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Zack Snyder's best film?

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Dawn of the Dead
Sucker Punch

That's my ranking of what I've seen so far. I enjoyed all these to varying extent except for Sucker Punch, which was mostly mind numbing-- can barely recall anything from that film, and I ended up watching it at least twice.

I liked Watchmen enough to go out and buy it on bluray, the rest not so much.

Haven't heard good things about Man of Steel and I have no idea what Legends of the Guardian is or why I should be interested in it, lol
LoG: Owls of G'houl is a cool, 3D animated movie about some talking owls embarking on an adventure to save some of their friends and fight evil. I only watched it because I saw it was rated as one of the top movies one year, and when I started watching it, it really surprised me at how good it was. I could be his best movie storywise, but it doesn't grip me visually or aurally like some of his other flicks.

I've always said that Zack Snyder would be a kick-ass music video director. He really understands the connection between music and visuals IMO. PEACE.
LoG: Owls of G'houl is a cool, 3D animated movie about some talking owls embarking on an adventure to save some of their friends and fight evil. I only watched it because I saw it was rated as one of the top movies one year, and when I started watching it, it really surprised me at how good it was. I could be his best movie storywise, but it doesn't grip me visually or aurally like some of his other flicks.

I've always said that Zack Snyder would be a kick-ass music video director. He really understands the connection between music and visuals IMO. PEACE.

He used to direct music videos, so yeah.


300 remains to this day my single-most memorable film-going experience; moreso than The Lord of the Rings. This was largely because I saw the midnight opening at my local theater along with what I swear had to be every single 18-24 male within a 30 mile radius. Not an empty seat in the house.

If ever there was a movie to see with a group of 150+ guys, it was 300. It was one of those situations where the crowd made the movie more enjoyable than it may have otherwise been.

Uproarious cheer and thunderous applause throughout the theater every time a badass one-liner was said....


...or everytime a limb was sliced off in bitchin' slow-motion...



...the mood of the crowd was electrifying. I was totally wired by the time I got out of the theater. I honestly gets chills even now thinking back to it, it was that much fun.

It also needs to be said that, I think part of the reason why the crowd was into the movie so much was that nobody had really ever seen an action film that looked like this before. The way Snyder went about shooting the action was really unique, although of course now it's been copied a thousand times over and the novelty has been lost. But man, at the time, to my 18 year-old brain it was mind-blowingly awesome.


300 remains to this day my single-most memorable film-going experience; moreso than The Lord of the Rings. This was largely because I saw the midnight opening at my local theater along with what I swear had to be every single 18-24 male within a 30 mile radius. Not an empty seat in the house.

If ever there was a movie to see with a group of 150+ guys, it was 300. It was one of those situations where the crowd made the movie more enjoyable than it may have otherwise been.

Uproarious cheer and thunderous applause throughout the theater every time a badass one-liner was said....


...or everytime a limb was sliced off in bitchin' slow-motion...



...the mood of the crowd was electrifying. I was totally wired by the time I got out of the theater. I honestly gets chills even now thinking back to it, it was that much fun.

God. Why weren't the fights in Man of Steel this good. The slowmo tracking shot of Leonidas is so fucking great.


Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever properly watched a Zack Snyder movie. I've like watched bits of them but I've never fully watched any in one whole sitting.

Personally I found what I watched of Watchmen to be really great.

And I found Legend of the Guardians was terrible, especially in comparison to the books (though it's a really nice looking movie at the least).


Neo Member
All the Sucker Punch hate is disappointing.

It wasn't his best movie but it definitely wasn't the worst. I thought it was an okay movie and the plot definitely wasn't the weak point of the movie.


1.dawn of the dead
4.man of steel
-haven't seen owls

Sucker punch is one the worst films to come out of Hollywood, it gave me cancer bad.


DotD is filled with dumb characters who do dumb things. But it's pretty well directed.

Man of Steel is his worst film, though I still need to catch that Owls film.

Sucker punch man sucker punch *vomits uncontrollably* man of steel wishes it was 1/100th as bad as sucker punch.


Mr. Zachary Edward Snyder is a man who was given a Superman franchise and asked to reboot it when "dark reboots" were sure-fire hits, and yet still failed miserably.

