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Hideki Kamiya shits all over Kotaku

It's not fun though. It's anti-social and anti-intellectual. The only purpose that gossip serves is to feed an undeserving craving. It does more harm than good pretty much 100% of the time. The only time it doesn't do any harm, it also doesn't do any good. Those are the times people just ignore a story and nothing happens. Nothing positive there, it just means it dodged being a negative thing.

Gossip and paparazzi by nature are not interested in actual reporting, factual accuracy, or journalism. They are interested in riling people up and presenting opinions based on facts which might or might not have been distorted simply to get a reaction from an audience hungry for every scrap of irrelevant information about individuals they obsessively follow either out of admiration or disdain. There is nothing healthy about it, and there never has. But with social networking, the problem seems to be getting worse.

This is nothing new though. People have always done this. Talked behind each others backed. Had stupid arguments, said stupid things and talked about those things to other people. I don't mean to say its healthly for an ideal human society (its not) but its seems to be a part of human nature. I disagree that things are getting worse. I think social media just makes it more visible and its ubiquity gives us more time to comment on these things.



so great
Instead of expressing an undecated, arrogant and with no respect opinion to one of his fellow developers in public and then told people to choke on his dick. Kamiya uses strong langauge at people that is trolling him and he, basically, dosn't care.

Obviously I think he should calm off, but I think is quite a different situations...

I think they both said some dumb things in the spur of the moment but yeah, the context under which Kamiya said it isn't nearly as bad. If people want to get angry every time someone puts their foot in their mouth and says a stupid, offensive thing in an off the cuff manner, more power to them I guess but I'd bet that Kamiya and Fish aren't the horrible people that their brief moment of social incorrectness made them out to be.
It's not fun though. It's anti-social and anti-intellectual. The only purpose that gossip serves is to feed an undeserving craving. It does more harm than good pretty much 100% of the time. The only time it doesn't do any harm, it also doesn't do any good. Those are the times people just ignore a story and nothing happens. Nothing positive there, it just means it dodged being a negative thing.

Gossip and paparazzi by nature are not interested in actual reporting, factual accuracy, or journalism. They are interested in riling people up and presenting opinions based on facts which might or might not have been distorted simply to get a reaction from an audience hungry for every scrap of irrelevant information about individuals they obsessively follow either out of admiration or disdain. There is nothing healthy about it, and there never has. But with social networking, the problem seems to be getting worse.

They were always as bad, we are just more aware of them. Even if Social Media dies and the Internet becomes nonexistent... Still will be as shallow and as damaging


Unconfirmed Member
He responded to numerous people provoking him with a similar message, then again in English when he was taunted into doing so.

I'm not saying we should put him on a pedestal for this, I'm just saying that what Fish did in response to a well meaning question at a professional event in a room full of peers, and what Kamiya did in response to a bombardment of angry messages is not the same.

Oh I think the people bringing up Phil Fish are stupid.

I just disagree that Kamiya was acting out of self defense here.

Dude just had a lapse of judgement due to anger. nothing more nothing less
Kamiya really has no reason to respond to the troll posts, as he likely has greater or an equal amount of admirers on Twitter who love his games.

I'm sure he doesn't give a shit about reputation but it's hard watching someone insult the general public when they don't deserve it.


It's the guy's personal twitter, and it's mostly him trolling the trolls (which DOES include Kotaku in this instance).

He's not razzing on his colleagues or using that as a forum to promote his games or anything like that.

Honestly the way he is reacting, looks like he is getting trolled on and reacting to it rather than trolling back.

I do get that it's his personal twitter. This is of course just my personal view on it. Twitter has become a very important place nowadays, even for the gaming industry. I do think at least devs like Kamiya who is well known should be a bit more professional. You don't react to someone who just asked you a simple harmless question like 'did you actually read it' in that way. Just sounds incredibly childish to me.

I'm not going to touch on the Gaijin bit and in all honesty I hope the whole situation just dies down soon. Mind you I'm not taking the side of Kotaku here...but this type of behavior and articles will not serve either side well.


This is nothing new though. People have always done this. Talked behind each others backed. Had stupid arguments, said stupid things and talked about those things to other people. I don't mean to say its healthly for an ideal human society (its not) but its seems to be a part of human nature. I disagree that things are getting worse. I think social media just makes it more visible and its ubiquity gives us more time to comment on these things.

