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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -4| It's not my fault!

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Got 99 problems and only one of them is a waifu
.hack >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SAO
I have a question:

Is there a season 3 of Sengoku Basara? I mean there has to be one, but is it released yet or not?

The third season is basically the Sengoku Basara movie: Sengoku Basara: The Last Party. That basically caught up with the games and with Capcom killing off the series, that's probably all of the Basara we'll ever see.


Those are only a few things. Just because of that doesn't mean I"m difficult to talk to. If anything, it's difficult to get jokes across. That I can understand. Difficult to talk to? That's harsh, no?

I don't think so as it seems to be more casual observation than any form of personal attack. I certainly don't mean to offend you any rate.
The third season is basically the Sengoku Basara movie. That basically caught up with the games and with Capcom killing off the series, that's probably all of the Basara we'll ever see.

Thank you. I skipped the movie because I thought it was kind of a filler. I'll watch it, if it end the series.

I don't think so as it seems to be more casual observation than any form of personal attack. I certainly don't mean to offend you any rate.

I agree. I don't think it was harsh or something.

Plus if you're talking to someone that doesn't understand what you're saying... Well, some would argue that it is difficult to talk on these conditions.
But that's not something you can't work on. You just need to remember who uses a lot of sarcasm and then just assume the opposite of what you initially thought for their messages.

I used to have the same problem as you on another forum, and doing that solved it pretty much.
OreImouto 01


Imouto, imouto, imouto, imouto, imouto, imouto, imouto.

Man, they are really heavy handly playing this imouto card by repeating the damn word over and over. But, it was an introductory episode. Wasn't bad, not seeing the appeal of the imouto one bit, she's basically a normal harem member with the imouto tag attached to it.

But whatever, at this point, it can only go up compared to Shana.


- It's more fun/amusing and enjoyable to ask you than to ask. Plus most of the time it's safer.
- Sorry I actually don't know stuff.
- Well... I'm bad at it. It's not like I can help it.

Those are only a few things. Just because of that doesn't mean I"m difficult to talk to. If anything, it's difficult to get jokes across. That I can understand. Difficult to talk to? That's harsh, no?

We love you silly mascot-kun!

OreImouto 01

Imouto, imouto, imouto, imouto, imouto, imouto, imouto.

Man, they are really heavy handly playing this imouto card by repeating the damn word over and over. But, it was an introductory episode. Wasn't bad, not seeing the appeal of the imouto one bit, she's basically a normal harem member with the imouto tag attached to it.

But whatever, at this point, it can only go up compared to Shana.

Oreimo - 1 Kuroneko
Shana - no Kuroneko

Oreimo wins!
OreImouto 01

Imouto, imouto, imouto, imouto, imouto, imouto, imouto.

Man, they are really heavy handly playing this imouto card by repeating the damn word over and over. But, it was an introductory episode. Wasn't bad, not seeing the appeal of the imouto one bit, she's basically a normal harem member with the imouto tag attached to it.

But whatever, at this point, it can only go up compared to Shana.

Well it did start the trend of the really awful imouto manga/LN adaptations to come.
Cuticle Tantei Inaba - 01
I've ignored this anime and i regret it.

For a first episode was trully entertained .

First ( the cast )

The cast is really something ..it's over the top it's silly .it doesn't pay attention to the details.
And the end result is that by the first episode i'm already wondering if they'll be able to keep up.The setting of power-up is ridiculous.

Second ( the jokes )

it's so secret that ... wait what ?


Best stupid joke by far.

Looking back the jokes were really classic but it worked because the mix of unusual characters resulted in something unique. There are some pretty good moment , some predictable , other quite intresting. A classic showing but still a good start.

This is good stuff i'm hoping next episode will deliver.
A special mention to the ED that is out of place but still pretty much well done.
I call this a good first episode no doubt.


I'm sorry but I needed to do this

Please forgive.
kayos said:
Uh... what, biatch? That was offensive.
cajunator said:
I dunno. Her cutenizz wasnt straight-up dat much by design. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Biatch wasnt given any particularly moe traits. Her personalitizzle just resonated wit mah dirty ass. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Biatch was portrayed pretty much as a realistic lonely ho wit major esteem issues. I just happened ta LOVE dat characterization n' felt sorry fo' her muthafuckin ass.
In fucking tears.
cajunator said:
but...Misaki is sooooo cute n' sweet. I know her ass was a manipulatizzle sticky-icky-icky crackhead up in tha manga but up in tha anime her ass be a total sweetheart n' I ludd her muthafuckin ass.

