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CBOAT: ESRAM handicap for now, but will get better


It seems rather contradictory to be set on buying one system for the gen, and to do so based on launch games. Not least of which because these systems will ultimately share the vast majority of their titles.

I'm sure it will cause umbrage to say this, but I imagine if one who says "I'm getting a PS4 because Killzone." or "Xbox One because Forza." really introspectively reflects on their purchase intent the underlying reality is more "I'm getting a PS4/Xbox One because that's the system I've chosen/brand I prefer and Killzone/Forza happens to be on it." for a lot of people.

That's what I'm saying all the time, yeah. I think so too.
I could see them making a media box, but for that to be effective they need to get back in the good graces with us. Definitely thinking that if MS wants to continue with the brand some kind of radical changes will happen within 3 years.

Creating a diverging product line isn't so crazy these days, though - consumers are used to it. And I think while the failure won't be massive, it'll get attention from investors. Once news starting coming out that COD,NFS, or any other game is prettier on the PS4, Joe Public will start talking.

Is a massive OC even realistic with their cooling solution? Would be a cool way to fix their issue, though. Also, realistically, how far can their GPU be OC in the ideal environment?

We aren't the target for the media box. You really think anyone outside of this forum or the gaming community in general gives a crap about what gets argued on here. This forum will buy the full console. A dedicated media box at a lower price point will target a completely different market which actually watches TV and likes their netflix. $150 price point with required sub would be a windfall.


It seems rather contradictory to be set on buying one system for the gen, and to do so based on launch games. Not least of which because these systems will ultimately share the vast majority of their titles.

I'm sure it will cause umbrage to say this, but I imagine if one who says "I'm getting a PS4 because Killzone." or "Xbox One because Forza." really introspectively reflects on their purchase intent the underlying reality is more "I'm getting a PS4/Xbox One because that's the system I've chosen/brand I prefer and Killzone/Forza happens to be on it." for a lot of people.

I agree with this too. You should not be buying a console for launch games.

I do disagree with the second point though, as you expected, haha. I think it depends on the person. Console exclusive franchises can play into purchases without it being based on brand. But I guess you did say "for a lot of people" so I guess I can kind of agree with you.


Is a massive OC even realistic with their cooling solution? Would be a cool way to fix their issue, though. Also, realistically, how far can their GPU be OC in the ideal environment?

Realistic? Not really. Power requirements and thermal output climb exponentially when raising voltages. Not to mention that stability and hardware reliability would be reduced as a result.
The arguement is that a next generation device shouldn't be this underpowered and it if it is, it should be priced accordingly. Like I've said, I find $500,- a lot for the Xbox One, a 720 machine if you will, aaron.
Withing the same context of next gen, what PS4 offers in terms of content compared to current gen isn't impressive, it's basically Killzone and Knack. I'm not oblivious to the other games PS4 will receive, like many indie titles and multiplatform titles. Within the context of the arguement, the Xbox One beeing relatively underpowered brings down the next gen experience, therefor justifying the 500USD/euro is difficult. In my opinion, the PS4 also lacks a next gen experience, not in power however, but in software. To me, at this moment, 500 is a lot for Xbox One because of future perspective and 400 is a lot for a machine whos main drivers (flagships if you will) are Knack and Killzone: SF. What I'm trying to say is that both have strong arguements to why one shouldn't buy either of them, at this moment, and that personal prefrence is key.

I'd agree that both of the platforms are lacking. The xbone has power and price drawbacks and the PS4 doesn't have many games at the moment. The difference is that the PS4 will be able to without a doubt solve their problem. They have Infamous and The Order coming out next year and third parties and indies will bring in good games to fill the gaps. The xbone though is a little worrying in the power department. The kinect has yet to get anything to justify it to the masses. The price is really high. Hopefully they'll get some kinect support, a price drop and the power is not as big as issue as it seems. They have a lot of work to do
Either way. A 1Tflop GCN card would still kill anything in the AMD HD3000 series. Still hyperbolic.

