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Zelda game set in Link to the Past world coming to the 3DS, holiday 2013

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The trees as still hideous.

Its this


but in 3D


You all know that ,even if the game is a masterpiece, is going to have slow movement, slow and limited gameplay, is going to be easy easy and, maybe, is going to have stupid tutorials too... almost all nintendo franchises have suffered this change because, nowadays, nintendo games are for "everyone" so you all better forget about that feeling of a "classic" game like a link to the past. For example: if we pick old 2d mario games and we compare them with the new super mario bros series... or if we compare 3d zeldas like ocarina of time and skiward sword... or super mario 64 and super mario galaxy... before it was like if the game was telling you just "go" and nothing more but now... you know is true...


After watching the trailer on the 3DS, I am infinitely more hyped. All my misgivings about the art have gone away. Game looks adorable in 3D. It's like a bunch of little wooden Zelda toys running around a diorama. Love it.


Definitely looks like an e-shop title lol. I don't really hate the artstyle per se, just has a really cheap aura to it. You'd think that they would try to go all out with it being the sequel to LTTP. Oh well 2D Zelda at the end of the day, so it's pretty much day one for me.


Okay, I'm going to have a lie down and think about this a little bit. I need to calm down.

Gotta figure out whether or not to trade in my 3DS.


Yeah, because nobody discusses graphics in any other games =/

Not like in Zelda games.

I love what I see and think the development team nailed in the art style department, but I know everyone will have their opinion on this and when things calm down we will have people saying that it was the best Zelda.
You're spending your life overreacting to things in in ridiculous ways on a video game forum

And you're responding to them. People calling others out just because they're disliking the art style aren't some saints or anything. People can have differing opinions.


Wow, I might have to rebuy a 3DS just for this as Link to my Past is my favorite Zelda after Majora's Mask.
I bet Miyamoto told the team to only include characters, items and enemies from LTTP as well as making sure gameplay was the focus, a la Sticker Star.

Don't think I can take much more of this.

Miyamoto seriously needs to be fired

This game stinks of his involvement.


Watching the eShop trailer makes it look better, specially with the 3D at max, but I want to see more. A minute doesn't really show much.


For everyone who's decided to furiously masturbate over this, remember that Nintendo is going to fuck up the legacy of LTTP with padding, tutorials and a companion.

Don't let your childhood get ruined. Boycott this shit.

LTTP could use a little more player guidance. All the random ass shit you have to do to progress was maybe fun when you were 9 and had infinite time, but a lot of it is just bad game design by today's standards.
This thread seems to be proving out a hypothesis: the only new Zelda game hardcore Zelda fans will accept is one that looks, animates, and plays exactly like whatever was their one favorite Zelda game as a kid. (Whatever generation the person in question is from.)

Point of fact, the Link sprite in this game is not as good as it could be and probably should be further refined. It's not nearly as bad as the more over-the-top reactions are painting it though.

We've seen hardly nothing of the game, you cannot say it's shit or it's great right now.

LTTP came out when I was 15, it's my favorite Zelda game. Not digging the art style.
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