Sure, I know it has always existed, but by being worse I mean being more visible. How can that not be viewed as getting worse? Visibility in society is what gives anything importance. If something is done without people knowing, it might still be a negative thing, but it might have less direct impact. Being visible and accepted as a part of normalcy while also being negative is the worst possible combination. And I think with social media turning into a sort of direct "news sources" for lazy journalists and tabloid writers, and people at large supporting this sort of reporting, it is by that definition getting worse, and I think that is very unfortunate.
Him saying "Stupid Foreigner" is no different then him saying "Stupid American. Which I wouldn't be offended by, because well, Americans did something really stupid and tried to drag him down in the process.


Oh I think the people bringing up Phil Fish are stupid.

I just disagree that Kamiya was acting out of self defense here.

Dude just had a lapse of judgement due to anger. nothing more nothing less

I can agree there. Probably should have ignored the whole mess or stopped after calling Kotaku awful.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Love it, and don't see the racism, just a desperate defense for Kotaku, attempting to redirect the real issue to a throwaway insult. Like if people here call someone a stupid Nintendo fanboy, I don't think it will always necessarily imply all Nintendo fans are stupid fanboys, just the guy who is stupid and has a clear bias to represent with that stupidity. Dude seems to reply in English all the time, I imagine he wants to interact with foreigners, and doesn't think all are stupid.

I'm not Japanese and don't feel offended.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm sure he doesn't give a shit about reputation but it's hard watching someone insult the general public when they don't deserve it.

Pretty much.

I say this as someone who found it hilarious in the past when he dismissed people treating him like customer service on twitter provoking them to say things like "THIS ISNT HOW YOU TREAT YOUR CUSTOMERS IM NEVER BUYING ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR GAMES AGAIN"

His comments here are malicious on a whole different level from his usual stuff.

I'd like to see him address it once he's calmed down, but I'm not sure he will.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
It's pretty messed up that because he's made some great games he can say bullshit like this and avoid criticism.

Yep, I think him speaking half in Japanese is a little over-the-line. He's free to do that, but I'm free think it's a douche thing if he has issues with the Wesetern/English Journalists.

He's free to throw a tantrum and that's cool and I find him/Platinum having merit with Kotaku's twisting of words, but I also find it childish and a bit unprofessional for him to go this route instead of bitchslapping Kotaku through a phonecall or trying to get them to redo the article/understand him and Platinum's words.


meh I find both Kamiya and Kotaku to be unprofessional and shitty. Honestly have no idea why people find this guy entertaining. All he does is say a few words like 'shit, idiot, go home' etc and some are like omg man you so cool

Not saying such words are beyond a dev or anything lol but there should be a certain level of maturity to go along with it.

People find Kamiya funny because although he is generally a big mouth, crass, and vulgar, he literally responds to almost every tweet sent his way making him instantly more relateable than most. He seems to enjoy interacting with fans even when arguing with them.

There's no reason to hold these people on a pedestal, they are no more mature than you or I. I certainly don't expect them to be professional over the internet where there is no social filter.
Sure, I know it has always existed, but by being worse I mean being more visible. How can that not be viewed as getting worse? Visibility in society is what gives anything importance. If something is done without people knowing, it might still be a negative thing, but it might have less direct impact. Being visible and accepted as a part of normalcy while also being negative is the worst possible combination. And I think with social media turning into a sort of direct "news sources" for lazy journalists and tabloid writers, and people at large supporting this sort of reporting, it is by that definition getting worse, and I think that is very unfortunate.

I guess I just disagree that its becoming worse. Also things move faster. Things die faster now as well. I think twitter has the potential for both helping good journalists and helping lazy ones. I don't really judge it as better or worse


Pretty much.

I say this as someone who found it hilarious in the past when he dismissed people treating him like customer service on twitter provoking them to say things like "THIS ISNT HOW YOU TREAT YOUR CUSTOMERS IM NEVER BUYING ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR GAMES AGAIN"

His comments here are malicious on a whole different level from his usual stuff.

I'd like to see him address it once he's calmed down, but I'm not sure he will.