Why are you talking about the 3000 series? The 5000 series hit in 2009 dude. The 5770 is a 1.38TFlop card with 76GB/s memory bandwidth, 16ROPs, etc.. Sound familiar?

That launched in October 2009, 4 years ago. And was immediately in the 3rd tier due to the 5800 and 5900 tiers hitting in the same timeframe.

the power of the X1 was 3rd tier in 2009.

That has to tell you something .... maybe ...
Best selling Xbox game is Halo. Its already announced (and for 2014?). Plus a Halo film series to be released on the console, and directed by Spielberg.

Second best selling game on Xbox was Gears of War, which originated from a partnership with Epic. This gen this partnertship is with Crytek. We will find out how it turns out soon.

Third best selling game on Xbox is Fable. New game already announced.

Fourth best selling game on Xbox is Forza. Launch game.

Xbox Live is a strong point for the Xbox. The power of cloud, dedicated servers, smartmatch.

Kinect gave the X360 a huge bump. New Kinect in the box.

Now list Sony's best selling games on PS3 and tell me how playstation fans will be playing their favorite games in the near future.

Reason to buy a PS4? its cheaper! I'm doing it right?

You pretty much listed the entire xbox first party library.

I Keeeed!

Nothing like a next gen console war.
We aren't the target for the media box. You really think anyone outside of this forum or the gaming community in general gives a crap about what gets argued on here. This forum will buy the full console. A dedicated media box at a lower price point will target a completely different market which actually watches TV and likes their netflix. $150 price point with required sub would be a windfall.

$150 is fantasyland territory for the xbone. The ps3 and 360 haven't even hit that after 7 years, and those
Don't have Kinect built in. VITA TV barely hits that mark. Its not happening this gen.

Meanwhile cable companies are building every feature Kinect has into their own boxes (comcast, largest operator in the country is rolling it out this year) and smart tv manufacturers like Samsung already have it.

The function is dead in the water for the casual market.

Foghorn Leghorn

Unconfirmed Member
Or not, MS doesnt seem to have the patience
Sony has.

Yeah, I can't think if one long term hardware product that MS has stuck with besides the Xbox.

From what I recall it's always one product, then a refresh/refreshes and then eventually the product disappers, The 360 seems to be there exception to the rule.
for all this talk of some mystical graphical difference, you will be hard pressed to find a hardcore gamer, much less an average joe, who would look at the launch titles and see any power difference. Many might actually think the XB1 is more powerful.

Killzone and Ryse are the graphical showcases on each platform and both are looking impressive for launch titles, but which looks better comes down to preference. Some might even say Killzone looks no better than Crysis 2 on a PC two years ago. Driveclub bowed to Forza. There's nothing to compare to Killer Instinct and Dead Rising on the other system. And except for the COD res rumors, we haven't heard about any real differences in 3rd party games. Does anyone expect Madden and Fifa to look different? showmethereceipts_whitney.gif

Then you got real industy pros like Carmack and Mikami saying any difference is insignificant and this 50% talk becomes nothing more weightless rhetoric.

You clearly need to do your homework before posting. Looks like a post you'd come across on the IGN or gamespot forums. I'm not even going to address any of your points, it just made me shake my head while reading it.


CBOAT better be on the lookout. The White House just outted and fired a guy who was posting inside info on Twitter by feeding him false information.

This is MS execs were talking about here, look at the reveal, they aren't clued up enough to deploy such tactics.

Ballmer & co would probably title the misinformation email.....
"CBOAT ousting master plan update/eSRAM/balance"
What's the point in telling people that the exclusives they want to buy a console for, aren't worth the purchase of the console? There's a difference between saying PS4 is simply a better proposition in terms of hardware, but both consoles will have their own share of games that justify the purchase.

Personally I much prefer Sony's exclusives, but it's not weird for gamers to want Halo and Forza.


We aren't the target for the media box. You really think anyone outside of this forum or the gaming community in general gives a crap about what gets argued on here. This forum will buy the full console. A dedicated media box at a lower price point will target a completely different market which actually watches TV and likes their netflix. $150 price point with required sub would be a windfall.

