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Fighting Games Weekly | July 29 - August 4 | Obey your thirst


Practicing with your team is one thing but they wont have that tournament pressure, and most likely wont be playing characters that you are trying to counter at a high level either. Why not try the character you're practicing with at your local?

Yes it does make sense to try a new character that you're practicing with at finals because you will be playing against someone with equal or greater skill, and against a character you might not have the match up experience with.

If you want to practice under pressure, do it for the entire tournament or several matches in there. Sudden GF appearances of characters you don't play usually doesn't look all that good.


Practicing with your team is one thing but they wont have that tournament pressure, and most likely wont be playing characters that you are trying to counter at a high level either. Why not try the character you're practicing with at your local?

Yes it does make sense to try a new character that you're practicing with at finals because you will be playing against someone with equal or greater skill, and against a character you might not have the match up experience with.

Cool beans. Then please explain the part where I said where he should at least know some shit for his new character before he busts it out against a top player in a tournament setting... who's also using a different character instead of the one that he usually uses, which in turn makes your point about trying a new character against a top player moot because said top player is basically not playing at the caliber you want to try your new character against with.

EDIT: ChrisG is not the only top player at NBLC besides Sanford, by the way. :/


Maybe some guitar play in a Jam Session?

I don't get these sorts of slippery slope arguments as if TOs will enforce the letter instead of the intent of the ruling. If you pot split and collude but nobody could tell, then you're in the clear. Two people being flagrantly disrespectful of the tournament is the actual problem, not what the finalists do with their finances.
Cool beans. Then please explain the part where I said where he should at least know some shit for his new character before he busts it out against a top player in a tournament setting... who's also using a different character instead of the one that he usually uses, which in turn makes your point about trying a new character against a top player moot because said top player is basically not playing at the caliber you want to try your new character against with.

I am not defending Sanford, I find it funky of him using Balrog when I never seen him use it myself, but im also not going to sit here and say its right to ban/kick a person because they used a different character that you never seen before without even watching a couple of matches or talking to the player.

I grew up in the arcade, everyone countered everyone, people wanted you off that machine, you might not see it often now but some players know "enough" of a character that they can use it to counter someone. Sure they wont know the character on some master level, but enough to win. A bad match up is a bad match up and you better take advantage of it, prime example is Infiltration, plenty of players said he didn't know a lot of Hakan tech but guess what, its a bad match up for Balrog and he just needed to know the basics.
Practicing with your team is one thing but they wont have that tournament pressure, and most likely wont be playing characters that you are trying to counter at a high level either. Why not try the character you're practicing with at your local?

You should and I don't think anybody is trying to stop that.

What Spooky did is stop them doing it on his stream. I can't speak for him, but obviously he is spending his time and money doing it for some combination of the love of it or subscription money/fame.
Chris G and Sanford should be able to pick whoever they like. And they can then set up their own stream and arrange their own sponsors if they so desire.

Meanwhile Spooky can show two people giving it their all and going 100% for the win.


I am not defending Sanford, I find it funky of him using Balrog when I never seen him use it myself, but im also not going to sit here and say its right to ban/kick a person because they used a different character that you never seen before without even watching a couple of matches or talking to the player.

I grew up in the arcade, everyone countered everyone, people wanted you off that machine, you might not see it often now but some players know "enough" of a character that they can use it to counter someone. Sure they wont know the character on some master level, but enough to win. A bad match up is a bad match up and you better take advantage of it, prime example is Infiltration, plenty of players said he didn't know a lot of Hakan tech but guess what, its a bad match up for Balrog and he just needed to know the basics.

Here's the thing though: the only reason people are pissed is because BOTH of them did it. Not just Chris G. Not just Sanford. Both of them. People are not pissed off because one of them chose someone different.

That's a bad example you used because not only have people known about Infiltration's Hakan way before SCR 2013, but because PR Balrog is known for his, you know, BALROG. And I'm pretty sure PR Balrog did not change characters. Also, if he would of chosen Fei Long, it still would be fine because people know he plays that character. Now a match between Hakan and Fei Long would be a little odd, but people would be okay with the match for the most part.

I also grew up in the arcade, btw. And whenever two dudes who played regularly in that arcade played on a busy cabinet with characters no one has seen them play with, people would roll their eyes and egg them on to hurry up so people could actually play seriously.

So TL;DR = One foreign character is a-ok. Two foreign characters in a serious setting is questionable.


What am I supposed to be looking at? ChrisG picks Morrigan and wins against Fanatiq. If anything you should be pointing the finger at Fanatiq for possibly sandbagging.

There's no possibly. He even openly apologized for it afterwards since his sponsor made him.
whats that

Funny thing, me and a few close friends were thinking of making it out to A&C some time in August. The next day pretty much all of us forgot and it was back to "hey we should do something."

It's all love though, vulva. Gurl you know your still my side chick. <3

You should. I love A&C. Heroes World casuals is nice too. I like the Markham community.


I see. One last question, lets say if this top player picks his/her secondary and he got bodied pretty badly in his/her match, how will the Tournament Directors know the difference between players' under performance and their legit loss?

If they're known to be at least trying it- no issue

If it's a legit good matchup and he just blows it- no issue.

If the player doesn't have a rep for pulling crap- no issue.

If he tries it, then switches to his main- he can say he was expecting a counterpick or something, no issue depending on the explanation.


Neo Member
What am I supposed to be looking at? ChrisG picks Morrigan and wins against Fanatiq. If anything you should be pointing the finger at Fanatiq for possibly sandbagging.

