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Killzone Shadow Fall Review Thread


So...if Killzone is "generic"...what does that make BF and COD?


The games all other shooters are trying to be.
I haven't played the entire game yet, but what I've played, I like quite a bit. Anyone that thinks this is below a 7 just doesn't make sense to me. Anyone saying that it's the same old Killzone doesn't make sense to me. I'm not going to invent reasons as to why they feel that way, I just strongly disagree. Shadow Fall isn't shaking the foundations of the genre by any means, but it seems to be a more tactical, thoughtful game from the two or three chapters I've played so far.


wow Polygon are looking BIASED as feck.,... first this review which is out of contrast of every other review and they put COD at a better review on X1 than PS4 even at 720p etc

respect for them = Gone
Polygon review has no mention of remote play at all. Also, multiplayer was based on their experience at the review event. The review seems so rushed. I'm not saying their opinions would have changed, but I'll give GiantBomb credit for saying they woildnt rush their review of this game.


Loved KZ 2 & 3. Expect a similar experience from this one. This is why I don't take much stock in reviews. They nitpick to the extreme.
getting Crysis 3 vibes from these reviews, while I did somewhat enjoy that game it was still a forgettable experience after I finished. Hopefully the mp has some decent replay value


So polygon is giving 5/10 to killzone for its "lack" of evolution for a fps but gave 7 to cod ...
And i'll be waiting for forza 5 review with anticipation to see if they stick with this criteria


Not surprised by the scores. KIllzone has always been an average shooter. Picking this up for the eye candy only

And that's what people everywhere were mostly hyping about the game. The graphics.

Remember all the Shadowfall gifs? None of them were for the combat, only looks.


reviews read like every Killzone so far, with even better graphics than before.

Yeah of course, if you crap on Killzone for being generic while giving better scores to COD and BF, then you might get people complaining.

Well I think BF and even CoD deserved better scores than KZ in the past. KZ MP could never really keep me hooked and it wasn't as meaty as those others. I was just done with KZ2 after I hit the last level.

But I don't really trust Polygon though.


Unconfirmed Member
Well, guess I'll just have to review the multiplayer myself.


So...if Killzone is "generic"...what does that make BF and COD?


Uh, I can't speak to CoD but BF is BF. It's combination of giant maps, land/sea/air vehicular combat, and the sandbox-esque shooter gameplay has never been replicated and only poorly imitated. You can't call something generic when it's literally the only (good)game of it's kind.
he has a point though. For me and a lot of people MP is the bread and butter and a review that focuses 90% of it's time on the SP makes for a review not worth reading.
To be expected if you're going to ignore half the game.

For me and a lot of people like me SP is the bread and butter, with multiplayer being a nice extra that's good for a few days or weeks, maybe. Even though that part of the game usually doesn't work for me at all, I don't pretend the multiplayer audience is non-existent or irrelevant. Its part of the package.


Why do you keep spouting this nonsense? Clearly they got lucky with KZ2. The franchise as a whole and Geurilla's output as a whole is undeniably the definition of mediocrity. They haven't exactly lit the sales charts on fire, either.

Again, BS. KZ3 still had a very competent MP, only in comparison to KZ2 did it falter (namely because it was too CODified). As I said earlier, go in to the Killzone Mercenary GAF thread, look at the overall general reception, it's highly positive. Then look at the user critic average for the game on Metacritic, 9 point fucking 1...the Metacritic average? 70's. There's clearly a big discrepancy between critic and gamer response to the franchise, and I honestly do think it boils down to how much time people are willing to invest in the multiplayer.

KZ is a skill based shooter with weight, limited recoil (absolutely none in Shadow Fall) and a massive emphasis on aiming precision, and some people just can't gel with that, especially in a genre filled with Twitch or lock on and auto aim ridden gunplay.


Junior Member
Uh, I can't speak to CoD but BF is BF. It's combination of giant maps, land/sea/air vehicular combat, and the sandbox-esque shooter gameplay has never been replicated and only poorly imitated. You can't call something generic when it's literally the only game of it's kind.
Battlefield's single player campaign's have always been terrible.

COD has been the same game over and over again. There has been zero evolution.

KZSF on the other hand is a radically different game to KZ2 and KZ3, and even COD/BF. Large sandbox style levels with multiple avenues of attack. All other shooters are linear campaigns that everyone has seen time and time again.


getting Crysis 3 vibes from these reviews, while I did somewhat enjoy that game it was still a forgettable experience after I finished. Hopefully the mp has some decent replay value

Yep, scoring is very similar and thats actually makes me happy, because i enjoyed Crysis 3 campaign and i enjoyed Killzone 2, so i would probably very enjoy KZ:SF.

In comparison, i've never understood high scores for Halo, but i also havent played any Halo except 1 and 2.


