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Hideki Kamiya shits all over Kotaku


Also dosn't Kamiya plays mostly NES games or something? I don't think he cares about modern gaming that much...so he's not the best person to put as base of your study about Japanese PC/valve interest....

Yeah, he really hates how modern games have devolved. He's really a voice for a lot of us regarding the state of modern games today. I forget if it was for 2011 or 2010 but I remember someone asked him what his game of the year was, and his answer was "none". It was hilarious.
There's such extreme extrapolation in the Kotaku Article based on Kamiya's two tweets that it's hard to understand the reason that they're used at all.

I wouldn't say everything on Kotaku is shit, but there are some golden moments where they have no idea what the fuck they're doing. There's plenty of times that they post quality material, though.

Seems to me like the real story is that Richard Eisenbeis needs to take a step back and figure out whether or not this is the right job for him if he's going to try to pull controversy out of thin air.

Not to mention the most ridiculous thing of this all: His article was meant to get a rise out of gamers against japanese developer incompetency, and in turn it made american games journalism a fucking joke.
Where's the I HATE PHIL FISH/FEZ crowd?

Instead of expressing an undecated, arrogant and with no respect opinion to one of his fellow developers in public and then told people to choke on his dick. Kamiya uses strong langauge at people that is trolling him and he, basically, dosn't care.

Obviously I think he should calm off, but I think is quite a different situations...
haha holy shit i can't wait for the photoshops of all of kamiyas games with just his tweets plastered across them
They should come with a ticker tape peripheral that just prints out his tweets like stock quotes.

I forget if it was for 2011 or 2010 but I remember someone asked him what his game of the year was, and his answer was "none". It was hilarious.
Seriously hilarious. Guy should get his own sitcom, too.
I'm less interested in whether Kamiya might or might not be racist on his Twitter account, and more interested in wondering where we went wrong as a modern society such that casual comments on personal social networking accounts are turned into tabloid news on a regular basis in every form of entertainment.

Do people have better things to do?

Do people have better things to write?

Do people have better things to read?

How did we end up this way? Because it's getting kinda sad.

These kind of stories are as old as humans. Its gossip. Its fun.


A pussy for hiding a backhanded insult behind Japanese text, not for speaking Japanese itself

Yeah that was pretty blatantly trying to hide it, as if no one on the internet could translate that immediately.

Riposte said:
I don't get it, why is he acting so rude to me? I only called him a pussy...

So what he said in return was alright? He didn't call the guy an asshole, he threw an inappropriate comment out there. You don't get to say the N word to a black guy just cause he called you a dick or something.


A Good Citizen
I'm less interested in whether Kamiya might or might not be racist on his Twitter account, and more interested in wondering where we went wrong as a modern society such that casual comments on personal social networking accounts are turned into tabloid news on a regular basis in every form of entertainment.

Do people have better things to do?

Do people have better things to write?

Do people have better things to read?

How did we end up this way? Because it's getting kinda sad.
gamers have nothing better to do because social media is so widespread and games are worse than ever


Unconfirmed Member
Kamiya is telling some jerk who is provoking him to go screw himself.

Fish told a Japanese colleague that Japanese games are trash in a room of his peers.

These situations are no comparable. Use your own brain.


Keep in perspective that "pussy" post was in response to Kamiya responding to numerous messages with a similar phrase in Japanese.

He called him out on that, so Kamiya restated it in English.

I think his anger at the article is justified, but his method of coping by insulting his followers isn't on any level.

I don't think any less of him for it. He's human just like me.

but jesus christ people defending and even praising this need to get a fucking grip.

It's funny. That's about it.

EVOL 100%

I just don't understand why the gaijin comment is generating so much anger when he explicitly said 'some'.

There's a case against his behavior in general, but getting angry over that tweet alone is... bizzare.
I'm less interested in whether Kamiya might or might not be racist on his Twitter account, and more interested in wondering where we went wrong as a modern society such that casual comments on personal social networking accounts are turned into tabloid news on a regular basis in every form of entertainment.