You still think of the market as the 'American market'...and a dedicated media box is the mass market.....

The world wide market is too fragmented in formats, satellite HD and cable HD from Germany to UK to France is just too different.

All of the talk from MS about snap, NFL, media box, its all targeted at one market only, USA....

Even the app interest is USA only...

Heck in UK Netflix and Lovefilm is only good for old films and is 1 % of what it is in USA...


MS needs to take the dive now, go 399.99 no kinect surprise sku, cant let the market share gap get too wide from the beginning.
the WiiU isn't as powerful as the PS4, but people buy Nintendo hardware to play Mario and Zelda anyway, shouldn't be hard to believe people would buy an Xbone for Halo and Forza... $100 price difference could be a big deal, but I think some people's loyalty to franchises and their XBL friends list is probably worth more than $100 to them...

and if they're happy with Kinect then the 100 extra may be fine. its not like there is nothing extra, whether people choose to deride it or not.

E92 M3

We aren't the target for the media box. You really think anyone outside of this forum or the gaming community in general gives a crap about what gets argued on here. This forum will buy the full console. A dedicated media box at a lower price point will target a completely different market which actually watches TV and likes their netflix. $150 price point with required sub would be a windfall.

I understand that, but for the MS brand to be recognizable by common mass, they need a lot of word of mouth to reverse their PR nightmare. Right now, in my humble opinion, no one would give a shit about their media box.

Realistic? Not really. Power requirements and thermal output climb exponentially when raising voltages. Not to mention that stability and hardware reliability would be reduced as a result.

Yeah, as I thought -- otherwise they would have done it already :(
I'm actually really surprised MS didn't do they subsidized model. If they did that and priced the xbone at 299 with a $15 monthly fee for 2 years I think they'd be in a lot better position.


Any links ?

I would like to see what happened if you don't mind.

Stung by a Twitter renegade, group in Obama administration launched sting of its own

By David Nakamura, Anne Gearan and Scott Wilson, Published: October 23

Inside the National Security Council, most officials aren’t allowed to use or even look at Twitter, the popular social-networking service.

But that didn’t stop some of President Obama’s top advisers from trying to identify the person responsible for @natsecwonk, an anonymous Twitter account that published a steady stream of personal and sometimes offensive attacks on White House and State Department officials.

Three weeks ago, the group hatched a plan to trick the suspected NSC staffer into revealing himself. They would intentionally plant inaccurate, but harmless, information with him to see if it would pop up as a 140-character tweet, according to a U.S. official with knowledge of the effort.

Read the rest at the link.


I'd agree that both of the platforms are lacking. The xbone has power and price drawbacks and the PS4 doesn't have many games at the moment. The difference is that the PS4 will be able to without a doubt solve their problem. They have Infamous and The Order coming out next year and third parties and indies will bring in good games to fill the gaps. The xbone though is a little worrying in the power department. The kinect has yet to get anything to justify it to the masses. The price is really high. Hopefully they'll get some kinect support, a price drop and the power is not as big as issue as it seems. They have a lot of work to do

I know that the software situation will improve a lot next year. But why should you buy a console at launch today and wait for next years software? Wouldn't it be better to wait for next year when there is a decent amount of software? And if you do wait till next year, who knows what Xbox One's situation will be next year? Maybe we'll have a price drop, maybe Xbox One's other features will start maturing etc. In any case, one would reconsider their purchase again because the situation has changed.

And all I'm trying to say that viewing at a console purchase as something "fixed" is stupid, every moment arguements to either buy a console or not to buy a console change.

The PS4 is more powerful than the Xbox One, this is a fact. If I were to buy a PS4 today on this arguement alone, my "next gen" software library will be smaller. If you wait till next year for a richer software library, an event might make the Xbox One more appealing (pricedrops, features etc.) or less appealing, the situation would have to be asessed again.
On the other hand, you won't have to asess anything if you want a PS4 just because it's more powerful and you like the games a lot. Perfectly fine.