I'm in the general public of foreigners and don't feel insulted. At all. "Some fucking stupid idiot foreigners" doesn't include me, just the foreigners who were acting like fucking stupid idiots. And they were all foreigners.


Kamiya's been telling people to FUCK OFF and calling people "stupid foreigners" for quite some time, ever since he's been on Twitter.


People freaking out about "foreigners" is just the ultimate irony. Japanese gaming, and all of Japanese culture has been smeared on these blogs basically every day for the last several years. Even just yesterday in the thread showing off Platinum's 2013 lineup I remember one commenter saying "Just when you thought it was safe to ignore Japanese games ...." and no one called him out for it. Kotaku runs shit culture articles every day to try and make Japan seem as fucked up as possible, only picking the weirdest shit.

Kamiya lashes back once after their article basically uses him to call all of Japan "clueless," and you guys act like you give a damn about xenophobia now? Give me a break. It's getting to the point of reverse racism because if anyone's been the victim of constant bashing and race-based generalizations in gaming this gen, it's the Japanese.

Just look at the comments on that initial Kotaku article on Kamiya's comments, merely saying he's not interested in PC gaming. "Just when I thought Japan couldn't be any more behind than they already are ..." and on and on.

Cry me a river. Oh no, he said "foreigners."


lol kamiya

It's so much easier to give him a pass since he makes such great games but personally, I think I just like the fact that he simply doesn't give a shit about the industry outside of his personal perspective and his role as a developer. I admire his refusal to jump through hoops in an industry where hoop jumping is expected.

But really, he'd just be obnoxious if not for his excellent games :p


Lol at people who think Gaijin is a racial word. You are a Gaijin deal with it.
Even the guys as WAHP keep using the word and don't see any fault with it. They are foreigners who can speak fluent Japanese and live/have live in Japan.


The enthusiast press was a joke long, long before this happened.
Calling Kotaku enthusiast press is pretty much an insult to every word in that sentence. Sometimes they post decent articles, and sometimes they post dumb shit, but it's all just to get ad clicks. Even IGN is more enthusiast by comparison.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm in the general public of foriegners and don't feel insulted. At all.

Who said you should be?

My point is he meant to insult and offend the people he was responding to.

Which matters more than if the phrase is inherently "racist" or offensive.

That's what I don't like. Usually his responses are in better humor/taste. (Yeah he does the FUCK OFF in response to DmC but he rarely ever insults people directly like this)
Lol at people who think Gaijin is a racial word. You are a Gaijin deal with it.
Even the guys as WAHP keep using the word and don't see any fault with it. They are foreigners who can speak fluent Japanese and live/have live in Japan.

This is exactly what a racist would say! I bet some of your best friends are gaijins too!


I'm sitting here laughing at this thread. It's almost as funny as kamiya's tweets.

Offended by that? Give me a break.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
lol kamiya

It's so much easier to give him a pass since he makes such great games but personally, I think I just like the fact that he simply doesn't give a shit about the industry outside of his personal perspective and his role as a developer. I admire his refusal to jump through hoops in an industry where hoop jumping is expected.

But really, he'd just be obnoxious if not for his excellent games :p

If gaming journalism is a shithole, then you might as well be obnoxious :p

So is this a habit for Kotaku? Write smear pieces on developers to make money and then ask them why they're pissed off, and then try to look like they're the reasonable ones when the developers react with hostility?
It's Kotaku.
I'm not convinced you've actually read the tweets if you thought he was making a broad generalization. Everyone subject to that insult has likely appeared on his twitter feed today (or at least are visible by searching everyone who decided to tweet him about the article/PC gaming).

Sorry, I absolutely refuse to make these two words equivalent. The entire basis of this is not what he meant, but rather he used the word "foreigner" (to refer to a small group of foreigners in a tweet otherwise showing positive intentions to foreigners in general). So that's the end of that.
He is making a broad generalisation by the word gaijin, that is inclusive of all non Japanese. Let me ask you, why include that word at all? He could have just said stupid idiots. But by including the word gaijin, he broadens the word to become a pejorative for all people within the group. Again, it's the difference between calling a group of black people "stupid idiots" and "stupid idiot n-ers"
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