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NPD Sales Results for February 2013 [Up5: Dead Space 3, Crysis 3, Official PS3/WiiU]

In terms of games that have concrete release dates...

That looks pretty fucking barren.

pikmin, smash bros, mario kart, 3d mario, wonderful 101, bayonetta 2, monster hunter, lego city, etc.
That's more like it.

Although I guess if there are no release dates yet for the heavy hitters, all people can do is wait.


I know and that is fucked up. With Nintendo these games (W101, Pikmin 3) could be coming out in august.

Im scared for that. 1 game needs to drop in april and another in may. June and july should be the stuff we know nothing about. Not "launch window" titles.

I'll be stunned if the next Nintendo Direct doesn't confirm Game & Wario for April. It's being release in Japan at the end of the month, and there is literally no excuse for them to sit on it. The fact that it isn't a near-simultaneous release is staggering in of itself.
How many consoles do you expect PS4 and 720 to sell each from launch to April 1st 2014 ?, remember they will be cannibalizing each others sales for the first year.
I don't think you're using this term correctly. Cannibalization is eating ones own kind. The only way the PS4 and 720 would cannibalize each other is if they were released by the same company and they're clearly not. A good example of cannibalization would be iPhone sales eating away iPod Touch sales, or PS3 eating away PS2 sales.

They're going to be competing with each other, yes, but how is that any different than the situation between the 360 and PS3 right now? Of course there will be people who won't be able to afford both out of the gate, and thus will have to choose, but that's competition, not "cannibalization". And do you seriously think that the PS4 and 720 aren't going to "cannibalize" Wii U sales? The Wii U is already competing with the PS3 and 360 and failing miserably. Shit's going to get even uglier for the Wii U when the PS4 and 720 are released.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
If Mario Kart comes out this Christmas and a bundle doesn't sell, then they're screwed. It's not looking good right now, though.


Thinking about Metal Gear, I'm just going to throw something really crazy out there (not that I believe it, but I wonder).

How much did the HD Collection sell? I wonder if the lower Rising sales, potentially low HD Collection sales, and the abysmal PW sales are more showing that there might be something wrong with the brand itself in the west than we realize (I know, Rising is a completely different genre, the HD Collection is just that and is not going to appeal to newer or non-nostalgic folks, and PW was released when the PSP was essentially dead, but still...).

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I'd have to dig up the post, but someone broke it down like this, and it seemed reasonable:

Wii U - 64k
Wii - 100k
DS - 100k
3DS - 191k

Obviously these numbers are pure conjecture, but they probably don't fall too far from the mark.

I'd slip the 3DS down a few notches and up the Wii and DS by 10-20k each.

seems 64k more confirmed?

He just made the same mistake most of us did. NPD excitement makes reading full paragraphs hard!
Well on paper it may have looked good to them.

"Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty, New Super Mario Bros. Wii U, FIFA, Madden."

If you just look at it in a vacuum, you could come to a conclusion that your line-up is fine.


And when you look at the games themselves, what do we see? The worst versions of each game, some of which can be had on another console for considerably less and on consoles that cost less.

New Super Mario Bros. U looks like a rip-off too. It does all the same tricks that the Wii game does, but it asks you to pony up for a dumb box with a required expensive controller. Oh, and the game itself is $60. And look at the game. I bet a lot of folks who saw it probably said to themselves "I already have this game."

And I don't believe 2D Mario only sells on the back of consoles sales. OLD Super Mario Bros. 2 was the best selling game on the 3DS last holiday. It still managed to grab some kids and parents' attention. It's just these tired games aren't that great so their power is greatly reduced.

3D Mario is coming. It'll probably get all the love from Nintendo's devs and gaffers will be excite. It's the wrong game to be throwing all the resources into as it's not going to turn Wii U's fortunes around. Folks at Nintendo have lost their minds.


That's pretty much my belief, Nintendo now live in an insular bubble where they took far too seriously their claim that they were not competing with Microsoft and Sony, everything points to a lack of awareness of the industry around them, from their marketing to their hardware choices to their release schedules.

They risk more than just a bad generation with this mindset, they risk utter irrelevance outside their shrinking core fanbase.

Sonys arrogance going from the PS2 to the PS3 cost them badly.

I think Nintendo is on track for the same problem.

That is by far the most accurate way to describe Nintendo at this point as Company whole. They have this Apple company persona, but lack the understanding of trends, and outside competition. Apple knows about Google, and knows how popular they've become and grown.

