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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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@DTL: Interesting review. Deadman Wonderland is the next show I'll watch.
From what I've seen of ToonamiGAF's reactions, you should be in for a ride.
Oh. My. Gosh. Ugh. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Madoka did it better.


If you are enjoying Medaka Box... what else do you want?


Though I know you make this comment with nothing but love for Gainax, /XX/.

Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de 01:

Way to completely strip the concept of any amusing commentary it could have had on the console wars by having the characters be vaguely game-themed but be generic stock characters in a generic RPG setting doing generic things, complete with shitty fanservice. It's like one of those terrible 90s fantasy OVAs a la Detatoko Princess that tried to ride Slayers' coattails but were just a soulless amalgamation of fantasy/RPG/animu tropes without any sort of character or personality whatsoever. Dropped.

Sounds bad, man. (As expected)

Also, I'm going to have to start counting the times you actually publicly drop a show!


I'm just saying, good detailed mecha animation exists in OVAs today just like they did in OVAs when Macross Plus was released. You're making a comment about the industry at large, and I'm really not so sure that certain skills have disappeared completely like you claim, since they do still exist. On the other hand, if the point is that Macross has sucked for the last ten years, then you really won't find much disagreement from me!

Well you certainly seem them employed in from time to time between Sunrise and BONES but it's still fairly rare. I was mainly talking about Macross going downhill though!


Damn i enjoy the manga and i need to watch the anime ..the more i wait the more episodes it'll be .... what is the current arc on the fairy tail anime ?
are teh fairy tail anime fillers , good ?

i wonder what's going on with this show ...first the army uniforms, then the maid identity , and now the ep2 running joke and finally the ED.... Are the creators of this anime trying to tell me something ?

Judging by the posts on fairy Tail episodes it's at the beginning of the latest arc in the manga, I do wonder where they're going to stuff in filler though so they don't catch up.

And yes, I think Ixion DT is weening me into watching a secret Yaoi show, or something.

Do you live in the past, mate??

Hanamaru was actually mostly enjoyable.

Outside of the initial and persistant motivation of one the girls, yes, yes it was.


Galactic Cyclone Bryger 8


Dat future tech.


This is how crime is committed in the future: with huge robots!

Isaac has a kind streak it seems. Offered $10 million to enact justice? Take the job for $3 million. Client gets offed immediately after accepting and no hope of payment? Do it anyhow because that's how justice is served. Criminals in this are so about overkill too. Let's send a runway vehicle at some kids to off them but let's throw a bomb in the front seat. Just to be sure. :lol


The Light of El Cantare
Third ep was good!

And that's the episode that killed the OVA!

Sounds bad, man.

Also, I'm going to have to start counting the times you actually drop a show!

It happens more often than you think; I just don't always announce it! The last five shows that I dropped as they were airing were probably...hmm...

  • Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de
  • Teekyuu
  • Tari Tari
  • Campione
  • Utakoi

And that just goes back to the beginning of summer.


Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de 01:

Way to completely strip the concept of any amusing commentary it could have had on the console wars by having the characters be vaguely game-themed but be generic stock characters in a generic RPG setting doing generic things, complete with shitty fanservice. It's like one of those terrible 90s fantasy OVAs a la Detatoko Princess that tried to ride Slayers' coattails but were just a soulless amalgamation of fantasy/RPG/animu tropes without any sort of character or personality whatsoever. Dropped.

To think such a potentially entertaining concept would be handled so badly. Ah well, it would hardly be the first time.


It happens more often than you think; I just don't always announce it! The last five shows that I dropped as they were airing were probably...hmm...

  • Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de
  • Teekyuu
  • Tari Tari
  • Campione
  • Utakoi

And that just goes back to the beginning of summer.

Hmm, I see.
Perhaps, I get too caught up in the sheer amount of shows you do post on.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 091

This is the first time we've seen Reuenthal openly (at least to himself) pondering how he's gonna take over Reinhard's throne. Holy fuck.

Watching Reinhard in aspects of life other than military and political ones is extremely moé. Nice to see he's becoming a connoisseur of the arts, but more importantly, him developing balls and finally mustering the courage to confront Fraulein Mariendorf on the marriage proposal. But damn dude, that's like a death sentence. You need to watch more animu.

Wait, what was that thing Rubinsky was in that people seemed to appear and disappear from? That was weird.

edit: I think the thing that sticks with me about this episode is that the High Admirals suddenly are not just uptight pompous military figures and appear to actually have lives and quirks.

Haven't slept in 24 hours, brb.
Judging by the posts on fairy Tail episodes it's at the beginning of the latest arc in the manga, I do wonder where they're going to stuff in filler though so they don't catch up.

And yes, I think Ixion DT is weening me into watching a secret Yaoi show, or something.

Outside of the initial and persistant motivation of one the girls, yes, yes it was.