My sides are divorcing.
AnimeGAF will never be the same.

It just revived the hype thread of pokemon XY announcement, and I felt like sharig it here.

The Kayos drama last page just becomes so hilarious with that

"What... biatch? That was offensive" should definetly be put in the next thread title



the pandering is that shes nice?
did you miss the entire part about how shes an emotional wreck underneath? or that they never actually get together?

the ai girl from the other manga felt more like pandering to me, despite being drawn like a little boy in most panels


the pandering is that shes nice?
did you miss the entire part about how shes an emotional wreck underneath? or that they never actually get together?
Neither of those change the fact that she swoops in to save the hopeless and disturbed MC from himself, essentially acting as wish fulfilment to the audience (protip: the very same escapist wish fulfillment the show's essentially trying to criticize!!!).


Neither of those change the fact that she swoops in to save the hopeless and disturbed MC from himself, essentially acting as wish fulfilment to the audience (protip: the very same escapist wish fulfillment the show's essentially trying to criticize!!!).

that was the whole premise of the story, right from episode one, at least until you find out why she did it. If something is too good to be true it probably is as demonstrated by her
trying to commit suicide
So you cant act like they pulled a fast one on you

unless you are so daft that you somehow missed the premise entirely


Neither of those change the fact that she swoops in to save the hopeless and disturbed MC from himself, essentially acting as wish fulfilment to the audience (protip: the very same escapist wish fulfillment the show's essentially trying to criticize!!!).

This is incorrect. She didnt just swoop in there. She did what she did because
She felt like worthless shit herself and helping Sato, a person she saw as even lower than her, was her way of coping with her own situation and feeling like she had some worth. Remember that she literally needs Sato to live. When he proved that he didnt need her, she was so devastated she tried to KILL HERSELF.
In short, she was no wish fulfilling fantasy, she had a legitimate reason to cling to Sato and why she was the way she was.


I thought it was more than okay. Has everyone who thinks it's a very low bar been affected by the memetic bleed from the light novel?

Guilty Crown 16
Now moved on to GC. The first half was seinen shovel fodder with some decent character development but the second arc is some lord of the flies nonsense. Only sticking with it to find out what the deal is with Ouma's parents.
Tegami Bachi Letter Bee 1 - 13

Poor Sentai choosing yellow subs for this sub only release. Probably my first sub only dvd set and compared to Bandai's offering of Star Driver Blu Ray or NISA's offering of Ano hana (the only other two sub only anime I have (Well I also have Natsume but havent opened it yet), I guess the sub style was just a bit lacking, white fond would have worked better and non jagged lines.

Then comparing to the manga I wish they didnt translate things like Zazie's Aotoge (as Blue Thorn), or Lag's Akabari, maybe Im too used to viz's manga not doing that, and it kind of ruins a joke that I imagine would be in the anime later on.

Otherwise the feeling of seeing one of my most beloved manga anime was great. Such great voices for the cast like Gauche Suede having Liberta/YataMisaki's voice, Zazie's voice, and then seeing all my favorite characters animated. Love Zazie so much and his personality and everything is great. The crying scenes with Lag and later with Sylvette, even got me teary eyed, or rather whenever Lag is I get the same way.

Visuals a bit to get used too cause of the CG Gaichuu, but the shidanjuu attacks look marvelous and the memories.

Cant wait for the next set from Sentai.

Letter Bee Academy 1 - 13

Just plain hilarious especially when various characters dip in and out like Jiggy Pepper and Moc Sullivan (who looks oddly sometimes like Sasuke in the main show), still all my favorite bees too, an Dr. Thunderland with all that screentime.


that was the whole premise of the story, right from episode one, at least until you find out why she did it. If something is too good to be true it probably is as demonstrated by her
trying to commit suicide
So you cant act like they pulled a fast one on you
This is incorrect. She didnt just swoop in there. She did what she did because
She felt like worthless shit herself and helping Sato, a person she saw as even lower than her, was her way of coping with her own situation and feeling like she had some worth. Remember that she literally needs Sato to live. When he proved that he didnt need her, she was so devastated she tried to KILL HERSELF.
In short, she was no wish fulfilling fantasy, she had a legitimate reason to cling to Sato and why she was the way she was.
But none of these things change the fact she acts as the cute girl that suddenly swoops into the guys life to try and "fix" him. It doesn't matter what her motivations are, she's purely there to act as panderbait to the audience. The series would've been a far more accomplished take on the matter without her.
unless you are so daft that you somehow missed the premise entirely

No need to be an ass about this.
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