.
Thread backfire?

GAF is more excited for Far Cry 3 than ever before!
Pretty much. I love the ideas of the previous game but the execution was the problem. Malaria was just an annoyance as was respawning; after a while they weren't a challenge, but a chore. The only mechanics that I universally loved were the buddy system and gun jamming because it forced you to improvise.

All the talk of emergent gameplay has me thinking it won't be safe or bland.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
This sounds fantastic to me. A dramatic improvement on the god awful Far Cry 2.

Others have summed it up above, but I just found the entire game frustrating and tiresome.

You really were under CONSTANT threat and it WAS NOT fun. It wasn't the kind of threat you could hide from either. Enemies would constantly spawn out of thin air and surround you. That game made damn sure that you could NEVER enjoy the environment or actually spend time exploring. There was no ebb or flow to the experience. You could never make any progress either as everything would respawn every single time you passed through. The game state existed only in a small bubble around the player and everything outside that bubble would reset to its default state almost immediately.

Furthermore, the environment itself sucked. Half the map was made up of artificial corridors boxed in by rock walls. You could not climb to the top of any rock structures. You were locked into their series of paths and roads. It was a terrible open world.

The game was also devoid of purpose and character. There was nothing unique about any mission ever. Everything took place in the same environments without anything unique or remarkable about the missions themselves. There was no care put into enemy placement or mission design. It was all based on systems. Furthermore, there was no narrative or characters to drive the game forward. Absolutely nothing.

Thus far, this new game seems to show that the world itself is much less constrained while the action is more evenly paced. Mixing this somewhat open world with more refined mechanics of other modern shooters certainly doesn't seem like a bad thing to me. It seems like an infinitely more interesting and better paced experience all around. This article actually served to build my excitement quite a bit as everything he complains about is exactly what I wanted over Far Cry 2.


Far Cry 3 is starting to sound like a corridor shooter with invisible corridors. I mean, it doesn't sound completely, hopelessly awful like the new Tomb Raider, but the devs appear to have consciously limited the choices of the player as to how they experience the world and which parts of the world are just for distant viewing and which parts are interaction heavy (or which parts the player is capable of interacting with at all).

I know these aren't the points being specifically addressed by this article, but they've been bothering me since the game's early reveals.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
He didn't say if this feels as boring and repetitive as the previous one.

No, he was too busy trying to get street cred by repping Far Cry 2.

I mean I liked Far Cry 2, but good lord he doesn't have a single solid point as to why this is two steps back. The vast majority want a "safe" game after Far Cry 2 tried out a little too much for it's own good.


If the best part of Far Cry 2 for this journalist was the interactivity between 'buddies', then I can pretty safely dismiss his opinions. We definitely dont share the same tastes.


It was all based on systems.

And to me, that one little sentence means more than the whole rest of your post. That is why I love the game.

No, he was too busy trying to get street cred by repping Far Cry 2.

I mean I liked Far Cry 2, but good lord he doesn't have a single solid point as to why this is two steps back. The vast majority want a "safe" game after Far Cry 2 tried out a little too much for it's own good.

To be fair those are my words, not his.


What is safe about this?

Up the difficulty.

I like what I am hearing. In FarCry 2 everyone was out to kill you all the time and teleporting jeeps where up your ass every 5 minutes.....good riddance.

Yeah, I remember. Remember hating that.

Games don't have to throw shit at you constantly to be entertaining. Let me explore and seek out danger if I want it.

There were too many shitty design choices in FC2 for anybody to "build off the concept". I loved the game and all, but was also equally frustrated by it's flaws.


I actually agree with him on Far Cry 2 though. I loved it for the fact that it was brutal and you always felt like you were being hunted. I guess the proper current-day term is the "Dark Souls of FPS". I'm sad to hear that they've gone the safe route with it. I can only interpret that as meaning lots of explosions and shoot-bang with little meat in between.


Bloody hell, the hate that FC2 is getting is bizarre. One of my favourite games this gen, because you know, reality is and Africa in particular is dangerous and frustrating.
Animals themselves can be hunted down and skinned, allowing you to craft wallets for holding more money, ammo pouches, grenade pockets, weapon holsters (you can only carry one gun at the start and have to craft more of these holsters to hold the maximum of four) and bigger rucksacks for carrying around more loot.

lol, that does not make any sense to me.

hunt animals to make bigger wallets and ammo pouches, really? i'm sorry, that is just ridiculous. i understand you need to feel rewarded for the hunting, but i dunno.. it just seems overly silly in a game like this.

Bloody hell, the hate that FC2 is getting is bizarre. One of my favourite games this gen, because you know, reality is and Africa in particular is dangerous and frustrating.

been to Botswana? i hear it's alright.
There's a difference between a genuinely new approach to FPS like Far Cry 2 did but that was ultimately broken from everywhere and put a stop to numerous playthroughs like myself out of frustration and an FPS that's not a whole lot original but that has a great flow, good handling and is extremely entertaining which seems to be the case for Far Cry 3 based on the hands-on.

