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Don Mattrick: "Fortunately" consumers without a connection can buy Xbox 360

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Neo Member
Mattrick: "Xbox has been created by gamers for gamers."

This one is a so obvious lie you could think it came from Jay Wilson. No true gamer in this universe would make his console always-online and anti-consumer.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
They are only going to be catering to a split subset of users, the machine doesn't work without Internet!

Exactly the point. You don't have to give a shit about anyone without an internet connection.

Does going that route leave some people on the outside looking in? Of course it does.

I don't take Mattrick's statement as arrogant at all.. it's realistic.

I don't think MS should cave in on the online requirement, I think it's an important thing to stick with and force to take the next step towards a strong, fluid digital storefront.


And guys... this interview was shown on live TV today. I wonder just how many Microsoft/Xbox fans saw it... Hoo boy!


by gamers for gamers ? I'd love to meet those "gamers" behind the Xbox One development... the brain-storming meetings must have been quite something. Also, devs will approach Xbox One knowing Internet is there, but is it "always on" or just a cell phone to authenticate every 2 days ? with that random fact they can't go crazy on Internet/"The Cloud" features...


Mrs. Harvey
Fortunately consumers can also can rely on two other companies not to shit them over with such nonsense.
Are there any official numbers on how many of the 360's sold have been connected online? I wonder what the size of the audience that never connected is.

Game Guru

I think the main reason movies/games are not only digital is due to sizes of the movies/games. It takes me 3 hours to download a 8gb game. It is easier for me to go to the store and buy it, then download it in that case. The people saying digital is the future may be correct, but if the internet structure does not change rapidly in the next 5 years (which I do not see happening) then they are gonna have to wait longer for their digital dream to take over.

Yeah, in essence, if you want to own a movie or a typical AAA retail game, it's faster and more convenient at this moment to just buy it physically. Sure, there is streaming for movies, but that feels more like a replacement for cable and rental services, not physical purchases for movies. Music and books on the other hand are easy to quickly download when one purchases an MP3 or ebook, even on the crappiest DSL connection.


Somebody should just bluntly ask him what he means with "by gamers for gamers". And I mean EXACTLY and with examples and then he needs to be called out for his statements.

"The harware is made for games!"
"Then why are 3GB locked? And why is better hardware scrapped to fit in Kinect into the budget?"



Are there any official numbers on how many of the 360's sold have been connected online? I wonder what the size of the audience that never connected is.
Tough to say, because people can own multiple systems, or have multiple accounts on one system, but we do know that the number of 360s sold is greater than the number of live accounts (gold and silver) by around 30 million.


Yeah, in essence, if you want to own a movie or a typical AAA retail game, it's faster and more convenient at this moment to just buy it physically. Sure, there is streaming for movies, but that feels more like a replacement for cable and rental services, not physical purchases for movies. Music and books on the other hand are easy to quickly download when one purchases an MP3 or ebook, even on the crappiest DSL connection.

The other issue is that a CD or dvd can cost 5-15 bucks, it's also because a lot of customers don't think about what would happen if a service they like goes away, unfortunately, this issue may root its head for Xbox one as well with consumers just not knowing they are buying 60 dollar paper weights.
I'm still in awe how this came to be.

It's like no one showed them Sony at E3 2006 and the resulting fallout.

Absolutely terrible PR and marketing.


I've said this before, but really the biggest problem with Microsoft right now is that they're acting like they have a monopoly on the entire game industry. Like, it's almost like it doesn't occur to them that there are other consoles on the market. This DRM stuff would make a lot more sense from a business perspective if they did, and I'd be more willing to buy one if the Wii U and PS4 didn't exist. But the problem is, they do.


I like mattrick, and even though Microsoft want to control the living room

Games will always be a major part of that.

The thing is he is treating us/GAF/theinternet/theDRMflashmob like we making a fuss out of nothing and being completely over the top about the whole thing

hes like ''this is the future,,, duh, deal with it''

Well ok mattrick at least try and sell us on it, but I think hes not allowed to yet.

