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EDGE: "Power struggle: the real differences between PS4 and Xbox One performance"


Based on this and other articles, it seems clear to me that the PS4 will have better graphics than Xbox One going into the next generation. And that’s fine.

But it also seems clear that Xbox One will have better everything else than PS4. Specifically, better audio, better multiplayer, better gameplay, and an all-around better gaming experience.

It will have better audio thanks to a dedicated APU (audio processing unit), better multiplayer and gameplay thanks to cloud-based AI, and an all-around better gaming experience thanks to the software architecture and Kinect.

Sony can have the “better graphics” bragging rights. I’m fine with having a better experience all-around, even if it means slightly inferior graphics.


Gold Member
or some folks actually think that graphics are not the single most important factor within a game?

Stop acting as if you have to choose one or the other. Same game, same gameplay, one will look better than the other.
Based on this and other articles, it seems clear to me that the PS4 will have better graphics than Xbox One going into the next generation. And that’s fine.

But it also seems clear that Xbox One will have better everything else than PS4. Specifically, better audio, better multiplayer, better gameplay, and an all-around better gaming experience.

It will have better audio thanks to a dedicated APU (audio processing unit), better multiplayer and gameplay thanks to cloud-based AI, and an all-around better gaming experience thanks to the software architecture and Kinect.

Sony can have the “better graphics” bragging rights. I’m fine with having a better experience all-around, even if it means slightly inferior graphics.

this will get 10 quotes minimum
Based on this and other articles, it seems clear to me that the PS4 will have better graphics than Xbox One going into the next generation. And that’s fine.

But it also seems clear that Xbox One will have better everything else than PS4. Specifically, better audio, better multiplayer, better gameplay, and an all-around better gaming experience.

It will have better audio thanks to a dedicated APU (audio processing unit), better multiplayer and gameplay thanks to cloud-based AI, and an all-around better gaming experience thanks to the software architecture and Kinect.

Sony can have the “better graphics” bragging rights. I’m fine with having a better experience all-around, even if it means slightly inferior graphics.


this will get 10 quotes minimum



And the devs that were limiting 360 versions to be on par with PS3 also deserved to be castrated?

I expect the opposite to be true. The low level architecture is the same (CPU units, shader units etc), it's the memory setup that's more complicated on Xbone that limits the performance if badly used. Once devs grasp how to use it more efficiently, the performance gap will diminish, though obviously will remain rather obvious.

Based on the PS3 exclusives this gen, I don't think the 360 was the one that was being limited...

As for the whole castration discussion, I doubt developers will care too much if there is a noticeable difference in the two versions. After all, we witnessed that happening this gen with the 360 getting the superior ports in general, and we've been used to PCs getting superior versions of the game and the Wii getting the inferior versions.

Based on this and other articles, it seems clear to me that the PS4 will have better graphics than Xbox One going into the next generation. And that’s fine.

But it also seems clear that Xbox One will have better everything else than PS4. Specifically, better audio, better multiplayer, better gameplay, and an all-around better gaming experience.

It will have better audio thanks to a dedicated APU (audio processing unit), better multiplayer and gameplay thanks to cloud-based AI, and an all-around better gaming experience thanks to the software architecture and Kinect.

Sony can have the “better graphics” bragging rights. I’m fine with having a better experience all-around, even if it means slightly inferior graphics.

I hope you don't honestly believe what you just wrote


Based on this and other articles, it seems clear to me that the PS4 will have better graphics than Xbox One going into the next generation. And that’s fine.

But it also seems clear that Xbox One will have better everything else than PS4. Specifically, better audio, better multiplayer, better gameplay, and an all-around better gaming experience.

It will have better audio thanks to a dedicated APU (audio processing unit), better multiplayer and gameplay thanks to cloud-based AI, and an all-around better gaming experience thanks to the software architecture and Kinect.

