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Microsoft officially pulls DRM from Xbox One, announces new policies

K' Dash

You mean like Sony? Same thing. Its all in publishers hands now.

Yeah, you're correct, it is the same thing, this bullshit MS tried to do, Sony thought about doing it too, they were just lucky or smart enough to let MS announce it first and they played accordingly, simple as that


One thing's for sure, Microsoft is going to be a strong contender again here in the states if this positive news spreads as far and quick as the negative.

And Sony really needs to be showing off its multiplayer features right about now. Persuade people who enjoyed the better multiplayer aspect of XBOX Live this generation – What convinced many to purchase one to play with friends – that Sony has an equivalent system or better, especially now that it's all behind a paywall. Persuade them that it's worth signing up a PSN account and re-adding all their friends.

Microsoft had dug themselves a grave with the Xbox One and is now trying to crawl out of it. Now's the time for Sony to distinguish themselves and bring the spotlight back on them, as this is one big checkmark out of Sony land (one that really shouldn't have been a checkmark to begin with).


It's kind of exciting not knowing which console I'll get first. I know most on the forum have made preorders etc, so it's probably not a common position, but it's interesting to be on the fence again.


Now the Xbox 1 looks as good or better than ps4. Back on the fence I go. Though I'll still buy one 6 months to a year late.

Absolutely not. 100$ more for an underpowered machine with Kinect forced down our throat (always connected) and an inferior Live Gold value compared to PS+ ?

No thanks.


This thread is great, people were so mad at MS for the DRM route. Then MS gets rid of it completely, makes the console region free and there are now people in this very thread telling people who are happy to 'grow a spine!' ???


The bitter tears and goal post shifting is downright hilarious. There is some serious jimmy russlin' taking place on GAF today.

what do you think Is behind it? honestly.

edit: ah wait... you're summing an entire post about how Microsoft was forced to do this, as someone telling people happy to grow a spine?

thats incorrect.

I think you can agree that Microsoft didn't do this because of the consumers wants, they did it because of money. every chance they had, they told consumers to pound sand.
Your friends don't care that PS4 is $100 cheaper and more powerful? Lol, I've honestly never heard of anyone buying a product due to the MS brand name before. Their name is mud among most consumers.

They want a Call of Halo Madden box and all their friends have xbox live names that they know. None of them is heavily invested enough to care about power or ps4 exclusives. Some of them would even like the prospect of paying more justifying it as a luxury purchase. They are casual yuppies, they might think they are cool for being able to afford a more expensive thing. They know they liked the 360 so they assume they should just go with the next MS box. And Halo. Man when I describe them now, they sound terrible.


Not really. They just saw bad numbers for pre orders and turned the DRM switch off. They would've kept doing this till the end if it weren't for that. Also shows that it WAS easy to remove

What do you think caused bad numbers? GPU Cores? GDDR5? Or the mainstream media picking up on the massive backlash maybe.


Not really. They just saw bad numbers for pre orders and turned the DRM switch off. They would've kept doing this till the end if it weren't for that. Also shows that it WAS easy to remove

They saw bad preorder numbers because of the awareness this entire thing raised. People knew about the DRM because of this and chose not to buy into it. We had a direct effect on this.
Once Microsoft gets a large enough install base they will try to fuck people over again. They already have PR out there not being able to guarantee policies won't change. Shitty word of mouth and poor preorder sales is the only thing that made them change their mind.

Could definitly happen. I agree with that.
Completely avoids the question about Forza and the cloud and how that affects offline.

It doesn't. Forza 5 doesn't use a constant connection - driving data (very small) is sent to the cloud where it is processed using machine learning to build out an AI profile which has behavior mimicking that of the driving data. This is then sent back when it is finished (again, very small files) where the AI profile can then be used by the player.


Well this is a step backwards, family sharing was going to be awesome, thanks to the idiots who didn't understand the concept and see the future.
People seriously think they did this because of twitter campaigns and posts on GAF?

They did it because of the lack of interest and pre-orders, that's about it.
File this under can't please everyone: I'm actually slightly sad that they are cutting the Sharing stuff and the Games following you anywhere you go feature. I thought in my case they'd be super useful. If my family members or close friends bought Xbox Ones-- I'd totally share my games with them, and I think I could have got those people to play games a little more considering I'd be taking the brunt of the cost for game purchases.


Sony made this happen.

No. It was the fact that it was getting bad press (mainstream caught on) and Im sure internal affairs due to preorder outlooks and potential sales in the future.

They knew gamers weren't happy when the leaks came about. They didnt do anything different at E3 when Sony announced their DRM free machine. I feel 3rd party publishers might of said something to them about their "family plan" that made them change as well.

Sony did make for people to question MS's tactics because if Sony would of done the same, we all would be screwed right now. As I see it, Sony didnt do anything special as DRM free disks are the norm in the gaming market. MS made a terrible bet and they are suffering due to the backlash.


Dont give me that gamers made you change garbage ms, you forgot about your competition and shit your pants when you saw those numbers.
see this post alphanoid.
it's not telling people to not be happy, but their spoken reasoning is opposite of every single statement printed.


Not really. They just saw bad numbers for pre orders and turned the DRM switch off. They would've kept doing this till the end if it weren't for that. Also shows that it WAS easy to remove
And you dont think GAF didnt play a part in that? I mean we did raise a hell and the whole awareness was largely in part due to the campaign's "small" beginnings here.