It's like being in the bottom of the ninth, game 7 of the World Series. Tie game. The umpire calls a stop to the game, and asks for an old-timey microphone to address the crowd. He booms, "New rule: the baseball is being replaced with a beachball, and each hit now counts as a homerun." Snyder steps up to the plate and strikes out, wildly swinging without care. The kind of swinging where it's like 5 or 6 swings before the ball gets there. Yet he's still proud of himself for trying his very best as he walks off the field.

Man of Steel should be the end of Zach Snyder's career. But it won't be because Comic Con nerds have no memory whatsoever. I'm sure many of them think they remember Sucker Punch being a "sick" movie.
I'd say Watchmen has been his best work by far. He was fortunate to have a fantastic screenplay by David Hayter (and Alex Tse), but he did a great job of being able to translate that to film. It seemed like a movie destined to fail but he made it work and really did a wonderful job with the movie.


It's a toss-up between Watchmen and Man of Steel, which incidentally happen to be two of the best comic book/graphic novel adaptations ever.

Mr. Zachary Edward Snyder is a man who was given a Superman franchise and asked to reboot it when "dark reboots" were sure-fire hits, and yet still failed miserably.

It's like being in the bottom of the ninth, game 7 of the World Series. Tie game. The umpire calls a stop to the game, and asks for an old-timey microphone to address the crowd. He booms, "New rule: the baseball is being replaced with a beachball, and each hit now counts as a homerun." Snyder steps up to the plate and strikes out, wildly swinging without care. The kind of swinging where it's like 5 or 6 swings before the ball gets there. Yet he's still proud of himself for trying his very best as he walks off the field.

Man of Steel should be the end of Zach Snyder's career. But it won't be because Comic Con nerds have no memory whatsoever. I'm sure many of them think they remember Sucker Punch being a "sick" movie.
What the fuck is this shit?
Mr. Zachary Edward Snyder is a man who was given a Superman franchise and asked to reboot it when "dark reboots" were sure-fire hits, and yet still failed miserably.

It's like being in the bottom of the ninth, game 7 of the World Series. Tie game. The umpire calls a stop to the game, and asks for an old-timey microphone to address the crowd. He booms, "New rule: the baseball is being replaced with a beachball, and each hit now counts as a homerun." Snyder steps up to the plate and strikes out, wildly swinging without care. The kind of swinging where it's like 5 or 6 swings before the ball gets there. Yet he's still proud of himself for trying his very best as he walks off the field.

Man of Steel should be the end of Zach Snyder's career. But it won't be because Comic Con nerds have no memory whatsoever. I'm sure many of them think they remember Sucker Punch being a "sick" movie.

Snyder is a smaller problem compare to Goyer when it comes to MoS.


Mr. Zachary Edward Snyder is a man who was given a Superman franchise and asked to reboot it when "dark reboots" were sure-fire hits, and yet still failed miserably.

It's like being in the bottom of the ninth, game 7 of the World Series. Tie game. The umpire calls a stop to the game, and asks for an old-timey microphone to address the crowd. He booms, "New rule: the baseball is being replaced with a beachball, and each hit now counts as a homerun." Snyder steps up to the plate and strikes out, wildly swinging without care. The kind of swinging where it's like 5 or 6 swings before the ball gets there. Yet he's still proud of himself for trying his very best as he walks off the field.

Man of Steel should be the end of Zach Snyder's career. But it won't be because Comic Con nerds have no memory whatsoever. I'm sure many of them think they remember Sucker Punch being a "sick" movie.

How many scarves are you wearing right now?


All the Sucker Punch hate is disappointing.

It wasn't his best movie but it definitely wasn't the worst. I thought it was an okay movie and the plot definitely wasn't the weak point of the movie.

I don't remember hating it, but I just don't... remember it very well, lol.

I came away with indifference. It had entertainment value while watching, but came away with not much feeling, and with nothing particularly cool lingering in my mind days later.

I think the plot wasn't the problem, but the execution.


I need to watch Man Of Steel again.
Right now it's even with Watchmen as my favorite Snyder film.

I don't understand Snyder hate
Man of Steel was awesome, and watchmen was awesome as well.

His worst film, Sucker Punch, is still good fun.


1. Watchmen
2. Dawn of the Dead

Everything else sucks but if I had to rank them:

Owl movie
Man of Steel
Sucker Punch

In general I do like his style. I considered myself a fan until Sucker Punch.


Watchmen is number 1 in my book. The story is already great and his adaptation was fitting.

300 was just some cool fight scenes stithed together.

Man of Steel was good but Watchmen is better.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Legend of the Guardians was fucking awesome. I loved every second of that.