There are many options. But "fixing" an Xbox One purchase as ignorant and something done purely out of love for the brand is really rediculous. Going by that "rational thinking" arguement, everyone who purchase a PS3 up to 2009 was ignorant and had love for the brand (read: fanboy), because the Xbox had more games, was cheaper and had the more visually appealing games.
I know that the software situation will improve a lot next year. But why should you buy a console at launch today and wait for next years software? Wouldn't it be better to wait for next year when there is a decent amount of software? And if you do wait till next year, who knows what Xbox One's situation will be next year? Maybe we'll have a price drop, maybe Xbox One's other features will start maturing etc. In any case, one would reconsider their purchase again because the situation has changed.

And all I'm trying to say that viewing at a console purchase as something "fixed" is stupid, every moment arguements to either buy a console or not to buy a console change.

The PS4 is more powerful than the Xbox One, this is a fact. If I were to buy a PS4 today on this arguement alone, my "next gen" software library will be smaller. If you wait till next year for a richer software library, an event might make the Xbox One more appealing (pricedrops, features etc.) or less appealing, the situation would have to be asessed again.
On the other hand, you won't have to asess anything if you want a PS4 just because it's more powerful and you like the games a lot. Perfectly fine.

There are many options. But "fixing" an Xbox One purchase as ignorant and something done purely out of love for the brand is really rediculous. Going by that "rational thinking" arguement, everyone who purchase a PS3 up to 2009 was ignorant and had love for the brand (read: fanboy), because the Xbox had more games, was cheaper and had the more visually appealing games.

You kinda contradicted yourself there, bubba.


I know that the software situation will improve a lot next year. But why should you buy a console at launch today and wait for next years software? Wouldn't it be better to wait for next year when there is a decent amount of software? And if you do wait till next year, who knows what Xbox One's situation will be next year? Maybe we'll have a price drop, maybe Xbox One's other features will start maturing etc. In any case, one would reconsider their purchase again because the situation has changed.

And all I'm trying to say that viewing at a console purchase as something "fixed" is stupid, every moment arguements to either buy a console or not to buy a console change.

The PS4 is more powerful than the Xbox One, this is a fact. If I were to buy a PS4 today on this arguement alone, my "next gen" software library will be smaller. If you wait till next year for a richer software library, an event might make the Xbox One more appealing (pricedrops, features etc.) or less appealing, the situation would have to be asessed again.
On the other hand, you won't have to asess anything if you want a PS4 just because it's more powerful and you like the games a lot. Perfectly fine.

There are many options. But "fixing" an Xbox One purchase as ignorant and something done purely out of love for the brand is really rediculous. Going by that "rational thinking" arguement, everyone who purchase a PS3 up to 2009 was ignorant and had love for the brand (read: fanboy), because the Xbox had more games, was cheaper and had the more visually appealing games.

2009 is a bit late, I guess. But certainly the launch situation is comparable in the sens of one offer is better than the other - however the PS3 back then had the hype of being more powerful due to magic cell, so some people probably bought into that and used that as a rational reason. In the case of XB1 it's pretty clear that it's a rather weak console. Back then I switched to 360 albeit being a Sony fan. I switched later to PS3 as I saw it was more to my likings but I kept the 360 for some multiplatform games. I then switched to PC after I noticed that PS3 started lacking as well. Technology/power was always the driving factor for my decisions - obviously this factor was always shining through games. If Forza 5 or DR3 would actually look amazing, I'd be the first one to buy a XB1 at launch. In series where the gameplay actually stays the same over iterations, how can there be any other differentiating factor then graphics?
Driveclub bowed to Forza.

WOW you just equated a delay to a game being inferior. Well done....well done

For fuckin' real tho, man? Weak.

Then you got real industy pros like Carmack and Mikami saying any difference is insignificant and this 50% talk becomes nothing more weightless rhetoric.