I saw this coming months ago from polygon. Aegies had this score in mind way before he played the game. Why would he do the review when he didn't want to play the game at all?


Wow lol. I mean an outlet doesn't have to necessarily put fans of the series on the review, but to put a guy on it who has publicly stated he doesn't want to play it (I'm guessing because he didn't like the other ones) strikes me as, weird.

But like others have said, it's one review, and nothing to get worked up about. Just Gies Giesing it up.


Why is everyone so fixated on the Polygon review? It's not like it's the lone dissenter out of a bunch of really good reviews. As a whole they range from middling to above average at best.

I've never really agreed with Gies' reviews, but it seems pointless to attack him so heavily.

Battlefield's single player campaign's have always been terrible.

COD has been the same game over and over again. There has been zero evolution.

KZSF on the other hand is a radically different game to KZ2 and KZ3, and even COD/BF. Large sandbox style levels with multiple avenues of attack. All other shooters are linear campaigns that everyone has seen time and time again.

If you read the reviews, they actually complain that the open areas are very few in number. It's likely that the two open sequences that Sony showed off are in the minority, and the game skews more towards the linear sequences like in the February reveal.

Boss Man

wow Polygon are looking BIASED as feck.,... first this review which is out of contrast of every other review and they put COD at a better review on X1 than PS4 even at 720p etc

respect for them = Gone
Wait, did they really do this?
How many times are some of you going to say journalists and reviews are terrible and blow up at another review?

After the Uncharted 3 love in, after the Tomb Raider love in, after the GTAV love in, etc. etc., and after some of my most beloved games like The Wonderful 101 & Metal Gear Rising sit at or near the "80" mark, which is pretty much "3/5" in reviewer speak, I put NO stock into what the critics say. The Last of Us is probably the last game I truly agree with the majority critical opinion on. You guys are honestly better served waiting for the more level headed Killzone fans on GAF to give their take on the game, and EVEN THEN I'd still say you need to try the game for yourself.

You won't get good in depth mechanical reviews from 95% of these critics. You won't get real user feedback of multiplayer from 100% of these critics. Just take a step back and breathe. We're supposed to be in a post-awakened state in regards to game critics. Why are some of you buying into the Matrix again? Relax, brehs.


Sessler said in his video review that he thought it was fun, but he didn't feel like going back to it after a few games. I heard the same feedback from COD Ghosts from various reviewers. I'm not sure if reviewers are just getting bored with the MP of shooters too soon, or if the MP actually does get boring fast?

Guess we'll have to wait for people to get their hands on it for a better comparison.

I don't put too much stock in that guy's opinion on Killzone series. Its obvious he never liked the games. You can search KZ2 x-play review with the amount of controversy it created.


Disclaimer: I am buying Ghosts, BF4, and Killzone for my PS4. All of them ordered and showing up today (CoD) or tomorrow (the other two). I love shooters.

Listen, I get it. Everyone was hoping that Killzone would out-review the other two, and finally sell PlayStations to the same guys buying 360s and CoD en masse. This was never going to happen.

Guerrilla games have very talented programmers and very mediocre game designers. They have never put out a game that indicated anything other than this being the case. Yes, I've played the other Killzones. Yes, they've always been the poor cousins to Halo, Gears, CoD, and Battlefield.

Does that mean that Killzone sucks? Hell no. Buy and play what YOU enjoy. I am. But I'm also realistic about the quality of what I'm buying. I expected back in June that BF4 was going to be the best of the lot, followed by CoD, with KZ taking up the rear. All based on prior personal experiences with each series; not wishful thinking, or gaming journalists with their community college degrees.

There is a lack of objective thought, especially when it comes to the relative quality of console launch games, that has always bothered me. Again, for the second time: buy and play what YOU enjoy.


But the reviews are mostly good?

Don't like one 5/10 put you off. Don't take Gies seriously.
Polygon's reason for being appears to be to throw a grenade in the mix for certain games, distorting perceptions, and influencing the narrative.

Time and again they stand alone (which is not always necessarily a bad thing), but in their case, you just stand there, with a bemused at what their agenda is.

As for those who would let such outlying reviews influence them, it says more about them, than the game.


KZSF on the other hand is a radically different game to KZ2 and KZ3, and even COD/BF. Large sandbox style levels with multiple avenues of attack. All other shooters are linear campaigns that everyone has seen time and time again.

Just out of curiosity, have you played the game? Because I just watched the Giant Bomb quick look and it looked like a corridor crawl.
How many times are some of you going to say journalists and reviews are terrible and blow up at another review?

After the Uncharted 3 love in, after the Tomb Raider love in, after the GTAV love in, etc. etc., and after some of my most beloved games like The Wonderful 101 & Metal Gear Rising sit at or near the "80" mark, which is pretty much "3/5" in reviewer speak, I put NO stock into what the critics say. The Last of Us is probably the last game I truly agree with the majority critical opinion on. You guys are honestly better served waiting for the more level headed Killzone fans on GAF to give their take on the game, and EVEN THEN I'd still say you need to try the game for yourself.

