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Super Mario 3D World - Introduction video



I can now say, without fear or hesitation, I am glad I bought a Wii U. There is the Nintendo that I know.
Yeah, I may be wrong.
But I don't think Nintendo would make a power up only for single player, even "Giant Mario" is in multiplayer!

I'm only worried about one little thing in this game (and I think game journalists won't even notice because, well, it's pretty obvious that they don't play these games in multiplayer): if 2 players want to use Luigi or Peach? How can you make a competitive game when characters have so different abilities and you can't choose freely? It's like Street Fighter II Vanilla over again!

Yea, ill still wait and see. Theres a chance we could see multiple shells flying around. Itd be fun ricocheting off each other.

...but, watch the video and see how fast it goes. It just seems way too easy to piss off others if you grab a shell first.


The colors in some of those levels are wild. Some of it looks like old astroturf and some levels look Lsd induced.

I hope that Ghost data stuff is correct cause that would be sweet.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Ghost data of our friends level play-throughs would not only be sweet, it would fit perfectly with the game design.


Love the little detail of the character flailing while jumping through the air in the catsuit,

There was a moment where it looked like the player had to trust the cat-suit's abilities and long jump into a wall much farther down than the ledge, then climb up to get back on the ground, like a leap of faith.


It looks like a lot of fun. I'm a little bummed that there seems to be no emphasis on exploration like there is in 64 or Sunshine, but I'm sure it will be a great game.


Junior Member

3D World is literally the only console game I give a shit about this fall.

I'm not really able to buy a new console this year, but if I was getting a new console, it would be a Wii U for this game. Not Forza 5, not KillZone, not Call of Duty, not Battlefield, not Assassin's Creed, this game.

I don't know if that makes me still a Nintendo fanboy, but to me this game just looks the most fun out of everything this fall.


One thing I really really like about 3d world is that its been a while since super mario had a certain feeling of "bizarre fun" to it. Probably since Mario 3.

As much as I love the galaxy games, the epic feel of those didn't allow for the quirkiness I love in Mario games of old. Somehow this seems to have it in Spades. Excite!
6m long and the variety and awesomeness never stops!!

One thing I really really like about 3d world is that its been a while since super mario had a certain feeling of "bizarre fun" to it. Probably since Mario 3.

As much as I love the galaxy games, the epic feel of those didn't allow for the quirkiness I love in Mario games of old. Somehow this seems to have it in Spades. Excite!

Agree. Shameless fun!!


Looks creative and super fun. Little things like the cat-tailed bullet bill make me smile. Bring on the holidays!


Yea, ill still wait and see. Theres a chance we could see multiple shells flying around. Itd be fun ricocheting off each other.

...but, watch the video and see how fast it goes. It just seems way too easy to piss off others if you grab a shell first.

The Koribu skate moves at a similar speed and that has been shown in multiplayer, and they never restricted the penguin suit or blue shell in the NSMB games either.

Keep in mind that players can drop in and out at any time, so it's unlikely that there would be any distinction between single player and multiplayer. It would go against every precedent to make this the one exception to a firmly held rule, especially for a reason that isn't unique to this power up. It's not just a chance, it's a safe assumption.


Yea, ill still wait and see. Theres a chance we could see multiple shells flying around. Itd be fun ricocheting off each other.

...but, watch the video and see how fast it goes. It just seems way too easy to piss off others if you grab a shell first.

I actually had a problen with this with the Best Buy demo. We had been waiting in line for like an hour and I told my friend beforehand to take it slow and enjoy the level and to milk it. Then when we play multiplayer finally, some douchebag sped through the level and since he got farther past everyone else the screen got crazy small, especially on the Gamepad and it was hard to see my character and frustrating as well.

Turned out that douchebag was my friend.


Purchased a Wii U this afternoon and pre-ordered this game. Some great games coming to Wii U and this one is looking incredible. My kids are going to drop like a mic.

So I intended to get a PS4 first, then upgrade my PC then get a Wii U. Oh yea and watch XboxOne.

Ended up doing a complete overhaul on one of my PC's with an R9. Then saw more of this game and ordered for kids and myself. Thinking about waiting out first few months of PS4 now. PC for Multi-plats and Wii U seems like a great combo to break into 2014 and next Gen.

Christmas already well into the $ and several other Wii U possibilities might take first of year also.


Not going watch the video, since I like the game since E3 and want to see as much new as possible next month, when I play it.

Reading the 180 change of many around here is fun though.


the 180 they've done on this is pretty crazy. makes me wonder why the initial trailer was so uninspiring

Because it was all 4 player stuff from the first few worlds. I don't know why, but seeing the game in the context of a single player mode made the game look way more exciting.


So much colorful chaos! This game has me drooling.
So pretty with what looks to be some fun gameplay.
Thank you Nintendo for saving Christmas for me.

Between this and Zelda on 3DS it will be a great holiday season.


the 180 they've done on this is pretty crazy. makes me wonder why the initial trailer was so uninspiring

Having just watched the first trailer again and checking the E3 thread , some people expected something as fresh and grand in concept as Mario 64 or Mario Galaxy, but instead Nintendo decided on extending the concept of Mario 3D Land with local multiplayer slapped on to it. Some people were calling it lazy, uninspiring, bland and dumbed down. They thought it looked too safe. We did see just enough variety in platforming to know that there's more to the game that what we were first shown, but it wasn't until the second trailer that we saw more crafty sections of gameplay and more power-ups.

In all fairness, it is pretty easy to see why the first trailer looked underwhelming, but several people had faith EAD Tokyo was going to pull a 180 before the game's release, and yes, it did. Even the gaming media has noticeably responded much better to the recent trailers and gameplay demos.
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