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Grand Theft Auto V - review thread [Embargo 3pm BST/7am PST]

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You can only embody a vicious psychopath a short time before it becomes boring, at best, and soul-crushing, at worst.

I must admit, that this kind of resembles how I felt playing Grand Theft Auto 4 back 5 years ago. Well, what can you say ... it is Grand Theft Auto after all :)



Can't Waittttt

Wait a minute, is that the kid from the original .gif who is now grown up?

Mind = blown if true :p
Hahahahaha that Adam sessler quote wow. Did he just one up IGN?

Just gotta wait a couple months, if there is a backlash in this game like gta4 know to avoid.

That's another reason I'm willing to wait. I bought GTAIV because of the hype and crazy review scores, and it bored me to tears. That was the main reason I stopped putting as much stock into review scores in general.

Once bitten, twice shy and all that.


I think I'm going to wait a little while until the dust settles. I like GTA, but was soured by IV, which had pretty much the same review hype going the first few days. I trust GAF's impressions much more at this point, maybe pick it up this weekend if people are still singing it's praises.



The scary part is how predictable this all has become. There is some serious macro mass psychology research shit to be done here. Barring inexplicable technical errors, I and a lot of people here can probably predict within 4 points a game's metacritic score with an extremely high level of reliability without even playing it before it comes out, and that is a massive problem.


This is an interesting example. The first season has a 74 MC score, the second 85 and the consecutive seasons ramp up even higher. I wonder if the increasing popularity of the show influenced the reviewers or it genuinely gets better. Or the ones that reviewed the show lowly didn't bother watching the following seasons. I stopped watching midway through the second season as the show was getting more and more boring, so I have no idea how to explain this.

Not really. I just have a hard time imagining any game being universally loved by every single person on the planet, particularly one as highly flawed as GTA games have historically been. That's why I would like to see examples in cinema/books, and one has been actually delivered.

You forgot about Pixar during their streak as they had one universally praised movie after another with the expcetion of Car (and it's Car 2 which was the movie which truly broke their streak as it received plenty of negative reviews and damaged their reputation). Studio Ghibli also had a streak going until that movie which was made by the son of Miyazaki which received mixed or mostly negative reviews.


Neo Member

This is just beyond stupid. I will take our 'reflection' over this catalog of torture, murder, whores and thugs, regardless of how enjoyable from the gameplay perspective it is...

At the end of the day GTAV it is only a game and in this case we should not let it transcend the limits of its medium. Otherwise it would paint an ugly picture about who we (supposedly) are...

The scary part is how predictable this all has become. There is some serious macro mass psychology research shit to be done here. I and a lot of people here can probably predict within 4 points a game's metacritic score with an extremely high level of reliability without even playing it before it comes out, and that is a massive problem.

Indeed, that is why game review scores mean absolutely nothing.
Same here. Also the Eurogamer excerpts

The fucking exact same problem as IV (and most other 'oscar winning' Rockstar stories). Reads like some serious moneyhatting / afraid to get fanboy ire for EG to still give it a 9 after that. A 9 for a game that can't even remain interesting for the first playthrough and sustain its own narrative. Boggles my mind.

They both praise the gameplay though, with EG saying GTA is better than its ever been in that respect. That counts for something. It's a game after all.

You forgot about Pixar during their streak as they had one universally praised movie after another with the expcetion of Car (and it's Car 2 which was the movie which truly broke their streak as it received plenty of negative reviews and damaged their reputation). Studio Ghibli also had a streak going until that movie which was made by the son of Miyazaki which received mixed or mostly negative reviews.

True. Toy Story 2 had 100% positive reviews, no game has beaten that.


Wait a minute, is that the kid from the original .gif who is now grown up?

Mind = blown if true :p

Yeah he works at SOE now.

Uhm, yeah Sesslers review contains lots of hyperbolic statements, I still find that Oscar worthy story thing funnier though.
I feel like the main problem with current reviews (of all games) is that people put way more stock in the numerical score than the content of the review itself.


The only motive should be to see what the game developers created till the end. Do you need motive to finish a Mario game? A Zelda game?

Yes, because Nintendo constantly excites and upends preconceptions. GTA games generally do neither and need a story to make you do the same thing over again. Conversely, here the reviewer specifically states he 'lost interest before the end'.
I don't want to read reviews to avoid spoilers, but can anyone tell me if there are any differences between the PS3 and 360 version or if they are on par.
I have both consoles and would like to buy this on PSN Store but only if both versions are at least on par.


Do you actually have high expectations for GTAV?

I don't, personally. The last Rockstar game I liked was San Andreas and they have seem to have taken the wrong turn since then. Still going to play if of course, but, well, I'm not at all hyped.
I don't need reviews to know I'm going to enjoy the hell out of this. I put many hours into GTA4, I know this will be much better. Just hours now till I get it.


I actually think IGN made the case for the game getting a 10 rather well in their review this time. It's bigger and better in every way, especially in the gameplay department. I'm not just saying that because it's what I wanted to hear, either. It's simply a grounded review that makes it's point for a landmark game.


You forgot about Pixar during their streak as they had one universally praised movie after another with the expcetion of Car (and it's Car 2 which was the movie which truly broke their streak as it received plenty of negative reviews and damaged their reputation). Studio Ghibli also had a streak going until that movie which was made by the son of Miyazaki which received mixed or mostly negative reviews.
They were universally praised as in 9-10/10 from all but one publications out there?