Looks like it wasn't the guy's cup of tea.
Judging from all the various player complaints from FC2 it seems that the dude from RPS is in the extreme minority and FC3 addresses everything players hated about FC2.

Everything I've read in the recent previews make this game sound divine. Fuck the dude from RPS!!

Still concerned about how it will look and perform on consoles though.
I'm not the least bit surprised by any of this. I've made my opinions clear in other threads on this game, an opinion that has solidified more and more with each new display of the game: at most, Far Cry 3 is "a game." Not a particularly interesting one, but a very typical one. It's basically proven repeatedly that it wants to slough off all of the ambitions of its predecessor and go the footworn route.

Jason Brody seems like your typical Nathan Drake — an "everyman" tossed into an extremely dangerous situation who just happens to prove instantly expert at escaping and delivering death through each new setpiece. In fact, in today's fine broth of homogeneity, I'm actually a bit surprised he's not voiced by Nolan North himself.

Pile on that cliches of "island madness," gleaned directly from a field of tropes that would make new releases of Tarzan or Robinson Crusoe seem positively ground-breaking. The only primitive degenerates this game exposes are the developers, publishers, executives, et al, who thought they were making something special.

Did I ever tell you the definition of mediocrity? Mediocrity is doing a banal imitation of the exact same fucking thing, over and over again, expecting shit to improve.


Jason Brody seems like your typical Nathan Drake — an "everyman" tossed into an extremely dangerous situation who just happens to prove instantly expert at escaping and delivering death through each new setpiece. In fact, in today's fine broth of homogeneity, I'm actually a bit surprised he's not voiced by Nolan North himself.
On that point, am I totally high or wasn't he at some point a former spec-ops guy or something like that? I didn't follow the marketing on this at all, but I see to remember someone on a podcast mentioning that. I may have misinterpreted that, wherever it was that I heard it.
As many have said, for me anyway everything I've seen and heard about Far Cry 3 addresses most of the problems I had with Far Cry 2. The problems with Far Cry 2 have been done to death at this stage and anything which removes or remediates those things is a step in the right direction IMO.
1. This all sounds great to me personally, I didnt like FC2 with its respawning enemies (and no point killing them without xp or anything). All this RPG stuff makes me even more interested in FC3 (Action RPG favorite genre), and likely to buy the CE day one if its not crazily priced.

2. Address concerns to people about lack of challenge by adding a hardcore mode like new vegas - eg heal over time instead of instant. This should be seperate from difficulty level.


Casualizing Far Cry 3 is the biggest thing I'm worried about. It's definitely not as impressive or hardcore as FC2 was, but I didn't expect them to be able to match Hocking's genius. Current Ubisoft is all about making games as dumb as possible like so many others.
I desperately wanted someone to find a way to modify FarCry 2. There was a lot about that game that I liked but the almost instantaneous respawning of enemies and the always aggressive, always aware enemies riding around in vehicles, killed the game for me. If those aspects were addressed I would have loved to play through that game but as it was, I played for 10 or so hours. I was in love with the game for the first few hours but my feelings shifted to hate over just a few more hours and I ultimately just gave up because it was a chore to play.


I desperately wanted someone to find a way to modify FarCry 2. There was a lot about that game that I liked but the almost instantaneous respawning of enemies and the always aggressive, always aware enemies riding around in vehicles, killed the game for me. If those aspects were addressed I would have loved to play through that game but as it was, I played for 10 or so hours. I was in love with the game for the first few hours but my feelings shifted to hate over just a few more hours and I ultimately just gave up because it was a chore to play.

That and the malaria was all that needed to be fixed in FC2. Unfortunately they decided to take a lot more out of the game. I'm hoping it backfires on them.


Far Cry 2 was ruthless, and I loved that. Loved that your weapon could simply jam in the middle of a firefight. I can see why some people would hate that, but I loved.

That said, I'm not bothered that Far Cry 3 is going for a different direction. I can appreciate that too.


Sounds more like three steps forward. FC2 was my biggest disappointment this gen. I try not to sound too hyperbolic, but it was truly terrible to me.


I'm not the least bit surprised by any of this. I've made my opinions clear in other threads on this game, an opinion that has solidified more and more with each new display of the game: at most, Far Cry 3 is "a game." Not a particularly interesting one, but a very typical one. It's basically proven repeatedly that it wants to slough off all of the ambitions of its predecessor and go the footworn route.

Jason Brody seems like your typical Nathan Drake — an "everyman" tossed into an extremely dangerous situation who just happens to prove instantly expert at escaping and delivering death through each new setpiece. In fact, in today's fine broth of homogeneity, I'm actually a bit surprised he's not voiced by Nolan North himself.

Pile on that cliches of "island madness," gleaned directly from a field of tropes that would make new releases of Tarzan or Robinson Crusoe seem positively ground-breaking. The only primitive degenerates this game exposes are the developers, publishers, executives, et al, who thought they were making something special.

Did I ever tell you the definition of mediocrity? Mediocrity is doing a banal imitation of the exact same fucking thing, over and over again, expecting shit to improve.