Sony can have the “better graphics” bragging rights. I’m fine with having a better experience all-around, even if it means slightly inferior graphics.
Better gameplay? Explain that one there buddy? The cloud? I'm still curious how that is even going to work if always online isn't forced.

Does the game just switch to very easy mode if you aren't connected online?

Jack cw

How would it not hurt sales? People like pretty games. If you release an un-optimized least common denominator title into a popular genre with competing optimized titles you're going to get trashed unless you have a strong brand backing you up, and even then you're going to deteriorate the brand to at least some extent.

No one wants to make a game that looks good "for an Xbox One game" when that bar and the bar for the PS4 are set at two different levels. That is no way to make a break out hit or maintain a top tier franchise. The motivation to be technically competitive on every platform is incredibly significant and not something you can buy out on a large enough scale to be relevant.
Current gen proves otherwise. Games like GTA4, Red Dead Redemption, Bayonetta, Skyrim, RE5 etc. ran and looked much better on the 360. But the sales on both systems were nearly equal. People just dont care. Some enthusiasts like us maybe. The PS4 versions of the multiplats will be superior because the power is there but it wont kill any sales if a game looks not considerably better than the xbone version as this gen proves.
Guys instead of jumping at some out of context quotes,have you read the closing paragraph??:

So over time according to this the power gap should even favour the XBONE,what the hell??

Cloud computing doesn't affect graphical fidelity.

If the baseline PS4 already outclasses a baseline XB1, that gap should/will remain, as more hardware/software exploits continue into the Gen.


Gold Member
But it also seems clear that Xbox One will have better everything else than PS4. Specifically, better audio, better multiplayer, better gameplay, and an all-around better gaming experience.

Are you kidding me? This is the absolute biggest load of crap I have read.... and I read a Fox News artical today....

REV 09

I don't consider the difference between 900p and 1080p to be a big deal. Particularly for gamers who sit on a couch several feet away from their TV. 10 FPS differences are a bit more annoying, however.
Agree. 1080p to 900p is meaningless for mass market. It won't even be noticeable to most. The framerates are a bigger deal though.

Personally, I'm considering both consoles only for their exclusives...so power difference doesn't mean much. My pc is stronger than ps4 so I'll get the best multiplat titles there.
Your logic is so heavily flawed. If this were true than pc counterparts would just like console games. However in most instances the pc game looks better. Why make pc games look better? For example arkham asylum.. Looks better on pc, per your logic it should look just like the console game.

huh. pcs use hardware to make its games look better. if devs truly made the games shine on pc, then most multiplat pc games will utilize better animations and physics systems and ai given that even a 2gb vram card has almost 8 times more memory than ps3's rsx card.

stealthcobra's pc has had 8 gbs of ram and 4 gbs of vram for years now, yet stealthcobra is stuck with the same animations and systems that 512mb memory consoles have.

pcs brute-force their way to make the games look better after the recommended/minimum spec. that is not devs making pc games look better, that is better pc hardware making the games look and run better but the underlying middleware and engines are the same as the consoles.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Based on this and other articles, it seems clear to me that the PS4 will have better graphics than Xbox One going into the next generation. And that’s fine.



What are people trying to prove with calling out people to reply? A shaming? I doubt anything they say would be taken seriously.

Dunno, says more about the person calling them out than it says about the person that is being called out.


Based on the PS3 exclusives this gen, I don't think the 360 was the one that was being limited...
And yet the best looking multiplats were those where the PS3 version couldn't keep up with the 360 one because those devs didn't give a damn about any parity politics. Hmmm...


I think those who are looking to base the entirety of their opinion regarding the two consoles power difference based on launch titles are doing so only because it benefits one particular narrative, that is, to make the Xbox One appear closer in power comparative to the PS4. I think those with some common sense realise launch games are a very poor barometer to judge either consoles power, especially with multi platform games which will have had even less time and familiarity with the consoles than the first party stuff (as is already pretty clear to see).

