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Breath of Fire 6 announced for PC/tablet/smartphones


Rapid Response Threadmaker
This one? (Sorry, I'm on my phone)

Yeah lol.
I don't think an RPG ever qualified as a casual gamer genre because it requires:

  • lots of hours of play
  • managing equipment and resources
  • managing team
  • exploration
All these kind of things don't really appeal to casuals. But yet Capcom is going that route while its target audience are real gamers which are less likely to follow them down that road. So not only will they not make any profit but they might lose some money too and at the same time salvage a good IP and hurt even more the image of their company.

Investors managing or influencing gaming company decisions are the worse possible thing for gamers and the sake of these companies... They all want to go the quick and profitable way of GunHo and will end up Zyngaing sooner than later.

At the same time they might need to do these mistakes before remembering or knowing why they should stick to their guns... Let's just hope they can come back from this kind of things.
Say what you will about Inafune before he left Capcom, but it's been incredible how Capcom's gone straight to the shitter every since he left. At least he forced Capcom to make some of the past generation's classics.
And hey, after this Yaiba doesn't look half as bad anymore.


Oh Capcom why do you do this crap knowing that the fan base won't stand for this? I will just stick with Breath of Fire 1-5 and ignore this garbage.


Neo Member
Wow...depressing. But maybe this is just to get them going so they can make that sequel to Dragon Quarter I've been yearning for, right...right? :(


My heart stopped when I read "Breath of Fire 6 announced for PC". My heart also stopped when I also continued to read "/tablet/smartphones", though in a different way.
Pretty much my experience as well.

Couldn't they have given this a new name? Did they really need to drag BoF through the mud?


I guess it was only a matter of time, Capcom is a fucking corpse. They can burn for all I care at this point, dont worry SF, and Megaman fans....your next on Capcoms shit list.
This is so much way worse than "Retro Studios working on fucking Donkey Kong"

Forget Donkey Kong. They can make 500 Donkey Kongs in a row if it makes Breath of Fire NOT an ios title. It was better left dead than this. Anything but this. Evil, evil, evil bastards. So much nerdrage right now.


Pretty much my experience as well.

Couldn't they have given this a new name? Did they really need to drag BoF through the mud?

Couldnt they at LEAST have made it Breath of Fire: Ultra Alter Generia Online Saga instead of crudely scrawling a 6 on there like a fist with the middle finger out


Are you DRUNK?

Nope it just happen that I like the art style, despite looking kinda generic it's still nice and my eyes aren't bleeding from seeing it like with BoF 5.
So while it doesn't look "BoF like" as you said, it does the job for me considering I didn't expect much to begin with and I rather have that than BoF 5 looking... in that way it's appealing.

qq more

I guess it was only a matter of time, Capcom is a fucking corpse. They can burn for all I care at this point, dont worry SF, and Megaman fans....your next on Capcoms shit list.

Where were you when MML3 and MMU were cancelled followed by the releases of the shitty X1 iOS remake and X Over?
Here I've kept a candle burning in the back of my mind in the hopes Capcom would get their crap together and make a new BOF game...
This is not what I wanted from breath of fire vi.

Capcom... You deserve everything you have coming to you.

Irrelevance, softness in the marketplace and the monumental battle against consumers indifference.


I like how it doesn't even looks like BoF yet it carries that number, LOL.

I'm not sure what's the point of using these old brands and 'revive' them as social garbage, pretty much all of the JP publishers are doing it. Does it really work?


Capcom Exce1: "We completely bastardized Devil May Cry. It sold like shit. A lot of fans were pissed."

Capcom Exec2: "Sounds like a success. We should do this with more franchises."

Which Korean Online RPG did they buy to put the BoF name in it?

Capcom can't go bankrupt soon enough.
So, eh... what if the game ends up being good and is regarded as a mobile killer app kind of game?

...lololol who am I kidding, it's Crapcpom.


Oh wow, when i think they can't go lower they manage to exceed my expectations .

Capcom and Konami disappointed me so much this gen that i don't care anymore about those two .....

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Huh yeah, even if it were a BoF game it sure doesn't look like one, the sprites look like generic Nippon Ichi crap.


What a disaster. It could be something visionary, like really bring to the smartphone crowd the depth/lenght of a JRPG, but I seriously doubt it.
I rather see some someplay first to give my sincere opinion, but I'm very, very dissapointed from what I've seen so far.

I wonder who had this "brilliant" idea first.
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