Not really. They just saw bad numbers for pre orders and turned the DRM switch off. They would've kept doing this till the end if it weren't for that. Also shows that it WAS easy to remove


The outcry against the DRM, which contributed greatly to bad preorder numbers, started in the enthusiast community (aka NEOGAF and elsewhere on the web)

So yeah, it does show that we can make a difference. We helped spread the word, which made MS look really bad, depressing preorder numbers. It was a chain reaction.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
2 free games a month is a better deal than ps+

Umm... where does it say you are getting 2 free games from Xbone

360 yeah with Halo 3 and Ass Creed II

Have you seen the absurd offerings of PS+, you need to go check in on that

MS just started, Sony has been doing it since 2010 (first year was painful)


So they gave you titles that maybe the majority of XBL Players have played and moved on from, why would they revisit them?
What would be the benefit?
There's no DLC that can entice and extend those games to becoming relevant again...
So when and where is our victory parade? Can we do it in ancient Roman fashion?

I doubt that made a difference
It was prob the e3 stuff

It was probably a lot of things, poor response to the announcement, then to e3, poor preorder numbers, and I wouldn't be surprise if marketing research showed a poor response to Fallon. Anecdotal, but my CoD/Madden/Forza playing 360 of a fan brother called me today to talk about the Xbone and PS4, he was going to get an Xbone but after watching Fallon he and the 360 guys at his work decided to go PS4. I wouldn't be surprised if MS got some of their reaction after the show and it was the straw that broke the camel's back.


Yeah. I know a lot of people will be happy with the changes, but as someone who literally didn't give a shit about the original XB1 DRM situation and was pretty happy with the possibility of Game Sharing... this isn't so great for me.


I'm very disappointed with the reversal. Granted, the DRM policies were bad for people overseas (mainly military), and people in rural areas, but IMO everyone else was just jumping on the MS hate bandwagon. It's a shame... :(


2 free games a month is a better deal than ps+

No way. Those are old 5$ games and they just announced that, so let's not get ahead of ourselves.

I know enough about MS to know they'll always give less value to the consumers than their competitor, like they have been doing for years in my opinion.


I love the last part in that article. "I focus on listening to our customers and fans." BS.

2 free games a month is a better deal than ps+

2 free games is better than 8-10 free games... I don't think you took basic math. Enjoy your AC2 and Halo 3, which can be had for almost free anyway.


This is a real fucking bummer for me. I don't buy or sell used games. My console is always connected to the Internet already.

I really liked the idea of never having to get up again when I wanted to play something else. Most of my friend's live hours away so the family plan sounded like a great idea for me. This just really sucks.


Wow. I'm gone for a couple of hours and Microsoft just changes its policies on Xbox One! I read that rumor early today, but didn't think it was really going to happen. Man, Major Nelson had some really bad timing when he said Microsoft won't be changing a damn thing just a few days ago.


This is a real fucking bummer for me. I don't buy or sell used games. My console is always connected to the Internet already.

I really liked the idea of never having to get up again when I wanted to play something else. Most of my friend's live hours away so the family plan sounded like a great idea for me. This just really sucks.

The lack of a shared library is the worst part of this news.
That last thing I'm reading about 'region locks' being gone. That doesn't mean Region Free game does it? I thought that referred to where you connected from.


Your friends don't care that PS4 is $100 cheaper and more powerful? Lol, I've honestly never heard of anyone buying a product due to the MS brand name before. Their name is mud among most consumers.
You really can't blanket a statement like that with "most consumers". We don't know what the public thinks of this, there are probably people out there who don't even know about any of this DRM and were just going to buy it on day one without reading.

I know that GAF has a big voice for a small community, but we aren't all of the consumers. Don't get me wrong, this is a great thing that has happened today and has secured my position as a purchaser of Xbox One, but the average consumer is definitely not us anymore in the gaming scene.


You know it was going to be awesome because...why?

Because Microsoft said so?

No because I know that sharing games digitally is better then sharing game disc. Way easier and even quicker then what we are used to. But it doesn't matter now because people kept complaining of their internet going out once every year. They shouldn't get an XBone they should get better internet.


Is the Xbox One still kind of an albatross even after all of this? The system specs take a hit to account for the Kinect driving up the total price. The Kinect was part of their DRM policies. Now that those policies are being rolled back, they're stuck with a technically inferior console that comes bundled with really fancy motion controls - a luxury on top of a luxury.

Could they offer an SKU without Kinect and possibly undercut SONY on price by $50? Otherwise, if I'm an early adopter I see no reason to go with the weaker console around launch time.




What's that from? Best gif ever.

Also LOL:
"There’s a few things we won’t be able to deliver as a result of this change," Marc Whitten, v.p. of Xbox Live told Kotaku, "One of the things we were very exicted about was 'wherever we go my games are always with me.' Now, of course, your physical games won’t show up that way. The content you bought digitally will. But you’ll have to bring your discs with you to have your games with you. Similarly, the sharing library [is something] we won’t be able to deliver at launch."
Well, my games can come with me now IF I ACTUALLY FUCKING DECIDE TO.

Forza 5 is back on the table, motherfuckers.
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