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Lost Planet 3 |OT| Yes the game exists and yes it’s coming out soon.


Remember how big Lost Planet once was? I was one of those who waited with "next-gen" until PS3 came out... but I swear, every time I saw Lost Planet being played on a 360, I wanted to throw money at the counter and buy a 360. The environments were gorgeous and it had a solid feel to it.

Then came Lost Planet 2 and that had coop and only a few really cared about it.

And here we are today, Lost Planet 3... and no one gives a shit.

Fuck, this saddens me... I thought this franchise was gonna be end up being a lot better :(
LP1 demo was my most played game back then in the beginning of this gen and one of the first true next-gen games. Hard to believe WTF Capcom did here. LP2 was good too but the campaign was meh and the online coop had lot of flaws.

I'm not even sure why Capcom did 3. No marketing at all and NeoGAF talked more about the game in the past days than Capcom. So sad to see such a big potential been thrown away like this...


I have been a Major fan of the series since the first trailer, I have every version of the game that came to the UK and a few Imports too! And I agree it is saddening to see the series not get the hype that its two other games got.

Man the series was fun

Lost Planet Extreme Conditions
Lost Planet Trag Zero
Lost Planet Extreme Conditions Colonies
Lost Planet 2
Lost Planet 2 (Cell/Mobile)
E.X. Troopers

and the lesser know Akrid Attack and Akrid Attack 2.

But lets see if this does touch the roots of the series and can revive it again.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Soooo no more players co-op'ing taking down giant monsters via multiple methods? Just Mass Effect 3's multiplayer? Bleh.

I hate how few games dare to be epic in scope. God of War 3 got me excited for a future of giant bosses of massive scale. Lost Planet 2 got me excited for an era of gaming where several players could take down such massive beasts in an array of different and exciting ways. Jumping into a bosses stomach while 2 players man a rail gun, on a speed train, while another player is tailing the boss in a helicopter. That's just nuts.

Nope. That didn't catch on. But Horde mode sure as hell did.
I have never really been hooked by this series, but on a whim, I imported EX Troopers and loved it. I am sad that we won't be getting that, but this instead.
I'll buy it eventually. The original Lost Planet is still the most fun I've had with a multiplayer game, so hopefully there's a strong, long lasting community here too.


Haha, this OT went up 3 days ago and I didn't even realize until today.

Hope this bombs hard. I'm surprised this game even got an OT, I was expecting the Aliens: Colonial Marines/Army of Two treatment.
Anyone know when the review embargo drops? I'm very curious about knowing how this game turns out, it doesn't seem too bad from what I've seen.
Anyone know when the review embargo drops? I'm very curious about knowing how this game turns out, it doesn't seem too bad from what I've seen.

Problem is, its done by the same people who brought us Legendary and Turning Point: Fall of Liberty.

Keep your expectation real lowww.


I was one of this board's biggest Lost Planet fans back in the day. Drove through a literal snowstorm to pick up my copy the day it came out. Absolutely loved that game. It's a goddamn travesty to see what Capcom has done with it.
Never got on the train writing this off before the final product was presented to us. Would like to be pleasantly surprised...otherwise will simply move on.


Lost Planet 2 was one of the best coop games ever made, unique set pieces, great controls, huge monsters and so on. Really wish they would have continued on that path because it had such potential.

The worst part is that Lost Planet 2 was so ridiculously packed full of content that they could have built a Lost Planet 3 on the cheap, re-using LP2 assets, and even 90% of the people who actually played LP2 would have thought that the stuff was all-new.

Lost Planet 2 was an absolute masterpiece that tanked because they did a remarkably poor job with the game's fit-and-finish, and basically left the player up to their own devices to learn how to play a game that both required the player to learn new skills that aren't developed in other shooters, and didn't make it at all clear to the player that this was the case. A game along those lines that actually paid attention to teaching new players the skills they need to have fun with it and being a little more penetrable could have been really huge, with a relatively tiny development cost, without changing the (absolutely fucking fantastic) core mechanics of the franchise. There's really no excuse for throwing the baby out with the bathwater on this one.
I always forget about this game until GAF reminds me again... I'm not sure if I'll even remember about it tomorrow
and sadly I'm serious


I'm surprised they decided to greenlight a sequel tbh. Lost Planet 2 did not do well.