And their words are also meaningless atm; neither of them have a game coming anytime soon to prove their point, so it's pure conjecture.

OTOH, you have dynamic weather in DC vs. baked weather and lighting in Forza, 1080p KZ vs. 720p COD, and methinks a couple other nasty surprises for the system on the ropes btwn now and launch. The 50% talk may still be hyperbole, but there's some evidence where there's some significant power difference btwn the two systems.

But keep playing the blind man and stay aloof. It just makes it more fun to retort your posts.

or all this talk of some mystical graphical difference, you will be hard pressed to find a hardcore gamer, much less an average joe, who would look at the launch titles and see any power difference. Many might actually think the XB1 is more powerful.

Oh but how could I have missed this golden nugget of dumbassery? Bro, this forum IS the hardcore gamer, enthusiast, hobbyist etc. Have you not been reading any threads here for the past few months? NO ONE has failed to see the differences even from the launch titles, and NO ONE here who's unbiased thinks XBO is more powerful.

Not a soul.


Is a massive OC even realistic with their cooling solution? Would be a cool way to fix their issue, though. Also, realistically, how far can their GPU be OC in the ideal environment?

It isn't remotely realistic unless you want RRoD or greater failure rates for all first generation XB1 units, and some magic new form factor + cooling solution to make that not happen with the second generation of systems.

They're using a 5 billion transistor APU. That mofo isn't going to shrink very quickly.
I know that the software situation will improve a lot next year. But why should you buy a console at launch today and wait for next years software? Wouldn't it be better to wait for next year when there is a decent amount of software? And if you do wait till next year, who knows what Xbox One's situation will be next year? Maybe we'll have a price drop, maybe Xbox One's other features will start maturing etc. In any case, one would reconsider their purchase again because the situation has changed.

And all I'm trying to say that viewing at a console purchase as something "fixed" is stupid, every moment arguements to either buy a console or not to buy a console change.

The PS4 is more powerful than the Xbox One, this is a fact. If I were to buy a PS4 today on this arguement alone, my "next gen" software library will be smaller. If you wait till next year for a richer software library, an event might make the Xbox One more appealing (pricedrops, features etc.) or less appealing, the situation would have to be asessed again.
On the other hand, you won't have to asess anything if you want a PS4 just because it's more powerful and you like the games a lot. Perfectly fine.

There are many options. But "fixing" an Xbox One purchase as ignorant and something done purely out of love for the brand is really rediculous. Going by that "rational thinking" arguement, everyone who purchase a PS3 up to 2009 was ignorant and had love for the brand (read: fanboy), because the Xbox had more games, was cheaper and had the more visually appealing games.

Dude you really need to get off the software stuff, it is making you look incredibly foolish.

Assassins Creed
Battlefield 4
Call of Duty

All look like worthwhile retail purchases. Who knows which of the others will be surprises.

Then on the PS4 side you have a mountain of downloadable software.

Res0gun + Contrast = free for all PS4 owners ( 14 days free PS+ for all PS4 owners )
Blacklight Retribution
Planetside 2
War Thunder

All of the above are FREE. That is 7 free games the moment you turn your PS4 on.

Then you also have

Tiny Brains
Basement Crawl
Doki Doki Universe
Super Motherload

Which will be available to you at launch.

The X1 does not come close to comparing to the PS4's software lineup at launch or anywhere in 2014 or beyond. 180 games in development as we speak for the PS4. Nearly 40 in 2013, compared to 20-25 for X1 in 2013.


cboat bringing good news?




2009 is a bit late, I guess. But certainly the launch situation is comparable in the sens of one offer is better than the other - however the PS3 back then had the hype of being more powerful due to magic cell, so some people probably bought into that and used that as a rational reason.

Yeah, I stopped reading there. Not taking you seriously, good day sir.
I know that the software situation will improve a lot next year. But why should you buy a console at launch today and wait for next years software? Wouldn't it be better to wait for next year when there is a decent amount of software? And if you do wait till next year, who knows what Xbox One's situation will be next year? Maybe we'll have a price drop, maybe Xbox One's other features will start maturing etc. In any case, one would reconsider their purchase again because the situation has changed.