Do people have better things to do?

Do people have better things to write?

Do people have better things to read?

How did we end up this way? Because it's getting kinda sad.

Since... The beginning of tabloids?


Yeah that was pretty blatantly trying to hide it, as if no one on the internet could translate that immediately.

Or maybe he wasn't really trying to hide it. Hence ";)".

So what he said in return was alright? He didn't call the guy an asshole, he threw an inappropriate comment out there. You don't get to say the N word to a black guy just cause he called you a dick or something.

If he said anything near equivalent to that, then we can have that discussion.


I just don't understand why the gaijin comment is generating so much anger when he explicitly said 'some'.

There's a case against his behavior in general, but getting angry over that tweet alone is... bizzare.

It's no different than saying something racist and then only saying "BUT I ONLY SAID SOME!". That's not a valid defense.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm less interested in whether Kamiya might or might not be racist on his Twitter account, and more interested in wondering where we went wrong as a modern society such that casual comments on personal social networking accounts are turned into tabloid news on a regular basis in every form of entertainment.

Do people have better things to do?

Do people have better things to write?

Do people have better things to read?

How did we end up this way? Because it's getting kinda sad.

No clue.

but Kamiya is a creator I have alot of respect for

so this has my attention because of that alone.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I'm less interested in whether Kamiya might or might not be racist on his Twitter account, and more interested in wondering where we went wrong as a modern society such that casual comments on personal social networking accounts are turned into tabloid news on a regular basis in every form of entertainment.

Do people have better things to do?

Do people have better things to write?

Do people have better things to read?

How did we end up this way? Because it's getting kinda sad.

If anything you should feel comforted due to the fact that almost all, if not all, GAF members agree here that Kotaku's decision to create that "well-polished article" (their word not mine) based on just a single and inoffensive tweet was idiotic and stupid.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I just don't understand why the gaijin comment is generating so much anger when he explicitly said 'some'.

There's a case against his behavior in general, but getting angry over that tweet alone is... bizzare.

Because this is the age we live in now.


As far as "gwai lo" goes, I can speak for the Mandarin equivalent "gwee lao", where my experience is that it isn't used offensively but has taken on the general meaning of "caucasian" over time. It certainly isn't used disparagingly as it once was. Same with the other equivalent term "lao wai".

I always assumed that "gaijin" was the Japanese equivalent...it just depends on how you use it. A term to primarily express "someone who isn't one of their own", but indeed, if you add a "F**king" to the start of it, then the context changes completely.

As for Kamiya, I'm not really getting a racist vibe, more that he's upset about "outsiders" making wild generalisations about Japan by using him as the prime example.
That's it. Lots of journalists, and Kotaku very often so, write about Japan like they're making some sort of Nat Geo Wild documentary.
It's also worth noting that the majority of people who follow Kamiya have kind of built up this mutual relationship of understanding regarding his tweets. Most people follow him or ask him questions just to see an irate response, and I think he understands that pretty well.

It's like walking into a foul-mouthed comedian's show, hearing him say something about "all you dumb fuckers in the audience," and then gasping and going "Oh my God... did you hear what he called me..."


meh I find both Kamiya and Kotaku to be unprofessional and shitty. Honestly have no idea why people find this guy entertaining. All he does is say a few words like 'shit, idiot, go home' etc and some are like omg man you so cool

Not saying such words are beyond a dev or anything lol but there should be a certain level of maturity to go along with it.
Hideki "Leader of ALL JAPAN" Kamiya has spoken!

Seriously, big shit was blowing up all over today, and they have to manufacture clickbait headlines and mistranslate/misrepresent a storied interviewee in the process?

Doritosgate: It didn't stop with PS3 hashtags!
I'm less interested in whether Kamiya might or might not be racist on his Twitter account, and more interested in wondering where we went wrong as a modern society such that casual comments on personal social networking accounts are turned into tabloid news on a regular basis in every form of entertainment.

Do people have better things to do?