You won't get good in depth mechanical reviews from 95% of these critics. You won't get real user feedback of multiplayer from 100% of these critics. Just take a step back and breathe. We're supposed to be in a post-awakened state in regards to game critics. Why are some of you buying into the Matrix again? Relax, brehs.

This man gets it.


Junior Member
Disclaimer: I am buying Ghosts, BF4, and Killzone for my PS4. All of them ordered and showing up today (CoD) or tomorrow (the other two). I love shooters.

Listen, I get it. Everyone was hoping that Killzone would out-review the other two, and finally sell PlayStations to the same guys buying 360s and CoD en masse. This was never going to happen.

Guerrilla games have very talented programmers and very mediocre game designers. They have never put out a game that indicated anything other than this being the case. Yes, I've played the other Killzones. Yes, they've always been the poor cousins to Halo, Gears, CoD, and Battlefield.

Does that mean that Killzone sucks? Hell no. Buy and play what YOU enjoy. I am. But I'm also realistic about the quality of what I'm buying. I expected back in June that BF4 was going to be the best of the lot, followed by CoD, with KZ taking up the rear. All based on prior personal experiences with each series; not wishful thinking, or gaming journalists with their community college degrees.

There is a lack of objective thought, especially when it comes to the relative quality of console launch games, that has always bothered me. Again, for the second time: buy and play what YOU enjoy.
Poor cousins? Based on what, review scores? The previous Killzone games have actually scored as well as any COD, Gears, Halo or Battlefield game.
Not surprised.

I predicted Polygon would task Arthur Gies to review this game just for shits n' giggles and he'd give it a low score days ago.

Polygon: "Arthur looks like he's got a few minutes to kill, let's give em something to review."



Battlefield's single player campaign's have always been terrible.

COD has been the same game over and over again. There has been zero evolution.

KZSF on the other hand is a radically different game to KZ2 and KZ3, and even COD/BF. Large sandbox style levels with multiple avenues of attack. All other shooters are linear campaigns that everyone has seen time and time again.

From reading through a few different Shadowfall reviews today it seems the open ended approach GG kept talking about is only present in the first few beginning levels of the game but by the end of the game the game reverts back to KZ 2/3 linear levels.


Battlefield's single player campaign's have always been terrible.

COD has been the same game over and over again. There has been zero evolution.

KZSF on the other hand is a radically different game to KZ2 and KZ3, and even COD/BF. Large sandbox style levels with multiple avenues of attack. All other shooters are linear campaigns that everyone has seen time and time again.

Uh, Battlefield is a multiplayer shooter. It didn't even have a single player campaign until Bad Company. The multiplayer is absolutely not generic. No game does what Battlefield does.


Looking like I'll be returning that copy of Killzone to Amazon. Guess Battlefield 4 will be my go-to for FPS gaming this year, assuming I don't decide to sell my PS4 now and buy it again once MLB hits. Very disappointing.

This was the one game I was hoping would review overwhelmingly great.
Why is everyone so fixated on the Polygon review? It's not like it's the lone dissenter out of a bunch of really good reviews. As a whole they range from middling to above average at best.

- Polygon launched with $750k in sponsorship from MS
- Review has no mention of remote play, and certain gameplay features like OWL
- Multiplayer impressions based on gameplay at a hotel review event
- The reviewer openly said on Twitter he was hoping Sony would announce anything but a new Killzone back during the unveil

Off the top of my head..


Poor cousins? Based on what, review scores? The previous Killzone games have actually scored as well as any COD, Gears, Halo or Battlefield game.

No, personal experience as I said. I thought my line about gaming journalists made it evident what I thought of review scores and the gaming media in general. ;)
Sounds like it really has become Kyllsis to some extent. I thought they would knock it out of the ballbark, but it seems a bit divisive, though not too much on the upper end. Either way, I am still far more interested in it than say BF4 or AC4 or CoD. Probably the only launch game I will get now.
Just out of curiosity, have you played the game? Because I just watched the Giant Bomb quick look and it looked like a corridor crawl.
Why would he/she need to do play the game to form an opinion on it? I'm sure he/she has consumed every bit of media that has been uploaded to the internet, and if that isn't enough information to form a well informed opinion then I don't know what is.


But the reviews are mostly good?

Don't like one 5/10 put you off. Don't take Gies seriously.
Polygon's reason for being appears to be to throw a grenade in the mix for certain games, distorting perceptions, and influencing the narrative.

Time and again they stand alone (which is not always necessarily a bad thing), but in their case, you just stand there, with a bemused at what their agenda is.

As for those who would let such outlying reviews influence them, it says more about them, than the game.
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