I thought it was still kind of too early to start animating the current arc. I guess they could really slow down the pace or drag out many of the events, the OP seems to even have really recent stuff.


After taking in and mulling over what has been released of From the New Word so far - while I already feel the premise is pretty interesting - I can't help but want someone to make an OVA about
the war that broke down society
in the first place, in the vein of The Second Renaissance.
The original writer is working on that at the moment, I believe. And that new title might get adapted... eventually.
Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de 01:

Way to completely strip the concept of any amusing commentary it could have had on the console wars by having the characters be vaguely game-themed but be generic stock characters in a generic RPG setting doing generic things, complete with shitty fanservice. It's like one of those terrible 90s fantasy OVAs a la Detatoko Princess that tried to ride Slayers' coattails but were just a soulless amalgamation of fantasy/RPG/animu tropes without any sort of character or personality whatsoever. Dropped.

I didnt think it was that terrible, though I guess I did go in in with really low expectations. Why drop it when its only like an episode every few months, might as well stick with it.


Original series -> DYRL -> Plus iirc. Maybe Zero too? I keep putting that one off. If you're really into it, then hit up 7, Frontier, etc. Also, never watch Macross II.

Nice. Thanks for this.

I think I vaguely remember catching one of the Macross movies on the Sci-Fi channel years ago but I have little to no memory of what happened or even which one it might've been.

There's so many results by just searching on MAL so I had no idea where to begin lol


Nice. Thanks for this.

I think I vaguely remember catching one of the Macross movies on the Sci-Fi channel years ago but I have little to no memory of what happened or even which one it might've been.

There's so many results by just searching on MAL so I had no idea where to begin lol

I'd imagine it was the movie edition of Plus. OVAs are the way to go there.


The Light of El Cantare
To think such a potentially entertaining concept would be handled so badly. Ah well, it would hardly be the first time.

It's kind of baffling. Why draw inspiration from video game characters at all if the show isn't really going to parody anything? The console war premise pretty much stops at the fact that there are Sega and Nintendo-themed kingdoms at war with each other.

I didnt think it was that terrible, though I guess I did go in in with really low expectations. Why drop it when its only like an episode every few months, might as well stick with it.

Normally I'd just stick with it, but if I saw a character speak another line like this:


I might just curl up into a ball and stay there for several days.


Hmm, I guess the original Macross TV looked had some pretty nice scenes too:


and a lot of terrible ones too, of course.



I remember going to Anime Expo (I believe it was 07 or 08) and some friends and I went to the Gurren Lagann movie screening. Afterwards the staff had a panel and answered questions and what-not.

Then they decided to give us a sneak preview of their hot new upcoming show and seeing a bunch of people coming off of the high of a Gurren Lagann movie with huge expectations from GAINAX and seeing... that was one of the funniest hype deflations I'd seen in a while.


Absolutely, but you could look to a number of projects in the 80's/90's, even TV works, and see various techniques and skills on display that no longer exist. It wasn't just regulated to one movie a decade.
With Macross: Do You Remember Love? as the example, we can see that those youngsters & self-declared fans that worked on it are still over there, continue on the industry... just not on the same level of involvement, obviously. It is sad to see how it seems they can't pass on to the newer folks what they accomplished themselves at their prime; their sparkly passion (these herbivores of today, tsk tsk...).

It's easy solution time! Just put them together again for another crazy one-off project!


Though I know you make this comment with nothing but love for Gainax, /XX/.
O.K., you got me, I was semi-defending them... but I'm also realistic and know duckroll is right on this, I only wanted to tease him a little.

Now excuse me, I'm going to cry in a corner remembering what they used to be...

Dammit GAINAX. You used to be cool.
But not cool 'à la Godard', isn't it? Hanamaru Yōchien was that cool.


Galactic Cyclone Bryger 9


Those guns? Bryger ejected two space motorcycles that transformed into them.

These episodes alwayhs have weird space facts in them. It'd probably qualify as edutainment if the bar set by Element Hunters is anything to go by. Of course treating space suits like they're scuba gear might prevent that. Can't have kids wandering around in space with the wrong info in their heads.

That said, the idea of a rally race in a gap in Saturn's rings is fucking cool. It's amusing to see Bowie has as much of a reason to be so disenchanted by the world as the Blaster Kid did given the show effectively begins with teaming everyone up with a "Hey, you. You're on the team."
Normally I'd just stick with it, but if I saw a character speak another line like this:


I might just curl up into a ball and stay there for several days.

Well it looks like you can probably recover before the next episode airs according to the initial press release.

The official website for the upcoming anime based on Crimson and Anastasia Shestakova's fantasy manga Aoi Sekai no Chūshin de has announced that the series will begin its run on Japanese television with a broadcast of its first episode on the Tokyo MX channel at 10 p.m. on October 20. Episodes 2 and 3 are slated for early next year and next spring, respectively.