And this game managed to look worse than LP 2 too, it's sad :(
The worst part is that Lost Planet 2 was so ridiculously packed full of content that they could have built a Lost Planet 3 on the cheap, re-using LP2 assets, and even 90% of the people who actually played LP2 would have thought that the stuff was all-new.

Lost Planet 2 was an absolute masterpiece that tanked because they did a remarkably poor job with the game's fit-and-finish, and basically left the player up to their own devices to learn how to play a game that both required the player to learn new skills that aren't developed in other shooters, and didn't make it at all clear to the player that this was the case. A game along those lines that actually paid attention to teaching new players the skills they need to have fun with it and being a little more penetrable could have been really huge, with a relatively tiny development cost, without changing the (absolutely fucking fantastic) core mechanics of the franchise. There's really no excuse for throwing the baby out with the bathwater on this one.

My man. LP2 is top-shelf coop and a misunderstood classic. Incredible nuance and oodles of content.


God I've had some of the most fun multiplayer moments this gen with Lost Planet games. So sad to see Capcom seemingly not giving a crap...

Keeping it under my radar till impressions surface.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I feel bad for the people who worked on this game.
I feel bad for those who joined the team specifically FOR this game.

Anyone who worked on Legendary or Turning Point deserves the skepticism. They created two of the worst shooters this generation and have a LOT to prove. If Lost Planet 3 were to somehow turn out decent I would be pleasantly surprised but until we know one way or another I will remain skeptical.


I feel bad for those who joined the team specifically FOR this game.

Anyone who worked on Legendary or Turning Point deserves the skepticism. They created two of the worst shooters this generation and have a LOT to prove. If Lost Planet 3 were to somehow turn out decent I would be pleasantly surprised but until we know one way or another I will remain skeptical.

There were a few people that had worked on those games (Legendary and TP) at Spark in the past, but the majority of the team on LP3 came on to LP3 and at Spark for the first time.



I'm thinking this one is going to be in for a rough ride.


I have been a Major fan of the series since the first trailer, I have every version of the game that came to the UK and a few Imports too! And I agree it is saddening to see the series not get the hype that its two other games got.

Man the series was fun

Lost Planet Extreme Conditions
Lost Planet Trag Zero
Lost Planet Extreme Conditions Colonies
Lost Planet 2
Lost Planet 2 (Cell/Mobile)
E.X. Troopers

and the lesser know Akrid Attack and Akrid Attack 2.

But lets see if this does touch the roots of the series and can revive it again.

It doesn't. If you were expecting anything similar to LP or LP2, you're not going to get it here.

LP3 is more akin to deadspace than anything resembling LP.


Unconfirmed Member
There were a few people that had worked on those games (Legendary and TP) at Spark in the past, but the majority of the team on LP3 came on to LP3 and at Spark for the first time.

Yeah I had read that a while ago too, apparently it's near enough a 'new' company in terms of the folks working there.


Lost Planet 1 was an interesting game for its time, but I found its controls to be terrible. Lost Planet 2 is one of the worst games I've played this gen. This third game seems to be sent out to die and I don't know what to make of it. Doesn't bode well that Capcom itself doesn't seem to bother.
I feel bad for those who joined the team specifically FOR this game.

Anyone who worked on Legendary or Turning Point deserves the skepticism. They created two of the worst shooters this generation and have a LOT to prove. If Lost Planet 3 were to somehow turn out decent I would be pleasantly surprised but until we know one way or another I will remain skeptical.

ooooooooooooh, the worst game contest!

Can I throw in Bulletwitch and Haze for good measure? Remember you promise to merino? What, you don't? ALL THE BETTER!

Please do proceed to play Haze to check what I'm referring to. I'm pretty sure it somehow it signals dem aliens to mess with your brains.

I am not crazy.
:( also no aliens.


Yeah, they deserve scepticism, but I also think there's really nowhere to go but up from where they started, which were also both published by the quickly defunct GameCock.

I mean: making a game with no resources is kind of hard and I don't particularly blame them for producing games of that particular quality in that time frame with that lack of resources.

If anything, this game should show whether they can do better when to do have access. It does look like it from where I stand, but with Capcom clearly sending this out to die, they may not agree. It's a shitty position to be put in, imo.

And for the record: LP1 looked great at launch and all, but replaying the game made me realize the controls are shit, and that last boss: LOL, no.
LP2 bored me to tears, so I will take what I can get that isn't total shit, to be honest.
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