And all I'm trying to say that viewing at a console purchase as something "fixed" is stupid, every moment arguements to either buy a console or not to buy a console change.

The PS4 is more powerful than the Xbox One, this is a fact. If I were to buy a PS4 today on this arguement alone, my "next gen" software library will be smaller. If you wait till next year for a richer software library, an event might make the Xbox One more appealing (pricedrops, features etc.) or less appealing, the situation would have to be asessed again.
On the other hand, you won't have to asess anything if you want a PS4 just because it's more powerful and you like the games a lot. Perfectly fine.

There are many options. But "fixing" an Xbox One purchase as ignorant and something done purely out of love for the brand is really rediculous.

Yeah, I'm not buying either at launch. I plan on getting one early next year but who knows. Personally, features don't do much for me so the more powerful console with the more appealing games is the one I'd go with. PS has been that these past couple years and seems to be that going in to next gen.

I've never called anyone dumb or whatever for wanting the xbone, but yeah I know a lot of people have been. To each their own. I hate it when people make other people feel bad or dumb for something that makes them happy. Just let them be happy dang it
Dude you really need to get off the software stuff, it is making you look incredibly foolish.

Assassins Creed
Battlefield 4
Call of Duty

All look like worthwhile retail purchases. Who knows which of the others will be surprises.

Then on the PS4 side you have a mountain of downloadable software.

Res0gun + Contrast = free for all PS4 owners ( 14 days free PS+ for all PS4 owners )
Blacklight Retribution
Planetside 2
War Thunder

All of the above are FREE. That is 7 free games the moment you turn your PS4 on.

Then you also have

Tiny Brains
Basement Crawl
Doki Doki Universe
Super Motherload

Which will be available to you at launch.

The X1 does not come close to comparing to the PS4's software lineup at launch or anywhere in 2014 or beyond. 180 games in development as we speak for the PS4. Nearly 40 in 2013, compared to 20-25 for X1 in 2013.

Looks a hell of a lot better than the PS3's launch lineup. All it has was Resistance, Ridge Racer, COD3 and no PSN Plus games or indie stuff or anything else. A huge drought after launch as well.


Dude you really need to get off the software stuff, it is making you look incredibly foolish.

Assassins Creed
Battlefield 4
Call of Duty

All look like worthwhile retail purchases. Who knows which of the others will be surprises.

Then on the PS4 side you have a mountain of downloadable software.

Res0gun + Contrast = free for all PS4 owners ( 14 days free PS+ for all PS4 owners )
Blacklight Retribution
Planetside 2
War Thunder

All of the above are FREE. That is 7 free games the moment you turn your PS4 on.

Then you also have

Tiny Brains
Basement Crawl
Doki Doki Universe
Super Motherload

Which will be available to you at launch.

The X1 does not come close to comparing to the PS4's software lineup at launch or anywhere in 2014 or beyond. 180 games in development as we speak for the PS4. Nearly 40 in 2013, compared to 20-25 for X1 in 2013.

I can't reply to everyone who takes my posts out of context, read my previous posts first.
Dude you really need to get off the software stuff, it is making you look incredibly foolish.

Assassins Creed
Battlefield 4
Call of Duty

All look like worthwhile retail purchases. Who knows which of the others will be surprises.

Then on the PS4 side you have a mountain of downloadable software.

Res0gun + Contrast = free for all PS4 owners ( 14 days free PS+ for all PS4 owners )
Blacklight Retribution
Planetside 2
War Thunder

All of the above are FREE. That is 7 free games the moment you turn your PS4 on.

Then you also have

Tiny Brains
Basement Crawl
Doki Doki Universe
Super Motherload

Which will be available to you at launch.