Do people have better things to write?

Do people have better things to read?

How did we end up this way? Because it's getting kinda sad.

Notorious ppl from any form of entertainment should just close their facebook/twitter accounts. It was nice to feel these ppl were closer to us and we could speak with them and exchange opinions, something that couldn't happened before, but obviously is evolving in something rather ugly.
I think this is all pretty funny, but on the general Oriental use of 'foreigner,' I think there is definitely some loaded derogatory meaning behind it, like the old western word for 'foreigner' barbarian, or the historically more recent specifically for the Japanese, 'Jap.' Just as these are unacceptable in modern discourse, 'gaijin' and the like ought to go.


Discussions about what gaijin means! It's like a Friday night at the gaijin bar with all those Asian studies majors telling you their take!

I like the author of the article, especially his import impressions, and think he's a decent dude.

This article he wrote is a normal fluff piece article about gaming in Japan, with a really shitty tie in to Kamiya. I hope he learned that doing that is not cool.

As for Kamiya, seems annoying, but it's his twitter and he can do what he likes.

I don't hate Kotaku as much as most it would appear.


A Good Citizen
I just don't understand why the gaijin comment is generating so much anger when he explicitly said 'some'.

There's a case against his behavior in general, but getting angry over that tweet alone is... bizzare.
Some people are incapable of parsing entire sentences as one. Can't be helped.


As someone who spent the last 9 of 10 years living in Japan, I could write a book on foreigner "racism". You can call me Debito (extra points if you get that). I was responding to the inferrence that the word gaijin is banned on Japanese tv. It's not lol, it is not at all a taboo word. The use and context is important, but it does not automatically have a derogatory connotation.

It's not banned, but when people say it, it'll be replaced in the subtitles with gaikokujin. They do this with a variety of somewhat-offensive words as well as certain incorrect forms of grammar, and will also "translate" less-well-known dialects into one of the standards.

(People who have never watched Japanese TV might not think that what's in the subtitles is a big deal, but it is; many variety shows will continuously subtitle every prominent utterance.)


You really believe he was trying to hide an opinion behind Japanese language? Are you guys that naive? That dumb? He's pretty opinionated and open in both languages and has been so in the past.


These kind of stories are as old as humans. Its gossip. Its fun.

It's not fun though. It's anti-social and anti-intellectual. The only purpose that gossip serves is to feed an undeserving craving. It does more harm than good pretty much 100% of the time. The only time it doesn't do any harm, it also doesn't do any good. Those are the times people just ignore a story and nothing happens. Nothing positive there, it just means it dodged being a negative thing.

Gossip and paparazzi by nature are not interested in actual reporting, factual accuracy, or journalism. They are interested in riling people up and presenting opinions based on facts which might or might not have been distorted simply to get a reaction from an audience hungry for every scrap of irrelevant information about individuals they obsessively follow either out of admiration or disdain. There is nothing healthy about it, and there never has. But with social networking, the problem seems to be getting worse.
meh I find both Kamiya and Kotaku to be unprofessional and shitty.
It's the guy's personal twitter, and it's mostly him trolling the trolls (which DOES include Kotaku in this instance).

He's not razzing on his colleagues or using that as a forum to promote his games or anything like that.
I don't get it, why is he acting so rude to me? I only called him a pussy...
He was called a pussy after the "gaijin" insult..... Which is the main point of issue. It's what he said in Japanese that is the main issue. He has every right to insult somebody calling him a pussy, but broad generalisations are the problem. It's like calling somebody a "stupid n-word", then arguing it was only an insult to that individual person and you're not actually being racist!

Yeah that was pretty blatantly trying to hide it, as if no one on the internet could translate that immediately.
To be honest, his tweets don't paint him as the sharpest tool in the shed

EVOL 100%

It's no different than saying something racist and then only saying "BUT I ONLY SAID SOME!". That's not a valid defense.
I don't get why it's racist when they were in fact foreigners

I mean if he specifically used an offensive term like the n word then yeah sure be offended

I don't buy the argument that gaijin is inherently racist either, this is literally the first time I heard that and I come from a place which is fucking sensitive when it comes to racist slurs that the Japanese use



Keep in perspective that "pussy" post was in response to Kamiya responding to numerous messages with a similar phrase in Japanese.