Nice. Thanks for this.

I think I vaguely remember catching one of the Macross movies on the Sci-Fi channel years ago but I have little to no memory of what happened or even which one it might've been.

There's so many results by just searching on MAL so I had no idea where to begin lol

Working your way through something chronologically is usually the best plan of attack. Usually.


Trying to watch School Days 10, but I can't hear the voices. This isn't on purpose right? It's probably a problem with crunchyroll's stream.

Edit: Think it's a problem with my earphones/earphone jack.


The Light of El Cantare
This is supposed to make me not want to watch the show?

The episode has a ton of c-tier ecchi humor. More accurately, it just has characters say perverted things with the expectation that the audience will find it inherently funny but there's not a lot of actual humor behind any of what's said so it just comes off as awkward and flat.
The episode has a ton of c-tier ecchi humor. More accurately, it just has characters say perverted things with the expectation that the audience will find it inherently funny but there's not a lot of actual humor behind any of what's said so it just comes off as awkward and flat.
So they're playing it straight? Even better.


Psycho Pass 2

A more standard infodump world building episode. Looks like the story proper might be finally starting next week?

Robo Notes 2

Holy fuckballs someone get this annoying dipshit MC off my laidback robot building show.


Sword Art Online 16

PKing and factions? Hell yeah.
Players exploiting to get pictures of Asuna is hilarious yet true to these sort of games. :lol @ Kirito being all-in for ALO. He would have signed up even if she wasn't there. :( double :lol at his stats/inventory carrying over from SAO. However, the hesitation in deleting his old items? Yeah, that hit too close to home.

I liked this one for the same reason I really enjoyed the first: it sort of scratches the MMO itch that I fight with when I get to watch the characters get a first taste of the world and better acquaint themselves with it. I hope the more lighthearted atmosphere is retained as the seriousness of the SAO "death game" was getting overbearing.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I had a dream where I watched AO last night (for whatever reason) and I liked it. Everyone else liked it too.


Errr, yeah, I have absolutely no idea where to start with NeraGaku. it's... an odd, odd movie. The tone was pretty much the exact opposite of what anyone seemed to be expecting - it's kind of moe-moe, it's incredibly comedic. It's almost like it's channelling KyoAni at times, having a very similar sense of humour...

It's also an incredibly confusing mess, narratively. It makes not a lick of sense by the time you get to the end, and doesn't really deliver much in the way of, well, schools in peril, or psychic school wars, inspite of its title. BluWacky, who at least has the benefit of having seen the 1981 live action version, thinks that it's expecting you to have read the original short story in order to piece together what's actually going on. For those of us who haven't, we get a comedy trip to the beach in the middle of a typhoon right when you'd be expecting the climatic battle...

Yeah, it's odd. Xenoglossia-level subversive, really. It's just kind of peculiar that a movie which claims to be about communication fails to actually communicate what it going on in a coherent fashion. Might be the point, I guess. I think the people who left before the end of the credits may have a completely different impression of the ending, too.

It is a fairly pretty movie, though, short some slightly-too-frequently used CGI ocean shots (Enoshima again, by the way). Mostly decent character animation, if exaggerated in terms of the lack of gravity at times. Lots of lens flair. Lots of cherry blossoms, too.

I'm pretty sure the movie is going to pick up a fan base purely for the heroines, though...


School Days 10


Aw, man, shit's about to go down. Hidden camera in the break room; how did I not see THAT one coming from a mile away. It's official now; Makoto's a lying, two-timing shitbag and EVERYBODY KNOWS IT. Including Sekai. The floor beneath Makoto's feet are collapsing, and oh how glorious it shall be!

Kotonoha really just became one pathetic creature. To be in such denial... damn that must suck. Props to Setsura for finally-finally!-getting Makoto to officially break it off with her... and then fuck her ass for going down on him herself. Some friend you are.

But, hey, that's minor. All that's important is that Makoto is going to have to answer for his actions...




One thing I failed to mention earlier, Jexhius; Hayao Miyazaki & Co., may miss people like Mr. Kanada with nowadays lack of expertise in mechanical animation (http://neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=40106848&postcount=148), but I'm sure they will absorb for the production of their next movie much of the talent available on that field, and you... and me, and everyone will have their fix on beautiful animated machinery. Amazingness awaits, I'm sure of it:

All sizes | Sketchtravel | Flickr - Photo Sharing!


One thing I failed to mention earlier, Jexhius; Hayao Miyazaki & Co., may miss people like Mr. Kanada with nowadays lack of expertise in mechanical animation (http://neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=40106848&postcount=148), but I'm sure they will absorb for the production of their next movie much of the talent available on that field, and you... and me, and everyone will have their fix on beautiful animated machinery. Amazingness awaits, I'm sure of it:

All sizes | Sketchtravel | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

That does look pretty great. Exciting!
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