Terrible PR job

when that ex naughty dog ruben guy was on spike/GT, he hit the nail on the head when he said MS should be telling why 24hr check ins and no drm is good for the customer

another thing that ruben guy said that although ''Sony has won E3'' it does not mean they have won this generation.

Its funny how people think MS will do nothing if the PS4 is outsells the X1 2.1
It been established its an online console so not sure what everyone expected him to say. Would have been the same deal of someone asking Steve Jobs how their friend with no arms is supposed to use an ipad. He probably could have handled it better I am sure but they were fishing for something like this and got it.


Exactly the point. You don't have to give a shit about anyone without an internet connection.

Does going that route leave some people on the outside looking in? Of course it does.

I don't take Mattrick's statement as arrogant at all.. it's realistic.

I don't think MS should cave in on the online requirement, I think it's an important thing to stick with and force to take the next step towards a strong, fluid digital storefront.

Digital-only is coming, but it's up to ISPs to raise that bar. It's going to be a long while.


Stop thinking of it like a last gen console and it makes more sense why I'd compare it to Netflix.

They wanted the system from the ground up to be an online system. Netflix requires internet.. you can bitch that you can't watch Netflix because you have no internet, but it'd be silly. Right? We can agree on that, I hope.

MS wants this console to be online, so everyone is on the same playing field from the ground up. All things (mostly) equal. Everything can be built around that as a known quantity, just like it's known you have 8gb of ram (5gb for games), everyone has a HD, the processor is known, the graphics chip is known.. all known quantities. Think of the online component being just another one of those things.

You can create a feature knowing that every console shares that feature, and it would work for all users of that system.

If you stop thinking of things from the prior gens of consoles, and think of as just another piece of the hardware.

A console analogy I can use is this.. the N64 has quite a few 4 player games. Why is that? Because it had 4 controller ports. Other systems allowed 4 players, but you had to buy a separate peripheral to use the extra controllers, so almost no one bothered to code it in.. because your market was split. Yet, there on the N64 any dev could build in 4 player support and know that EVERY console has that built into it.. users only need more controllers.. which wasn't a big deal. It was an even playing field.

I'm willing to sacrifice certain things for that to happen, and I've said multiple times I feel for those that can't be always online for various reasons.. but in no way, shape or form do I think MS should have held back for another generation to make this switch.

I think the time is right to move in this direction.

What's the point of moving in that direction if there's no infrastructure to support it? Can you name a single player game that actually uses online in an interesting way that benefits the gameplay experience? The only one I can think of is dark souls. Most of the other games are unnecessary additions that just serve as drm. So devs haven't really figured out a way to use online in a way that is vital to the experience of playing the game so there's really no reason to move in this direction until something is conceived of.

There's also the issue of isp's and the limited access people have to the internet. Some people live in areas with bandwidth caps, others just don't have access to good enough internet or any internet at all because the internet is so poor, it just isn't worth it. The infrastructure to support this kind of future isn't there yet. Maybe in 5 or 10 years, it will be , but right now it just isn't there but still went ahead with this DD only kind of platform which probably won't be supported. If they just would have done a little research, this would have been apparent so either they didn't bother to do research which makes them ignorant or they just didn't care.


Does this mean Microsoft won't immediately abandon the 360 when the XBone is launched like they did with the first Xbox? That's one thing that pissed me off. PS2 had continued support long after the launch of the PS3, while Microsoft treated the XBox like it never existed when they launched the 360.


Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity, it's called xbox 360.

Wow...just...how do you get away with saying that when you are trying to push next gen. It's like you're slapping us in the face, spitting in our food, then being upset when we refuse to ever come back, much less tip for what you call "service."

Game Guru

The other issue is that a CD or dvd can cost 5-15 bucks, it's also because a lot of customers don't think about what would happen if a service they like goes away, unfortunately, this issue may root its head for Xbox one as well with consumers just not knowing they are buying 60 dollar paper weights.