The X1 does not come close to comparing to the PS4's software lineup at launch or anywhere in 2014 or beyond. 180 games in development as we speak for the PS4. Nearly 40 in 2013, compared to 20-25 for X1 in 2013.

so this is now another "promote the ps4" thread?

decent line-up and if you haven't played the vast bulk of that on pc already the have fun. for me the lack of decent full retail exclusives that appeal is a big issue as I mostly pc game and xbone has far more at launch.

each to their own though.
Good stuff from CBOAT. Looks like the console will have long legs after all. If Sony could do it with PS3, MS surely can as well.

Maybe not. Third parties stuck with Sony's box, because the PlayStation brand was much, MUCH stronger at the time than the Xbox brand is now.

The ps2 had a stranglehold in the US, EU, and JP and 100 million units sold after 6 years.

The ps3 rode that success and maintained dominance in EU and JP. Even with the Xbox strong in the US and UK.

This time around, MS has outright conceded JP and most of the EU to Sony out of the gate, and appears
To be behind 2 to 1 in the US right now if that marketing data thread was correct. If MS ends up losing half their marketshare (as Sony did) they might not have the userbase for third parties to put in the effort.
URL="http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/stung-by-a-twitter-renegade-group-in-obama-administration-launched-sting-of-its-own/2013/10/23/3cb89d56-3c00-11e3-b6a9-da62c264f40e_story.html?hpid=z4"]Stung by a Twitter renegade, group in Obama administration launched sting of its own[/URL]

By David Nakamura, Anne Gearan and Scott Wilson, Published: October 23

Inside the National Security Council, most officials aren’t allowed to use or even look at Twitter, the popular social-networking service.

But that didn’t stop some of President Obama’s top advisers from trying to identify the person responsible for @natsecwonk, an anonymous Twitter account that published a steady stream of personal and sometimes offensive attacks on White House and State Department officials.

Three weeks ago, the group hatched a plan to trick the suspected NSC staffer into revealing himself. They would intentionally plant inaccurate, but harmless, information with him to see if it would pop up as a 140-character tweet, according to a U.S. official with knowledge of the effort.

Read the rest at the link.

Good read

Feel free to use your PR statement to argument.

"8GB GDDR5". "Greatness awaits"?

Got me there chief.
You really think i'm going to argue with you?
Some folks might have a short memory, but I can remember an earlier thread this year where you made a fool of yourself by claiming "xbox live is for people with friends" and how sony had less games with "multiplayer component". And that's just a small teaser.
I couldn't care less if you're buying an xbox or if anyone else is buying a ps4, and neither are people calling everyone else 'ignorant'.
And yeah, your list totally reads like a PR statement.

so this is now another "promote the ps4" thread?

decent line-up and if you haven't played the vast bulk of that on pc already the have fun. for me the lack of decent full retail exclusives that appeal is a big issue as I mostly pc game and xbone has far more at launch.

each to their own though.

From what I can see the bone has 3 retail games and the PS4 has 2. How is that a LOT more? Driveclub being delayed made it only 2. Here is a nice little detailed graph I found at this link that shows the breakdown of all the games on both systems at launch and into 2014.



the WiiU isn't as powerful as the PS4, but people buy Nintendo hardware to play Mario and Zelda anyway, shouldn't be hard to believe people would buy an Xbone for Halo and Forza... $100 price difference could be a big deal, but I think some people's loyalty to franchises and their XBL friends list is probably worth more than $100 to them...

This. I know a few gamerbros people that straight up said they were going to get an xb1 so they could play their COD and madden. When I said that they are also on ps4, they looked confused, like I was trying to sell them a broken car.

To them, all they know is xbox, and that is where the vidjea gamez exist. Like how your mom calls every console a nintendo.
This. I know a few gamerbros people that straight up said they were going to get an xb1 so they could play their COD and madden. When I said that they are also on ps4, they looked confused, like I was trying to sell them a broken car.

To them, all they know is xbox, and that is where the vidjea gamez exist. Like how your mom calls every console a nintendo.

My girlfriends brother was saying that he wanted an xbone and my girlfriend told him that I wanted to get a PS4. He just looked at her and said "That's stupid"
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