Just to remind you guys about what launch vs later cycle was like on other consoles...


PS2 launch games.



PS2 later cycle games.




360 launch games



360 later cycle games




PS3 launch games



PS3 later cycle games




At it's core, this thread says what many people have already known, power wise, PS4 > Xbox One. Nothing too inflammatory I think.

However if the scope of the difference is as big as Edge claims, I would expect noticeable differences early on that would only grow as this coming generation aged. At zero optimization, PS4 is stronger, at full optimization PS4 is significantly stronger. So the only way that Xbox One could achieve parity now would be if their optimization was ahead of the PS4, which is NOT what we are hearing. The assumption of course is that there truly is such a wide gulf between the two.

how does it suddenly become significantly more powerful with optimization when out of the two devices its closer to the PC and needs less optimization. The Xbox with all its custom gubbins sounds like it has far more to gain from specific platform optimizations.


And now, dear soon to be new XB1 owners, please consider that even the PS4 is pretty weak compared to PCs and what PCs will be in 2-3 years. And then think again what you will get for your 500 bucks and if it's worth it. Vote with your wallets, people, really do it. If stationary consoles are not vastly superior in power to what tablets, smartphones or business notebooks can do in 2-3 years - why even bother?

You're one of the most annoying members on this forum.

You were already burned by a mod on that Killzone Mercenary thread when you pulled that 60FPS bullshit out of your ass.

Do GAF a favor and stay out of consoles threads if you despise then so much dude.


This claim was later countered by a contact at a different studio. “It would be totally fine for us to make one version prettier without any political difficulties but it usually doesn’t make financial sense,” they said, “unless it’s a very simple tweak

The difference between cross platform launch window games will be small, and improved graphics drivers plus the power of the cloud might yet tip the balance in Xbox One’s favour. Nonetheless, at launch, PS4 will be the more capable console

It will come down to budgets I suppose and how easy it will be to get more out of PS4. Thing is if a game is built to run 1080p @ 60fps on X1 then I presume PS4 will end up with more AA etc if budgets and time allows.
I think those who are looking to base the entirety of their opinion regarding the two consoles power difference based on launch titles are doing so only because it benefits one particular narrative, that is, to make the Xbox One appear closer in power comparative to the PS4. I think those with some common sense realise launch games are a very poor barometer to judge either consoles power, especially with multi platform games which will have had even less time and familiarity with the consoles than the first party stuff (as is already pretty clear to see).

Just to remind you guys about what launch vs later cycle was like on other consoles...


PS2 launch games.



PS2 later cycle games.




360 launch games



360 later cycle games




PS3 launch games



PS3 later cycle games



We won't see as drastic a difference mid to end Gen this time around as time passes. There is really only so much more graphically consoles can do. The difference won't be as drastic this time around.

The jump from this Gen to the following isn't as big as it was from pass gens.


We won't see as drastic a difference mid to end Gen this time around as time passes. There is really only so much more graphically consoles can do. The difference won't be as drastic this time around.

The jump from this Gen to the following isn't as big as it was from pass gens.

We're already seeing big differences. Find me an open world game that looks anywhere close to Infamous Second Son, and do it without using PC screens. That game is coming out 3 months into the generation.


I'd be in the dick
It will come down to budgets I suppose and how easy it will be to get more out of PS4. Thing is if a game is built to run 1080p @ 60fps on X1 then I presume PS4 will end up with more AA etc if budgets and time allows.

If there's a PC version with improved effects they could also up those a little bit on the PS4 version compared to XBO.
We won't see as drastic a difference mid to end Gen this time around as time passes. There is really only so much more graphically consoles can do. The difference won't be as drastic this time around.

The jump from this Gen to the following isn't as big as it was from pass gens.

The jump from PS3 to PS4 is bigger than PS2 to PS3.