Using Akuma and getting called out by commentators for tons of drops. Not even looking at the w/l here. This and the one you linked show they will definitely sandbag on stream in majors.
Of course eduardo threw that match, but he did it in a way where he could just barely defend it.
I think the best moment is the side-TAC.

PR Balrog's Brain: "I'll TAC in the most obviously bad direction so he'll easily counter it..."
FChamp: "Everyone goes for the X-Factor TAC glitch, so I won't press left/right..."
PR Balrog's Brain: "Oh shit, he didn't break the TAC. Um...I'll just stop pushing buttons for a bit."


Dhalsim's Max CPM Emporium
The question is, if the TOs get serious enough about this- if the top players mass boycotted- what happens.

That said, I think the TOs win, because the pot monsters wouldn't care if the top players weren't there, they are just there to play, and the top players live off the pot monsters.

Stream monsters would care more, but stream monsters don't make the majors much if any money.

I do like the idea of paying prizes out as checks, and sending forms to the IRS as necessary- but I don't think the TOs would want to get the top players for tax evasion. (and would it be enough money for the IRS to throw a red flag and audit?)

If it's a legit counterpick I don't think anyone would complain, and folks generally know the hard counters.

damn too real! Pack it up~!


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
damn too real! Pack it up~!
Is it impossible for you guys to get it into these players' heads that taking the games seriously is ultimately in their own best interest? Why is it so hard? :(

You and Vic were great on the mic tonight, at any rate.


I see. One last question, lets say if this top player picks his/her secondary and he got bodied pretty badly in his/her match, how will the Tournament Directors know the difference between players' under performance and their legit loss?

They won't be able to tell the difference. It is basically a judgment call based upon history and primarily how entertaining it is. Infiltration gets a pass because he is known for counter picking. Momochi and Hatani don't get criticized for using Cody and Makoto, since it is for the audience and they still play all out.

This whole no collusion thing wouldn't have popped up if ChrisG wasn't so blatant and unrepentant about it.
I see. One last question, lets say if this top player picks his/her secondary and he got bodied pretty badly in his/her match, how will the Tournament Directors know the difference between players' under performance and their legit loss?

If it involves Chris G, it's collusion. No player is as blatantly disrespectful of the FGC and the stream monsters as he is.

J Wong had a history of trolling and refusing to play his stuff too, but I think he wouldn't do it again after the Texas Showdown debacle.


I feel like I've been listening to children who stretch their parents' rules just to be defiant and to piss their parents off. So stupid. Stuff like this is one of the reasons why I don't watch US weeklies anymore.


The sad part is that this seems to be an american phenomenon. You probably won't see Daigo, Tokido, Kindebu, Infiltration, or any of the other non-american players pulling this shit. Sadly it seems to only be about the money, ironically.


The sad part is that this seems to be an american phenomenon. You probably won't see Daigo, Tokido, Kindebu, Infiltration, or any of the other non-american players pulling this shit. Sadly it seems to only be about the money, ironically.

Most Japanese tournaments don't pay cash prizes, so the culture there is different as a result.


tagged by Blackace
The sad part is that this seems to be an american phenomenon. You probably won't see Daigo, Tokido, Kindebu, Infiltration, or any of the other non-american players pulling this shit. Sadly it seems to only be about the money, ironically.
Also primarily happens in Marvel. You don't see anyone else doing it. Not even in AE, except this instance with Chris G.


Trucker Sexologist
The sad part is that this seems to be an american phenomenon. You probably won't see Daigo, Tokido, Kindebu, Infiltration, or any of the other non-american players pulling this shit. Sadly it seems to only be about the money, ironically.
Naw, they're just not as obvious. They're not rubbing it everyone's face.


I feel like I've been listening to children who stretch their parents' rules just to be defiant and to piss their parents off. So stupid. Stuff like this is one of the reasons why I don't watch US weeklies anymore.

There are plenty of good weeklies out there, it's just a tiny handful of players that are the problem. (and 1 is the main problem)

In the case of the Japanese players, I'm sure they potsplit in the US also, but they don't have any sort of rep for sandbagging- if folks can't tell they're sandbagging, it's not a problem.

Hell, if I was in a GF somehow at a major, I'd potsplit. I'd take the sure 30%. I wouldn't throw the match unless I got a lot more though. I like money, but winning a major would pretty much make me the 2nd most successful fraud ever, and I'd be ok with that.


Just found out what happened at Battle Circuit. Spooky overreacted or the rules about not always trying your best all the time is pure dumb. It's a local, there's no need to shut down people. Now because of stupid drama like this, great players like AquaSilk won't be coming to the locals which is even worse for the stream monsters.
Just found out what happened at Battle Circuit. Spooky overreacted or the rules about not always trying your best all the time is pure dumb. It's a local, there's no need to shut down people. Now because of stupid drama like this, great players like AquaSilk won't be coming to the locals which is even worse for the stream monsters.

It wasn't a rules issue, since spooky hasn't personally agreed to them and neither has next level, he just pulled the plug because the players were being blatantly disrespectful. He wasn't enforcing anything, he just wasn't going to provide Chris a platform to antagonize people.


Just found out what happened at Battle Circuit. Spooky overreacted or the rules about not always trying your best all the time is pure dumb. It's a local, there's no need to shut down people. Now because of stupid drama like this, great players like AquaSilk won't be coming to the locals which is even worse for the stream monsters.

Aquasilk is against the collusion.


get some go again
hey karst bof 6 announced but its some shitty ios game. i really hope every single game from capcom bombs next gen.


I like locked characters. :(
At least, "semi-locked": you lock the first character you're going to use in every first match of a set, and then you're allowed to counter-pick freely when you lose a match.
Not that it would prevent the problem at hand, though...
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