Cretinously credulous
I am sure GTA V is freaking awesome, but man that Sessler quote. Its just...something else altogether. I would really not say that any GTA is pinnacle of human expression (or at least I hope not).


well not really...yet

The scary part is how predictable this all has become. There is some serious macro mass psychology research shit to be done here. I and a lot of people here can probably predict within 4 points a game's metacritic score with an extremely high level of reliability without even playing it before it comes out, and that is a massive problem.
Should Rockstar have made a worse game in order to better foil the expectations of ravenous internet forum poasters?

Its like its becoming a crime for great games to actually be great.
Yes, because Nintendo constantly excites and upends preconceptions. Conversely, here the reviewer specifically states he 'lost interest before the end'.

He said so about the story, he never mentioned once that he lost interest in playing and enjoying the game or the mission.

Naked Lunch

GTA games always get perfect scores an none of them are that great. I bought every game in the series for some reason (usually when they get to 10 bux) and havent enjoyed any of them.
I must admit, that this kind of resembles how I felt playing Grand Theft Auto 4 back 5 years ago. Well, what can you say ... it is Grand Theft Auto after all :)
If anything, this game seems to be giving the player a harder time relating with the main character, since there are three of them and each has a distinct personality and background. Complete opposite of say, GTA III.

Just play it the way you would watch a movie featuring three scumbags in LA, no need to embody them. That's the mindset I'm going in the game with at least.



The scary part is how predictable this all has become. There is some serious macro mass psychology research shit to be done here. Barring inexplicable technical errors, I and a lot of people here can probably predict within 4 points a game's metacritic score with an extremely high level of reliability without even playing it before it comes out, and that is a massive problem.

Hammered full on the head. Sadly.


What a joke this is:

This is all conjecture, but I'm going to go out on a limb and sarcastically comment that it's SUCH a shocker that a female/transexual game reviewer couldn't take this game in stride without mentioning misogyny.

The characters in the GTA world are crude, murdering gangsters, and misogyny is what "Carolyn Petit" is concerned about.

Only after googling her did I realize she was actually a he. We get it, you're trying to represent "femininity" and girl power by standing up for your new gender. This fact makes her sensitive journalism even more laughable.


Its like its becoming a crime for great games to actually be great.

No, the crime is a lack of perspective and variety in games reviews. If scores can be so easily predicted, what good are they? The problem isn't the high score, it's the predictability.


I cannot for the life of me understand what Sessler is saying in his reviews. Everything he says is needlessly complicated. Just speak English.


Honestly I don't see the issue with Sessler's statement. The sad part is that GTA's commentary on society today hits a little closer to home than most would care to admit.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't want to read reviews to avoid spoilers, but can anyone tell me if there are any differences between the PS3 and 360 version or if they are on par.
I have both consoles and would like to buy this on PSN Store but only if both versions are at least on par.

I can vouch for the PS3 version. It's nothing like the horrible conversions of Red Dead Redemption or Skyrim. The frame rate is rock solid, consistent and there's no screen tearing. It looks really great too :)

I typically only buy 360 versions of multiplatform games as they have consistently better IQ and frame rates. From the HD video of the 360 version, there's little to no difference between them. At a guess the 360 version probably has better AA like it usually does.
reviews are predictable, as in the text (score too lol). Seems like if you want a solid open world crime game with shit to do, this will be fun.

I tend to like their humor, which is mainly the reason i'm picking this up :p

I think i still have all the gta4 talk shows and commericals on playlists.


Do you actually have high expectations for GTAV?

I don't, personally. The last Rockstar game I liked was San Andreas and they have seem to have taken the wrong turn since then. Still going to play if of course, but, well, I'm not at all hyped.

I'm the same way, haven't liked a single current gen Rockstar game, but from everything I've seen and read about 5 I definitely have big expectations. It really is a return to San Andreas but with actual good mechanics and of course graphics and physics.

My only expectation for it was to be better and more fun than IV (really low bar there) and I was convinced a few months ago that it is. Can't wait to see how GTA Online adds to the experience.


From escapistmagazine

Recommendation: It's certainly fun to be the bad guy sometimes, but only buy Grand Theft Auto V if you're prepared to play as characters with no justifiable motivation for doing awful things to people.


They indeed got the attention they needed


If only the morally reprehensible script written by Dan Houser lived up to the achievements in game-making that Grand Theft Auto V otherwise embodies, it would be not just the game of the year but of the decade. Unfortunately, you can only hear a character say "&^%@ you, Mother&*^%er" so many times before it starts to grate on you. You can only embody a vicious psychopath a short time before it becomes boring, at best, and soul-crushing, at worst. Forcing players to murder people, not in a gamey "I killed you to complete a goal" way that defines this medium, but in a terrorizing and demeaning way, is not what will make videogames great. Rockstar had a chance to elevate, and they wasted it on portraying characters you don't want to spend five minutes with, let alone the hours it would take to play through the game's story.
Yep, this is the review I trust. GTAIV's story/writing was unbearable and nothing I've seen of V tells me it's any different.

Still, bought. The game seems great otherwise and I'm mainly buying it for the free-roaming online mode (which I'm assuming it has) to mess around with friends.


What a joke this is:

This is all conjecture, but I'm going to go out on a limb and sarcastically comment that it's SUCH a shocker that a female game reviewer couldn't take this game in stride without mentioning misogyny.

The characters in the GTA world are crude, murdering gangsters, and misogyny is what "Carolyn Petit" is concerned about.

Dat can of worms. You just opened it.
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