I don't have any kind words for Sucker Punch because the logic was "beyond my understanding" and all.


Legend of the Guardians is actually a pretty good movie. I'm actually surprised it doesn't have a cult following of some sort.


Man of Steel
Dawn of the Dead
Legend of the Guardians (Never saw it but I'm sure it's better the Sucker Punch)
Sucker Punch


Man of Steel was a piece of shit, but I don't blame Snyder, he was under direction of Dolan and had Goober's script. TDKR had all the exact same issues as MOS.

Watchmen and 300 were fantastic, colourful, broad, styles exactly right for Superman, and MOS would have been a 200% better film if it had been done like either of them. But no, we had to have the Call of Duty version instead thanks to Batman coasting on the fumes of Ledger's brilliant performance in an otherwise adolescent idea of maturity.


I may be the only one, but I liked Sucker Punch :/
You are not alone. It's not his best, but I liked the overall theme and toneshifts throughout the movie.

That said, Watchmen is easily his best with 300 and Man of Steel tied for second place. Guardians makes a solid third.
The zombie one is alright, and that's coming from a guy who isn't interested in zombie stuff. The rest of his movies are made for 13 year olds. Snyder is a young Michael Bay, and relies heavier on CG effects. All his movies look like video games, I don't know why anyone over the age of 18 is supposed to care about them. Maybe we aren't expected to.
I loved the Dawn of the Dead remake when I saw it in theaters. Some great casting, especially the two main leads.

300 I really need to see again. I enjoyed it when I saw it at the midnight showing. The combat being the best part, so brutal.

Didn't see the Owl movie, I'm sure it's decent.

I enjoyed Watchmen as well. Felt it was a well made film.

Man of Steel wasn't terrible either, I enjoyed it.

If I had to pick one, I would say.... Watchmen? Tough call.

Seeing those 300 gifs don't help. I really need to re-watch that.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I'm a bit of a Watchmen (comic) fanboy, so I went into it with completely unreasonable expectations. The moment that The Comedian punched through a goddamned wall, the film lost me forever.... and don't even get me started on the hideous mangling they inflicted on the ending.

I'm willing to admit that it had a few redeeming qualities (great casting, special effects, some excellent shot recreations etc.) but the whole thing was a hollow excercise in futility from the start.

Should we even give Synder credit for 300 and Watchmen? aren't they basically the graphic novels verbatim?

Not sure about 300, but Watchmen wasn't exactly verbatim.
I was honestly really shocked when people said they didn't like Man of Steel. I mean, the slow parts were kinda bad and there're a lot of weird choices in terms of the other characters being focused on, but the fight scenes were really awesome and visually the movie was great.

What about it exactly was so terrible?

As for the original question, Watchmen is the one I enjoyed the most, and I think Suckerpunch is probably his worst movie, as there's very little action in that movie centered almost entirely around that action. But it could also be my hatred for action that isn't really happening.


Why don't people like Man of Steel?

Oh man, where on Earth do I begin.

It makes no sense.
Worse characters than a Marvel Animation.
More plot holes than a script made of Swiss cheese.
Navy and Burgundy Superman...... I have to stop... I'm going to cry.


Dawn of the Dead.

Everything else has been bad to average, but still very nice to look at.

1. Dawn of the Dead (shockingly good remake)
2. Sucker Punch: Extended Cut (visually stunning, amazing action sequences, terrible script)
3. Man of Steel (Nice looking, amazing action sequences, terrible script)
4. 300 (visually stunning, amazing action sequences, terrible source material)
5. Watchmen (one of the best opening credits sequences ever, source material seemed to have gone over the heads of everyone involved)


So it's cool to hate on Zack Snyder now it seems...

I have only seen 3 of his movies. I liked all of them. This is how I rank them:

1. Watchmen (loved everything, except ending)
2. 300 (Great Popcorn flick with groundbreaking visuals)
3. Sucker Punch (Thought I would hate this going in, but nope, it was highly entertaining).


Should we even give Synder credit for 300 and Watchmen? aren't they basically the graphic novels verbatim? I feel like any director told to do it this way could pull it off. I like both of these films by the way. Sucker Punch is one of the worst films of all time, and I laugh at any studio that green lights another project that is written and directed by this man
Well there are 1000 possibilities to fuck up, even with great source material. Look what happened when Frank Miller himself directed a movie...
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