I think those who are looking to base the entirety of their opinion regarding the two consoles power difference based on launch titles are doing so only because it benefits one particular narrative, that is, to make the Xbox One appear closer in power comparative to the PS4. I think those with some common sense realise launch games are a very poor barometer to judge either consoles power, especially with multi platform games which will have had even less time and familiarity with the consoles than the first party stuff (as is already pretty clear to see).

Just to remind you guys about what launch vs later cycle was like on other consoles...


PS2 launch games.


You know something, that's not a representative screenshot of RRV, it was damn good looking when it came out, and it's still not too shabby. Also, unflinching 60fps.


And yet the best looking multiplats were those where the PS3 version couldn't keep up with the 360 one because those devs didn't give a damn about any parity politics. Hmmm...

That wasn't a case of the 360 getting the superior ports due to the hardware on the PS3 being inferior, and thus the PS3 limiting the multplatform games on the 360, that was more to do with the horrible PS3 architecture. But I agree that it was evidence of devs not giving a damn about parity politics.
I think those who are looking to base the entirety of their opinion regarding the two consoles power difference based on launch titles are doing so only because it benefits one particular narrative, that is, to make the Xbox One appear closer in power comparative to the PS4. I think those with some common sense realise launch games are a very poor barometer to judge either consoles power, especially with multi platform games which will have had even less time and familiarity with the consoles than the first party stuff (as is already pretty clear to see).

Just to remind you guys about what launch vs later cycle was like on other consoles...



man God of War 3 still look fucking amazing


Why would the gap be small at launch if the drivers are crap and the ESRAM is difficult to work with? If anything crap drivers, difficult architecture, and short dev time would yield the exact opposite.

That short dev time could mean more time dedicated to the Xbone version to get it up-to-snuff. To use Edge's example, the PS4 version that's already at 1080p/30fps would probably be largely left alone while optimization efforts are focused on the Xbone version.

That's all in addition to everything explained in the article itself:

“The poor [graphics] drivers have made it difficult to push either of them, and the developers aren’t familiar with the hardware yet,“ said one source. Another stated that we’ll begin to see far greater use of each platform’s unique features once we’re past the first wave of releases, when developers have more time and experience with each console’s quirks.

One source even suggested that enforcing parity across consoles could become a political issue between platform holders, developers and publishers. They said that it could damage perceptions of a cross platform title, not to mention Xbox One, if the PS4 version shipped with an obviously superior resolution and framerate; better to “castrate” the PS4 version and release near-identical games to avoid ruffling any feathers.

This claim was later countered by a contact at a different studio. “It would be totally fine for us to make one version prettier without any political difficulties but it usually doesn’t make financial sense,” they said, “unless it’s a very simple tweak.”


Yep. Gears 3 and Halo 4 look just as good as anything on the PS3. Never mind the fact that Halo 4 has to account for some big maps, vehicles, 4 player split screen, forging and a built in theater recording.

Whatever people think about Halo 4 gameplay wise it is at the very top technically this console gen, no doubt.


I don't think PS4 versions of games will be gimped directly by devs, as some people are worrying. People are professional, they won't sabotage the title just to keep MS happy.

Rather, the "gimping" will be more indirect. I'm guessing for multiplatform games, that means whatever resolution, AA, framerate etc the developer can achieve on XB1 for a given game will likely be what they target for PS4. "Lets get the XB1 to this level, and we know the PS4 version will perform fine here".

I worry, that indirectly, the focus will be on getting the XB1 version of a game to a certain base performance metric, and less focus will go into taking advantage of what the PS4 could really do with it if it was the "lead" platform.

I don't know if I'm making sense. In short, no one is gonna sabotage their PS4 games out of fear of MS reprisal. I just think version of PS4 (multiplat) games will suffer, because the focus will be more about getting XB1 to a certain performance level, then just mimicking that on PS4.