Nintendo didn't think in early 2005, that online was anything to look into, so they kind of scoffed at it. But in actuality Xbox Live with Halo 2 over night invented and reignited Multiplayer gaming, on a console of all things.

Nintendo is a legacy company that hasn't kept up to the outside market, since " Personally in my eyes", the SNES/Gamecube days.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Price cutting it by any amount wouldn't have any significant impact at the moment with the lack of software, the earliest a price cut will come is at E3 imo but even then I don't see them announcing a price cut at the same event most people are seeing PS4/720 for the first time properly, sends the wrong signals.

I think they will get rid of the basic and price cut the Deluxe to £299 a month or two before the first new console launches, if they get the treble combo of Zelda, Mario and Mario Kart out along with an aggressive ad campaign then hardware sales could explode around Xmas time.

Sales aren't going to "explode" with a price cut and a Zelda port, Mario game, and Mario Kart.

This holiday season is actually going to be pretty rough for Nintendo since they will now have to compete with PS4 and 720, which will have much better online/OS infrastructure, and a lineup that includes great core exclusives and a TON of third party game ports that will not be on the Wii U.

From the get-go these next-gen systems are going to have great third party support.
"Do we have Tomb Raider? Crysis? Bioshock? GTAV? No? Well at least we have Aliens and Rayman! Phew!"

Is it just about having them though? Look at Nirolak's list, it's pretty impressive:

Assassin's Creed 3 - Biggest AC ever
Call of Duty - Best selling game in the most popular genre. WiiU version not gimped, some people actually called it the definitive version
New Super Mario Bros. Wii U - Other NSMB games sold 20+ million, it stands to reason to think this would be a huge seller as well
FIFA - Go to soccer game. HUGE in Europe, getting bigger in the US
Madden - If you want to be successful in the US you better have a non gimped version of Madden

What if they had Tomb Raider? Or Crysis? Or Bioshock? Or even GTA? Would that really matter? You can get them on much more popular platforms that are also significantly cheaper and your friends probably own one of those as well so you can play online with them. When MS was trying to get the 360 to be the beast it is today it moneyhatted BIG franchises. Tales, Star Ocean, GTA DLC, Elder Scroll, Bioshock, Left4Dead, Gears, and more ALL announced to be exclusive for the 360 (of course we later found out all but the latter 2 were just timed). Not only that, but ALL previous "Playstation" franchises were brought over and released day and date with the 360 version. RE, DMC, TR, FF, and eventually MGS were all released on the 360 the same day.

If Nintendo wants the WiiU to turn around they would need to pull something similar, as the tablet controller is NOT the wiimote and the WiiU certainly ain't the Wii. Imagine, if you will, that Nintendo had been aggressive and Watch Dogs, Destiny, mainline Tales, SOV, GTAV DLC, Bioshock DLC, and others were all WiiU (timed) exclusive, on top of getting all major franchises on WiiU day and date with Sony and MS' consoles?


seems 64k more confirmed?

So, he went from saying bingo with the 80k projection to this.

Between this and the laughs he brought last month with the WORST PERFORMING CONSOLE LAUNCH EVER (if you ignore a few consoles), I'm not sure his word means much, industry insider or not.


Anyone know how far in development Pikmin 3 was before it was switched to WiiU. If Nintendo are having problems with making a supercharged Wii game then they might have problems making HD games from scratch.

Comparing Nintendo games by development days is pointless. We don't know how many employees were on the project and for how long. It could've literally been in development for 9 years at this point.

I think this HD development concern is blown up around here. You can tell by looking at one of Nintendo's other studios, Monolith, that they were well-aware that switch was going to happen and they took steps to prepare in advance. HD development would only impact parts of the programming side, the people involved in game design, sound, or asset creation would be just fine without retraining.
You (and others making the same argument) really don't like digging beneath the surface, do you?

Graphics are one of, if not the top priority for your average consumer (I would say price is more important). Of course, they're not the only thing - say you have a customer with ten "priorities", if a system only has 1 and not the rest, and another has 9/10, which way do you think they'll go?

In other words, you can't look at things in a vacuum. If someone has price as their #2 and graphics as their #1, a platform with substantially worse graphics but at a fraction of the price (think Wii, but that's not a perfect comparison) will likely get purchased. Extrapolate this argument as needed.

I think exclusive games come above everything, most of the PS4/720 launch games will also be available on PS360, not many beyond a few million hardcore gamers are going to drop around $400 to play the same games at a higher resolution with a few extra graphical effects.

I also don't expect yet another racing game with no history and two Sony IP's that don't sell very well to make PS4 a 'must have' item this winter.

