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Virtue's Last Reward SPOILER Thread


But there is a problem with that...how will you have a child?!?!?!

I'd just build one.

I could just tell myself to save some of real Luna's eggs when I go back to the past for game 3 too maybe. Then freeze them in with Phi for when I reach the future.

Then BAM science.


Some of those answers worry me. Like the whole he had to change the tone of the second game because of higher ups. I really liked the tone of the second game as a shift from the first but only because I thought it was intentional. I was hoping that it was leading to the third game being darker.

Another one that bothers me is
characters only returning based off popularity. I know most of the original cast will return for story purposes but it's weird to hear some are only going to make it based off fan reaction.

Either way I'm still extremely excited for the third game.


Some of those answers worry me. Like the whole he had to change the tone of the second game because of higher ups. I really liked the tone of the second game as a shift from the first but only because I thought it was intentional. I was hoping that it was leading to the third game being darker.

Another one that bothers me is
characters only returning based off popularity. I know most of the original cast will return for story purposes but it's weird to hear some are only going to make it based off fan reaction.

Either way I'm still extremely excited for the third game.

Every game's like to that some degree, though. You think Final Fantasy hasn't suffered from that?


Pleased he's said he's going to up the tension for Volume 3. Sounds like he's trying to marry 999's terror to VLR's exploration. Can't wait!


Does anyone have a link to a page that details what happened in each of the endings? Can't find one and I'd prefer text over video.


Pleased he's said he's going to up the tension for Volume 3. Sounds like he's trying to marry 999's terror to VLR's exploration. Can't wait!

Yup, that would indeed be the perfect combination. VLR was great, but I still prefer 999 due to the tense atmosphere.

E: On another note, thinking about VLR after reading the Q&A made me realise that the name Luna was a hint at the location of the game all along. This game still blows my mind months after playing it! :p


Could we be getting more information on ZE3 fairly soon? I doubt at E3 but perhaps TGS?
Development has probably just started now, I would think so anyway.


From the recent interview it sounded like it was either in early pre-production or only entering development, sadly. If I had to guess, first teasers later this year, early-to-mid '14 jpn release, late '14 western release.


From the recent interview it sounded like it was either in early pre-production or only entering development, sadly. If I had to guess, first teasers later this year, early-to-mid '14 jpn release, late '14 western release.

Very optimistic predictions. We got a February 2012 release date for VLR (October 2012 for the English version), but in the summer of the year before it was already in a late developement stage.


Man I have been waiting to post here! Now with uchikoshi said that development just started, didn't he contradict himself by saying in a nintendo power interview before the english release of VLR that development already started on the next one? So the team must be further in development than we may think.I see a TGS announcement.


I think he was planning the game, doesn't mean it had to be even close to the start of development process. Things take time.

I might be being optimistic, but VNs don't really take that much of a development time, no? I think later this year for a teaser isn't an outlandish prediction, I'm not talking next week, or July, more like in 3-5 months.


Did anyone see the elevator poster with babies and old people on it as being a massive clue to the final twist (thinking about it). Especially the Mark Twain line in particular.


Did anyone see the elevator poster with babies and old people on it as being a massive clue to the final twist (thinking about it). Especially the Mark Twain line in particular.

I didn't actually think about that! That is pretty cool! And if I get ps+ today, would I still be able to get Virtue's Lat Reward for free?


Nobara “Noba” Nakayama: Yeah! And [also] there’s a scene on the computer, where it has all the data loading and it has all the information.... We wanted to change everything; on the screen originally it was a whole different set of numbers. We went through all this debate to change it. All the names--we changed them. So my name is in it, Ben’s name is in it...

Bateman: If you look at the screen that has all the [CENSORED] IDs--and there’s like 36 of them--I changed every single one of them so that each one of them is a reference to something. There’s one for each of us in the office. There’s some that refer to other things like characters from Dr. Who and things like that... It’s not plot-related, but it’s an Easter egg.... There’s one for each of the main six from My Little Pony.

Noba: And then he also put in his girlfriend’s name. So there’s that for the US audience. You guys can try to figure out what they refer to. That was a fun one. We pushed for that.