Are you serious? Market excitement is what led to the massive adoption rate of the PS2 Goomba. When they showed MGS2 it put the last nail in the coffin for the dreamcast even though not one launch game on PS2 looked better than the Dreamcasts lineup. At that point it didn't matter because gamers were convinced it was the more powerful

N64 and Xbox released a year after their competitor! They lost cause of time! Their graphical superiority is the only thing that game them a fighting chance. Both of them had a extremely successful launches because of M64 and Halo two games that visually outclassed the competition. However, like you said they could not maintain that momentum because the games weren't there because they were released A YEAR LATE.

Perceived power of the consoles is extremely important. Why do you think bullshots and CG video are the bane of this industry. Use your head.

Your changing the debate from total consoles sold to "Market excitement" , it doesnt change my original statement that the most powerful consoles have never sold the best. That does not mean ps4 won't sell the most , i expect it probably will but not for the fact that it is the most powerful system.

PS4 and Xbone are releasing A YEAR LATE after WiiU, it's hardly relevant though. People buy consoles to play the games that are available on them, are you actually claiming otherwise?

Wii was the ultimate example of the power of key games rather than the power of the console itself.


You know something, that's not a representative screenshot of RRV, it was damn good looking when it came out, and it's still not too shabby. Also, unflinching 60fps.
That gran tourismo shot and kameo shot wasn't the best either but the larger point he was making was still sound IMO.

TRios Zen

how does it suddenly become significantly more powerful with optimization when out of the two devices its closer to the PC and needs less optimization. The Xbox with all its custom gubbins sounds like it has far more to gain from specific platform optimizations.

I'm not sure I understand your question? The PS4 is stronger to start with, and with optimization, that power should be fully exploited. Is this what you disagree with?

Perhaps you are saying that the Xbox One should benefit more from optimization given it's more convoluted structure, but I don't think I stated otherwise.


One source even suggested that enforcing parity across consoles could become a political issue between platform holders, developers and publishers. They said that it could damage perceptions of a cross platform title, not to mention Xbox One, if the PS4 version shipped with an obviously superior resolution and framerate; better to “castrate” the PS4 version and release near-identical games to avoid ruffling any feathers.

How Sony could let something like that happen???

What's the point of having a 50% more powefull machine than your competence if BOTH VERSIONS OF ALL THE MULTIPLATS WILL BE THE INFERIOR PEASANT VERSION?

I repeat: How Sony could allow this madness happens?
All these articles about PS4 being much more powerful, but then I look at the UE4 shot that was supposedly running on PS4 dev kits and can't help but imagine the XBone is able to run something just like this, if not better. Considering how ubiquitous UE3 was, it stands to reason that UE4 will be just as popular among developers this generation.



Edge said:
One source even suggested that enforcing parity across consoles could become a political issue between platform holders, developers and publishers. They said that it could damage perceptions of a cross platform title, not to mention Xbox One, if the PS4 version shipped with an obviously superior resolution and framerate; better to “castrate” the PS4 version and release near-identical games to avoid ruffling any feathers.

This claim was later countered by a contact at a different studio. “It would be totally fine for us to make one version prettier without any political difficulties but it usually doesn’t make financial sense,” they said, “unless it’s a very simple tweak.”

Argh. Skipping EA games will be easier than before. The same to other publishers who try this.


This definitely isn't an original thought, but regarding the possibility of Microsoft pressuring developers to make multiplatform titles equal by dumbing down the PS4 versions, it'll be interesting to see if the potentially superior quality of PS4 exclusives will shift the tide in Sony's favor. If the PS4's power is really a significant cut above the XB1's, I'd think it would take just one killer app that clearly displays the PS4's technical prowess to trigger a backlash against forced multiplat parity.


All these articles about PS4 being much more powerful, but then I look at the UE4 shot that was supposedly running on PS4 dev kits and can't help but imagine the XBone is able to run something just like this, if not better. Considering how ubiquitous UE3 was, it stands to reason that UE4 will be just as popular among developers this generation.

How could it possible run better on a much weaker GPU and lower memory bandwidth?
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