Indeed... Many times, a movie costs just as much to buy physically as it does to buy digitally. At the very least with MP3s, I can burn CDs of them, and I can choose to only buy the songs I want rather than a CD with only one or two songs I like. In addition, they are generally DRM-Free. With ebooks, many of the classics are public domain and thus not bound by copyright restrictions, so again, I could go to say Project Gutenburg to get DRM-Free versions of those ebooks. The big retail AAA games and especially movies generally are stuck with DRM which locks me to a particular service.
What's the point of moving in that direction if there's no infrastructure to support it? Can you name a single player game that actually uses online in an interesting way that benefits the gameplay experience? The only one I can think of is dark souls. Most of the other games are unnecessary additions that just serve as drm. So devs haven't really figured out a way to use online in a way that is vital to the experience of playing the game so there's really no reason to move in this direction until something is conceived of.
Burnout Paradise (owned streets) and Geometry Wars 2 (in-game leaderboards) integrate community aspects well, though both of those could be done asynchronously. There's no need for a persistent connection.

The stuff we've seen in WatchDogs (mobile users helping as escape), Dead Rising 3 (mobile user airstrike) and The Division (mobile user drone) *may* turn out to be more than just gimmicks.

No reason all of this can't be optional though. Let the players decide if they these things are enhancements or intrusions.


What the hell happened Microsoft? why? i want to like you so much, but man, so out of touch with gamers.

these comments really rubb me the wrong way.


G***n S**n*bi
Mattrick: "Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity, it's called xbox 360"

Mattrick: "Xbox has been created by gamers for gamers."


Mattrick: "Xbox has been created by gamers for gamers."

Mattrick: "Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity, it's called xbox 360"



Sony: "Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity, it's called Playstation 4."

Probably been done repeatedly at this point, but this was my first thought when I read the quote. Microsoft is leaving a lot of the market to Sony, and the PS4 is going to pick it up like crazy.

Remarkable how fast MS will have gone from releasing a SKU just for the offline gamer, to shutting them out completely.


I just hate these guys now, the whole lot of them. MS Xbox has a cancer growing inside of it that needs to be cut out. Even pre PS3 launch Sony did not rub me as wrong as these guys at MS Xbox today.


I thought he was nervous like that because it was a post-sony interview- but this was before he even took stage? my god man.
Has there been any video interviews with anyone from Microsoft after the Sony conference...I can imagine how incredibly awkward it would be. I really want to see it.


So if one day my computer gets busted, and I have to go out and buy a new one, than i'm fucking from playing on my console?

Why the need for this one time a day 24 check in anyways?

Mattrick: "Xbox has been created by gamers for gamers."

Oh Really? So when you released your Xbox One Policies you said this:

"We designed Xbox One so game publishers can enable you to trade in your games at participating retailers."

"Xbox One is designed so game publishers can enable you to give your disc-based games to your friends."

"Third party publishers may opt in or out of supporting game resale and may set up business terms or transfer fees with retailers. "

"In addition, third party publishers can enable you to give games to friends "

Yep, By Gamers For Gamers. I really do not even see the word "gamers" anywhere. These guys wake up each day and pretend what they said or revealed the previous day really didn't happen. Whatever comes out of their mouths doesn't make sense anymore.

This is as far from a console "by gamers for gamers" as you could ever dream.


it really rubs me the wrong way how geoff really goes in hard, raw, and completely without disregard for reggie's feelings as not only a businessman, but above all, a man, a hopeless, lost man. but mattrick gets off pretty easy.

Geoff knows who pays the bills.


Gold Member
The arrogance is incredible.
Yet, after knowing what I needed to know, this is the only response I can fathom.


He was right.
Exactly the point. You don't have to give a shit about anyone without an internet connection.

Does going that route leave some people on the outside looking in? Of course it does.

I don't take Mattrick's statement as arrogant at all.. it's realistic.

I don't think MS should cave in on the online requirement, I think it's an important thing to stick with and force to take the next step towards a strong, fluid digital storefront.

In does gone by publishers who sold online games simply put "requires online" on the box. They have never had to give a shit. Everything you wrote is apologetic nonsense.
At least Adam Orth was more sincere.

Most prophets are. Sweet Billy was a messenger. Microsoft killed him to save face. Instead of making him into a liar, he is now martyr. He only wanted us to live in nice places. He wanted us to deal with the future. Vacuums my friends.Never forget they don't work unless they're plugged in.
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