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Come 2to buttocks. i welcom thee

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Eh, to be honest, I disagree. I'm willing to bet that, had the DRM fiasco never existed in the first place, and had the initial reveal not been such a disaster, that the Xbone would probably be much more competitive despite including the Kinect in every box. Maybe slower out-the-gate than the PS4, but it would've been in a far stronger position. I really feel like, if they do end up coming out with a Kinect-less SKU, it's going to be out of sheer, utter desperation to move units and scrape back some marketshare. But even then, they've lost so much mindshare by this point that I feel like it's gonna come down to a long-term strategy to really get back into the game, like what Sony had to do with the PS3 this gen.

That has everything to do with Microsoft policies and initial arrogance. I agree that they could of got away with always online if they didn't treat consumers like idiots. Their messaging put people off and you only get one chance to make a first impression. How they didn't see this coming with the adam orth thing is beyond me.


Wow Gies vs. cboat. All the rumors in this thread are confirmed.

Gies is always right...

Well no..

Not ever....i mean i pointed out to him a few months back and well he couldn't answer my question because i was right and he was so out of reach i laughed.

He's obviously talking about the spelling, guys.



It's not hard for me hard to believe that they would do a kinect less SKU when they have been dropping everything about the console people had a complaint about to regain traction in this race. If things are going slow enough I don't see why not.


They haven't lost sight of what their console is, they have multiple factions inside MS fighting over a number of different specific visions for what they want it to be.

The result is a franken-console, designed by commitee to keep all camps somewhat (but not entirely) happy.

(Conjecture, BTW)
Isn't that basically the same thing? Trying to go in every direction leaves them with no direction.

Another interesting hypothesis all the same.


How can there be such a huge drop in performance in a newer dev kit built?

Shows MS really doesn't have confidence in Xbone's launch sales.

Good. That means I don't have to worry about my day 1 console being delayed from amazon. All of these truth facts are not a big deal at all.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Why would they EVER have a Kinect-less SKU? It goes against everything they supposedly believe in. And to have one come out just months afterwords? Either pack in Kinect for life, or get rid of it before launch. These are the ONLY two scenarios that make any sense at all.

It'll depend on sales. Honestly, I would have thought that March is to early to assess that. Preorders and other analysis must be really dire for them to consider that. After all, so much of the non-gaming stuff seems to be based on Kinect. Then again, it's still only a rumor.

Nevertheless, I wouldn't shed much tears over mandatory Kinect...


It probably has feature changes that some devs want to work with a bit. You'd probably still use an earlier version for game performance test, for example, but to mess around and get a feel for say game PVR you use this kit to test out just what you're getting and if that will cause any concerns for you.

I heard that they try to automagically use the move-units in an efficient way which is quite hard to do.


I'm not falling for the whole "Microsoft pays Japanese devs to make exclusive games that end up coming to the other platform a year later" thing again. I'll wait the year.


It's not hard for me hard to believe that they would do a kinect less SKU when they have been dropping everything about the console people had a complaint about to regain traction in this race. If things are going slow enough I don't see why not.

If they're going to go Kinect less, then it needs to be max $349US. Any more than that and they might as well cancel the console.

If they're not giving up on Kinect, then the Kinect SKU needs to drop to $399 to stand a chance.


I've always wondered what the reaction is at Mcirosoft's and Sony's headquarters when they see this stuff leaked online.

Certainly not happy. I think on that specific leak, cboat is risking a lot, since that leak may have consequences. If MS didn't intend to disclose the possibility of a kinect-less SKU and would have taken that decision based on early sales, getting that information too early could impact said sales. I think there would be more at stake than his job, then.


To me, it sound like PG are bringing Vanquish 2 or new IP to Xbone.

Why would people be upset over a new IP though?

Why would he mention Kamiya if it's Vanquish?

in fact why would he mention kamiya at all if it isn't twitter related

twitter the video game confirmed for x1 made by platinum directed by kamiya


MS seems like they are rushing their console to market, just like last gen :(

It seems like they were caught completely off guard by everything Sony did this year. I have to wonder what the hell they've been doing for the last few years because it wasn't making 360 games that's for sure. Yet somehow they have a console that seems like it's barely ready for a select few markets and their games have hit big development snags.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Given that Sony managed to turn the PS3's commercial viability around, why are MS so mad keen to release this year? I don't really understand it.



Basically what I get is that everyone who is hoping for a Kinectless SKU better hope sales are terrible? The stuff about localisation is just confirmation of what was already obvious.

They'll sell every box they make, but sales will be terrible due to yield issues. More to the point, PS4 sales will be through the roof. And just as they did with the Wii, everyone who isn't Nintendo will scramble to make their platform appear a viable alternative to the hottest box on the shelf. Last gen, this meant adding waggle, family-focused shovelware, and not-Miis. This gen, it'll mean MS drops Kinect so they look less gimmicky and more like a traditional console.


Late October hey?

Please be after October 24th. That means I have more payday to save up for sweet next gen wares. So many.


Neo Member
Kamiya game only exclusive in Japan and not USA/Europe? That's what it sounds like which adds to it not making any sense. I don't think they can secure exclusivity this generation. Most likely timed if anything.


People keep talking about Revengeance 2, but if that was the game then the "moneyhat" would have been with Konami not Kamiya.

I think if Platinum made a true horror game then that'd be enough to piss off Gaf. You know considering Kamiya made Resi Evil 2.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Reminds me a lot of surfergirl forever ago...what a weird thing that was

Yeah, I remember that. She told me that LA Noire was having difficulties in development and wasn't exclusive like 2 years before the GI blowout.

What happened to that?


Arthur Gies was claiming throughout 2011 and 2012 that the new Xbox was coming out in 2012, and kept doing so no matter how obvious it became that it wasn't going to happen. So yeah, that's how much of an "insider" Gies is.

and to add to this, It's barely coming out in 2013, penultimate month and limited supply in limited countries, makes it even further from 2012.


I wonder if all of this is making Respawn regret signing a 1 year exclusive MS contract.

I would think that all of the 180s that MS did that EA would just cancel the contract.

Here is what I think. Hopefully CBoaT will comment on it:

EA decides to "delay" the release of Titanfall so that they have time to port it to PS4 and PS3 and it ends up getting a Day one release on all systems.

I just really truly have a hard time believing that $50 million can buy an MS exclusive.

Folks are putting way too much into Titanfall's "Xbone exclusivity" when that much isn't even true - it's coming to 360 and PC at the same time. It would be guaranteed to sell the most on the 360 whether it came to PS4 & PS3 additionally or not, so I doubt EA is seriously sweating over their fortunes, when they probably received a hefty sum from MS in the first place.


I agree, handheld/mobile seems to be pretty much the focus of some japanese devs. Hell, i'm pretty sure that's the best market vita has right now, being the dead platform it is. But some games will still be coming only to these new consoles.

I think some of the developers should look towards PC as well. Sega has seen a lot of success with it, as well as XSeed. It's definitely a platform that Japanese centric Japanese developers have failed to utilize.


Doesn't Sega own the ip for Vanquish?

Seems like a trend with Platinum (Bayonetta, Wonderful 101, Vanquish) but I wonder if MS would require to own the IP if they are paying to make the game.
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