The story itself I pretty much have developed in my head, but it hasn’t really gone into production yet. There’s no promises yet, but maybe in the near future we can proceed. This is all from the fact that I was invited to GDC to speak, and that we were nominated for best narrative. That sort of led to the users’ voice saying, “We want the next one,” and that is pushing it. Thanks to the users, the company has pushed forward with thinking to the next level of actual development, but there’s no promises just yet.
I guess I was wrong. That goes a TGS announcement then. :(


Depends when that interview was done?
Looks like we'll have to wait til next year :(

I am guessing the interview was done in march, when he went to GDC. That's were most of his interviews have been done, and gamesradar decided to release it now. I am still hopeful of a tgs announcement, but I am not expecting one.


Yeah, VLR's stifled urgency/"horror" was it's biggest downfall imo. Fantastic games till of course, but lacked a lot of what made 999 great
Depends when that interview was done?
Looks like we'll have to wait til next year :(

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Please just take my money now! ;_;



From what I've heard in recent interviews such as that one, he says he wants to try and up the horror content of Vol 3 with a combination of unsettling atmosphere/horror from 999 and exploration from VLR. Sounds good to me!


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Please just take my money now! ;_;


I'm going to fly to Japan and find this guy's house :(
The wait between games is always the worst isnt it? I'll feel if we're VERY lucky, we might get a TGS announcement or later the game actually exsists and has started, but not expecting much.


I got lucky with 999 since I got into it like about half a year after release. And then having gotten into it, within a few weeks I promptly forgot it existed until VLR was nearly upon us. So I'm hoping life-induced amnesia strikes at some point until a trailer bursts onto the scene.

Of course, having this thread in my subscriber tab doesn't help. lol


I got lucky with 999 since I got into it like about half a year after release. And then having gotten into it, within a few weeks I promptly forgot it existed until VLR was nearly upon us. So I'm hoping life-induced amnesia strikes at some point until a trailer bursts onto the scene.

Of course, having this thread in my subscriber tab doesn't help. lol

lol, same! :(
God, the wait for VLR threatened to kill me multiple times.
From August 2011 to October 2012.
Especially the last two months, where everything I played was just to fill my free time without thinking about it too much.
When it finally came to my house, I was at the university. I took my time, I went home, opened my packet, enjoyed the watch and looked at the sealed game for like two hours.
It was a test to see how much I could resist, after all those months.
The wait now will probably consume me even more...
Bateman: There’s some that refer to other things like characters from Dr. Who and things like that... It’s not plot-related, but it’s an Easter egg.... There’s one for each of the main six from My Little Pony.


The main protag of VLR was already some sort of cat furry so this doesn't surprise me. I expect some brony in the third game now lol.
At times K was quite an asshole, IMO :/

Luna - <3

Which is part of what makes him so good! He's a complex, three-dimensions character! Heck, his smashing of Dio's bracelet in order to test the love of his father is probably the single most tragic, messed-up things in the whole game.


One of my favourite Games of this Generation
as i played it entirally with a walkthrough i got certain Events like the Computer Scene mixed up, but who cares.

Amazing Experience.


I just finished it for the second time. I had forgotten most of it and wanted to give another go.

Just like the first time, my brain melted during the diagram explanation.

I had forgotten about Sigma's first attempt at the Mars test site.
So the young/old Sigma had already gone with Phi and failed (loosing arms and eye in the process). So VLR is the second AB game ? In ZE3, IF we control Sigma he will have already tried once then?


I dont think its been decided who we'll control yet, but I dont think it will be Sigma. Wasnt it confirmed as being someone completely new? I'm going for some mystery person in Kyle's body.
So I finished this last night at like 4 am, but had to replay through the important endings again this morning while taking notes so I could figure out what the hell just happened...

Wow. Just wow.

One of the things I'm most interested in for ZE3 is seeing how they handle Kyle being in what will presumably be the player's body. The easiest option would be for the player to be controlling Kyle so that they don't have to show the body, but that seems way too obvious for this series.

And now to play the waiting game...


I dont think its been decided who we'll control yet, but I dont think it will be Sigma. Wasnt it confirmed as being someone completely new? I'm going for some mystery person in Kyle's body.

He said something about ZE3 being "Phi's game"
, though I suppose that doesn't necessarily mean she's the protagonist.


I'm wondering that, I really want to find out more about Phi, who is she really?
I think Phi is connected to you in some way, more than we know. I mean look at how Phi (the Greek letter) looks like 0 but divided in two....
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