A very large percentage of the market want Fifa, Madden, WWE, Just Dance, AC, CoD and BF every year and those games will all be available for PS360.


After reading the thread a bit more and seeing more sales analysis, I just really have to say that I'm very happy that despite the odds, Sly 4, Fire Emblem Awakening, and Metal Gear Rising all did relatively well. (glad to have supported all 3 games)

In the case of Awakening though, I do wonder if the game could have done much better had NoA not insultingly undershipped the game. (many people who were interested might have just said screw it)

Also I'm sure the $40 (later $30) price tag helped Sly a lot. People are more willing to give smaller games a chance if they are priced accordingly. (Playstation All-Stars might have done better had it been priced accordingly, though I wasn't interested in that game regardless while Sly was something I was looking forward to)

Also in regards to DmC, part of me is certain that it could have sold much better had it been a more traditional DMC. Most people I know didn't even know a new Devil May Cry was coming out, and those that did (like me) had no interest in the game based on aesthetic reasons. (personally I didnt enjoy the demo)


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't think Nintendo direct has any impact on sales at all. In fact, I'm generally annoyed they're during the week and at weird hours. I am retracting my 1 sale.


Am I reading this right - is Sly Cooper guaranteed to have sold > 117K? I'm pretty surprised by that.

Nintendo specified that the sales were for all of February, and Sly 4 was on sale a day later than FE.

I'd say that's an unqualified success for both games, but Sly 4 in particular, given Sony's lack of advertising.
I don't think Nintendo direct has any impact on sales at all. In fact, I'm generally annoyed they're during the week and at weird hours. I am retracting my 1 sale.

Nirolak, subtract 1 from the Wii-U sales in March, those GS returns are starting early this month
If Nintendo wants the WiiU to turn around they would need to pull something similar, as the tablet controller is NOT the wiimote and the WiiU certainly ain't the Wii. Imagine, if you will, that Nintendo had been aggressive and Watch Dogs, Destiny, mainline Tales, SOV, GTAV DLC, Bioshock DLC, and others were all WiiU (timed) exclusive, on top of getting all major franchises on WiiU day and date with Sony and MS' consoles?

That's not aggression, that's suicide.

Microsoft would balk at that, and they're a far larger company than Nintendo could hope to be.
Kevin Dent just reported that he has the official NPD number for the Wii U, and says that it's "WAY, WAY under 80K."

Maybe it's actually lower than 64K?


A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I'd have to dig up the post, but someone broke it down like this, and it seemed reasonable:

Wii U - 64k
Wii - 100k
DS - 100k
3DS - 191k

Obviously these numbers are pure conjecture, but they probably don't fall too far from the mark.
DS only did ~66k last month so it couldn't have jumped that high with only 4 weeks.


I'm very excited to see how March's NPD will be. I have my fingers crossed for Tomb Raider, the game took me by surprise in a very positive way. Also hope to see Bioshock Infinite (which I'm guessing will be near the top) and Luigi's Mansion 2 do well. Right now I have no idea how God of War and Gears of War will do. Both games have very little hype and based on my personal experience, while I plan to eventually buy and play through both of them, I have no urging desire to do so right away on release.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
So easy to see why sales are tanking for the Wii U. Outside of Mario and 1 or 2 others the library is embarrassing. I bought it for Pikmin, Rayman and Aliens. While I dodged a bullet with Aliens, both Rayman and Pikmin got delayed - should have learned my lesson with the 3DS!

For me the off-TV play is a killer feature but so far they've completely failed to communicate this to the general public. (Or they have, and noone cares).
So, he went from saying bingo with the 80k projection to this.

Between this and the laughs he brought last month with the WORST PERFORMING CONSOLE LAUNCH EVER (if you ignore a few consoles), I'm not sure his word means much, industry insider or not.

he now says he has the number. so he's not getting it from gaf or something.

i think 64k qualifies fine as way under 80k anyway. no discrepancy imo.

fake edit: he's now saying under 70k. so yeah, ~64k probably https://twitter.com/TheKevinDent/status/312365146926354433
I'd have to dig up the post, but someone broke it down like this, and it seemed reasonable:

Wii U - 64k
Wii - 100k
DS - 100k
3DS - 191k

Obviously these numbers are pure conjecture, but they probably don't fall too far from the mark.
That was my break down - and it was just rough guesses, with the exception of Wii U.
Kevin Dent just reported that he has the official NPD number for the Wii U, and says that it's "WAY, WAY under 80K."

Maybe it's actually lower than 64K?

Can't be or wouldn't match NPD spokesperson statement.
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