He called him out on that, so Kamiya restated it in English.

I think his anger at the article is justified, but his method of coping by insulting his followers isn't on any level.

I don't think any less of him for it. He's human just like me.

but jesus christ people defending and even praising this need to get a fucking grip.

It's funny. That's about it.

He responded to numerous people provoking him with a similar message, then again in English when he was taunted into doing so.

I'm not saying we should put him on a pedestal for this, I'm just saying that what Fish did in response to a well meaning question at a professional event in a room full of peers, and what Kamiya did in response to a bombardment of angry messages is not the same.


I'm less interested in whether Kamiya might or might not be racist on his Twitter account, and more interested in wondering where we went wrong as a modern society such that casual comments on personal social networking accounts are turned into tabloid news on a regular basis in every form of entertainment.

Do people have better things to do?

Do people have better things to write?

Do people have better things to read?

How did we end up this way? Because it's getting kinda sad.

There are quotas to reach. Look at Kotaku and other blog sites like 24 hour television news channels. Every so often you might find something interesting. The rest of the articles are graping at controversy for the sake of increased viewership or in this case readers.


I'm less interested in whether Kamiya might or might not be racist on his Twitter account, and more interested in wondering where we went wrong as a modern society such that casual comments on personal social networking accounts are turned into tabloid news on a regular basis in every form of entertainment.

Do people have better things to do?

Do people have better things to write?

Do people have better things to read?

How did we end up this way? Because it's getting kinda sad.

Add "Why are people bringing up comments unrelated to this thread and compating Kamiya to the Figh guy?" to your post and we are set for the night.


If he said anything near equivalent to that, then we can have that discussion.

He kinda did though. Saying stupid foreigners is racist/xenophobic. I'm not opposed to him saying something back to the guy but you can't say things like that without looking like a massive douchebag.
When did Phil Fish tell people to choke on his dick? That's hilarious!



It's the guy's personal twitter, and it's mostly him trolling the trolls (which DOES include Kotaku in this instance).

He's not razzing on his colleagues or using that as a forum to promote his games or anything like that.

Exactly. He isn't the Japanese emperor Kotaku makes him out to be. He has no reason to pretend to act a certain way. He may be an asshole, but it is his right. It is also fucking hilarious and I give him props for it.


I haven't paid attention to this, but Tweetbot gave me a notification now from Kamiya that said "FUCK OFF!".



He was called a pussy after the "gaijin" insult..... Which is the main point of issue. It's what he said in Japanese that is the main issue. He has every right to insult somebody calling him a pussy, but broad generalisations are the problem. It's like calling somebody a "stupid n-word", then arguing it was only an insult to that individual person and you're not actually being racist!

I'm not convinced you've actually read the tweets if you thought he was making a broad generalization. Everyone subject to that insult has likely appeared on his twitter feed today (or at least are visible by searching everyone who decided to tweet him about the article/PC gaming).

He kinda did though. Saying stupid foreigners is racist/xenophobic. I'm not opposed to him saying something back to the guy but you can't say things like that without looking like a massive douchebag.

Sorry, I absolutely refuse to make these two words equivalent. The entire basis of this is not what he meant, but rather he used the word "foreigner" (to refer to a small group of foreigners in a tweet otherwise showing positive intentions to foreigners in general). So that's the end of that.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't get why it's racist when they were in fact foreigners

I mean if he specifically used an offensive term like the n word then yeah sure be offended

I don't buy the argument that gaijin is inherently racist either, this is literally the first time I heard that and I come from a place which fucking sensitive when it comes to racist slurs

It was used an a derogatory sense out of anger

It was most certainly intended to offend

I wouldn't label it as prejudice, but I don't think it's acceptable because of that.
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