Great post. I'm very sad but not at all surprised that so many seem to be applauding these changes.

Far Cry 3 seems to be a schoolbook example of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
lol, that does not make any sense to me.

hunt animals to make bigger wallets and ammo pouches, really? i'm sorry, that is just ridiculous. i understand you need to feel rewarded for the hunting, but i dunno.. it just seems overly silly in a game like this.

In a game where the trailer had a guy punching a shark in the face? 'nuff said!


erotic butter maelstrom
Expected, but disappointing. I loved FC2's tension and sense of isolation, it was kinda like STALKER-lite. I'm a big fan games that make me feel like I'm surviving against all odds. In my perfect world, Ubisoft would have taken FC3 even further in that direction, but I guess most people would rather play something like Assassin's Creed that's constantly jerking off the player and making them feel badass without having to earn it in any way. Oh well, this is a good of a reason as any to finally check out that crazy STALKER mod someone posted several months back.


Can't say I agree with that article at all. Far Cry 2 is one of my LEAST favorite FPSes of all time and 3 actually sounds pretty damn interesting. Still adopting a 'wait and see' stance here though, since the last one burned me so bad.


OP, you did a HORRIBLE job of bolding the important parts of that quote.

Here, let me fix that for you.

It’s now that I spot the Komodo dragon. Well, first I hear it hiss, then I spot it. After I riddle it with more bullets than I could have expected a giant reptile to endure, I bend down to skin the beast. And I guess that’s when I do my best thinking – in the idle moments of a game, waiting for an animation to finish – because it struck me how bored I was of skinning animals. Of all these AssCreed-like interactive chores. If I had stopped to take the time to do this in Far Cry 2, I would have been somehow punctured in the chest with a rebar from an enemy hiding in a shrub one hundred feet away. Remember that? Remember how you could never really feel comfortable in the indeterminate African countryside? Not even for ten seconds. Because here comes a jeep, a posse of war-hungry militiamen. Remember how isolated and anxious you felt when you saw the last plane leave the country at the very beginning of the game? How oppressive it was to be surrounded on all sides, not by a pristine azure ocean, but by an unconquerable desert?

Well, I didn’t feel like that when I played Far Cry 3 for the first time. I didn’t feel under threat. I felt safe. And that’s probably the word I would use to sum up my first impressions of the game itself. ‘Safe’. Ubisoft have made a gorgeous, characterful and finely-tuned game. But in doing so they appear to have stripped out what was fresh and vital about its predecessor. I’m just going to out and say it: the buddy system is gone. The most memorable moment of Far Cry 2 for me was running out of morphine and being forced to put my good pal out of his misery with a bullet in the head. (It didn’t matter that he didn’t have a personality as such. So long as he rescued me from death, time and time again, he was my friend). All that is gone, replaced by your bog-standard ‘load-you-back-at-the-start-of-this-challenge’ death. More’s the pity, because it looks like the writers are fully capable of creating some really vibrant characters this time around. And that’s not the only thing they took out. Scavenged guns no longer jam, injuries don’t seem to happen as often… Don’t get me wrong, the second game was far from perfect (and I’m glad to see that when you clear a roadblock in this instalment, the road stays cleared) but it’s like some higher-up execushite walked into the dev studio and ordered them to rip out all the interesting design ideas in time for the sequel because the alternative – to try and build on these mechanics – was too risky. “Play it safe,” says the execushite to the creative. “Play it safe.”

Can't wait!

Expected, but disappointing. I loved FC2's tension and sense of isolation, it was kinda like STALKER-lite. I'm a big fan games that make me feel like I'm surviving against all odds. In my perfect world, Ubisoft would have taken FC3 even further in that direction, but I guess most people would rather play something like Assassin's Creed that's constantly jerking off the player and making them feel badass without having to earn it in any way. Oh well, this is a good of a reason as any to finally check out that crazy STALKER mod someone posted several months back.


Did anyone not know this was gonna be Far Carebear 3 from the vids? After giving us something bold with FC2 they go safe in 3.

FC2 was the base for something that could have been great. Ubi didn't have the balls to follow through for whatever reason. An iteration on FC2 could have been a game of the generation.
I never ran into those problems in Far Cry 2. I never had to euthanize any of my partners, my guns never jammed (I replaced them at every chance, I never used enemy weapons. Pretty easy given you have to go back to a safehouse after every mission), and the enemy trucks didn't pose a threat so much as the once-per-minute nuisance of pressing the key to move from driver seat to gunner seat, shooting up the other jeep's occupants, and then driving off in whichever vehicle was in better shape. Stealth was also nonexistent.

Seems like some people still remember Far Cry 2 from the trailers and not the actual game they played.


The Far Cry franchise has been one of the most uneven around. It still hasn't found it's sweet spot and developers have not yet approached game making with confidence. If they want to change it, mix it up, try something else, why not? So far the only indelible experience is shooting guns in a natural, untamed setting. Anything other than that has proven interchangable.

So let's see what they can do this time around. Going in with no expectations because prior games didn't give me any.
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