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DmC Review Thread (Release Date - 1/15/13) Embargo is over!

Sessler's review seems to be pretty in line with how I felt about the demo and all of promo footage, streams, spoiler territory videos, etc. A 3/5 seems to be fitting.



DmC is everything a reboot should be-confident, thoughtful, and brazenly unafraid to sacrifice a few sacred cows along the way. For all the backlash they've had to face, developer Ninja Theory has delivered the most polished, refreshing, and memorable hack-and-slash experience in recent memory.
Going by reviews, this reboot is exactly what the series needed... Yikes.

My feelings, they are hurt.
So which major site is actually left? Seems like we have the usual ones.


How can you go on gaf and not know anything, i mean there are dozens of threads with ninja theory and dmc in the title, giving details for the game, etc. you don't even have to visit a thread to know something. You would have had to leave gaf to do a blackout like that.

i don't visit gaming gaf often, and when i do i usually stick to community threads.


Oh wow, lots of positive reviews. Haven't even seen much of the game either so expecting a good solid experience when I eventually pick it up.
The reviews are painting this as a better experience than Bayonetta in terms of action games.

This seems like very strong praise but it is the most prominent thing that leaps out to me as hyperbole.


The reviews are painting this as a better experience than Bayonetta in terms of action games.

This seems like very strong praise but it is the most prominent thing that leaps out to me as hyperbole.
And where the hell did you read that? Most of these reviews are just saying it's a good and fun action game.


Junior Member
I don't get the same impression from these reviews at all.

I guess he is talking about Telegraph's review

Telegraph said:
As DmC progresses, it becomes clear that it is a phenomenal action game in its own right, with an interesting alternate take on the fiction and a sublime handle on action gaming. A title that taps into the kind of action the likes of Platinum Games are known for. Ninja Theory has shown they know how to weave superb action, biting dialogue and a brilliant visual style into a wonderful, cohesive whole


Yea guys don't zero in on the hyperbolic statements and just get the overall picture from all the reviews (if you put much stock into them too begin with). Right now I feel the Eurogamer and Gamespot reviews were more in line with my own personal opinion of the game. I felt Sessler was a bit too harsh and sites like 1UP and EGM were too hyperbolic with their praise.


Don't let the hyperbole get to you. This game is NOT the most polished hack n slash in recent memory, that's a load of bull.

IGN is out already, 8.5/8.9
Obviously... That only makes it worse.


lmao. Is this the Twilight Zone? Am I getting Punk'D? I literally just joked about that same exact quote before reading it from IGN.
It was more of a tonal impression I got and I was more curious about it than condemning of it, but feel free to leap down my throat and make guesses at what I meant, anyway.

I see words like "best hack and slash in recent memory" and a synapse fires in my brain that this is something I probably can't take on faith alone considering the competition.


IGN scored all DMC games before DmC higher than 8.5... yet are saying this is what the series needed... So they are basically saying it's better off worse?


Junior Member
IGN scored all DMC games before DmC higher than 8.5... yet are saying this is what the series needed... So they are basically saying it's better off worse?

Not the same reviewer right?

I think this one will land below DMC4 metacritic wise. Should be around Enslaved level which is what I pretty much expected to be honest. NT generally make average to good games.


I get that the game isn't Sesller's cup of tea (and perhaps based on his disdain for the series they should've chosen someone else to do the review), but the part where he was talking about the intro and said "this is why games aren't considered art" really irked me. No one would watch a bad movie and say that. Maybe the game is just dumb fun. That doesn't mean all other games can't be considered "art."

Endo Punk

I get that the game isn't Sesller's cup of tea (and perhaps based on his disdain for the series they should've chosen someone else to do the review), but the part where he was talking about the intro and said "this is why games aren't considered art" really irked me. No one would watch a bad movie and say that. Maybe the game is just dumb fun. That doesn't mean all other games can't be considered "art."

Capcom specifically made DmC to appeal to such people who found DMC childish. The fact Sessler is not a DMC fan means his perfect to review DmC. It's a shame that DmC just ended up being as cheesy with a character that is just another power fantasy and unrelatable, and swears a lot. NT's story talents are nowhere to be seen here. It's dumb fun sure but Capcom wanted to mature the franchise with DmC and they just haven't done that.


Capcom specifically made DmC to appeal to such people who found DMC childish. The fact Sessler is not a DMC fan means his perfect to review DmC. It's a shame that DmC just ended up being as cheesy with a character that is just another power fantasy and unrelatable. NT's story talents are nowhere to be seen here. It's dumb fun sure but Capcom wanted to mature the franchise with DmC and they just haven't done that.

How you can mature a franchise with a character who say "F*ck" every phrase? The old DMC was much more mature that this one.

Endo Punk

How you can mature a franchise with a character who say "F*ck" every phrase? The old DMC was much more mature that this one.

The PR for this game was all about elevating the story to hollywood standards and NT constantly mentioned BB and Casino Royale as a source of inspiration. Now putting DmC next to the likes of such films is just laughable. The story doesn't even touch DMC3 and isn't as enjoyable to watch as DMC4.

It's getting about the same as Heavenly Sword and Enslaved and I thought those games were beyond overrated. But whatever if people eat this up then then it's on them.
It seems to be doing well. At the very least, it does not seem to be the complete trainwreck that the initial backlash had suggested it would be. I will keep an eye on this one.


Only compared to DMC4 and Bayo but it really only matches the story of DMC3 without the same impact or pay off. This one had more exposition but a majority of it was dull and boring especially towards the end. A lot of the reviews which scored it less than a 9 cited the story as a shortcoming for the game and I have to agree, I am not at all raring to go back and see the cutscenes again whereas I have seen some of the DMC3 cutscenes dozens of times.

I just watched the story first time, then of course skipped to hell on later playthrough, but had the curiosity to go see the dialogue with mundus before the fight in english (first run was in italian for review purpouses) and found it surprisingly decent. Also liked the back and forth during the last fight, which most seem to hate. I think it does a pretty good job of setting the tone for the story and ends up building a less dickish, childish Dante.

Overall, I think it's very simple story, but decently executed and coherent, and very "useful" for the franchise, if you get my point. That's more than I can say about the average fanfiction that makes up DMC narrative universe. I don't like the more childish aspects of it, of course. Trying too hard for a oh-so-mature approach always ends up sounding more childish than it could be.
That being said, this kind of "gameplay first" games do not really require a story for me, they need just a background to tie together visual design, enemies and levels in the less troubling way possible. Bayonetta and DMCs are amazing games despite their stories.

Anyway, my review's online, if anyone cares (in italian)
4/5 (+art direction award)

A very good action game, and an competent DMC. Without some questionable choices that impact its core gameplay and some more that limit the appeal for the more dedicated, able players, it could be easily called "a very good DMC".

Will follow up in a minute with a Secret Missions video (as soon as it encodes :\)


That Gametrailers video review with doing the "fuck you" slowed down within the review and at the end made me laugh. I love how they pull stuff from the games to make jokes.


DmC first purchase of 2013 confarmed

That Gametrailers video review with doing the "fuck you" slowed down within the review and at the end made me laugh. I love how they pull stuff from the games to make jokes.

yeah they're pretty good at that stuff
That Gametrailers video review with doing the "fuck you" slowed down within the review and at the end made me laugh. I love how they pull stuff from the games to make jokes.

Haha yeah, that was awesome. Just about every review is making jabs at that stupid fucking moment. Some of the dialogue in this is INCREDIBLY bad.

Ugh I can't wait until the 25th. Must hold out from doing the EBgames rental.
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