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Zack Snyder's best film?

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Which is Zack's best film, in your opinion?

EDIT: The following list is ordered from his first to last film directed. Some people seem to mistake this list is how I rank his films. It's not!
1. Dawn of the Dead

2. 300

3. Watchmen

4. Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole

5. Sucker Punch

And finally...
6. Man of Steel

Pick one, or rank them, or simply argue against other opinions. I will start with Watchmen, and somewhat 300.


tagged by Blackace
Watchmen is an incredible adaptation that is nothing short of impressive considering the source material. I also have a soft spot for 300 though, particularly it's combat.
Watchmen "Super long everything thrown in because lol @ the rest of your day" 4 hour Ultimate Edition.

I just like seeing Watchmen on screen and I like the visuals.

Alternatively, Dawn of The Dead remake. Solid update.


All his movies were pretty terrible from what I remember. I'd say Watchmen was the best out of all of them though. Man of Steel was decent.

DotD is filled with dumb characters who do dumb things. But it's pretty well directed.

Man of Steel is his worst film, though I still need to catch that Owls film.


Dawn of the Dead, because it's the least derivative of any of his work, which is surprising since it's a remake.
It's Dawn of the Dead. It's achievements are all the more remarkable for the fact it was a) his first film and b) it was a remake of a fucking classic.

There's no way that movie should have worked like it did. And he hasn't managed to blend action with emotion like that since.

Reason? It's the only film of his where the script is solid, top to bottom. James Gunn's voice is kept, and is amplified by Snyder's direction.

Watchmen is his 2nd best film, but that adaptation sucks all the life out of the movie and even when it does remember to be its own thing, it comes too late, and doesn't land like it should because of some iffy decisionmaking.

That's the thing about Snyder - I don't get the sense he has a whole hell of a lot to say, himself. But he really enjoys telling you about this cool thing someone else said. The problem is, he spends a lot of his efforts telling you botched stories. He's amplifying distorted signals.

He's a director that REALLY needs the script to be trump-tight before he starts shooting it.

The ranking:

1) Dawn of the Dead
2) Watchmen
3) Man of Steel
4) 300
5) That Fucking Owl Movie
6) Sucker Punch


Watchmen is his best, I was surprised how much I liked it. Fantastic visuals.
Dawn of the Dead is good enough, I don't really like traditional zombie movies to be honest, though.
Man of Steel is all right. Disappointing overall, trailers were misleading. Uneven movie but some great action in it.
300 I did not really care for.
Sucker Punch is one of the worst movies I've ever seen in a movie theater.
I've never actually seen the Owl thing, aside from catching the last 10 minutes on TV one day. :p


Gold Member
watchmen because that was something that people thought was literally impossible to adapt to the big screen but he managed to do so successfully.


Sucker Punch is easily the worst. It's a movie that just practically fails on every level.

I'm also confident enough to say that Watchmen is his best, but only because the source material is so good. The movie is shot and plays out like it's made by someone who really, really liked the book but absolutely didn't understand it on anything other than a surface level.

Edit: The dude has an eye for visuals, and would make a fantastic DP, but in the director chair he's really not competent enough.


Super Member
lol Sucker Punch.

Watchmen was really good, but the comic provided tons of inspiration. It also uses more than 4 colors at any given moment. It and Dawn of the Dead are my favorite from that list.
Dawn of the dead is a really solid movie that feels very self-aware and not over-indulgent, unlike most of his other movies.

There are several fantastic scenes in Watchmen, but the subtetly and subtext of the graphic novel gets lost in it being mostly a visual re-interpretation of the novel.


I chose Dawn of the Dead without really thinking about it. I was actually an extra in it and completely forgot.


Watchmen Director's Cut is amazing. It should've been the theatrical cut.

I don't care much for the version with the Black Freighter meshed in, I don't think it works well.


My take away from Watchmen was how bad I just wanted the fuckin thing to end. I was literally in pain by the time that finally happened.

Dawn of the Dead is spectacular, however. Easily his best film.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
Watchmen or Man of Steel.

Snyder's Dawn of the Dead remake is all gloss. It is a terrible horror film compared to the original. It looks better than it actually is because there were even bigger remake shit shows clogging the Hollywood toilet like Rob Zombie's White Trash Direct-to-DVD Serial Killer BioWeen and A Nightmare Cash-in on Dune Street.


Pound-for-pound, I'd say Dawn of the Dead is his best. Watchmen was well crafted and shot but all the symbolism seemed a bit surface level and obvious. Sucker Punch is by FAR his worst film though, it was just a gigantic misogynistic mess. Man of Steel was disappointing for sure but it wasn't as outright offensive as Sucker Punch.

I didn't see his weird CG Owl movie though.
Watchmen's pretty good. And I think Sucker Punch is much better than people give it credit for. 300, MoS, and DotD are crap. I don't watch owls.

I do think it's fascinating - Synder is one of Hollywood's most influential & powerful directors, yet he's never really made an outstanding film. Really thought Man of Steel could've been it, but Goyer just had to fuck that up.
Sucker Punch is by FAR his worst film though, it was just a gigantic misogynistic mess. Man of Steel was disappointing for sure but it wasn't as outright offensive as Sucker Punch.

You didn't get Sucker Punch (not that there's terribly much to get). Its definitely a bad movie, but it is not misogynistic
As I watch Sucker Punch more, I seem to forgive and enjoy the film more. If anything, I might not make it Zack's worst movie. But let see how MoS ages.
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