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Breath of Fire 6 announced for PC/tablet/smartphones


I got kicked in the nards yesterday and I gotta say waking up to this is definitely more painful.

Infinite sadness brohs ;_;


I just ... I can't ... I don't .... Sigh

I just don't understand how a board of people or whoever greenlight games at capcom, can think this is a good idea.


At least it looks like fucking garbage. I mean I wish they would make a real game instead, but look at those godawful character designs.
are you guys sure it's going be to a "casual" game? i can't tell from the pictures
It's online focused and browser based, there's no way this will be even remotely respectable.

Just look at how souless and uninspired the characters look like. This is freemium garbage, farmville for RPG fans



In what kind of game do you control a dog and eat your own shit ?
It's in the link on the 5th page. Basically even they didn't want this and the usual capcom Capcom is Capshit (makes more sense in Japanese). Best comment was "Now you know how we feel when there's an announcement!"

Some amusing snark in there as well like "There are BOF fans overseas?" and "But you guys didn't even buy the previous BOFs..." and "Of course overseas BOF fans are mad, the few of you that are left."
Westerners don't buy enough copies of good Japanese games, so Japanese companies ruin them. -_-


I am okay if they want to make some games in this vein, but why they hell do they have to punch all the bof fans in the stomach by making it the next numbered sequel.


I miss the days when Japanese publishers wouldn't touch mobile with a ten foot pole. If this were 2008, this would be an awesome DS RPG... :,(


why aren't people happy?

*never played the games, so I want to know what capcom did to ruin it*

What kind of games do you play?

Anyway, imagine the next main Call of Duty is now an online only, touch-screen shooter featuring slingshots as the only weapons.
So with sadness in my heart
I feel the best thing I could do
is end it all
and leave forever
whats done is done, it feels so bad
what once was happy now is sad
I'll never love again
my world is ending


So whats the hope at the bottom
Valve probably. They seem to be the only ones that've made MOST people happy with their approach to F2P.

Or the "hope" is the smaller group of publishers/developers that carry on with more hardcore games and only at worst have (relatively) mild graces with F2P design, like SMTIV. And maybe that this movement will collapse on itself eventually.


Capcom has a huge stable of IPs that easily rivals offerings from the big three, but they have such a unique ability to squander opportunity and good will with needless reboots, genre changes, or by just straight up pretending the franchise doesn't exist.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I'm back from my shift, but even if I'm less irritated than I was this morning (which was a complete... I don't even know), I'm still incredibly disappointed. I have to say that sometimes I don't like it when companies go in a drastically different direction with some of their series. I like to go with the phrase "if it ain't broke, don't fix it; but if you must, add onto it for the best". But some recent games in some of these series that we like to reminisce about have simply gone into a direction that's in an extreme that people don't wish for the series to be in. It's because people like being comfortable, playing games that they're familiar with. If the change has been too drastic, and if people aren't slowly eased into it, people are going to feel incredibly disappointed or at least, people will feel mixed about the game in question.

It's not just with Breath of Fire, either. One of my friends messaged me saying that Capcom's been doing this with their higher-tier stuff for years now, and to an extent that certainly is true. It certainly feels like Capcom's squandering all of the goodwill they had towards the beginning and midpoint of this generation when they released SF4, MM9, Bionic Commando Rearmed, Mega Man ZX, Ghost Trick, bringing PW to the west, etc. And for what? Either an attempt at trying to secure wider audiences by making some changes for some of the games they release, or chasing after the emerging mobile market for a chance to increase their profits slightly.

My disappointment is rooted in the fact that a lot of the series that I loved as a kid, whether it's Genso Suikoden, Lufia, Mega Man, Contra, Commando, Ghouls 'n Ghosts, etc. have been (for the most part) reduced to current games in the series being nothing but unsubstantial playthings that you'd play for an hour or two each day, with very little sense of progression and unsubstantial game design. Or they may be IPs that you haven't heard from in a long time. Genso Suikoden is the exception, but it's become a series where the developer does not treat its legacy and what it means to its fanbase justice. Not to mention that both Capcom and Konami were my favourite companies when I was little.

I understand Capcom's idea of trying to go for a market that seems to be emerging in the games industry. It's just like how I get SE for doing the same thing. But I can't really support that idea because a lot of the games that these two companies have released on these platforms have been subpar in some way (ie: SE with the visual / UI department and lack of substance in systems for their mobile games, and Capcom with... well, you've seen Rockman xover). The fear is that Breath of Fire 6, a game that people have been waiting years for is on a platform that has controls that not everyone is comfortable with, it is an online touch RPG, and given Capcom's amazing effort with some of their mobile ventures, it's probably not going to look or play rather stellar either. It will lack substance and depth that people are used to seeing in traditional RPGs like BoF. That is why I'm disappointed.

Capcom has so many IPs that they can play around with, but they're either shelving them because they might not work in this retail environment at present, or they're making mobile sequels for that market (and, again, the real problem I have with that is that I don't think these games will have a lot of substance or depth to them at all). It just a huge shame that they're squandering their IPs in an attempt to gain a small profit at a lower cost, or they're even squandering the good will that their fans have had for them for decades. And that good will was gained due to their willingness to make their games even better, or diversify their IP so that there was something that the company had to offer to everyone.

Both Capcom and Konami are at the end of their ropes for me. It's a damn shame what they've become in the last generation or so. Very disappointing. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to be as disappointed with Capcom as I am with Konami this generation, but here we are.

BoFV is the best BoF. Also they tend to have hidden sci-fi elements within them.
This man right here... <3


Well... that's ONE way to celebrate the 20th anniversary of a beloved franchise. Happy two-oh BoF!

If you'll excuse me I'm going to be drowning my sorrows.


Ok, I want to see how the game plays before losing my shit. If the platform benefits the game, then maybe it won't be so bad. I may be a bit optimistic, but I'd like to try this.
Well, at the very least we have Udon bringing us the Breath of Fire Official Complete Works book next year. I'll buy that, replay my copies of the originals, and pretend like 6 doesn't exist.


As a HUGE Breath of Fire fan, I can honestly say this has ruined my day.

No hyperbole here, no exaggeration at all. This has truly ruined my day....

They cancel Mega Man Universe.
They cancel Mega Man Legends 3.
And now they announce that one of my favorite RPG franchises is going to be reduced to a pile of steamy, stinky crap.

Capcom's CEO should just come out and ask the fans: "Which other franchises do you love? So we can go on and take a dump over them."
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